Mysticism netherblast mastery doesn't take slayer into account
in Bugs
The mysticism level 3 mastery netherblast appears to ignore the slayer damage increase for in-hand spellbooks. (unlike various mysticism spells, magery spells, magery death ray, etc)
This makes this mastery very weak compared to ordinary spells.
Expected result: damage multiplied based on the in-hand lesser or super slayer spellbook.
This makes this mastery very weak compared to ordinary spells.
Expected result: damage multiplied based on the in-hand lesser or super slayer spellbook.
I also note the cursor targeting is handled in a strange fashion. The spell provides a cursor, and does range and line of site checking on the cursor target, yet the spell appears to only radiate directly from the caster in that (general)direction.
Targets that are out of range cause the spell to fail to target, requiring a re-cast, even though the spell does not appear to target the location in question,
At any rate, the spell appears to be very flimsy for a top level mastery.
"?? it is a field..."
Also, with 120 mysticism, 20 focus, and 0 imbuing, the netherblast still functions, and the damage didn't seem significantly different than 120 focus, at least against the targets I tried. (It seems odd the mastery even functions with so little focus skill -- perhaps focus is not being checked/applied properly).