Commanded undead suffer skill loss on release
in Bugs
Commanded undead appear to lose ~30% of several skills like wrestling on release.
They are not tame-ables, so they should not get skill whacked like tame-able pets. Not sure if this is done for tame-able pets to prevent skill gains on a retame.
(furthermore, commanded undead should not be changed to be deleted on release).
They are not tame-ables, so they should not get skill whacked like tame-able pets. Not sure if this is done for tame-able pets to prevent skill gains on a retame.
(furthermore, commanded undead should not be changed to be deleted on release).
they have strange behaviour when released, they stay stationary”
It wouldn't be appropriate to band-aid try to fix that by tweaking some small behavior.
It's fine to change dryad allure to not delete on release too. These are pretty big physical beings in many cases, they shouldn't just vanish. If they want to roam around aggressively again, that's fine.