Pub 110 Feedback - Reward Items



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The description is correct for the book it is in. It is a magery book, the spell is a magery spell, and the description is correct for a mage. Perhaps the actual buff tool tip should have the differing definition for a different spell school using the spell.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    We all know @Yoshi is Mervyn on a short leash.
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Seth said:
    The shield is missing from top oblique view.
    Black ostard looks good

    You need to patch again most likely. The ostard is black because your client doesn't have the hue information for it (should be a green color). Could be why the shield is missing too.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • TabinTabin Posts: 30
    If you guys make the ostards a bane equivalent, then banes will be strictly worse!  Its weak to dragon slayer and requires expensive food.  Make the ostards spawn intensity similar to nightmares.  Legacy mares are a marginally better than regular mares.   
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Keep an eye on TC1 - we've made a few updates to the Ostard that will bring it down to 3 slots.  Look forward to the feedback.  Thank you everyone for the participation!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited March 2021
    I pulled one.  I dont know the ranges yet.  But Its better.  Its Like a Cu with 150 less HP/Str.

    So not real easy to build with a magic but It's doable.  I hope I didnt pull a max stat one. :wink:

    It is like a Bane if you try to put AI/Chiv
    Like a Bane you can not get full Mana, HP regen (with 0 Stam regen) and have room for scrolls.

    It will be a Bane equal with 200 or more Less HP.

    It can be built but tamers have to make choices.  Its like a Bane or Dreadmare when building AI/Chiv.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited March 2021
    @Kyronix ; were they meant to all have the same stats?

    We lost the 110 Tactics.  Can they have any more Str? Or increase the Fire resist?   Thats my only suggestion.  Gonna be tough to build with AI/Chiv.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited March 2021
    @ kyronix As is they will make Wildfire dungeon very popular on LS.   We have many tamers.

    A few more Str points or fire resist would help them in PvM, because right now, they can not get all the bells and whistles. So, player will have a tough time deciding how to weigh their options and make decisions

    For PvP they are a bane with fewer HP at the end.

    Thanks for changing it!   It is a buildable pet now!

    Ill need 5 to build and 4 statues. So please make them not too expensive. hehe
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ObsidianObsidian Posts: 22
    I too think the revised Wildfire Ostard is a step in the right direction.  It is now a usable pet.  This compromise puts the WO with less intensity than the original bane dragon, but now provides an outlet to obtain a comparable pet.

    Personally, I would like to see it spawn with 110-130 wrestling like the Triton.
  • ObsidianObsidian Posts: 22
    Just finished rebuilding my wildfire on TC1.  He is my typical build with 700 STR, 150 DEX, 370 INT, 20 HPR, 10 SR, 30 MR, and 80/75/70/70/70.  With max damage and 1 special (AI), I cannot quite hit 500 HP, 150 STA, 400 Mana with all 120s.  My assessment is that it needs about 200 more intensity points.  Ideally, I would like to hit all 120s with 600 HP, but I see that isn't quite achievable at the moment.

    My recommendation is to keep as a 3 slot, and increase the starting intensity 180-300 points by beginning with 600-640 STR.  An alternative is, as I thought, spawning the wildfire ossy with 120-130 wrestling (thus saving the wrestling scroll which is 200 intensity points).  
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Obsidian said:
    Just finished rebuilding my wildfire on TC1.  He is my typical build with 700 STR, 150 DEX, 370 INT, 20 HPR, 10 SR, 30 MR, and 80/75/70/70/70.  With max damage and 1 special (AI), I cannot quite hit 500 HP, 150 STA, 400 Mana with all 120s.  My assessment is that it needs about 200 more intensity points.  Ideally, I would like to hit all 120s with 600 HP, but I see that isn't quite achievable at the moment.

    My recommendation is to keep as a 3 slot, and increase the starting intensity 180-300 points by beginning with 600-640 STR.  An alternative is, as I thought, spawning the wildfire ossy with 120-130 wrestling (thus saving the wrestling scroll which is 200 intensity points).  

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @Obsidian either of those adjustments, on the low end, will bump the Ostard to 4 slots.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Kyronix said:
    @ Obsidian either of those adjustments, on the low end, will bump the Ostard to 4 slots.
    Glad you chose to put them at the Max you could.  Thanks.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ObsidianObsidian Posts: 22
    Kyronix said:
    @ Obsidian either of those adjustments, on the low end, will bump the Ostard to 4 slots.
    Please don't do that then.  This needs to remain a 3 slot pet to make it viable after training.

    Maybe adjust the fire resist at spawn to 65 (from 45).  It is a "wildfire" ostrich.  If that remains 3 slot, then you could look at increasing Dex and Stamina to 150 each.  Those don't take up very many points.  Just some suggestions.

    Thank you for engaging with us!  We're with you in making sure this isn't overpowered and protecting the value of the Bane Dragon.  But we also want to make this viable and exciting so players enjoy fighting with the new ostrich.
  • TabinTabin Posts: 30
    I just made an Ostard.  It is comparable to a bane.  I was able to get it to 500 hp.  It shouldn't be better than a legacy pet imo so I think devs hit the sweet spot.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Obsidian said:
    I too think the revised Wildfire Ostard is a step in the right direction.  It is now a usable pet.  This compromise puts the WO with less intensity than the original bane dragon, but now provides an outlet to obtain a comparable pet.

    Personally, I would like to see it spawn with 110-130 wrestling like the Triton.

    I do not get it....

    If the revised Ostard has, anyways, LESS intensity as the original Bane Dragon, how on earth can it then be compared to the Bane Dragon ?

    Less is less, not "equal to".................
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Kyronix said:
    @ Obsidian either of those adjustments, on the low end, will bump the Ostard to 4 slots.

    The point is, here, whether or not the GOAL is to provide to players a pet that is EQUALLY comparable to the Bane Dragon, which is what lots of players have been asking....

    Now, if this was and still is the goal (as I hope), I think the Developers need to scrap what the "Rules" dictate, and put out an Ostard that is in all fully and equally comparable to a Bane Dragon.

    Just take the stats and intensities of a 3 Slot Bane Dragon and replicate them into the Ostard and be done with it, forcing or bypassing the "general" rules....

    Or, if you prefer, but it would be more messy, at least to my opinion, just replace any and all existing Bane Dragons that exist in the Game, of course reimbursing their owners of the Powerscrolls applied to them, and make the replaced Bane Dragons go under the same rules which you want to apply for the Ostard....

    Either the former, or the latter " if " the set Goal is that to have the Ostard be the same as what the Bane Dragon is but, under a different skin....

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited March 2021
    Obsidian said:
    Kyronix said:
    @ Obsidian either of those adjustments, on the low end, will bump the Ostard to 4 slots.
    Please don't do that then.  This needs to remain a 3 slot pet to make it viable after training.

    Maybe adjust the fire resist at spawn to 65 (from 45).  It is a "wildfire" ostrich.  If that remains 3 slot, then you could look at increasing Dex and Stamina to 150 each.  Those don't take up very many points.  Just some suggestions.

    Thank you for engaging with us!  We're with you in making sure this isn't overpowered and protecting the value of the Bane Dragon.  But we also want to make this viable and exciting so players enjoy fighting with the new ostrich.
    Excuse me ?

    There is the need to be sure that the Ostard is not overpowered but the Bane Dragon can left be overpowered ?

    Because, if "trying" to tinker with the Ostard to make it be like the Bane Dragon was to mean that the Ostard would end up being "overpowered" under the current "Rules" well, then the only conclusion that one can come to is that the Bane Dragon " IS " overpowered....

    So, the Bane Dragon can but the Ostard (as well as all other tameables that follow the same Rules) cannot ?

    Hello ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited March 2021
    Tabin said:
    I just made an Ostard.  It is comparable to a bane.  I was able to get it to 500 hp.  It shouldn't be better than a legacy pet imo so I think devs hit the sweet spot.
    My understanding is, as @Obsidian well analyzes in his Post here , that the revised Ostard still comes short of being as good or as trainable as a Bane Dragon.

    It still comes short of intensity as compared to a Bane Dragon.

    You say comparable in that you think it "comes close" ?

    If so, coming close is widely subjective, for some players not being able to apply all 120s (for example...) as it might be done on a Bane Dragon, might not be a big deal and, thus, the revised Ostard to them might look "comparable", to other players, instead, being able to train the Ostard all the way like a Bane Dragon can, might be important and, thus, the current, revised Ostard would be far from being "comparable" to a Bane Dragon...

    Bottom line is, comparable might be a whole lot away, still, from being "as equal as"........

    Lastly, I disagree on the fact that a Legacy pet should hold any "exclusiveness" and remain unmatched and unsurpassed.... especially, when that pet no longer spawns....this is flat out wrong, to my opinion, and bad for the game as a whole, IMHO....

    Whether it may be items, or pets, giving to "older" stuff the ability to remain "unsurpassed" only increases inequalities among Veteran players and New and Returning players who, because of such a (wrong, IMHO) are flat out incapacitated to "catch up with" existing, Veteran players....

    So, to my opinion, Legacy pets, just like old items, should NOT remain better as new spawning pets, or items, for that matter....

    This is why, to my viewing, it is important that the Ostard is fully spawned "equal" to what the Bane Dragon is, and not merely capable of "coming close" to what a Bane Dragon can be trained to...
  • LootdudeLootdude Posts: 16
    A few comments on the wildfire ostard:

    I wonder if we can change the elemental damage spread a bit. It has been AGES since there has been a 5-slot ridable pet, and it may take another eternity until we get a new one. Currently, there is no poison elemental damage pet you can ride that goes to 5 slots, the best options being a Reptalon or Bane Dragon (both 25% poison elemental damage).

    Instead of tinkering with intensity points, I suggest to give the ostard a bit more poisoning elemental damage (perhaps not 100% but maybe raise it from 25% to 50%+). Poison elemental damage and poisoning (i.e. the hidden reactive poisoning ability that needs to recharged with blackrock stews) go well with each other, as low poisoning elemental resist mobs are often also vulnerable to poisoning. This way the wildfire ostard will also be more interesting for PVM players, as opposed to being a pvp pet primarily.

    Thanks for reading this.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Kyronix said:
    @ Obsidian either of those adjustments, on the low end, will bump the Ostard to 4 slots.
    Like the Bane dragons, these pets require an additional specialized food to be fully functional that most pets do not require.  I think we should be able to keep them at 3 slots even if their weight distribution might put them slightly over the generalized cap for their slot.  It seems like a fair trade off for requirement to use the blackrock stew.  Since Bane dragons are possible (coding wise) as a 3 slot, surely the coding must be possible for the ostard as well.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Kyronix - Is the 3 slot Ostard up against the 3 slot wall in terms of points? I saw that every one I opened was essentially the same (stats/resist/ball park skills).

    Would this perhaps be used as the "base" or average stats with the chance of opening a pet with higher HP / Str / resist?

    If there isn't a single point left to use before it jumps to a 4 slot (ie if it spawned with 401 hp it becomes a 4 slot) then could we perhaps drop the detect hidden from 60ish down to 20 and use those 40 skill points somewhere else like either slightly over capped wrestling (maybe like 122 or so) or higher str/hp ?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @keven2002 yea, adjusting any of the survivability stats (such as HP) are pretty expensive.  The stats are coming out right now as pre-set without a range since we are dropping them in a limited-time treasures event.  This way you won't risk getting a low-end range pet when you collect it as a reward.  Skill changes aren't going to make any difference, as the real push there comes when we start over-capping stuff.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited March 2021
    Got it thank you!

    Side note - Any reason the shields and other new black market items are not available right now on TC1? @Kyronix ?
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Kyronix while the "adjustment" on the Ostard was a nice start, the way it is now, it's not something I would even bother with. It needs more HP's to be a viable PvM pet. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • KazKaz Posts: 139
    @Kyronix - nice work with the ostard revisions.  

    Love how I can actually build these to something viable now, both pve and pvp spec without nullifying a legacy pets heritage. 

    Having rare items, gear & pets are what makes this game unique.  Not everyone can get everything, people who played for the last 20 years and had the foresight to hold onto these thing are benefitting from time and dedication (for the record, I am NOT one of these people, only came back to UO a year ago after a 15+ year hiatus).

    could it use a little more hp? Probably. Will we all have to be careful in our pet planning? Absolutely.  Can it be successful with the right, well thought out decisions?  Yep!

    overall 8/10 improvement here in my books. 
  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    edited March 2021
    Was thinking how similar a Unicorn is to the Ostard, just magery inherent and Unicorn has inherent poison immunity and the Ostard has inherent passive poison.

    Have a 68% Unicorn I made that is trained and tried to mimic the build on an Ostard but come up 261 points short. 

    Don't see many Unicorns in PVM as it is known of their shortage of points.  

    Since my hard earned Oracle of the Sea was made to be easily mass produced I don't buy into the whole 'we must save the rare pets the elite own from being had by the general populace'.  For the good of the game and all as I was told when I complained about losing the rarity of the Oracle.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    @popps can you post some pics of the Wildfire Ostard you built?  Where did you test them after?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    My suggestions, which i briefly mentioned on test center:

    Make sand tiles obtainable on the black market vendor, they would go hand in hand with the beautiful palm trees allowing players to make majestic beach and desert scenes (the last time sand tiles were available was over 4 years ago)

    Orchids in hue zero, bonus if they could be dyed with natural pigments only.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Sand tiles would be nice.  All of the Cargo comes from the seas.  We have asked for water tiles for a long time.  Should be at least 3 types.  Calm, moving, and waves.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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