Pub 108 - House Decay Rules Feedback



  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 975
    edited February 2020
    Like many have already said


    I wont comment of Fel as I dont really go there much at mo

    But I would say this

    1. Anything stackable i.e wood, turn into commodity deed form
    2. Don't destroy commodity deed, let them be loot
    3. NO skills required, give NO advantage to anyone. No wrestling, dev etc. everyone hits for same damage and same speed
    4. Keep EJ completely out of idoc area like pack animals so cheats cannot use them as auto follow loot carry mules.
    5. Cannot unload onto a mobile being. Have to recall home or bank and drop into a secure container. Making EJ mules and Pack animals redundant. Makes items rubber band back into pack until they are dropped off

    6. Any thoughts on house placement? How about you have an option on the house sign to request a ticket (lottery) and then if your number comes up you are notified that you have won, you recall there and place. If you cannot place you are disqualified and onto winning ticket number 2.  So how about a recall rune ticket. ???. So everyone has a chance to place a castle. 1 ticket/rune per Master Account......  You are notified 24hrs later, or after server restart so all looting is finished barrels deleted etc. You get 7 days to claim and place, then if you do not place the land opens up for placers? a sign is placed on the area showing the winner (so they can be called in gen chat in case they miss notification or can be called on ICQ if they are out of game) once timer is up then the sign goes away, open to placement


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    King_Greg said:
    Would it be possible to just have the idoc attempt to put stackable items into deed form if they can be deeded, instead of just deleting them? 
    Wouldn't it be better, sure, even in deeds forms to make them weight less, but SPLIT that large stack of resources into multiple smaller stacks, so that rather then have 1 sole player benefit from them make it so that MULTIPLE players can benefit from them ?

    I think the more the wealth of an IDOC is spread out among players, the BETTER it is for Ultima Online well being because rather then making 1 player extremely happy, an IDOC will make many many players quite happy....

    And we know how important it is to have as many players as possible be happy with their playing of Ultima Online to increase its players' base ....
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 975
    edited February 2020


  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited February 2020

    I am using the CC
    For other ppl, check your War settings to make sure you can punch the barrels
    When I toggled the "Block War On Friendly", then I could punch the barrels.
    Confirmed this with Kyronix.


    got into a fel idoc on TC (nw of brit gate)

    Stinky Pete, A Murderer, Lady Violet, and myself (as Sadhbh) tested a few things

    About what we expected insofar as pvp, spells, and some abilities. Altho we didn't have masteries on our toons... we intend to test a bit more of this.

    This house in fel is definitely a crafter/collector's house, judging by the amount of armor and jewelry pieces I got from the barrels. Also some of the rares and collectibles I found - this would probably be a mid-range house (resale value).

    Being a collector/crafter myself, I kinda understand how things could be stored in certain types of houses (especially in quantity like I found). So, I decided to "predict" what I'd find in various barrels based on what I found in surrounding barrels.

    I can predict what I will find. It is not "completely" random - so @Kyroix maybe check your packaging thing for a bit more blessing from the RNG if you want it completely random.

    What I did NOT expect were the following:
    • Stacks of arrows (thought stacked items would be deleted?)
      A Murderer found one stack, but I dunno how many were in it - I didn't look.
      I just found another stack of 500 arrows, the equivalent of what would be stored in a quiver... so that made me go hmmmm....
    • Shard Transfer Tokens (nope, cannot use it - says is not bound to me - found 2 total)

    • Shard Xfer Shield Deeds (says they are account bound, may plant a house and try to use them - heh  found 3 total)

    • Lava tiles (altho not "House Only" - so maybe should be there?)
    • Empty power scroll, alacrity, and transcendence books, but BoD books with BoDs in them
    • We are finding power scrolls, but no blues or pinks (alacrity & transcendence)
    • Random runes pulled out of runebooks (old-school books, no runic atlases found yet)
    • Random BoDs (so far tailor bods) pulled out of BoD books (came to this conclusion for the utter randomness of this at 2 idocs)
    • Empty Scroll Binders (as I make and fill scroll binders, I don't keep empty ones too much - but a whole lot of variously filled ones - and these are all empty ones)
    • Want to note that _maybe_ the Power Scrolls are being yoinked from the binders? I keep finding multiple of the same power scrolls, unless the player didn't combine them all yet
    • Loos powerscrolls, scrolls of alacrity, and transcendence scrolls - were they pulled fromtheir books? We did find all three types of books contianing their respective scrolls
    • lots and lots of loose jewelry pieces (would expect to also find a jewelry box deed with this quantity) - this idoc is mostly rings, which makes me wonder where are the necklaces?
    • Loose recipes, but no recipe book (would expect this like the jewelry box, but nope)
    • Loose seeds, but no seed boxes (seed boxes are not deeded)
      seeds are stackable items and should be deleted?
      I will note, they are NOT stacking now.... these are the green snake plant seeds and I have a few of them in my pack if you wanna inspect them further - didn't we have issue with these not stacking in the past? These are the only seeds I've found, even though I also found 3 raised garden beds - so where are the other seeds and/or seed box(es)?
    • got a bit silly, grabbed a hatchet to chop at the barrels - no effect on the barrel, but I was gaining lumberjack like crazy
    • I will note that at this point, I am the only person at this fel idoc because the others got really tired of getting tons of rings out of their packs... definitely should have a jewelry box or 10 with this place, but none
    • A lot of things would not show their tags/names/stats until dropped on the ground then picked back up again - makes it very hard to weed out the "good stuff" from the bad - is this by design or is it a client loading factor?
    • Barrel hit points seem to be higher (they take more damage) when they have more valuable stuff in them 
    None of the following were found, and this is comparing notes with others going though barrels at other idocs through the TC:
    • Davy's Lockers (FOUND)
    • Seed Boxes, Jewelry Boxes
    • Vet Reward Work Stations (STATED OVER CHAT - FOUND SEWING MACHINE)
    • Vet Reward Garden Sheds
    • Vet Reward Lighthouse
    • Arcane Bookshelf Deeds
    • Any kind of Bookcase (crafted or reward types)

    • Stop the drop spam - unless this is necessary for logging purposes, it kills the journal in the CC

    If i come up with anything different from this, will post.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited February 2020
    Sounds good but will have to see what they actually implement.

    Love how commodities will be deleted. Will slowly help fixing the economy and make people go lumberjack etc.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    edited February 2020
    JollyJade said:
    Sounds good but will have to see what they actually implement.

    Love how commodities will be deleted. Will slowly help fixing the economy and make people go lumberjack etc.
    Love how commodities will be deleted. Will slowly help fixing the economy and make people go lumberjack etc.
    I totally disagree on the auto deletion of resources.

    It is a useless waste, they could be auto split into smaller quantities which more players at an IDOC could enjoy to find and benefit from (rather then only 1 player benefit from a large stack of them), even better if split into smaller quanties and into deed form.

    People go lumberjack ?

    Why, is Script Mining or Script Lumberjacking being in any way affected by IDOC changes ?

    Not to my understanding.....

    The changes to IDOCs are not affecting, to my understanding, the ability of scripters to go script mining or script lumberjacking....
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,851
    edited February 2020

    The house across the street from mine fell and I was able to take some time measurements

    Anatomy 0     Tactics 120 Wrestling 0     Took 2:23
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 100 Wrestling 0     Took 2:50
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 0     Wrestling 120 Took 3:39
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 0     Wrestling 100 Took 3:48
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 100 Wrestling 100 Took 2:43
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 0     Wrestling 0     Took 2:46
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 100 Wrestling 0     Took 2:34
    Anatomy 90   Tactics 90   Wrestling 90   Took 2:30
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 100 Wrestling 100 Took 2:07
    Anatomy 120 Tactics 120 Wrestling 120 Took 2:06

    For the last two I lines I ran each test 5 times to make sure what I was seeing.

    You do not need 120 skill levels. The difference between 3x100 and 3x120 is negligible. The devs took pity on us and did not require 120.

    If you can not fit 300 skill points into your template maybe you can fit 200 with the Anatomy 100, Tactics 100, and Wrestling 0. Otherwise you will need to pony up the cost of a Tactics 120 scroll.

  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited February 2020
    To confirm a few things from Kirthag, items were not showing named until dropped on the ground and picked back up. After a certain time they would perhaps, but not sure. This may be intentional or some type of anti-scripting measure, but I am unsure. I think they could still use hue / item ID and it would mainly hurt the rest of us.

    I did see a seed box at the castle north of Minoc @Kirthag.

    I found one stack of 65,000 arrows which only weighed 1 stone, this could be a problem as I could pick that up and put it down... and it still only weighed 1 stone. I could thereby have an endless supply of arrows on my archer.

    The item placement seems to not be so random as well. Items were pulled into barrels from "somewhat" close to the item's location. I hope it is more random too, so people do not know where to aim. I saw a ton of items being packed in barrels very close to the items location... all of the big items I found in fact it seemed. None were on the opposite side of the castle. I was checking production and test center to make sure...

    I would perhaps increase the barrel's life... someone with 25 accounts all running 120 tactics, anatomy, and wrestling with Horrific Beast form cast will be doing 12-25 damage per hit. They will simply run in 25 giant blue beasts and attack 25 different barrels, and the house will be empty in 2 minutes flat. This could also best be fixed by putting a cap on the damage so that horrific beast doesn't really apply, if possible. It's gonna be hard to see barrels with 100 blue beasts inside a small area I would imagine. I kind of hoped each character would do 1 damage per punch, no matter what. This would certainly help new players. 120 anatomy and tactics is going to be hard to come by...... except for a few peeps with ghost cams set up.

    Also, you can stand a character at a barrel and hit once, and it keeps attacking, allowing people to switch to a second account to repeat. They could do this for as many accounts as they like, and as someone said, "when the you are too full" message appears, their characters could automatically run and offload onto the nearest house lined with chests / EJ account. The items from barrels should in no way be allowed to be transferred to EJ accounts for a certain amount of time (a few hours even.) If so EJ accounts will be following them and stationed outside IDOCs hidden. EJ accounts should therefore not be allowed inside the IDOC area either, like pack horses are not.

    All in all, this is a great change. I really like knowing the times and locations at last. Even if I knew the locations before, there was no way I would ever think about standing there. Thank you Devs so much! These are just a few ideas for feedback for you guys, but I believe no changes are even needed already. I hope we don't have to be in horrific beast form though, lol. Thank you guys again so much. This is going to help tremendously.

    Also, it seems I am going against the grain here; but I am glad certain ingots and such can be deleted if it happens. Sure I loved getting 60k of everything at IDOCs, but those were usually deeded anyway. A lot of the time, script miners will have a box on the porch with 2,856,948 stones in it..... where they just have bot mined until they were caught. I see no way in the world  that such things should be allowed to stay in game, as miners/lumberjacks are already worthless as it is for the most part. Honestly, that was one of the things I enjoyed most returning to UO 10 years ago. I would mine by my house SE of Fel Yew... by the mountains, and every time I got a gem or ruby... I would imagine it was from a meteor storm or something of the sort. Mining was fun, until I realized people had 20 million valorite ingots already and that I could buy them for the price of nothing. I was under the impression that that was how you made gold, because long long ago (20 years ago) that is how I made gold in UO.

    Thanks all, please keep up the feedback, I think I tested to my limit. I am still wondering how the %es from the barrel breaking breaks down into % of loot gained. Can you do 10% damage to one barrel, 30% to another... and get loot from both barrels if you have enough space / weight?? That seems to  be an important question. Take care all and TY again Devs!!!!

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited February 2020
    (more for my post after looting several more idocs all alone across tram & fel)

    When house placement is allowed, and if there are still barrels to punch, someone can drop a plot and shove all barrels to under the sign.

    Granted, I did see something about Kyronix saying the expectation is that there would be no barrels left by the time the timer runs out, but I think there will be barrels in some places, particularly on lower population shards. This causes an unfair advantage for whomever places the house - for it would then be private, and ppl cannot mess with stuff under the house sign when it is private. So that person can then go beat barrels to their heart's content.

    Suggestion: make it so no house can be placed while any packaged barrels are still on the ground. forget the timer. Just so long as a packaged barrel still exists, no one can place. Then, once the barrel is poof, the crazy placement battles will commence while looters can leave with their loots. That way, players have to decide, do they want loots, or do they want the land?

    Other bits:
    • Tub or barrel previously filled with water will become stuck in a player's pak after looting from a destructable barrel - there is no weight, but she is grandly stuck and i don't have any pitchers to empty it with.
    • Got a water pitcher, used it to drain the tub, dropped from m pack to the ground
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    TimSt said:

    The house across the street from mine fell and I was able to take some time measurements

    Anatomy 0     Tactics 120 Wrestling 0     Took 2:23
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 100 Wrestling 0     Took 2:50
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 0     Wrestling 120 Took 3:39
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 0     Wrestling 100 Took 3:48
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 100 Wrestling 100 Took 2:43
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 0     Wrestling 0     Took 2:46
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 100 Wrestling 0     Took 2:34
    Anatomy 90   Tactics 90   Wrestling 90   Took 2:30
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 100 Wrestling 100 Took 2:07
    Anatomy 120 Tactics 120 Wrestling 120 Took 2:06

    For the last two I lines I ran each test 5 times to make sure what I was seeing.

    You do not need 120 skill levels. The difference between 3x100 and 3x120 is negligible. The devs took pity on us and did not require 120.

    If you can not fit 300 skill points into your template maybe you can fit 200 with the Anatomy 100, Tactics 100, and Wrestling 0. Otherwise you will need to pony up the cost of a Tactics 120 scroll.

    TimSt, did you try the results at all in Horrific Beast form or with a wrestling primer? Just wondering, thanks for those numbers. Scrolls not needed levels the playing field for new players for sure.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Kirthag said:

    I am using the CC
    For other ppl, check your War settings to make sure you can punch the barrels
    When I toggled the "Block War On Friendly", then I could punch the barrels.
    Confirmed this with Kyronix.


    got into a fel idoc on TC (nw of brit gate)

    Stinky Pete, A Murderer, Lady Violet, and myself (as Sadhbh) tested a few things

    About what we expected insofar as pvp, spells, and some abilities. Altho we didn't have masteries on our toons... we intend to test a bit more of this.

    This house in fel is definitely a crafter/collector's house, judging by the amount of armor and jewelry pieces I got from the barrels. Also some of the rares and collectibles I found - this would probably be a mid-range house (resale value).

    Being a collector/crafter myself, I kinda understand how things could be stored in certain types of houses (especially in quantity like I found). So, I decided to "predict" what I'd find in various barrels based on what I found in surrounding barrels.

    I can predict what I will find. It is not "completely" random - so @ Kyroix maybe check your packaging thing for a bit more blessing from the RNG if you want it completely random.

    What I did NOT expect were the following:
    • Stacks of arrows (thought stacked items would be deleted?)
      A Murderer found one stack, but I dunno how many were in it - I didn't look.
      I just found another stack of 500 arrows, the equivalent of what would be stored in a quiver... so that made me go hmmmm....
    • Shard Transfer Tokens (nope, cannot use it - says is not bound to me - found 2 total)

    • Shard Xfer Shield Deeds (says they are account bound, may plant a house and try to use them - heh  found 3 total)

    • Lava tiles (altho not "House Only" - so maybe should be there?)
    • Empty power scroll, alacrity, and transcendence books, but BoD books with BoDs in them
    • We are finding power scrolls, but no blues or pinks (alacrity & transcendence)
    • Random runes pulled out of runebooks (old-school books, no runic atlases found yet)
    • Random BoDs (so far tailor bods) pulled out of BoD books (came to this conclusion for the utter randomness of this at 2 idocs)
    • Empty Scroll Binders (as I make and fill scroll binders, I don't keep empty ones too much - but a whole lot of variously filled ones - and these are all empty ones)
    • Want to note that _maybe_ the Power Scrolls are being yoinked from the binders? I keep finding multiple of the same power scrolls, unless the player didn't combine them all yet
    • Loos powerscrolls, scrolls of alacrity, and transcendence scrolls - were they pulled fromtheir books? We did find all three types of books contianing their respective scrolls
    • lots and lots of loose jewelry pieces (would expect to also find a jewelry box deed with this quantity) - this idoc is mostly rings, which makes me wonder where are the necklaces?
    • Loose recipes, but no recipe book (would expect this like the jewelry box, but nope)
    • Loose seeds, but no seed boxes (seed boxes are not deeded)
      seeds are stackable items and should be deleted?
      I will note, they are NOT stacking now.... these are the green snake plant seeds and I have a few of them in my pack if you wanna inspect them further - didn't we have issue with these not stacking in the past? These are the only seeds I've found, even though I also found 3 raised garden beds - so where are the other seeds and/or seed box(es)?
    • got a bit silly, grabbed a hatchet to chop at the barrels - no effect on the barrel, but I was gaining lumberjack like crazy
    • I will note that at this point, I am the only person at this fel idoc because the others got really tired of getting tons of rings out of their packs... definitely should have a jewelry box or 10 with this place, but none
    • A lot of things would not show their tags/names/stats until dropped on the ground then picked back up again - makes it very hard to weed out the "good stuff" from the bad - is this by design or is it a client loading factor?
    • Barrel hit points seem to be higher (they take more damage) when they have more valuable stuff in them 
    None of the following were found, and this is comparing notes with others going though barrels at other idocs through the TC:
    • Davy's Lockers (FOUND)
    • Seed Boxes, Jewelry Boxes
    • Vet Reward Work Stations (STATED OVER CHAT - FOUND SEWING MACHINE)
    • Vet Reward Garden Sheds
    • Vet Reward Lighthouse
    • Arcane Bookshelf Deeds
    • Any kind of Bookcase (crafted or reward types)

    • Stop the drop spam - unless this is necessary for logging purposes, it kills the journal in the CC

    If i come up with anything different from this, will post.

    Ok, so ShardShields don't "evaporate". GOOD! :)

    Can anyone confirm that it is the same for SoulStones too???
  • panoramix2009panoramix2009 Posts: 10
    edited February 2020
    255 stones items cant move  from my backpack

    young plant + stretched hide + statue

    now cant move :(

  • JollyJade said:
    Sounds good but will have to see what they actually implement.

    Love how commodities will be deleted. Will slowly help fixing the economy and make people go lumberjack etc.

    For those who loved looting resources from IDOCs, this will just send them back to buying from the scripters.  It's all a big circle lol.  Look for more script miners/jackers coming soon.

    Hope this is more allowable than most of my posts...
  • I hope that they have a rethink about resources, stackable items go into commodity deed form and into packs.....

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 975
    edited February 2020
    With regards to house placement I would like to see what people think of this idea.....

    Instead of possible script placing, or waiting for ages the following happens

    1. While house is in idoc stage you double click the sign and get a recall rune/lottery ticket.
    2. house falls, barrels get looted.
    3. when the server restarts and barrels have all gone (that aren't looted) a lottery happened and the winning rune player gets notification. A sign is placed where the idoc was naming the winner. So others can icq them, gen chat just in case they miss notification. A bright neon ticket in placed in your pack like the SA houses did
    4. they have 7 days to place.
    5. if they cant place the plot goes to ticket 2.....
    6.If you don't want it, you declare you do not want it on the sign, and no.2 in granted plot and so on....
    7. then finally if say the top 5 don't want, then the sign falls, land is open?
    8. Everyone has a fair shot at getting a castle for example.  1 TICKET PER ACCT (like tabards) or master acct?

    This is a lucky chance. No script placers. No wasting time trying to place. No disappointment in loosing out. No 5/10/15hr timers. No getting up a silly o'clock to try and place. You go out and enjoy the game, and if your ticket comes up. GREAT!!!!!. No 3k luck, just a spin of the wheel........
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 975
    edited February 2020
    And block all small loot houses that drop in next to idocs. Have the whole area clear so everyone has a fair chance to loot. No skill advantages, all break barrels at same speed. (2/3 secs per barrel, whatever.

    Once you are full up you have to recall home to to the bank to drop off and then zoom back, NO EJ loot mules waiting off screen or pack animals to unload onto. If you try to drop or trade loot it  rubber bands back into your pack. Everything looted has to be dropped in a secure container in YOUR house........

    Any thoughts on the fence barrels. 1 player breaks barrels everyone floods in. What about limiting access to the player only who breaks past the individual fence barrel, So everyone has to break a barrel to get in? and it is only their entrance. Otherwise our idoc friend or others could auto follow/multibox in and then jump on multiple crates at once. 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Seems like they should either make individual barrel punching like Taming.."someone else is punching that", or treat it like partied backpacks where 8 ppl could have punched 1 barrel and loot is randomly distributed to all damagers. Either way It's an interesting concept, I"m just confused which player feedback you used for this, as I don't recall this being any desired method mentioned in previous threads.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    edited February 2020
    you can park all your packies, just outside and unload.

    another thing I noticed, when the area is open to place a house, you can place over the barrels that is left , but as soon as you plot over, everything goes poof.

    correction, was able to bring pets inside!

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,730
    edited February 2020

    I had a bunch of items go into my backpack.
    I have one young plant in my backpack & I also keep getting this message.

    the next barrel I broke... I had 50 items in my backpack to start with.
    And when the barrel broke, my item count was max.
    I started dropping stuff on ground because I was too heavy.
    And items kept spawning in my backpack. potion kegs 100 stones each
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    All considered the "New IDOC" seems to me a very good revamp idea! :)

    @Kyronix @Bleak could you be so kind to reply about the SoulStones? They go Poof! or are they salvageable?

    TIA! :)

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Kyronix In order to "minimize" the "mass" looting, pack animals should be not be allowed anywhere near the IDOC( perhaps 8-10 tiles from the EXTERIOR barrels) until, say, house placement is available. Is that a possibility?
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Does this mean soulstones left in collapsed houses are lost forever?

  • TyrtleTyrtle Posts: 16
    This is a pretty old version of Great Lakes.  I'm pretty sure its long before Jewelry Boxes made it into the game.

    I did just find an SOT book with 12 scrolls in it.

    My house is about to fall in a few minutes and I know there are several Souls stones in it.  So that will let us know.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Tyrtle said:
    This is a pretty old version of Great Lakes.  I'm pretty sure its long before Jewelry Boxes made it into the game.

    I did just find an SOT book with 12 scrolls in it.

    My house is about to fall in a few minutes and I know there are several Souls stones in it.  So that will let us know.
    Ahh, that means recipe books won't be there either, eh?

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited February 2020

    @Kyronix Ya, it does seem that after about 15 minutes you CAN bring packies in. I think this needs to be changed. Even before that, I could bring the beetle right up to the edge of the exterior barrels. I think this is too close. What is to keep the scripter from bringing EJ accounts to the same edge, friending the "paying" account to ALL the packies, and then "script" dumping the contents into the packies. Rinse and repeat. 


    1) packies shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the exterior barrels
    2) The same for EJ accounts
    3 If someone is seen/caught using ANY scripts BAN THEM!

    Just my observations from doing a few on TC.

    Overall it's a great start, but I feel some "tweaks" are in order. Thanks!
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,851
    Polaris said:
    TimSt said:

    The house across the street from mine fell and I was able to take some time measurements

    Anatomy 0     Tactics 120 Wrestling 0     Took 2:23
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 100 Wrestling 0     Took 2:50
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 0     Wrestling 120 Took 3:39
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 0     Wrestling 100 Took 3:48
    Anatomy 0     Tactics 100 Wrestling 100 Took 2:43
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 0     Wrestling 0     Took 2:46
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 100 Wrestling 0     Took 2:34
    Anatomy 90   Tactics 90   Wrestling 90   Took 2:30
    Anatomy 100 Tactics 100 Wrestling 100 Took 2:07
    Anatomy 120 Tactics 120 Wrestling 120 Took 2:06

    For the last two I lines I ran each test 5 times to make sure what I was seeing.

    You do not need 120 skill levels. The difference between 3x100 and 3x120 is negligible. The devs took pity on us and did not require 120.

    If you can not fit 300 skill points into your template maybe you can fit 200 with the Anatomy 100, Tactics 100, and Wrestling 0. Otherwise you will need to pony up the cost of a Tactics 120 scroll.

    TimSt, did you try the results at all in Horrific Beast form or with a wrestling primer? Just wondering, thanks for those numbers. Scrolls not needed levels the playing field for new players for sure.

    Polaris, I used standard human with no masteries.
  • wrestlign should not be taken into accoutn at all, matter of fact noone should be having ot punch anything, just auto split th eloot for whoever is in the zone. end of story, dont over due it. 

    in the very least, remove ANY AND ALL advantages to having wrestling. that was not a great idea

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,851
    monkgamer said:
    wrestlign should not be taken into accoutn at all, matter of fact noone should be having ot punch anything, just auto split th eloot for whoever is in the zone. end of story, dont over due it. 

    in the very least, remove ANY AND ALL advantages to having wrestling. that was not a great idea

    If you look at the numbers I gave wrestling does not give that much have a boost. Anatomy and Tactics are the skills you want.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited February 2020
    I didn't do any more testing, but just thought over everything a lot last night, and have read a ton of what others are saying. The few ways in which I would tweak this are as follows:

    Personally, I would not like to see Horrific Beast affect damage at all. Imagine 20 blue dragons standing on top of a 7x7 plot. Only scripters will see the barrels in some instances. They could surround certain locations and nobody else could potentially hit the barrels. Just too big in general. It's like having 100 dragons at an event, you cannot see nothing.

    I would require everyone to break their own section of the fence. This would help normal players tremendously and put people with 50 accounts at just a slight disadvantage on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on accounts. They would have to pick 1 barrel for each to start punching before switching screens. Require everyone to do at least x amount of damage to fence, not x% on a broken fence piece. After they do say... 500 damage (if horrific beast is allowed, I really hope not as the damage was insane) or 150 damage for normal players, only then may they pass. When they do the required 150 damage anywhere along the fence, they can proceed into the housing area. Kind of like getting looting rights on a barrel, where you have to do half the damage or so.

    When a house enters early IDOC stages (even 7 days out, the very initial stages)... please block house placement for say 25-30 tiles away from the IDOC house. Resizing existing player houses should still work, but players should not be able to build 12 tiny houses around castles to line with crates / bags / chests for scripting.

    Packies and EJ accounts should be restricted at least 25-30 tiles away (a few screens) from the IDOC housing area as well, they should not be allowed anywhere near the fence for the first 30 minutes after a house falls. Kind of like the placement timer.

    It would be great if wrestling / anatomy / tactics / horrific beast did not affect damage at all. Normal players would be able to go to IDOCs again without having to make an "Idoc" character exclusively. Of course you would still need stealth / hiding in Fel.... but in Tram it should be everyone's game. As it is now, everyone will just have to make a whole new character with 100 wrestling, 100 tactics, 100 anatomy, 60 necromancy, 100 hiding, 100 stealth, 100 magery, 60 eval. This is going to cut into the pvp in Fel a ton and those guys will be sad about having to change up accounts. They should be able to go on their "reds" and fight like normal while still being able to loot.

    Thanks again for the changes Mesanna and all, sorry we're so demanding! : D : D  Great work on this so far, keep it up!
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,969
    love everything so far and the resources being deleted matters not if you have not pirated a lifetimes supply yet get started..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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