Pub 105 - Treasure Map Update Release 3

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
edited May 2019 in Test Center
There have been a great many changes since Release 2, please check the publish notes 

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  • Provide thoughtful and constructive feedback.  Do not offer simple shade, "This sux" and do not offer simple praise "This is awesome!".  Thoughtful and constructive feedback helps us build a better feature.
Thank you and happy testing!

Known Issues as of Release 3

  • Ancient Chest Guardians can loot a player's corpse  and prevent recovery due to the fact they have no loot.


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    From @Violet
    I wanted to revisit some of my earlier criticisms and thoughts:

    I did: 5 total :Ranger, Artisan, Warrior Fel Trove and 1 Mages Fel Horde with 150 luck.

    Artisan loot is much better. 

    4 crafting related blues, 1 blacksmithing pink, 1 skull rug
    They added in hats with the artisan trove which makes it much nicer.

    The 5 pieces on the left were legendary, including glasses.  Lots of major and greater. There were circlets included in the loot too.

    Lockpicking: No items appear to be lost from failed lockpicking, I did get several Grubbers stealing loot. Will have to get @khyro to confirm this later on with the EC client.

    Remove Trap at 0 is a great incentive to level it to 100, you have to stay near the chest .0 Remove trap was interesting to experience on a Trove map.  I will comment more on this later.  At 100, I had up to 5-6 failures where I had to start again and each time a new shadowy blue guardian was summoned.  (The puzzles actually seemed to take less time to do.  I will miss them).  I think this is a fair compromise.  The group will not be bored now when the treasure hunter is removing the trap (if people do it in a group)

    (if only we could tame them :(  )

    This warrior trove had two power scrolls, 2 blues, 1 pink related to warrior skills. It included 3 legendary items (on the left) and a ruby octopus necklace.

    Gem/Gold bags in all chests. 

    There were some sort of combo of scrolls in all chest, so even if the drops sucked, they were still worth it.  In fact, got a nice taming and discord pink!

    Mage Horde: 

    1 legendary, several major and greater artifacts. 

    I will do additional testing tonight, but I have a busy week this week.  If only the devs can give me something to test on my weeks off (last week :( )  

    Overall I'm happy with the changes so far.  A lot of the issues I found with the previous incarnation were addressed.  They give an incentive for having 100 remove trap without forcing it.

    My initial criticism is the shadow blue pets are too pretty to not be tame-able.

  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited May 2019
    So, I've done three level 2 maps at GM Remove Trap so far. One last night and two just now. I've failed the first attempt at disarming on two of the three chests.

    @Kyronix, can you give any estimate on the odds of failing per level at GM skill?

    Edit: that makes three of four I've failed the first attempt on...

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    @Faeryl you can't quantify RT success as an "odds" thing really.  Remove Trap has been redesigned to focus on time, with it taking less time at higher skill levels so you have the option to either invest skill points in RT and save some time OR invest no skill points in RT and have it take more time as you deal with more spawn.  
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Kyronix said:
    @ Faeryl you can't quantify RT success as an "odds" thing really.  Remove Trap has been redesigned to focus on time, with it taking less time at higher skill levels so you have the option to either invest skill points in RT and save some time OR invest no skill points in RT and have it take more time as you deal with more spawn.  
    Ah, alright. Thank you.  :)
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 379
    @Kyronix I've done 5 Horde Maps today and I do like the changes so thanks for listening to us.  I do seem to be getting a LOT of Elf Armor pieces tho (I am an elf) is this a trend?  If so I may have to change my t-hunter to human which would be a shame since I don't wear any elf armor on any of my chars.  Also I did my first Artesian one (seem to be a littler rarer than the Warrior/Assassin/Mage ones and didn't find any ingredients or materials in it at all. 
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    Race only comes into play when dealing with specialty items for gargoyles (like the +Carto glasses, if you are a gargie you get the gargie version)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    I have done two each of the supply and trove chests in Malas.  Some with 0 RT and some with 100 RT.  Nice amount of loot although the gem and gold bag I pulled out from a trove chest got its contents stolen or disappeared after I put it on the ground so I would not get overburdened.

    The 16 tile radius is a little small.  I barely survived a hell hound guardian when RT failed on a supply chest.  I would recommend increasing the radius to 25 or 30 tiles. Especially if the failed RT guardian is something that moves fast like a minotaur general. You need room to dodge the rampage mode.
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 379
    @Kyronix the next chest I did after the above post didn't have any elven armor, so must have just been the RNG messing with me.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited May 2019
    I will say I'm enjoying being able to find scrolls and the like in all levels now. Much more motivation to keep digging! Still a bit sad that MiBs are no longer a part of the loot table though. I get the reasoning, but maps were actually my main source for them, since the RNG seems to loathe me when it comes to tossing nets.

    On a more random note... I love the colour of the new glasses. Can you guys please make a dye of either the hue 1913, or the 1914 of the Hygieia's Amulet...?  <3
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I had time this morning for 1 hoard chest before heading out for RL stuffs - I just had to get a taste!

    This was a Malas warrior hoard chest. There are a lot of variables involved for this particular chest. I used lockpicks w/ GM lockpicking to unlock the chest, and a grubber popped out. It had snagged a trove t-map. I attempted to disarm the chest with 0 remove trap skill. I died to the guardians, and fetched an alt to come rez me. Both chars subsequently died, so I had to run a fair distance to Umbra for a rez, where I relogged for my pet so I could run back to the chest. Then I reset my skill for 100 RT. There were no more guardians, and my journal notified me of success.

    However, the end result was an empty chest (or at least nothing visible in EC) that did not show 0/125 & weight when moused over. While the hunt did not go smoothly, I don't think that anything I did was particularly odd, even to ''unstoning'' RT midway thru the hunt.

    I will test more though, but I think this empty chest syndrome was an issue with the previous TC1 patch. People were thinking it had to do with the puzzles, but that clearly is not the case, since it is still doing it. I will test some more later on tho, without changing skills midway.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    @Tanager, I encountered this as well but the chest emptied itself while I was looting it after getting rezed.  I am thinking it was because of how long it took me to ghost run back to Luna and then ride back to the chest. The timer ran out. Malas really needs wondering healers.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited May 2019
    Well the whole ordeal took less than 15 minutes, so I am hoping the timer is not THAT short :( If so, that will really make it a challenge lol
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    I did a warrior’s Stash on TC using :s remove trap;

    Here is the skills I had on the character

    Here the location of the map and a couple of suggestions if you do this live.

    Here I set remove trap (Something I really hope we do not do when this goes live)!  With my current skills I am trading mining for remove trap on the sea saw I use on Sonoma.  Since Cart replacing mining on TC, I would have to keep Cart to dig up the chest so I have no room for remove trap on this character.  Now someone is going to say drop Med, I use Med regen my mana quicker while casting healing on my pets when I cannot get close to them due to area effect attacks from the guardians.

    Here the amount of loot I retrieved from the chest

    Really sad on the amount of loot each chest.  I did the very next level after this and retrieved seven items from the chest.  Remove trap IMO is not needed nor necessary for treasure hunters when doing maps.  I hope this will help.

    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    Tanager said:
    Well the whole ordeal took less than 15 minutes, so I am hoping the timer is not THAT short :( If so, that will really make it a challenge lol

    I have now timed it 3 times.  The contents of one chest went poof 14 minutes after dig up, the contents of another chest went poof 15:45 minutes after dig up and the third went poof around the 15 minute mark after dig up.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Kyronix after everything is done locate/dig/kill/lp/rt/kill is there a reason that the T-Hunter can't just take the chest and go home with it.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Bilbo said:
    @ Kyronix after everything is done locate/dig/kill/lp/rt/kill is there a reason that the T-Hunter can't just take the chest and go home with it.
    Because it's never been done that way??
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 379
    I've done 8 Hoard chests in Fel this afternoon and all 8 were normal Steel (grey) ones.  This is with 2710 Luck on my suit and I assume 1000 for Fel.  I only got gold ones in Tram.  Remove Trap will take some getting used to.  I failed a few times on each of them with GM RT and the Ancient Guardians can be "fun", but I'm sure I'll adapt.  I play a Tamer T-hunter so my Cu takes out pretty quickly (once I can get them stop aggroing on me lol).  All in all I'm enjoying this change much more than the previous versions.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    @Bilbo we have other plans for acquiring the beautiful chests :)

    Re: the decay time - this is something we will address before going WW.  Loot should not decay out of your chest before you have a chance to loot it.  The chest should decay long before any items inside do.
  • Haddy_GHaddy_G Posts: 14
    Completed a Trammel Warriors Hoard map.  The new mechanic for Remove Trap is much better than the puzzles and I liked the puzzles. :)  I think this will help with group play and is fun to solo.  Didn't noticed any issues, but can judge for yourselves. See video. :)   

    Magery 115
    Mysticism 112.3
    Cartography 100
    Focus 100
    Lockpicking 100
    Remove trap 100
    Detect Hidden 50

    Luck 175

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited May 2019
    @TimSt I had not really timed my hunt, just a rough estimate, but I suppose it must have been just past the 15 minute marker, and that was why it was empty. I thought it was odd that the chest did not say the item count or weight tho. But the devs know about the loot decay and will look into it, and that was really my only qualm.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited May 2019
    Thank you devs. :)


    Davie's Locker
    ** I know not really part of the process, but it is related to the storage of these maps so if can, can; if no can, no worry (for this publish).
    ** Sort alpha/numeric per column 
    ** Filtering interface (similar to BoD books)?

    Solo THunting Paladin (main character, moi) - Casual Treasure Hunting
    Went back to my normal template, so...
    Cap: 720
    Luck: 0 (RP purposes, I just don't bother with it on this character)
    Chiv: 120
    Heal: 55 (because I still use bandies, old habits die hard, but am thinking will dump eventually)
    Parry: 100
    Resist Spells: 110
    Swords: 110
    Tactics: 25 (sacrificed for LP & RT) 
    Cart: 100 (stone swaps with Focus)
    Remove Trap: 50 - changes through testing, see notes below
    Lockpicking: 50 - changes through testing, see notes below

    Pulled some TMaps from my transferred lockers

    Mage's Supply (Tram, Moonglow area)
    Had issue digging up - kept saying something was in the way
    - Killed roving pig, mongbat, rat, and cat before could dig up chest
    Spawn was good (2 hellhounds, liche (guardian), fire elemental (guardian), orc mage)
    Lockpicked first with skeleton key, took 5 tries  (LP @ 50 skill)
    - grubber appeared upon successful lockpick, he took a greater magic item from the chest
    Remove Trap (skill at 50)
    - Ancient Ogre Lord, dude hit fast and hard! I ran and tried to stay in range, but nope. Had to kill the AOL (see what I did there! LMAO!) then redo remove trap
    - Ancient Liche appeared, dispatched
    - Ancient Orc appeared, dispatched
    - Ancient Liche appeared, dispatched
    Trap removed successfully, got okay loot for this one
    - 7 pcs Greater Magic armor pieces (will all be unraveled on prodo), gem bag with misc. gems and about 30k gp

    Warrior's Supply (Tram, Buc's Den area)
    Again issues with digging up, something in the way. I moved around quite a bit before could dig up.
    Guardians were worthy (Fire Elemental  (guardian), Liche (guardian), Earth Ele (guardian), Gazer (guardian)
    Lockpick (50), 2 tries with skeleton key, 3rd time a charm
    - grubber appeared, seems to have taken about 3k gold from the chest
    Remove Trap (50)
    - Ancients of the following appeared: Orc, Liche, Fire Ele, hellhound, Orc Mage, Gazer
    Finally removed trap - loot is nice!
    - 2 Alacrity scrolls (mace and swords)
    - 6 Greater Magic, 3 Lesser Magic -  misc. armor and weapons - all would be unraveled on prodo
    - gem bag with lots of misc gems and 20k gp
    - green pak with the item below, which would be sold on my vendor

    Artisan's Cache (Tram wilds)

    Dug up, no problems
    Spawn - Dread Spider (guardian), Liche Lord (guardian), Demon (guardian), Elder Gazer (guardian)
    -- Want to note that these do drop loot, and got a Lesser Arti off of the Demon, thanks!
    Lockpicking (50)
    failed, a lot, even with skeleton key
    Lockpicking (75) after a few times, success
    - grubber spawned carrying a greater magic weapon (would be unraveled)
    Remove Trap
    - judging how the lockpicking went, raised RT to 100 (getting tired)
    - success after only about a minute with no spawn
    Loot was okay
    - Misc. Jewelry, Armor, and Weapons
    ---- 3 Greater Magic, 6 Major Magic, 1 each Greater Arti, Major Arti, and Legendary Arti
    ---- the Magic items would be unraveled, the Artifacts would be sold
    - Gem bag with avg. 18 of each standard gems, and 33k gp
    - While removing items, Liche Lord spawned, a normal one and couldn't remove anything from the chest
    - Of course, he killed me (I wasn't expecting a LL!) and he looted my corpse
    - Ran to find a healer, returned, and set about killing the LL
    - He had looted my bandies, my lockpicks (not the skeletals), and all my gold 
    - Removed the rest of the loot from the chest without incident, then removed chest

    Last one tonight...

    Warrior's Hoard (Tram, near Wind)
    Dug up, no issues with fun spawn (x3 blood elemental guardians, 1 poison elemental guardian)
    Lockpicking (100) done first try, no grubbers
    Remove Trap (100) done real quick, almost disappointed
    Opened and LO! 
    - 4 alacrity scrolls 
    ---- went to grab one and what should appear but a damned ancient wyrm!
    (for many an AW is a fun spawn, but for a raw paladin without masteries... this is a real challenge solo - particularly since my toon is wearing her RP gear and not a whole lot of artifacts)
    Lure AW away a bit, went to grab another scroll, and a Lich Lord appeared!
    Now, mind you, these are not Ancients or Guardians, but seem to be spawning every time I grab something desirable from the chest. Interesting.. particularly since I can actually grab something without having killed the spawn, whereas a previous chest wouldn't let me grab stuff (something was standing in the way) until I killed the spawn.
    Run run run again as AW is coming back hot.
    Do Enemy of One, lure away and separate the mobs, do my thing - saving AW for last
    Lure that AW far enough away so I can get all loots into gem bag, grab gem bag, SJ to bank, drop in bank, then SJ back to chest...
    Just in time to get chomped by that AW.
    Found healer, ressed, returned to chest, used "Remove Chest" and grabbed stuff from my body.

    Up to the point of getting rid of the treasure chest.. about half hour. I got the loots out of it at about the 12 minute mark though - the rest of that time was running around looking for a healer, running back and avoiding an angry mob spawn.

    Adjusted my skills, went to bank again to grab my favorite dragon slaying weapons, and played with the AW for a good long time (about an hour or so) testing my different weapons and skill settings because is not too often I actually wanna solo an AW. 

    Loot from the chest included:
    - 2 Tactic, 1 Macing, 1 Wrestling alacrity srolls
    - 57k gold, avg. 24 each standard gemstone
    - Misc. Armor, Weapon, Jewelry items
    ---- 6 Major Magic, 3 Greater Magic, 1 Lesser Arti, 2 Greater Arti, 3 Major Arti
    - "Ancient Weapon"?? Looks like new sword art, but cannot equip and has no stats:

    **ETA: took this ancient weapon to my house, locked it down, and it can turn with the deco tool. So, is acting like a deco piece instead of a usable weapon. The Skull Sword also turns. None of my other swords will turn.

    Loot from the AW was decent as well with about 5k gold, 4 various magical pieces for unraveling plus 2 lesser Arti, 1 Greater Arti, 1 Legendary Arti which would be sold if this were prodo


    Anyhoo... I am happy with the changes - thank you for listening to us and considering the feedback, not many development studios do that (*cough* blizzard). It is just challenging enough for me with the template I plan on using without being too easy or impossibly hard. I think I'll be doing hoard level chests as well for the sheer fun of the spawn. The trove maps I have will probably be saved for returning vets or sold as that would be out of my solo-playing-league judging by what else I'm reading and comparing the levels I've tried.

    Keeping the puzzles as an option-only thing and for training is a good idea - thank you so much for that! 

    If I have some time in the next couple days, will get my pure mage and tamer toons tested.

    g'night (or rather, morning.. ugh.)

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    Drakelord said:
    I did a warrior’s Stash on TC using :s remove trap;

    Here is the skills I had on the character

    Here the location of the map and a couple of suggestions if you do this live.

    Here I set remove trap (Something I really hope we do not do when this goes live)!  With my current skills I am trading mining for remove trap on the sea saw I use on Sonoma.  Since Cart replacing mining on TC, I would have to keep Cart to dig up the chest so I have no room for remove trap on this character.  Now someone is going to say drop Med, I use Med regen my mana quicker while casting healing on my pets when I cannot get close to them due to area effect attacks from the guardians.

    Here the amount of loot I retrieved from the chest

    Really sad on the amount of loot each chest.  I did the very next level after this and retrieved seven items from the chest.  Remove trap IMO is not needed nor necessary for treasure hunters when doing maps.  I hope this will help.

    Remove trap IMO is not needed nor necessary for treasure hunters when doing maps.  I hope this will help."

    I totally disagree with you.

    If not on a "Treasure chest", set by the original owner to "protect" its precious contents, "where else" would a Remove Trap be fit to exist ?

    To my viewing, "Treasure" Chests look to be the PERFECT place for the existance of "traps" to protect such precious contents.... and thus, as a consequence, needing the use of the Remove Trap skill to deactivate it in order to be able to open the Chest.

    It just makes sense to me.

    Frankly, I do not see a place as perfect as "Treasure" Chests on which Traps and the need to use the Remove Trap skill would make more sense....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    edited May 2019
    TimSt said:
    Tanager said:
    Well the whole ordeal took less than 15 minutes, so I am hoping the timer is not THAT short :( If so, that will really make it a challenge lol

    I have now timed it 3 times.  The contents of one chest went poof 14 minutes after dig up, the contents of another chest went poof 15:45 minutes after dig up and the third went poof around the 15 minute mark after dig up.
    Personally, ESPECIALLY on higher end Treasure Chests, the times should be WAY longer then 15ish minutes....

    I'd say at least half an hour, no less....

    A lot of players want to ENJOY their playing, we are already stressed in real life by clocks and deadlines, to get them "also" in a game supposed to be played to "entertain" oneself... well.... at least to my viewing seems too much....

  • Maybe a bit off-topic - but since this seems to be the current discussion about T-hunting - one more note from me:

    Coordinates: Here would be a kind of Mini Davies Locker that you can carry in the bagpack great and extremely helpful and super-cool :).

     And - ashes on my head - I haven't read everything here - but after the patch, is it also ensured that the Tamable Pets like Frost drakes and Frostdragon, as well as Dragon Wolf will continue to spawn and remain tamable???? Is it planned to bring in new Tamables here as well?

     Otherwise: If almost everything stays the same in the low cards, we find nice decorations and nice useful arties, maybe something really fat in the low boxes and Remove Trap is only necessary for the higher levels - I don't have much to complain about ;): And the feature should stay and not remove after the event ;) !

     Please make a clear announcement - thank you! :)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    write down the davies co-ordinates and take a sextant with you?

    It has already been said (more than once) chest guardians are unchanged.  I haven't done many Trove maps so I've not seen frost dragons, but I have seen dragon wolves and cold drakes. No frost drakes though, I've only ever seen those at Krampus spawns?

    @Drakelord just how much loot do you expect in a level 1 map? 
    With the skill set shown in your screen print my choice would be to lose the meditation, get some MR on the kit. With a pet doing the fighting you don't need to do much casting to need the medi. Do lots of maps with easy spawn and the remove trap will go up as you do them.

    My take on this update
    I'm having a ball. I've dug some Hoard maps I got from Miasma last week and one Trove I got from one of them plus a cache map which gave me a further 3 hoard maps. I'm using the same strategy for remove trap as I do for digging the chest. The hardest 'ancient guardian' I got was an ancient wyrm, with that strategy in place I didn't die, nor did I have to run offscreen, or even near that. 
    I'm getting a nice pile of 'paper', sots, soas, power scrolls and more maps.
    I'm not good at judging gear, but one piece I took home was this one:

    Strategy: While digging the map I cast a summoned reaper and pre-cast invis which I drop on when the guardians spawn. The reaper engages and I move a little away and invis again, following up by casting RC, sleep etc till spawn is cleared. Unlock chest, deal with grubber if it spawns.  Cast another reaper, start remove trap, precast invis again, if a guardian spawns, follow procedure as previously. 
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    popps said:

    I totally disagree with you.

    If not on a "Treasure chest", set by the original owner to "protect" its precious contents, "where else" would a Remove Trap be fit to exist ?

    To my viewing, "Treasure" Chests look to be the PERFECT place for the existance of "traps" to protect such precious contents.... and thus, as a consequence, needing the use of the Remove Trap skill to deactivate it in order to be able to open the Chest.

    It just makes sense to me.

    Frankly, I do not see a place as perfect as "Treasure" Chests on which Traps and the need to use the Remove Trap skill would make more sense....
    You misquote yourself, I did not say Traps would not be set I said that remove trap is not needed nor necessary for treasure hunters.  There is no room on most characters for the skill and you cannot change the skills on the fly on prodo shards like we can on TC.  By changing the rules on Cart replacing mining there is no way to get remove trap on most templates, my character has no room for the skill and would require a trip home to soul stones.  I believe you cannot change skills if flagged for combat.   

    Now on prodo shards now we open the chest step back and cast TK to make the trap go off, why is it this cannot still be done still?  Because they shoving this remove trap at us from every direction.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited May 2019
    All I am interested in is the loot as that is the ONLY reason I do maps, no other.

    My char

    110 mage
    120 tame vet lore
    100 lockpick (weaving stoned off)
    100 remove trap (hiding stoned off)
    rest in stealth
    100 cart - taken off after decoding map.

    I use a 5 slot greater beetle (Scuttlebug) for my battle pet, he is also my loot buggy.   I had 800 luck.

    NOTE for my 'item' loot I mean armor/weapons and I split that into:

    Arti Level (ie lesser, greater, major, legendary artifacts) and
    Magic Level (ie minor, lesser, greater, major magic items)

    I have compared 10 Ingenious level fel tmaps (existing) Note: all these maps contain 30k gold and 18 gems and at least 45-55 regs of 8 different types (not shown in graphic). They also contain between 10-20 Arti level items (15 on avg), and 48-60 magic level items. I would normally remove all arti level items for unraveling, and whatever magic ones fit in my beetle after taking everything else.  This would generally unravel to around 150 relic frags, 100 essence and 100 residue (roughly) and the ten maps would provide 10,000 clean up points.

    NOTE: I didn't loot any of the spawn in either round of ten.  (ingenious or hoard) as I was only interested in chest loot for comparison.  Given the spawn is pretty identical there would be little point in comparing it.

    For ten fel maps (I did fel maps here to get the .5 pinks that were guaranteed on these maps) I also took this stuff: 

    As you can see for 10 maps, I got 60 high level imbuing resources, 2 mana orbs, 3 alacrity scrolls, 3 recipes (one was rare),  a forged pardon, 10 mini artis, 2 diabolic tmaps, a couple of skel keys,  I kept 13 arti level items for my vendors, 4 vines and a few tasty treats on top of the regular gold, gems, regs, and all the unravel loot mentioned above.


    10 Trammel Hoard chests (which are the equivalent spawn level/type to Ingenious maps. 

    Each map contained between 42-47k gold (shown) and avg 22 of each gem in bag.  18-19 items IN TOTAL (arti and magic level).  Doesn't matter whether it is a brown rusty chest or regular iron one.  (didn't get a gold one to test).

    This is the spreadsheet showing the whole hunt plus spawn, guardians spawned on RT, plus the type of map.

    As you can see in addition to the regular gold/gems you will get in EVERY hoard map FOUR (4) of alacrity/pinks/tmap @trove level  in dif combinations.  In 10 maps the ONLY special items I got were 1 hourglass, 1 skull floor mat, 1 skull sword (crappy).  There are so few arti level items (in 10 chests I got a total of 41 arti level items (1 legendary, the rest lesser types) as opposed to about 150 arti level items in the equivalent ingenious map haul. Of these I kept only 4, the rest would be taken to be unraveled but I didn't bother on test. 

    The major issue here is that in those 10 chests there were 25 alacrity scrolls.  Alacrity scrolls currently spawn at a much, much lesser rate, and basically they are mainly used by newbies or ppl training up the odd skill.  Most established players hardly need these items.  The current spawn rate on them keeps the market for them at a reasonable level, although it gets weaker the less players we have, but there is still a healthy market on them.

    If you look at the ten chest comparison, existing ingenious gave 3 alacrity scrolls, now we get 25 out of ten hoards.  In about 2-3 weeks if this goes live then alacrity scrolls will have the equivalent value of 105 power scrolls and level 1 masteries.  In other words they will become like toilet paper and tossed on the ground, which than makes that loot take pic above a very thin lot of loot to get for a supposed 'party' map. The pinks taken there were all LOW level, ie .1 to .3 (.3 being in the two iron chests dug up).

    There were no orbs, no pardons, not much of anything but alacrities.  Gems are nice but can be bought from the jeweler for a LOT less trouble and the gold is only on average 15k more per chests, again not worth the effort.

    If the 'special' loot such as orbs, pardons, vines, tasty treats, recipes, essences, skeleton keys, runed sashes, mini arti and mibs had been LEFT in the mix at the current spawn rate, and THEN the additional new loot was added it would of been fine, and worth the added remove trap skill and additional ancient guardian spawn.    The number of magic items in existing Ingenious maps could of also been at least halved but the arti level items should of remained the same.

    As it is now the ONLY reason to do the tmap would be to get the odd new item then shelve it unless you were desperate for low level pinks. There are not enough 'other' items to make each map worth doing as they were when you were guaranteed essences (which always sell well) and regs plus loads to unravel and then the nice to get items on top, orbs etc etc. 

    I know I haven't seen all the items that are 'new'.... sheesh I hope not.... but so far it is a LOT of extra effort for a deco hourglass that doesnt 'do' anything and skull floor mat that is really gonna be difficult to put into any deco theme lol. Especially when the trade off is the essences, mana orbs (useful) rare recipes (useful) mini artis (some of which are useful candelabra, burglars bandana, heart of lion, etc) tasty treats and skel keys. 

    I don't know, maybe other people will be happy but right now I am gonna dig all my 500 maps before this goes live. The amount of loot in the chest still needs a massive upgrade. 

    If this hoard map is supposed to be for a party, if you took a party of say 4 people you would get 10k, one piece of paper (alacrity, pink or  tmap) and 44 gems each on the MAJORITY of chests as only 3/10 had any other special item and there were only 5 arti type items worth taking at a stretch.  AND I generally loot a LOT More than the average person as I have new player vendors on three shards. Most players wouldn't even bother taking what I take.  For the ten hoard maps there was only ONE legendary item.

    I also did one FEL hoard map to see if you still got the guaranteed .5 pink but alas I got a 105 throwing scroll.  Did get a creeping vine though so I guess they are still there sometimes. Same deal though, gold and gems same, 4 paper items (2 alacs, 105 ps, tmap) 18 items in total. Will do more of these later and perpaps some lower levels but if this is the high level ones, I don't hold out much hope for the loot in the lower ones.

    Cheers MissE

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  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    Not much to add regarding loot. There are others who are so much faster and better at compiling data on digging up chests than I, and I thank those players for their efforts. I do want to thank the Dev's for working hard to reach a compromise after listening to players and trying to balance all our requests. I'm happy with the information I'm seeing on what is being found in chests. And I'm happy to see the rogue skill of RT is needed. 

    Thanks for leaving the RT puzzle boxes in. I think they're a fun addition and at the same time take nothing away from those who'd rather work up a tinker at the same time instead. 

    I'm not having much luck finding containers out and about in the game world on TC to train RT. For me it would be fun to explore and mix it up with the Puzzle Boxes but I can't find Optimal containers for mid 60's skill level. It could be that they're out there and I've not looked around enough. And it may be different on my home shard. 

    I am disappointed the timer between tries on RT hasn't been reduced. I can't think of why the wait is needed. I don't know why it can't be like working a lock, with no wait in between attempts. Not that there couldn't be something I haven't thought of, but I haven't seen where anyone offered a reason as to why the wait between tries should stay. 

  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited May 2019
    Drakelord said:

    You misquote yourself, I did not say Traps would not be set I said that remove trap is not needed nor necessary for treasure hunters.  There is no room on most characters for the skill and you cannot change the skills on the fly on prodo shards like we can on TC.  By changing the rules on Cart replacing mining there is no way to get remove trap on most templates, my character has no room for the skill and would require a trip home to soul stones.  I believe you cannot change skills if flagged for combat.   

    Now on prodo shards now we open the chest step back and cast TK to make the trap go off, why is it this cannot still be done still?  Because they shoving this remove trap at us from every direction.
    Technically, remove trap has always been a part of treasure hunting. It's just been a majorly broken one since armour and the like has improved to the point where there was pretty much absolutely no consequence for not using it. They fixed that, and in a somewhat interesting way.

    I'm also not quite sure how many times this needs to be reiterated to you, but you do not actually need to invest any skill into remove trap to be able to remove the traps. You literally just have to hit the skill button, and target the chest.

    Yes, it takes longer and is more difficult to disarm the traps without, but that's the compromise for being allowed to use the 100 skill points for something else. You are not being "forced" or having remove trap "shoved" at you. It would literally take you less than five seconds to just use the skill, at 0 (or 20 innate if you're human) and target the chest. No training required.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    @Faeryl Yes I seen the posts no skill needed just use the skill and sit there using the skill over and over till you remove the trap.  Again I am NOT A Few Cards Short Of A Full Deck I understand, now I hope you can understand me, I will not use remove trap on any prodo shards  when doing maps, most likely when this go live then my t hunter will retire, stoning off cart and lock picking.

    All that was ask was an upgrade to loot in the chests, not a complete revamping of it.  It was fine other than that.

    I did the follow map this morning on TC

    I first set skills

    Here are the skill I had when I went to do the map

    Here the map I did

    Here we are killing off the guardians

    Here I am resitting skills

    The loot from the chest

    Nothing really fancy from the loot, nothing stood up and salute me that was for sure.  All would be unraveled on Sonoma if I had this chest there.  Of course I will not since if this goes live my T hunter is retiring.

    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
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