Pub 105 - Treasure Map Update Release 3



  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited June 2019
    @MissE, I don't see any rusty chests.  Were you using legendary cartography glasses and, if yes, did you think they were worth using?

    Does it look to you like the SoTs can have a value of 0.1 to 0.5 in Trammel and 0.6 to 0.8 in Fel?

    And I probably missed this, but I'm assuming you had remove trap set at 100. And yet you still got ancient chest guardians, multiples of them in some cases.   Did you ever have more than one ancient  chest guardian running around at one time, or did the next one only spawn after the first one had died?

    How many characters were in your party?  Do you think the number of items you get with additional party members is enough to make going in a party worthwhile?
  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    Margrette said:
    @ MissE, I don't see any rusty chests.  Were you using legendary cartography glasses and, if yes, did you think they were worth using?

    Does it look to you like the SoTs can have a value of 0.1 to 0.5 in Trammel and 0.6 to 0.8 in Fel?

    And I probably missed this, but I'm assuming you had remove trap set at 100. And yet you still got ancient chest guardians, multiples of them in some cases.   Did you ever have more than one ancient  chest guardian running around at one time, or did the next one only spawn after the first one had died?

    How many characters were in your party?  Do you think the number of items you get with additional party members is enough to make going in a party worthwhile?
    TBH i solo all maps that I do , and making the loot better for groups of people is kind of a kick in the teeth to us people that like to play the game in peace
  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    I tried to go through all of the loot being reported and I did not see the coffin pieces that spawn in a level 7 now.  I am short the bottom piece and have not been lucky enough to get one.  My Question is will this still spawn and is just not been reported yet or has this slipped through the cracks? @Kyronix
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited June 2019

    I have completed 25 Supply Maps, 5 each profession, Tokuno, 4140 luck. All chests were gold.

    Overall this is much, much better than Release 1 and 2.

    25 Maps: 38 goodies
    19 SoA, 2 T-map, 1 Minor Arti, 4 Recipes, 2 Sash, 2 Skeleton Key, 2 Surge Shield, 5 Tasty Treat, 1 Legendary Mapmaker's Glasses.

    The total number of goodies looks ok to me. The distribution is obviously skewed towards SoA. You may want to put in fewer SoA's and greater amounts of other goodies. As with Stash you could have more t-maps.

    Individually, Artisan, Assassin, Ranger were ok, there was some goody in almost every chest. Mage was a little bare (2 chests with no goody), Warrior only had SoA's (1 chest with no goody, 1 chest with 2 Focus SoA - hahahahhahahaha!). Maybe more minor arti's in Warrior Supply? 

    As with Stash, you may want to force a goodie into every chest, as a chest without at least 1 goody is just....not good.

    There were 8 Magic Equipment in each of the 25 Supplies. As with Stash, every piece was Lesser or Greater Magic Item. These are easy to open chests so the low level equipment is understandable. At least they can be "loot all'd" and unraveled for Magic Residue. It was nice to see Flowered Garlands in the Artisan chests. Maybe at Trove you can get a Legendary Artifact Flowered Garland. That'd be a cool headpiece.


    Hell Hounds spawning as guardians for Tokuno Supply chests are not flagged as guardians and do not have to be killed to LP/RT the Chest.


    With 100 Remove Trap I had 0 RT failures and spawned 0 Ancient Guardians for 25 Tokuno Stash. However, when using 100 RT on Tokuno Supply I failed to unlock the chest on the first try 64% of the time, with 20 total RT failures spawning 20 AG's. This seems like an incongruous increase in challenge from Stash to Supply. It's not like the guardians are difficult, it is just a large increase in failure rate, for a small increase in reward. You're going from no failures to a significant amount of failures in one step. A few failures as you get a more challenging chest makes sense, but not taking one step up in challenge and all of a sudden failing a majority of the time. (Again, this is more for intuitive gameplay sense stuff, not so much that the monsters are hard.)

    Suggestion: Decrease the failure rate of 100 RT on Supply to 50% (or even 30%).


    Overall, Supply is much improved from Release 1 and 2. A few less SoA and a few more of the other goodies would be preferable. Decreasing the RT failure rate a bit would "feel" more in line with expectations.  

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    Zamot said:
    I tried to go through all of the loot being reported and I did not see the coffin pieces that spawn in a level 7 now.  I am short the bottom piece and have not been lucky enough to get one.  My Question is will this still spawn and is just not been reported yet or has this slipped through the cracks? @ Kyronix
    Tanager has a coffin piece listed in his spreadsheet, so they should still be spawning. Looks like Cache, don't know if it's facet specific. @Margrette might be able to give you a better answer.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Zamot, I have not seen a coffin piece in anything yet.  I do remember @Tanager mentioning getting them, either in a post or in-game.
  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    @Kyronix ;
    This may have been addressed already, but with the requirement for RT and the other changes to skill ties, etc. will RT be a skill you can train to 50 on a new toon now? By that, I mean will RT be a skill you can add on the new character creation screen. As it is now, this is not an option. Will this change? Since the skill is no longer tied to the others this seems to make sense, but I would like to understand it before the launch. 

  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    when is launch btw?
  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    ok just done 3 lvl 5 trove maps in Ishlnaer , didnt see one renegade changelling  also have about 12 SOAS and 6 SOTS 1 legendary, has anyone else noticed the massive lack of jewels in chests?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Abbarosh said:
    ok just done 3 lvl 5 trove maps in Ishlnaer , didnt see one renegade changelling  also have about 12 SOAS and 6 SOTS 1 legendary, has anyone else noticed the massive lack of jewels in chests?
    I think I've seen most jewels in Mage chests
  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    Well just finished some more troves maps and tbh I am dissapointed , this is supposed to be the replacement for the level 7 map and the loot is shocking pretty much the same as hoard chests, Loot definitely need to be looked at , the amount of SOA and SOT's is ridiculously high , also you seem to get SOTs in all facets now? Overall so far I am not impressed with the look of the new system , hoping for small tweak to loot before you take this live, haven't seen one piece of loot ( weapon, jewels, armour , NOT SOA SOT OR GOLD .that makes me think this is worth doing when it goes live 
  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    edited June 2019
    Just think it needs tweaking 
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Abbarosh said:
    has anyone else noticed the massive lack of jewels in chests?
    If you are digging up normal or gold chests, the quantities of all nine gems in the gold and gem bag seem to be as follows:

    • Stash - 7 to 11 of each gem
    • Supply - 12 to 16 of each gem
    • Cache - 17 to 21 of each gem
    • Horde - 22 to 26 of each gem
    • Trove - 27 to 29 of each gem
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Abbarosh said:
    Well just finished some more troves maps and tbh I am dissapointed , this is supposed to be the replacement for the level 7 map and the loot is shocking pretty much the same as hoard chests, Loot definitely need to be looked at , the amount of SOA and SOT's is ridiculously high , also you seem to get SOTs in all facets now? Overall so far I am not impressed with the look of the new system , hoping for small tweak to loot before you take this live, haven't seen one piece of loot ( weapon, jewels, armour , NOT SOA SOT OR GOLD .that makes me think this is worth doing when it goes live 
    Did you do any in Fel and get 105 and 110 power scrolls in horde or trove chests?  Do you think they will make those levels worth doing in Fel?
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Abbarosh said:
    Just think it needs tweaking 

    Be careful.  Asking for that is what got this whole mess started :/
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I've seen far more 'legendary' pieces on test center than I ever have in current chests. Granted most are only good for unravelling, but that's not down to the treasure map code. That's down to this:  ;
    So unless someone re-writes that, I don't see that changing, you still need to be lucky to get a piece that the mods tie together.  I have seen a few that would improve my char's current kit, if I could take them home.
    Reading of what's in Stash chests, I keep reminding myself that these are level ONE.  What's in current level 1s?   very little. 

    Having said that, I dig maps because they're fun to do. I don't expect to reach my first 'platinum' from selling what I dig up, The only platinum I'm ever likely to have is the counterfeit stuff from Khaldun :D
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited June 2019
    I've seen far more 'legendary' pieces on test center than I ever have in current chests. Granted most are only good for unravelling, but that's not down to the treasure map code.

    This is my experience as well. (If I extrapolated out from the 18 items in a chest on TC to the 60+ items in a chest on Live.)

    Reading of what's in Stash chests, I keep reminding myself that these are level ONE.  What's in current level 1s?   very little. 

    I try to keep this in mind as well, but we were also told part of the point of the new system was to make low level chests worthwhile. If that is still the case, some Stashes seem ready (Aritsan), some are ok (Mage - reagents for Inscription at least), and the others (Assassin, Ranger, Warrior) are still just not to that "made worthwhile" mark. At least to me.

    I'm conflicted with giving feedback about Stash anymore for the very reason you state. Part of me says, "it's not worthwhile yet", part of me says, "meh, it's a Stash". 

  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37

    @Kyronix and Everyone:

    This may be a very unpopular suggestion, but a suggestion never the less, I have read so many comments asking for coordinates or increasing radiuses etc.  

    What if we incorporated different skills since we are "detaching" so many and make some others more relevant again...since apparently now don't even have to have 100 Remove trap (I will go into this rant below).  But to get back on track, what if added a use of Item ID that would present coordinates for the map itself OR make better use of Tracking, which would add an arrow on your screen much like the existing tracking or VvV capture points.  It isn't difficult to find the area's of where the treasure map is sending you, however finding that one particular dig spot can be.

    As far as the GM skill rant [this should go with every skill in the game]; why can people do higher end maps with 0 to no skill hardly at all.  This doesn't make sense with any other part of the game.  I can't cast Res with 20 Magery or tame a Cu with 40 taming, so why allow anyone to be able to remove the trap of higher end maps (even anything above a level 1) with low skill.

    At minimum it should be:

    0-20 - Level 1|| 21-40- level 2|| 41-75- level 3|| 76-95- level 4|| 95-100- level 5

  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    Abbarosh said:
    Just think it needs tweaking 

    Be careful.  Asking for that is what got this whole mess started :/

    Mainly aimed at the supposed level 5 map tbh mate , the loots the same pretty much as level 3 and 4 from what I have tested.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Abbarosh said:
    Abbarosh said:
    Just think it needs tweaking 

    Be careful.  Asking for that is what got this whole mess started :/

    Mainly aimed at the supposed level 5 map tbh mate , the loots the same pretty much as level 3 and 4 from what I have tested.
    The quality may be the same but isn't there a quantity difference between the new lvl 3, 4 and 5
  • Is it possible to increase the amount of time the items will stay in a chest before disappearing.  With the remove traps addition also spawning monsters its going to add to the amount of time it takes to loot the chest.  If u get unlucky on a high end tram or fell map u could be spending all kinds of time kill multiple ancient wyrms. 
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Garetjax said:

    As far as the GM skill rant [this should go with every skill in the game]; why can people do higher end maps with 0 to no skill hardly at all.  This doesn't make sense with any other part of the game.  I can't cast Res with 20 Magery or tame a Cu with 40 taming, so why allow anyone to be able to remove the trap of higher end maps (even anything above a level 1) with low skill.

    At minimum it should be:

    0-20 - Level 1|| 21-40- level 2|| 41-75- level 3|| 76-95- level 4|| 95-100- level 5

    Because too many people complained, and rather loudly, that "forcing" people to require remove trap would screw up their templates and they'd no longer be able to solo maps that honestly were never supposed to be intended to be solo'd anyway.

    So the devs compromised. You don't need RT, but it's more dangerous and takes longer without it.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited June 2019

    Did 5 Tokuno Artisan Cache. Don't know how much more testing I'll be able to get to. Same setup as always.

    1 Gold Chest, 3 Standard, 1 Rusty.


    1 Skull tile, 2 Hoard maps (no other goodies)

    5 chests is not much of a sample size. MissE posted similar results for 10 Cache though, so looks like there could be more goodies in Cache.


    12 items in each chest (60 items total): 2 Legendaries, 8 Major Artis, 20 Greater Artis, 8 Lesser Artis, 22 Magic items.

    That's 38 of 60 item's at artifact quality. Factoring in luck and 5 Cache vs. 1 Lvl 6 or 7......seems good Magic Equipment wise.....????? (I think that's actually about double the artis on TC from what I would have seen live. Hard to make an exact comparison with the different Chests and different luck, etc.)

    Would be nice to get a pair of +5 cartog glasses and see how many more gold chests would be dug. That would skew the Magic Equipment even more towards artifacts.


    Rune beetles spawned as guardians for Tokuno Cache maps are not flagged as such and do not have to be killed to LP/RT the chest. 

  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Arroth_Thaiel said: Rune beetles spawned as guardians for Tokuno Cache maps are not flagged as such and do not have to be killed to LP/RT the chest. 
    You've mentioned several animals not having they guardian tags, they, from what I recall, were tameable creatures.  Some tamers use maps to tame animals, particularly frost dragons, cold drakes, dragon wolves and the lesser and normal Hiryu.  (Though dread spiders are labeled as guardians and they are tameable).   If it's a high intensity animal, I could see tamers taming other treasure map creatures.
  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    Margrette said:
    Abbarosh said:
    has anyone else noticed the massive lack of jewels in chests?
    If you are digging up normal or gold chests, the quantities of all nine gems in the gold and gem bag seem to be as follows:

    • Stash - 7 to 11 of each gem
    • Supply - 12 to 16 of each gem
    • Cache - 17 to 21 of each gem
    • Horde - 22 to 26 of each gem
    • Trove - 27 to 29 of each gem
    I meant jewels as in loot  rings and bracelets

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    Violet said:
    You've mentioned several animals not having they guardian tags, they, from what I recall, were tameable creatures.  Some tamers use maps to tame animals, particularly frost dragons, cold drakes, dragon wolves and the lesser and normal Hiryu.  (Though dread spiders are labeled as guardians and they are tameable).   If it's a high intensity animal, I could see tamers taming other treasure map creatures.

    I'm suspecting this is a bug in the publish. Getting a chest with 4 Rune beetle guards and leading them off rather than killing them is probably unintended. Plus, it seems to be one guardian per chest type and I think all 3 types I've encountered so far were flagged as guardians during Release 1 and 2, and are flagged as guardians on Live.

    I could very well be wrong.

    Abbarosh said:
    ...has anyone else noticed the massive lack of jewels in chests?

    Abbarosh said:
    I meant jewels as in loot  rings and bracelets

    Going back through my spreadsheet (Release 1 and 2) I found a ring and/or bracelet in 14 of 18 Artisan Cache/Hoard/Trove I did with many chests having 2 or 3 ring/bracelet. Almost every chest for the other professions (95% at least) also had jewelry. In Trove chests I was getting 1 to 3 jewelry pieces. Jewelry doesn't seem to be lacking to me, but that was in prior releases and individual mileage may vary.

    If I get any more testing done, I'll go back to keeping individual item counts for magic equipment. 

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Is it possible to increase the amount of time the items will stay in a chest before disappearing.  With the remove traps addition also spawning monsters its going to add to the amount of time it takes to loot the chest.  If u get unlucky on a high end tram or fell map u could be spending all kinds of time kill multiple ancient wyrms. 

    They are already aware of this issue and said it would be fixed before going to production. Before they said that I had timed it and the loot would start to decay at 14 minutes after the chest was dug up.
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    Faeryl said:
    Because too many people complained, and rather loudly, that "forcing" people to require remove trap would screw up their templates and they'd no longer be able to solo maps that honestly were never supposed to be intended to be solo'd anyway.

    So the devs compromised. You don't need RT, but it's more dangerous and takes longer without it.

    This is unacceptable, because people can't train skills and figure out how to work things, they are making it so easy.   I have done many treasure maps on test center, easily solo with a taming spec and within the time frame limit.  Back in the days, we would adjust, not whine and complain.  It isn't hard to adjust these days.  There is the token of alacrity, pinks and blues, to gain skill, make the new character.  Think out of the box people.  I have a template that clearly fits all of the current required skills and works anything with ease. It is crazy there isn't a backbone anymore and just folding because of complaints. Get over the Oprah mentality!

  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Some of us are past whining...and down to the mad stage lol.  I figure I've done enough time training skills over the last 20, and I just want to sit down and play and chill.  

    Being forced to train RT and change up my characters just becauyse someone got a hair up their ass to "make a useless skill needed again" doesn't cut it for me.
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    Some of us are past whining...and down to the mad stage lol.  I figure I've done enough time training skills over the last 20, and I just want to sit down and play and chill.  

    Being forced to train RT and change up my characters just becauyse someone got a hair up their ass to "make a useless skill needed again" doesn't cut it for me.

    Whining, sad, mad , upset... whatever it is... you are sitting down playing a game.  So you are telling me you never trained a skill in the last "20" (im assuming years) because you were forced to train then.  Why not embrace the changes and be happy they are revising old skills that are now going to be relevant rather than "clean up points".

    If you don't want to do train the skill and want to sit around a do nothing, there is test center for that.  Make sure to set lazy 1200.

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