Pets Unbonding & Skill Loss.
In relation to this thread: Recovering Power Scrolls from pets and how difficult it is to get scrolls for pets another issue is this:
Last night I was doing Miasma with my greater beetle (one of only two pets that I actually have 120 tactics and wrestle on, and it unbonded with the the normal text saying 'your beetle decides it doesn't want a master' etc
I had lored the beetle about 2 mins before this happened and it was 'wonderfully happy so I have no idea why it unbonded. I have 107 natural tame/vet/lore and 13 of each on a ring to take it to 120 skill. Never had a pet unbond like that before.
What concerned me was firstly that now we are spending millions and millions on scrolls pets should NOT unbond instantly without some kind of message saying that they are unhappy. @Kyronix can we please get some kind of message to say 'your pet is not up to strength as it is hungry' or something similar so that this sort of thing doesn't happen? It can be done as it says something like that for bane dragons when they need feeding. While losing a pet was always a disaster, losing a scrolled pet after spending millions gps on it and hours doing the pet training is tragic. A simple message would not be game breaking surely?
I dragged miasma off so that I could retame the thing and got it out of the labyrinth and found much to my horror that all the training I had done on it was pretty much destroyed. It had been maxed on ALL skills, now it is:

Has this changed? Last time I retamed an unbonded pet, years ago, it lost about 2-3 points in trained skill not 30% or more. I mean ok, that is like hours and hours and hours of work to redo over an unexplainable game mechanic that allows a pet to go from wonderfully happy to unbonding in the space of 2 mins.
Not a very happy tamer this morning at all.
Last night I was doing Miasma with my greater beetle (one of only two pets that I actually have 120 tactics and wrestle on, and it unbonded with the the normal text saying 'your beetle decides it doesn't want a master' etc
I had lored the beetle about 2 mins before this happened and it was 'wonderfully happy so I have no idea why it unbonded. I have 107 natural tame/vet/lore and 13 of each on a ring to take it to 120 skill. Never had a pet unbond like that before.
What concerned me was firstly that now we are spending millions and millions on scrolls pets should NOT unbond instantly without some kind of message saying that they are unhappy. @Kyronix can we please get some kind of message to say 'your pet is not up to strength as it is hungry' or something similar so that this sort of thing doesn't happen? It can be done as it says something like that for bane dragons when they need feeding. While losing a pet was always a disaster, losing a scrolled pet after spending millions gps on it and hours doing the pet training is tragic. A simple message would not be game breaking surely?
I dragged miasma off so that I could retame the thing and got it out of the labyrinth and found much to my horror that all the training I had done on it was pretty much destroyed. It had been maxed on ALL skills, now it is:

Has this changed? Last time I retamed an unbonded pet, years ago, it lost about 2-3 points in trained skill not 30% or more. I mean ok, that is like hours and hours and hours of work to redo over an unexplainable game mechanic that allows a pet to go from wonderfully happy to unbonding in the space of 2 mins.
Not a very happy tamer this morning at all.
Cheers MissE
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(well hopefully not)
The skill loss is dumb. Losing pets is dumb too cause you can lose it from lag if you forgot to feed it, and accidently issue lots of commands during lag.
Cheers MissE
Cheers MissE
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Cheers MissE
Cheers MissE
The skills will go back to the caps. All pets lose skills when you release them and re tame.
Do pets really need to lose their loyalty? Why is this a needed part of the game.
Instead of unbonding, why not make loyalty decrease the pets ability to stay on target. Pet gets unhappy, pet walks to the owner and stands there instead.
Ok if I released it and it was wild for an hour or so then yeah maybe let it's skills reduce x amount per each 5 mins it is wild. I guess it is just another thing to aggravate a person, as I said 2 mins before it went wild it was 'wonderfully happy' seems to be no rhyme or reason for it to go wild as it did.
Cheers MissE
Applying rule 7 (by Mariah)
Pets go through loyalty checks every so often during game play at timed intervals and through issuing commands.
I have lost a White Cu before while training resists because I issued too many commands at one time, had on mismatched gear (taming was 101 during) and wasn’t paying attention to it barking at loyalty failures. This is not a bug, nor has one been found (yet lol.)
This happened during my newb days. I retamed the Cu but experienced stat loss. It was frustrating. But taming is fun, so I didn’t give up.
10 months later, I have never lost one pet since, mainly because I listen to pets sounds. It helps if you turn on sound too, otherwise, you have to watch when your pet bucks at you.
I’m also careful to watch loyalty and just feed occasionally, failure or not.
Its super easy to manage pet loyalty once you learn the ropes.
As far as making the game more difficult, the large stat loss is punishment enough for making a mistake.
UO is known for its harsh rules in game-play, something unheard of in the modern gaming age.
The idea is to balance challenge and fun with throwing your keyboard at the wall and breaking it to logout.
Mistakes happen. I dislike pet loyalty checks, but they are totally manageable and easy.
Arthur: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
I play with sounds on and music off and have a playlist on. I’ve learned to listen to pet cues when they buck. That just comes with practice.
I also hit F5 where my Lore macro is in my rotation, usually after a long battle.
I halted with spamming the All-Follow and All-Kill macros when the pet fails to switch target, wont move due to mobs blocking it, or out of frustration with the pet. Spamming commands seems to beg a loyalty check lol.
Also, I swap gear. The smartest thing I did was have 240 real skill on Tame/Lore. That sets your success to control any pet like to 95% or so. May be higher. Read that 10 months ago.
On stabling, I never saw the Devs say loyalty checks happen in stable. They only said it was outside in real time, over time the 24 hour real time day. It’s searchable on other forums.
Arthur: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
2) Hmmm. I ask because I noted that I stabled a well feeded White Dragon as WH, but when called it out with the BoPT it rated only EH...
Arthur: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
but of corse we all know about that so feel free to ignore me like everyone else
Seriuosly, why?
Did I miss something? Not sure what these posts are for, anyways, no idea why my pet unbonded, as I said, was wonderfully happy and 2 mins later unbonded. I have had a tamer 12 yrs or longer, (in fact I have 5 tamers) and I was doing NOTHING different in my farming miasma than I have since the mob was put in game. Maybe it was just a hickup, who knows.
Anyways, the point of this post is that with the amount of money we are required to spend on pets now, it would be nice to actually GET A MESSAGE if the pet is unhappy. When using the bane dragon you get one once it needs feeding, can't see a reason why we can't have something similar for all pets. It would certainly assist in preventing unwanted unbonding.
Cheers MissE
im a 120 real skill and i dont play with sound on.
i was having some sort of lag issue im not sure if it was computer, internet or the Shadowguard but i had a spell where it seemed i was going through thick mud, gave a couple orders and bam, pet wild.
retamed and left, pet took a hit in everything.
now, with a 120 real skill on a pet that is what.... 106 to control?
really they should not go wild, the control change with that set up is 99%
that should be the perk for slogging through all the months to get to 120 real skill and then invest all the time and money into making the pet.
at any rate, ive been doing this for over 20 years and this is the first time i have ever had a pet go wild.
so my play style has not changed so something in the game changed.
i feed my pets regular and i lore them regular to make sure everything is going good and check skills and such, nothing was different when i lost my Frost Dragon.
i had to take a couple days off playing UO after because i was soooooo ticked off.
Cheers MissE
I mean, is it possible that originally "evil" pets could have the tendency to repeal more easily their taming & Master when under heavy stress, as, eg., in Combat?
Just a tought...
I was running 120 real skill taming, lore, vet and had a 4 slot lesser hiryu with bushido and goo kill the undead champ spawn in deceit. During level 2, my pet all of a sudden went wild in the middle of thickest spawn. I had not spammed commands at it previously, the only thing I did when it went wild was I told it to all follow me all guard me and bam it went wild. It had been wonderfully happy a couple of minutes before.
I was on the same screen the entire time. It happened in that large room before the stairs down to the next level.
I was able to retame the pet and take it back to the stables to re-bond.
Its STATS didn't change ie hit points, dex, int etc
You can retrain them to the original levels it just takes the same amount of time it took you originally to get em trained back up.
Cheers MissE