Not enough information?

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited June 2023 in General Discussions
There are 5 seperate bug reports for the same issue reported by 5 different people, nearly 5 years ago.

Is there some information missing in the report/s?

I was able to reproduce the issue on that client, on a daily basis, without fail (however I and many others are since banned from using it due to this bug and others)"

Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.


  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    In addition to the bug reports, this issue was raised at several in-game meet and greets.  I have also sent multiple emails (including video of me reproducing this bug multiple times) directly to Bonnie per her meet and greet instructions.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    edited June 2023
    It’s been doing this bug at least for three years.  When I first started playing with a guild, a members pet dragon started chasing me. Did not know why at the time but after accidentally attacking my own summons and a guild mate eventually figured it out.  When I cast an EV to attack a specific target it almost always targets the EV first and then when I click on the macro a second time my intended target.  Sometime it targets other stuff.  Don’t mind so much this happens since I can’t do anything about it anyway, but just wish UO would be upfront about it and tell us why it happens and why it can’t be fixed.  See a lot of posts over time that duplicate other posts with the same issue, whatever it is.  
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    edited June 2023
    Yoshi said:
    There are 5 seperate bug reports for the same issue reported by 5 different people, nearly 5 years ago.

    Is there some information missing in the report/s?

    I was able to reproduce the issue on that client, on a daily basis, without fail (however I and many others are since banned from using it due to this bug and others)"

    What is this **** with this ban garbage.  Nobody can ban you from using what client you want to use.  You choose to use a 3rd party client and join a group of cheaters that require you to use it, so get away from them and stop all your damn whining.  GROW UP

    Only UO can ban you for using an illegal client and I sure wish they would.  You at least need a ban from these forums.
    edited to remove profanity
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited June 2023
    Yoshi said:
    There are 5 seperate bug reports for the same issue reported by 5 different people, nearly 5 years ago.

    Is there some information missing in the report/s?

    I was able to reproduce the issue on that client, on a daily basis, without fail (however I and many others are since banned from using it due to this bug and others)"

    What is this **** with this ban garbage.  Nobody can ban you from using what client you want to use.  You choose to use a 3rd party client and join a group of cheaters that require you to use it, so get away from them and stop all your damn whining.  GROW UP

    Only UO can ban you for using an illegal client and I sure wish they would.  You at least need a ban from these forums.
    edited to remove profanity

    Whilst I may not have his approach, what he is saying, does relate to most pvpers.

    I quit the game last year, for about a year, I was I believe one of the last guys trying to pvp properly in Classic. Enhanced Client is not an option, it's a different game, and looks horrible,

    I let 3 out of 4 houses go down, and had no real intention of coming back.

    I refused to use the fixed client for a long time, but a friend offered to set it up remotely for me, which he did, I tried it, and I was blown away. It feels right, it is Classic as it should be, if it had continued properly with proper development all this time. It has a few bugs for sure, but it just plays right, and properly fixes a lot of issues. Now myself, and both my sons are back, enjoying the experience.

    I don't consider it cheating anymore, I want a proper gaming experience.

    I do fully support the Dev team and forum team, and have appreciated many of the improvements they did add to Classic Client - but I do not understand - how some guy from his basement can fix Classic, and they do not.

    We may not be banned from Felucca, but pvp is certainly unplayable in Classic, there have been two different playing fields for a long time - Classic v Enhanced, and it has been massively draining, and unfair to fight against this.

    Mervyn is not far wrong, when he says we do require additional software to play there. Of course his wording is a little exaggerated, but in essence, what he is saying, is correct. Our guild does not ban you for using Classic, we welcome all players - I personally cannot understand players who use Enhanced, but that is their decision. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    “Many many guilds have rule saying,
    you may not attack guild mates without permission.
    in trammel not a big problem as it only attacks summons, but in fel this becomes huge problem if you attack guild mate. 
    What’s point in being in guild even if you attack each other when red/gray?
    Because then all subsequent area effects hit each other. Not just one person hitting another, and not just melee attack. Trammel player won’t know or understand issue and think it’s minor issue as in trammel it is minor issue.

    it’s fair reason to ban client.
    the last straw was when guild mate stepped off his last 16th anniversary horse and I killed it in one hit as soon as he stepped off.
    And I am served my notice... to stop using defected client or kicked from guild

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Yoshi said:
    “Many many guilds have rule saying,
    you may not attack guild mates without permission.
    in trammel not a big problem as it only attacks summons, but in fel this becomes huge problem if you attack guild mate. 
    What’s point in being in guild even if you attack each other when red/gray?
    Because then all subsequent area effects hit each other. Not just one person hitting another, and not just melee attack. Trammel player won’t know or understand issue and think it’s minor issue as in trammel it is minor issue.

    it’s fair reason to ban client.
    the last straw was when guild mate stepped off his last 16th anniversary horse and I killed it in one hit as soon as he stepped off.
    And I am served my notice... to stop using defected client or kicked from guild

    And you choose to join that guild which means you choose to cheat.  What are you a man that does what he wants or a whiney little mouse that does what others tell you.  No need to answer because we already know what the answer is, no go eat you cheese and have a little more whine.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,695
    Maybe every pvper using fixed client should give a plus 1
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Yoshi said:
    “Many many guilds have rule saying,
    you may not attack guild mates without permission.
    in trammel not a big problem as it only attacks summons, but in fel this becomes huge problem if you attack guild mate. 
    What’s point in being in guild even if you attack each other when red/gray?
    Because then all subsequent area effects hit each other. Not just one person hitting another, and not just melee attack. Trammel player won’t know or understand issue and think it’s minor issue as in trammel it is minor issue.

    it’s fair reason to ban client.
    the last straw was when guild mate stepped off his last 16th anniversary horse and I killed it in one hit as soon as he stepped off.
    And I am served my notice... to stop using defected client or kicked from guild


    Turn your auto attack script off (that killed his horse as soon as he got off of it)and that won't happen....just sayin
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    "I of course wasn't using any scripts, he got off his horse to dismount orange, i press attack nearest hostile to attack nearest hostile, i killed his horse, it don't happen on EC or fixed client.

    You're trying to suggest user error like Pawain.

    If it's user error,
    1) why everyone quit using the client and made their own that works?
    2) why 4 other people make bug report of same thing
    3) why it doesn't do it in EC (with smart targetting) if its user error?
    4) why it don't happen in trammel against green pets/guild mates if its user error?

    if you killed your guild mates and their followers in trammel, this would be fixed immediately, hot fix..

    even bug where pets would cast holy light or frenzied whilwind once in a blue moon and would attack guild mate was fixed - even though it don't even injure blue players in tram..., yet this happens 100% of time 100 times a day you select nearest hostile and apparently sheep and grey guild mate's horse is hostile...

    okay no dev ever played in fel so they're not to know fair enough,
    but they shouldn't leave it up to forum mod to decide what is okay to be fixed, especially if forum mod don't pvp either
    Rorscharch ruining game for so many people for so long when fixes would not even affect their trammel gameplay
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Cookie said:
    Yoshi said:
    There are 5 seperate bug reports for the same issue reported by 5 different people, nearly 5 years ago.

    Is there some information missing in the report/s?

    I was able to reproduce the issue on that client, on a daily basis, without fail (however I and many others are since banned from using it due to this bug and others)"

    What is this bullshit with this ban garbage.  Nobody can ban you from using what client you want to use.  You choose to use a 3rd party client and join a group of cheaters that require you to use it, so get away from them and stop all your damn whining.  GROW UP

    Only UO can ban you for using an illegal client and I sure wish they would.  You at least need a ban from these forums.

    Whilst I may not have his approach, what he is saying, does relate to most pvpers.

    I quit the game last year, for about a year, I was I believe one of the last guys trying to pvp properly in Classic. Enhanced Client is not an option, it's a different game, and looks horrible,

    I let 3 out of 4 houses go down, and had no real intention of coming back.

    I refused to use the fixed client for a long time, but a friend offered to set it up remotely for me, which he did, I tried it, and I was blown away. It feels right, it is Classic as it should be, if it had continued properly with proper development all this time. It has a few bugs for sure, but it just plays right, and properly fixes a lot of issues. Now myself, and both my sons are back, enjoying the experience.

    I don't consider it cheating anymore, I want a proper gaming experience.
       You know why?  cause people who are cheating never actually get banned, it's become a rule for most pvp guilds, while people in pvm try to 'secretively' use it to bot pvm content, but it's definitely a real thing you guys describe, though i don't agree with the term 'banned' when referring to the default clients, but it gets the point across to one familiar with how some guilds operate.   especially considering the features that come with some of those third-party clients.  just the field of view is a game-changer for pvp.. default client can't reach anything close to that, of course the script part of those programs is what would have (in the past) made it ban-able, just having the option readily available to bot at all times with the program(s) you're using it's impossible for one to not abuse it after some time.

    Someday I'll probably cave and just join the masses, just thinking about it I'm already losing interest in UO,  but i guess that's what they made EJ for...
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    “All the time, forum mods don’t like if you mention 3rd party client.

    instead of banning people who want to fix the bugs and play legitimately. 

    How about they concentrate on fixing bugs so nobody has to use or talk about 3rd party stuff.

    what is really the technical difficulty in adding a debuff on nerve strike?
    When i am killing random bosses, sometimes I am presented with a debuff I never seen before, because only hit with it on that one encounter I do less than once a year EG dragon turtle boss.

    How they managed to achieve that but don’t know how to fix nerve strike or vicious bite debuff?
    It’s same mechanic no? Debuff is debuff.

    even players managed to achieve to add it on EC with their own UIs. So how dev team struggle with it on CC for so many years?

    I am not a coder but it seems fixable to me. Maybe they can explain what the technical problem is and maybe that is why they are allowing other people to use 3rd party stuff without ban because it simply cannot be fixed in CC for some reason?”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “ a certain guy in the forum who claimed he don’t script. Today I casted thunderstorm and revealed him found him afk.
    while afk he drank a dex and strength pot, auto bandaged and auto cure potted while we killed him afk.

    yet he is allowed to post here no prob, 
     But forum mods must punish anyone who wants to report bug.. v bad okay”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    edited June 2023
    Cookie said: 

    I do fully support the Dev team and forum team, and have appreciated many of the improvements they did add to Classic Client - but I do not understand - how some guy from his basement can fix Classic, and they do not.

    We may not be banned from Felucca, but pvp is certainly unplayable in Classic, there have been two different playing fields for a long time - Classic v Enhanced, and it has been massively draining, and unfair to fight against this.

    Mervyn is not far wrong, when he says we do require additional software to play there. 

    For the first statement, I've said the same thing about the content of some of these freebie shards being of better quality. They certainly listen to the players in terms of what would be an enjoyable experience. Skeleton crew or not, they need to get with the times and give us all an equal playing field. 

    I pvped for over 15 years straight and finally gave up years and years ago due to the disadvantages of remaining on Classic. I've been hanging on in pvm but it's getting more and more boring.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Yoshi said:
    “Many many guilds have rule saying,
    you may not attack guild mates without permission.
    in trammel not a big problem as it only attacks summons, but in fel this becomes huge problem if you attack guild mate. 
    What’s point in being in guild even if you attack each other when red/gray?
    Because then all subsequent area effects hit each other. Not just one person hitting another, and not just melee attack. Trammel player won’t know or understand issue and think it’s minor issue as in trammel it is minor issue.

    it’s fair reason to ban client.
    the last straw was when guild mate stepped off his last 16th anniversary horse and I killed it in one hit as soon as he stepped off.
    And I am served my notice... to stop using defected client or kicked from guild

    And you choose to join that guild which means you choose to cheat.  What are you a man that does what he wants or a whiney little mouse that does what others tell you.  No need to answer because we already know what the answer is, no go eat you cheese and have a little more whine.
       There aren't really many pvp guilds that don't "cheat", maybe not every member but the majority certainly does and has been for at least a decade or more, it's harder to find people that even know what UOAssist even is, but they know of the one that seems to be used by everyone now.

    It rhymes with ... "Oh Ryan" (sounds like it too :D), i don't know why this 'rule' of not naming third-party clients (as if it's some secret) even exists... newsflash, it' hasn't been a secret since at least the very early 2000s. and too be honest, it makes the people running these forums look like idiots just to have it inplace and enforce the rule where it causes no damage, whilst letting it do actual damage where it matters more in-game.    it's a sad sight to see.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 939
    edited June 2023
    Yoshi said:

    what is really the technical difficulty in adding a debuff on nerve strike?
    When i am killing random bosses, sometimes I am presented with a debuff I never seen before, because only hit with it on that one encounter I do less than once a year EG dragon turtle boss.

    How they managed to achieve that but don’t know how to fix nerve strike or vicious bite debuff?
    It’s same mechanic no? Debuff is debuff.

    even players managed to achieve to add it on EC with their own UIs. So how dev team struggle with it on CC for so many years?

    I am not a coder but it seems fixable to me. Maybe they can explain what the technical problem is and maybe that is why they are allowing other people to use 3rd party stuff without ban because it simply cannot be fixed in CC for some reason?”

    A dev team could fix issues in CC, but would that cause people to switch "back" to using CC?   I doubt it, which raises the question of why spend resources on that.    (no amount of bugfixes in CC would cause me to switch to it from EC).

    Users seem to have moved on, whether that's adapting to EC, or otherwise.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    “No people won’t switch back to CC at all.
    but less people would need to switch from CC.

    so let’s talk about nerve strike and autobox. If you’re paralysed with the spell paralyse or shield bash etc, you get a debuff and you can press macro for trapped box. 
    But because there’s no debuff for nerve strike, there is literally NO OPTION to press trapped box macro manually, that is why everyone has to auto box it. (Sometimes you can guess you’ve been nerved but not often)
    so they download client to fix that.
    well they autobox nerve strike, so the users think ah may as well autobox paralyse, then may as well auto cure, and it goes on.

    I posted before a clip of what happens if you fail to trapped box while nerve striked nowadays, even from 150hp start you’re dead vs an alchemist bok mage using explode pots. Dying because of bugs is really really annoying.
    it’s worse than client crashing, because at least when you crash an opponent will know you have crashed and often stop attacking.

    how many times a day are people hit with nerve strike? Many many, if trammel players all had their client close on them every 20 seconds I think it would be fixed soon…

    give people the option to play a client without inbuilt cheats, then you have a starting position at least.

    if client is no longer supported they should come out and say it and provide a safe download link to one that is, rather than people sharing links to Russian sites in discord, which is just a recipe for disaster.
    but really I don’t think third party should be the answer. Most people literally have to anydesk with other tech savvy players to set it up and I hear endless endless technical problems from people over this script and that script. Plug and play it is not”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Yoshi said:
    "I of course wasn't using any scripts, he got off his horse to dismount orange, i press attack nearest hostile to attack nearest hostile, i killed his horse, it don't happen on EC or fixed client.

    You're trying to suggest user error like Pawain.

    If it's user error,
    1) why everyone quit using the client and made their own that works?
    2) why 4 other people make bug report of same thing
    3) why it doesn't do it in EC (with smart targetting) if its user error?
    4) why it don't happen in trammel against green pets/guild mates if its user error?

    if you killed your guild mates and their followers in trammel, this would be fixed immediately, hot fix..

    even bug where pets would cast holy light or frenzied whilwind once in a blue moon and would attack guild mate was fixed - even though it don't even injure blue players in tram..., yet this happens 100% of time 100 times a day you select nearest hostile and apparently sheep and grey guild mate's horse is hostile...

    okay no dev ever played in fel so they're not to know fair enough,
    but they shouldn't leave it up to forum mod to decide what is okay to be fixed, especially if forum mod don't pvp either
    Rorscharch ruining game for so many people for so long when fixes would not even affect their trammel gameplay
    This is a outright lie from an admitted cheater.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 939
    edited June 2023
    Yoshi said:
    “No people won’t switch back to CC at all.
    but less people would need to switch from CC.

    so let’s talk about nerve strike ...
    As you've said, many issues being reported aren't a problem in EC (either default EC, or with available user provided changes).  So you can point people to EC.

    Following post is one potential reason people may want to be careful of client used:

    points raised about graphics preferences in EC vs. CC are good.  If the graphics were really the primary reason people don't use EC, then I don't see why the CC graphics can't be "ported" to EC.  On the other hand, if you were to pick the CC tilesets/animations ported to EC, or an "enhanced" set of graphics for EC, which would you pick?  (heavy JPEG compression, scale 50% with detail lost, even)...

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394

    A dev team could fix issues in CC, but would that cause people to switch "back" to using CC?   I doubt it, which raises the question of why spend resources on that.    (no amount of bugfixes in CC would cause me to switch to it from EC).

    Users seem to have moved on, whether that's adapting to EC, or otherwise.
    People might not move back to CC but it might prevent people from switching away. I am one of those players who still uses CC (with UOA) but do feel at a disadvantage with the lack of "features" that other clients offer. Simple things like "WoD icon" that's standard for EC to show when something is ready for WoD to be used are not possible with CC (or UOA).

    It's pretty clear that "other clients" do not get actioned because it's obvious who is abusing them when you look at PvP and nothing happens. I would have probably switched over a long time ago if I still PvPed just to keep up. Another reason I haven't switched over is because Mesanna has shown several times that she has random wild mood swings on certain things (like glacier items recently) and it would be my luck that she would wake up one morning and decide to start actioning those 3rd party clients on a whim. I did not want to risk my 20+ year accounts. That said, I'm quickly losing complete interest in UO (more than ever before) with the lack of fresh content or Dev communication about what's coming down the road so it might be worth the gamble because the writing seems to be on the wall about the future (or lack thereof) of the game anyway.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    sorry there are 6 bug reports on same issue. Not 5

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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