The placeable walls and auction safes are making the game unplayable in some areas...



  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 518Moderator
    Please be mindful of the Terms of Service when posting on the UO.Com forums. Thank you. 
  • Wonderful news. Can’t wait. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • JollyJade said:
    JollyJade said:
    Smoot said:
    these houses outside luna south gate atlantic are great way to observe the problem.  love panoramixes collections, hate the lag.

    This is one of the areas I try to avoid these days. Drops my framerate to 2 FPS!
    So lets trash the entire game cause you experience some lag for a few seconds in a totally safe area? Not really feeling it.
    "trash the entire game"  :s

    No need a break man...
    Exactly my point. People aren't looking at the big picture. They're looking at a little bit here or there and not putting it all together to see the massive negative effect a couple of little bad moves can do. BTW, on a unrelated note... There also seems to be this theory forming that I would fabricate a lie over not having lag so I can show off my beautiful roof or something. lol Grab that rotary phone in the kitchen and give me a call and maybe we can hook up and I'll show my game running for you and talk technology. Anyway, that's ridiculous. I would be very upset if I had a lag problem. I don't see it as a situation where I have to pick one over the other. I like having a nice roof and I like not having lag. I have both of those. So I hope people can understand why I'm having a hard time grasping the problem. If it's not my computer and it's not UO then that only leaves a couple options on the users end. Maybe a packet loss issue they don't even realize, etc. You can pay for the best internet out there but it doesn't mean your not having issues if you realize it or not. It's really easy to check for packet loss with Windows 10 and folks should Google that. And I know for a fact there's some folks in UO running very old systems. For internet security sake alone I'd be afraid to run them. Same people thinking houses are a problem still say they have issues at EM events, etc. If they can clean some things up, maybe help by giving us custom castle plots and win win things like that, super! But let's not make the mistake of thinking this out and seeing a ton of things that will go horribly wrong if things aren't thought out properly.  I will find it hilarious if Bleak wakes up and says "Hey we have some great ideas but we weren't thinking of doing that!'. lol That would be super funny. But having watched some of the thought process run out with UO I gotta admit I'm really concerned ATM. Doing one thing that might slightly help and breaking 10 other things isn't the way to go. We gonna have to cross our fingers and hope they are running a clear mind with whatever they're thinking about.
    Sorry but looking at the big picture is excactly the opposite we should do.
    In the big picture uo is a dead old dinosaur compared to any modern game. 

    There needs to be a focus on the small things uo is good. Which on fact is at little rest of sandbox and housing in the way we have. 

    They need to focus on fixing problems and give people something they want while maintaining revenue so the game can go on. . 

    People want dealing with scripter  = finally take advice from people who know the illegal actions better then they themself. And fix it.

    People want housing  = give people large plots combined with revenue or gold sink

    People want content  = give them content

    People want no more bugs and dead on arrival stuff like jewelery box = fix bugs and make proper QC

    I can go on an on  

    But talking about big picture is the least of our problems  

  • Bleak said:
    We are aware of this issue and it will be resolved.
    I understand the strong feelings both pro- and anti-bamboo tile folks have here, but Bleak's statement really worries me. I have a bamboo house in Zento on Siege that I spent a lot of time and money on in the last 6 months, only after YEARS of seeing the houses elsewhere across numerous shards. There is extremely low traffic by this house (the only time I encounter people are when they come specifically to meet me) so I don't believe that in this case there is a giant lag issue ruining PvP combat or PvM (unless there has been a run on cranes I missed).

    If the bamboo tile behavior changes, so be it, I'll revert the house. But I believe there is a danger that many of these houses are a primary reason that accounts are paid. I could drop two accounts down to EJ with no impact to my gameplay if they weren't holding houses, and I expect that I am not alone in that regard.

    @Bleak Please tread carefully in how this is addressed.
  • One statement I would like to toss in here...

    If you are in that abomination known as Luna...EXPECT LAG.  It's what Luna has been famous for since it was tossed out there.  Going to Luna and pissin and moanin about lag is like going to the Doctor's office and bitcching cause there are sick people there.

    Geeez, they gonna fix this and break 5 other things, leave it alone
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    Hmmm.. there is a thing I don't understand (one in this context, OK? ;)).

    I see the advantages of the BT in shop&auction-houses, and how losing its "shows-it-all" property could have a (perceived, at least) negative impact on prospected sales.

    But why should it have the same devastating negative influence on Deco Buffs? I mean, I'm a DB myself, but what I try to achieve are STRUCTURALLY (architectonically, if I may) creative Houses.

    And the structural customizations are always visible in any case.

    Sure, i like (and a lot! :)) to add items inside the house or on its roof, but thats, IMO, are more added touches: the main "powers" of the customizable Lots are, IMO, the structures one can create.

    The "toy-shows" added are more a peacock feathers-like addenda (as in: look how big I have it... my rares collection, I mean :D)...

    This is said, obviously, with no intent to impose mine as the "right" way to play with the Sands of Sosaria/Britannia Sandbox, but only to understand if I'm the only one to have this approach to "Doing Deco"...
  • TimTim Posts: 813
    If you want lag come to Pacific north of Trinsic and see the army. The owner proudly claims to have crashed Mesanna's computer. 

    Before anyone panics more could we wait to see what the "fix" is? I see this discussion to be like getting a call you doctor wants to see you and booking the funeral parlour. 

    Now my turn to rant.
    Lag is unacceptable anywhere but thats no more possible the world peace.

    Saying people have to up grade the equipment is like telling them to quit and we don't want new player unless they have lots of money. It also ignores the fact that not all places have gigabit internet.

    The last being one of the reasons I point and laugh at PvPers. Fair fight my ass.
  • Captain_LuckyCaptain_Lucky Posts: 556
    edited February 2019
    Mervyn said:
    Walls of text in this thread of absolute garbage, no wonder the devs are too afraid to do anything when even fixing a small housing display exploit results in this feedback.

    This thread is a prime example of why devs should not listen to a word the players say - about anything. 

    This is what worries me. People not being able to understand the massive impact this could have if done improperly. Then once it's done it will be a total mess to fix. Places like Luna will look like a ghetto. I go there and there's color and life and so many interesting things to see. Then the next day it's a bland lifeless looking shell. One small example but it will have such a negative impact visually. And the benefits will be minor as the root cause is computers that still won't be able to run that. They need to be smart about it or this game is going to look completely abandoned. Smart people make smart creative solutions. Some knee jerk quick "fix" and it's gonna be really bad. Exploit? lol Ya how many people got banned for this "exploit" that goes back farther than I remember? They made 1000s of tiles but instead of pasting the code from tons of other floor tiles they created a new code just for these tiles. It was fully intended. And a great idea.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Captain_LuckyCaptain_Lucky Posts: 556
    edited February 2019
    Smoot said:
    Captain lucky its understandable your upset, but in the end its up to the devs to decide where they want to take the game.  alot of the reason this was overlooked in years gone by was because it didnt cause many issues because not many people used the bamboo tiles.  then we got grass tiles, so more people did it.  then we got auction safes and even more did.  then stone tiles and everything that came with that.
    So for me, personal opinions aside, the devs need to decide if viewing the stonework is consitant with the games overall feel, and how much the performance and equality issues compare to the value of deco.
    anyone can still build from stonework if they choose, it wouldnt be that huge of a change.  and in life everything changes.  there have been many changes in uo i havent liked, but its just part of the game.
    i have 3 accounts.  for this specific change id not like losing my auction safe house, but would be happy that players would be more likely to enter my other houses to view them in their full forms. 
    i guess what im saying is try to see the positives of the any change rather than only the negative.

    This could be a huge negative to overlook. I can't even tell you how many people play this game just to decorate, work on their houses and displays, collect rares and all the rest. The auction safes that people spent a ton of real life cash on and everything else. The beauty of the game as I walk around. This could be so bad and effect a huge amount of people. No one is going to run around trying to hit people steps and all that. Especially when you bounce off half of them, No one will know you even have a auction safe house to bother looking for it. I know 90% of the people have no idea what's going on with these forums and it will be interesting to see what happens that day if this isn't handled right lol As someone said the devs shouldn't listen to the players? Well that's just brilliant lol I don't know, maybe they like having enough subscribers to have a job? That might be a good reason.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • I love the people who say they will quit over knowingly and purposely using a exploit.  I say good riddance, the game will be better without the exploiters.   Its obvious this has been a issue since the creation of granite tiles,  its way overdue to be fixed.  I reported this on the bug forum like 9 months ago.  
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited February 2019
    This is the problem with the bug fixes taking this long, the players get used to playing with bugs/exploits, then when it's taken away from them, they feel aggrieved for some reason.

    People whined when they fixed the roof bug. When it would've been a non issue if it worked as intended from day 1.

    Take the auto pet log out exploit, i can't see it ever getting resolved because everyone is so used to making it part of their gameplay to log out to summon their pet or prevent it from dying.

    I think pub 105 should be another bug squishing patch.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • I love the people who say they will quit over knowingly and purposely using a exploit.  I say good riddance, the game will be better without the exploiters.   Its obvious this has been a issue since the creation of granite tiles,  its way overdue to be fixed.  I reported this on the bug forum like 9 months ago.  

    They program it, we play it.  If that's the way they put it in, how the hell is it an exploit?  Just using the game as it was coded to be played.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Denial is not a river in Egypt hunny.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited February 2019
    I read the first full page or so of comments, skimmed the 2nd page, skipped the 3rd so please forgive me if what I am about to say was already said. Consider it an agreement, if so.

    I have a decent PC, but I did not invest in a proper gaming video card. If I run up to the castle cluster north of Minoc, or near the Crossroads I can feel the lag. This has NOTHING to do with bamboo tiles, cuz those pre-made houses simply do not have them. I am not a programmer, I don't understand the code, but once I wait a moment for items to load, all is well so I am assuming it has something to do with the massive quantity of items inside the house even tho I cannot see them. The bamboo houses can cause lag, but they are only in major housing areas. For me, the bit of lag is very much worth the functionality of seeing which houses have auction safes, public services, and lovely deco.

    Please do not remove the bamboo tile effect. Instead, give people an option setting to turn off the loading of houses that have not been entered, for those people who are simply not interested or have a machine that cannot handle it.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Tanager said:
    give people an option setting to turn off the loading of houses that have not been entered, for those people who are simply not interested or have a machine that cannot handle it.
    I like this
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Heres where I posted this same problem in May of last year.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited February 2019
    I have been campaigning for bug fixes for years. And people like @Giggles come along and post something only when it affects them personally. (After @The_Higgs_1
    has followed the correct procedure and posted it in the correct section)

    I guess we need to wait until each and every bug listed in the bug forum starts to annoy Giggles or ilk until we get any of them fixed. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • LOL mervyn...bless your heart.

  • I personally have no issues on the CC with this sort of thing. Maybe just add a toggle switch to the EC so players can choose to load items inside houses or not. Or figure out what's causing the freezing in the EC client itself when loading X# of items since it's a non issue in the CC.

    Game going to be ugly as hell in some areas if you remove the function of the Bamboo Tiles as a solution to this. 
  • King_Greg said:

    Game going to be ugly as hell in some areas if you remove the function of the Bamboo Tiles as a solution to this. 
    I don't recall the game being "ugly as hell" before everyone started using bamboo floor tiles.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Mervyn said:
    Walls of text in this thread of absolute garbage, no wonder the devs are too afraid to do anything when even fixing a small housing display exploit results in this feedback.

    This thread is a prime example of why devs should not listen to a word the players say - about anything. 

    I agree.  Then we would be able to play as we have been for years.  But YOU are the one who wants to change things.  Maybe take your own advice?  Dont post and they wont listen to you.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    edited February 2019
    This thread amuses me. 

    It also shines a glaring light on some bad player behaviors.

    While I get why the bamboo floor has been used for its ability to circumvent anti-lag house loading restrictions, the quirk is a detriment to the game as a whole. The eyesores it forces everyone to see/load aren't...well...important. (consider the forced perspective crap "floating" over the Luna roads and the frame-dragging of the mini-singularity south of the city on Atl)

    If you want to display your rares, by all means, do so...just don't do it in a manner where everyone has no choice but to load your 10,000 event rares when they pass by. Give players a reason to step onto your plot.

    Reducing sources of lag/crashing is more important than propping up a handful of player's vanity.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Actually credit where credit is due, Bleak has recognised the bug. He could’ve just done what Kyronix has done in the past and call it a “feature” so no action would be required (phrase en point VvV epaulettes)
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • usernameusername Posts: 787
    Bleak said:
    We are aware of this issue and it will be resolved.
    Thank you! The bamboo flooring tile bug/exploit has been used for years to crash and lag people. I'm surprised it's taken this long but better late than never. Well done listening to the community!
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over 4 years and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • King_Greg said:

    Game going to be ugly as hell in some areas if you remove the function of the Bamboo Tiles as a solution to this. 
    I don't recall the game being "ugly as hell" before everyone started using bamboo floor tiles.
    We also didn't have houses made partially/completely out of Craftable wall and floor tiles, auction safes to try and sell things out of, etc etc. When you walked by a house, it structurally made sense and you kind of knew what you were walking into when you stepped inside. Instead of Borg Cubes we'll have partial buildings, empty plots,and floating crap that makes no sense until you step into the house.  I understand where people are coming from with the lag issue and the eyesore that some homes present, but I still feel that just disabling how bamboo tiles work is a step backwards for an MMO and I stand by my solutions which keep's the current meta, but allows players to disable the items if they choose. 
  • Before everyone gets too excited they really haven't said how they're going to approach this. Something to keep in mind. They may have an entirely different approach to this than throw a band-aid on a broken leg. I can't see them turning UO into a bland ghetto. I love seeing the players deco and rares and all that. Game would look pretty barren and bleak (no pun intended) without it. I'm not sure why... but I still have confidence in them being able to come up with a logical smart solution. Smartest thing I've seen so far is the option to load houses or not. That's the kind of intelligent thinking we need. That's why discussions are important. The whole stone crafting thing is completely unnecessary. Anyone can build a borg cube now if they wish and it's time to face reality and consider custom plots for castles. I have 100s of stone pieces and I hate it. The corners don't even line up, etc. Yeah there will be a couple of cubes, big deal. Most will take advantage of it and build some amazing places that will be an asset to the game and it's reputation. I have a place right by the Luna bank on Legends and I have a full set of dye tubs, free dyes, all the portals, a luck statue etc I've got set out in the front yard for new players. It's a free service to help out the news ones that may pass through. Or anyone that wants to use them. It would be a pity if no one knew they were there to be used. Does it really matter to me? Not really. If anything it cost me a few coins for dyes and buying extra items to put there. Like one set of tubs for the public and one set for my castle. It's just another example of what a shame it would be for people not to be able to find it or use it. New players often don't have a clue what's going on so making things as easy as possible for them to locate I feel is a plus.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • I love the people who say they will quit over knowingly and purposely using a exploit.  I say good riddance, the game will be better without the exploiters.   Its obvious this has been a issue since the creation of granite tiles,  its way overdue to be fixed.  I reported this on the bug forum like 9 months ago.  

    They program it, we play it.  If that's the way they put it in, how the hell is it an exploit?  Just using the game as it was coded to be played.
    Well if you have a weak argument it's always nice to keep slamming the exploit alert button. Kinda like the current political situation. If you keep telling the same lies over and over and over some people will start to believe it lol
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    I love the people who say they will quit over knowingly and purposely using a exploit.  I say good riddance, the game will be better without the exploiters.   Its obvious this has been a issue since the creation of granite tiles,  its way overdue to be fixed.  I reported this on the bug forum like 9 months ago.  

    They program it, we play it.  If that's the way they put it in, how the hell is it an exploit?  Just using the game as it was coded to be played.
    Well if you have a weak argument it's always nice to keep slamming the exploit alert button. Kinda like the current political situation. If you keep telling the same lies over and over and over some people will start to believe it lol
    I'm almost tempted to ask to you who, in the context you name, are the "fake-newers", but that would be:

    1) not useful;
    2) unrelated with the thread topic;
    3) food for flames;
    4) will have my post removed almost for sure;
    4) will possibly gain me a warning.

    So, no, I will not do it. :D ;)

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 518Moderator
    Let us stay topical and not stray into divisive arenas that have nothing to do with the game that we play.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    Rorschach said:
    Let us stay topical and not stray into divisive arenas that have nothing to do with the game that we play.
    It was a DECLARED "meta-joke", for BlackThorn sake! :# :D ;)
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