You can start claiming gifts on your respective shard when the publish arrives on those shards.
No, the end date will not be adjusted. We default to September 1 so the gifts are available on TC1 regardless of when we publish.
So what is the date we can expect the publish to go live on our shard. We have always had 30 days to collect these and now you are cutting that down to ??? number of days, WHY?
The allotted redemption period should be more than sufficient. The Sept 1 - Oct 15th time period has been in place since the 24th anniversary. The 23rd anniversary redemption period was 9/1-10/1. Thank you for the feedback.
Just carry on banning anyone who writes a reproducible bug report then they don't have to fix anything and can continue releasing publishes with no bug fixes.
Like it says
User banned, carry on.
Now what is going to happen now that a Moderator has posted a bug? they will ban themselves?
Makes you wonder what the point in that forum section if you're not allowed to post in it and it seemingly doesn't get read.
@Covfefe only the DEVs can ban people and your other accounts @Yoshi and @Mervyn were not banned for posting bug reports and you know it so stop spreading LIES.
You forgot an important Bug that should’ve been at the top of your list, chicken lizard eggs are not maturing on several shards. Also chicken lizards aren’t not bounding.
You really need to get your priorities in order @Kyronix ;
Definitely not in 116.0 - but as the homepage mentions, we are planning multiple phases of Pub 116. I can say for certain some of these are well outside of the scope of the entirety of 116, but we maybe able to address some of them. At the very least we can update as to the status and estimated timeline to resolve these issues, will try and have that available later this week.
Definitely not in 116.0 - but as the homepage mentions, we are planning multiple phases of Pub 116. I can say for certain some of these are well outside of the scope of the entirety of 116, but we maybe able to address them. At the very least we can update as to the status and estimated timeline to resolve these issues, will try and have that available later this week.
I tried using the official 2d client for 1 hour (before this nerve strike debuff is active) and it got me killed about 5 times in that one hour, can i get a refund on the insurance gold I lost from this?
I tried using the official 2d client for 1 hour (before this nerve strike debuff is active) and it got me killed about 5 times in that one hour, can i get a refund on the insurance gold I lost from this?
You really need a new approach this one just doesn't work I'd recommend emailing Mesanna repeatedly
Is it possible to get an update on if/when these issues will be fixed/changed?
Each includes a link to more information.
Definitely not in 116.0 - but as the homepage mentions, we are planning multiple phases of Pub 116. I can say for certain some of these are well outside of the scope of the entirety of 116, but we maybe able to address some of them. At the very least we can update as to the status and estimated timeline to resolve these issues, will try and have that available later this week.
Thanks, I'll watch for that, and can test the changes for several of those too.
Suggestion for a future anniversary: add the box art posters for the missing single-player Ultima games and expansions:
Ultima VII expansion: Forge of Virtue Ultima VII Part 2: Serpent Isle Ultima VII Part 2 expansion: The Silver Seed Ultima Underworld I: The Stygian Abyss Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
Is it possible to get an update on if/when these issues will be fixed/changed?
Each includes a link to more information.
Definitely not in 116.0 - but as the homepage mentions, we are planning multiple phases of Pub 116. I can say for certain some of these are well outside of the scope of the entirety of 116, but we maybe able to address some of them. At the very least we can update as to the status and estimated timeline to resolve these issues, will try and have that available later this week.
Thanks, I'll watch for that, and can test the changes for several of those too.
Still curating your list - just wanted to let you know we hadn't forgotten about it.
You can start claiming gifts on your respective shard when the publish arrives on those shards.
No, the end date will not be adjusted. We default to September 1 so the gifts are available on TC1 regardless of when we publish.
So what is the date we can expect the publish to go live on our shard. We have always had 30 days to collect these and now you are cutting that down to ??? number of days, WHY?
The allotted redemption period should be more than sufficient. The Sept 1 - Oct 15th time period has been in place since the 24th anniversary. The 23rd anniversary redemption period was 9/1-10/1. Thank you for the feedback.
Is meant to be funny? Honestly? I know some people have different since of humor so I ask.
We have always had 30 days to collect anniversary and holiday gifts.
So because on the 24th Ann it was from the 1st to the 15th and the 23rd Ann it was the 1st to the 30th you decided to make the 26th Ann from the 21st to the 15th cutting it short by almost a week. You decided 3 weeks is enough time all on your own ? I’m truly confused and curious by NOT letting us collect the gifts for 30 days does it impact something else in game that’s starting ? I’m just trying to understand how leaving the gifts active for 30 days would negatively impact anyone.
I realize schedules change so keeping annual dates doesn’t always work but at least stay consistent in giving us the 30 day amount of time to collect them.
No, the end date will not be adjusted. We default to September 1 so the gifts are available on TC1 regardless of when we publish.
You forgot an important Bug that should’ve been at the top of your list, chicken lizard eggs are not maturing on several shards. Also chicken lizards aren’t not bounding.
I hope you realize I’m JK ….
Definitely not in 116.0 - but as the homepage mentions, we are planning multiple phases of Pub 116. I can say for certain some of these are well outside of the scope of the entirety of 116, but we maybe able to address some of them. At the very least we can update as to the status and estimated timeline to resolve these issues, will try and have that available later this week.
Ultima VII expansion: Forge of Virtue
Ultima VII Part 2: Serpent Isle
Ultima VII Part 2 expansion: The Silver Seed
Ultima Underworld I: The Stygian Abyss
Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire
Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
Still curating your list - just wanted to let you know we hadn't forgotten about it.