Help with UOA/2d



  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    If you're trying to apply bandages manually,
    you have to wait until the first bandage has applied, so you lose at least 1 second healing which is equivalent to 20 dexterity
    because if you try and time EG 6 seconds, if you're 0.00001 seconds too early, you will lose the current bandage. It's a big punishment you get for trying to apply manually.
    I don't see any advantage in non auto bandages.

    If you receive a penalty for attempting to apply manually, this means they want us to auto it.

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    LMAO  Try cross healing with a friend.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 998
    you can also apply a bandage to a target (not self) and run away, if you return and are close enough to the target when the bandage finishes, it'll heal/cure/stop bleeding/res (or attempt to) as well.  -I'm sure I'm rusty with it, as I haven't played a dexer in pvp basically since Parry became part of every template.  it's just not worth it when magery is faster and a f**k ton more consistent. anyway..
    UOA has had a bandage timer forever, although the timer does end when a bandage stops Bleed or Cures poison* (not like anyone cures with bandages, auto-chug cures doesn't let them) and the bandages heals at a reduced amount when the full duration completes if it's not interrupted by applying another bandage.  -user error of course.

    I assume since you brought up, third-party clients 'fixed' this too?  or is it literally just the automated part you're implying is a bug within the default CC?... 

    it seems most 'pvpers' today can't do anything themselves, the cheats have been doing it for them for so long. they've forgotten how.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    If you auto use an apple or pot or auto do anything, there is normally a negative side to it. So the skilled players tend not to do it. But with applying bandages the negative only comes with attempting non automatic.

    the official 2d client is able to auto it for you using the cu-sidhe talisman.
    So if you use the official client you would have to lose a talisman slot. If they are wanting us to use this client, why are they putting in so many penalties to do so?

    The bare minimum they can do should be to prevent you from re-applying if you’re already applying a bandage.
    considering also on official 2d it’s not even showing the times on the buffs

    The UOAssist bandage timer is no good as it counts up not down so you don’t know if it will complete on EG 6 seconds or 7 seconds as this amount varies depending on your dexterity which varies according to buffs/debuffs. The other clients (pictured EC) the timer correctly counts down

    Also you can’t even set a bandage self macro to the ‘space bar’ on UOA.
    The literal biggest and most important button and macro on the whole keyboard UOAssist won’t let you use- go figure.

  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 998
    edited October 2023
    Covfefe said:
    If you auto use an apple or pot or auto do anything, there is normally a negative side to it. So the skilled players tend not to do it. But with applying bandages the negative only comes with attempting non automatic.

    the official 2d client is able to auto it for you using the cu-sidhe talisman.
    So if you use the official client you would have to lose a talisman slot. If they are wanting us to use this client, why are they putting in so many penalties to do so?

    The bare minimum they can do should be to prevent you from re-applying if you’re already applying a bandage.
    considering also on official CC it’s not even showing the times on the buffs

    The UOAssist bandage timer is no good as it counts up not down so you don’t know if it will complete on EG 6 seconds or 7 seconds as this amount varies depending on your dexterity which varies according to buffs/debuffs.

    Also you can’t even set a bandage self macro to the ‘space bar’ on UOA.
    The literal biggest and most important button and macro on the whole keyboard it won’t let you use- go figure.

       The negative to bandages is being bad at the game.

     it's no different than trying to cast a spell on someone who's not in line of sight, or is too far away. (without third-party programs, sadly, because it has to be specified).. these cheats you keep talking about are like the biggest training wheels with crutches as an additional fail-safe, ever, I have absolutely no doubt that if cheating is ever dealt with most people wouldn't even know where to start in pvp for at least a few weeks.

       So, you need to use a talisman that causes you to move at dismounted-foot speed, also sacrificing suit altering mods if you use that talisman, instead of a slither/cameo etc, as well as cause yourself to be vulnerable to Fey slayer (no one uses, but they would if anyone decided to actually use the talisman you're talking about) in order to automate the application of Bandages to yourself..... and the alternative is to use a third-party client (cheat), so you don't have any of the negative effects above, but have fully automated bandage self... Gotcha...

    Personally, my space-bar is 'open door', but I know third-party clients automate opening doors too, I believe just by facing the door (I see the doors open/close all the time in deceit). so, another macro that's not needed for people using cheats so they don't have to actually play the game themselves.

    I'd support the buff/debuff icons showing a timer without the need to hover your courser over it, so you know exactly when buffs/debuffs expire, as well as cooldowns for other spells/abilities (whenever they're added) but all this 'auto garbage' needs to go.... that is the thing that's going to cripple 95% of the pvpers in UO today... if it ever happens, we all know it won't happen though.

    The whole "Cheats/third-party clients are on our radar" line has been fed to us a few times over the years...  I don't see what makes this time any more special, at least, anything short of NL testing some automated cheat detection/disconnection/suspend/ban system (wishful thinking, I'm sure),  I have basically 0% expectation of anything changing.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    CovenantX said:

     it's no different than trying to cast a spell on someone who's not in line of sight, or is too far away.

    Line of sight check works in offical 2d for blade spirit and energy vortex, why is it only working for those spells? Do you think they should remove this?
    Range check is available for UOAssist.

    You're making out there is some skill involved in knowing if the target is in range or in line of sight, You casted the spell, you casted the spell... if someone runs off it's annoying enough, no need to give penalty of having to stop to recast because someone ran off... and thus by having to stop to recast the spell that should've hit in the first place, the victim gains even greater distance to you.
    A warrior procs his special, if he misses or can't physically reach the target, he don't have to reproc.

    It's double penalty.

    Pets with healing auto bandaid themselves, if you have healing you have healing, should auto heal for you too, no reason to have to manually apply every few seconds and receive massive penalty for under estimating when players who auto receive no such penalty.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Let us consider some things. You're looking for the healing buff to disappear on the 2d client to signify that bandages are complete. And there is not only no timer, but also i have seen some clients where the buffs will do a nice animation and slide over when they move position.
    You're looking for the healing buff and no buffs show ANY timers and there is NO MOVEMENT ANIMATION from buff moving position.
    Your buffs/debuffs get completely re-arranged at random because NOTHING SHOWS ANY TIMER. So when you think the heal buff is gone, it may have just moved 7 positions over from buffs/debuffs expiring and new ones placed on. Consider when you eat an enchanted apple or someone uses ward removal talisman, it will wipe so many buffs/debuffs in one hit, will completely re-arrange you buff/debuff bar. And you are smashed with the biggest penalty for re-applying buff because you thought it had finished but it had just moved a mile over.

    Even if your bandages slip several times it still at least heals a little, but you get a huge huge penalty for not seeing that your buff moved 7 tiles when you thought it was complete and you re-apply too soon...
    Why are they punishing manual play so much?
    This is perhaps the first time this issue is mentioned because nobody actually does non auto bandages. And i would say for jolly good reason.

  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 998
    Covfefe said:
    Let us consider some things. You're looking for the healing buff to disappear on the 2d client to signify that bandages are complete. And there is not only no timer, but also i have seen some clients where the buffs will do a nice animation and slide over when they move position.
    You're looking for the healing buff and no buffs show ANY timers and there is NO MOVEMENT ANIMATION from buff moving position.
    Your buffs/debuffs get completely re-arranged at random because NOTHING SHOWS ANY TIMER. So when you think the heal buff is gone, it may have just moved 7 positions over from buffs/debuffs expiring and new ones placed on. Consider when you eat an enchanted apple or someone uses ward removal talisman, it will wipe so many buffs/debuffs in one hit, will completely re-arrange you buff/debuff bar. And you are smashed with the biggest penalty for re-applying buff because you thought it had finished but it had just moved a mile over.

    Even if your bandages slip several times it still at least heals a little, but you get a huge huge penalty for not seeing that your buff moved 7 tiles when you thought it was complete and you re-apply too soon...
    Why are they punishing manual play so much?
    This is perhaps the first time this issue is mentioned because nobody actually does non auto bandages. And i would say for jolly good reason.

       I agree with you on all the buffs/debuffs issues, as well as the buff bar. I'd like a better, more reliable and accurate buff bar with more buff icons to appear for things that are missing.   it's the ability to automate actions based on %stat. status or 'events', that needs to be removed, so that all consumables need to be used by the player.  instead of requiring zero thought, action or timing because it's done automatically by a program.

    I disagree on the ability to automate any these actions, I also disagree that these things are a valid excuse to use third-party clients,  most of these issues don't exist in EC either, but I see very few people actually using EC, instead they opt for a superior third-party client that should result in account suspensions eventually leading to a perma-ban with repeat offenses.

    I've never used auto-bandage, aside from training healing skill (always UOLoop)
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited December 2023
    @Rorschach what happened to the bug report that related to the bandages issue?
    (not that I can use this client anymore)
    someone said they identified the bug, and there was a report, next day is all poof
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited December 2023
    CovenantX said:
    I've never used auto-bandage, aside from training healing skill (always UOLoop)
    I've tried using this to automate bandage healing, to prevent premature application penalties that is specific to CC and not present in EC, however ever since an exploit was fixed

    I can't use this to automate it, this fix had made many automations more difficult. as If i'm playing the game and holding a target for something, using a bandage now correctly clears the current target. A lot of people have since had to switch off many automatic consumables uses since this group of exploits was fixed.

  • looploop Posts: 461
    I was curious about how the EC handles this, and I gather it's more a function of the Hotbar than anything else.

    If you apply a bandage by double clicking it or by invoking bandage self from a macro, you can overwrite an in-progress bandage the same way it does with the CC. If you're using the bandage from the Hotbar, I suppose the cooldown in the UI blocks the activation.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited December 2023
    Yes loop,
    The same way the spellweaving spells Ethereal voyage and attune weapon, and Margery spell magic reflect, functions correctly in EC however misbehave in CC.

    Etheral voyage I imagine is not a big deal in a pvp environment but I imagine bandages and attune weapon spell plays a more important role. I can’t envisage someone being able to play CC well with these issues.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited December 2023
    Covfefe said:
    Because the auto navigate doesn't work for even a single tile, it's near impossible to get through walls of stone as its doing something really strange, you have to walk through the exact tiles without touching a single side.

    Why has nobody reported this issue?
    You can't play like that lol. This doesn't happen this bad on the other clients. You can at least walk around them.

    in the newsletter 17 it says

    however watching people play on youtube, it seems they have discovered a fix for this. So this must be a problem that is client side not server side, so it must be possible to fix. See no rubber banding: (This video was taken on Atlantic shard this week, not a free shard)

    edited to remove image showing unapproved client hacks.

    Therefore this must be a mistake in the newsletter.

    If this is not fixed in CC & EC, it would force people to play on unauthorized clients to fix the issue, which is to the best of my knowledge, not recommended.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    edited December 2023
    Covfefe said:
    Covfefe said:
    Because the auto navigate doesn't work for even a single tile, it's near impossible to get through walls of stone as its doing something really strange, you have to walk through the exact tiles without touching a single side.

    Why has nobody reported this issue?
    You can't play like that lol. This doesn't happen this bad on the other clients. You can at least walk around them.

    @ CM_Fenneko
    in the newsletter 17 it says

    however watching people play on youtube, it seems they have discovered a fix for this. So this must be a problem that is client side not server side, so it must be possible to fix. See no rubber banding: (This video was taken on Atlantic shard this week, not a free shard)

    Therefore this must be a mistake in the newsletter.

    If this is not fixed in CC & EC, it would force people to play on unauthorized clients to fix the issue, which is to the best of my knowledge, not recommended.
    Well Mesanna has had the ability since 2011 to detect 3rd party clients so the fact tgat she doesn't makes them legal right because selective enforcement very unethical @Mesanna ;
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,675
    we need a new / updated 2d client not NL 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    Skett said:
    we need a new / updated 2d client not NL 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    Grimbeard said:
    Skett said:
    we need a new / updated 2d client not NL 
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited December 2023
    Covfefe said:
    Covfefe said:
    Because the auto navigate doesn't work for even a single tile, it's near impossible to get through walls of stone as its doing something really strange, you have to walk through the exact tiles without touching a single side.

    Why has nobody reported this issue?
    You can't play like that lol. This doesn't happen this bad on the other clients. You can at least walk around them.

    edited to remove image showing unapproved client hacks.

    Forum mod has removed an image of the game working as intended - someone walking into a wall without it glitching, but not removed the image of the client glitching on CC 

    Let me understand sorry, I took a postage stamp sized pic of someone playing on YouTube in order to demonstrate this fixed, I receive action against my post but the person who posts the entire video and actually plays the game full time on unauthorised program doesn’t even receive any warning email or any action against them?

    Are we actually allowed to play CC or we must stop trying to play it and posting bugs and play third party?

    I am using the client I downloaded from This is the wrong thing to do?
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    Covfefe said:
    Covfefe said:
    Covfefe said:
    Because the auto navigate doesn't work for even a single tile, it's near impossible to get through walls of stone as its doing something really strange, you have to walk through the exact tiles without touching a single side.

    Why has nobody reported this issue?
    You can't play like that lol. This doesn't happen this bad on the other clients. You can at least walk around them.

    edited to remove image showing unapproved client hacks.

    Forum mod has removed an image of the game working as intended - someone walking into a wall without it glitching, but not removed the image of the client glitching on CC 

    Let me understand sorry, I took a postage stamp sized pic of someone playing on YouTube in order to demonstrate this fixed, I receive action against my post but the person who posts the entire video and actually plays the game full time on unauthorised program doesn’t even receive any warning email or any action against them?

    Are we actually allowed to play CC or we must stop trying to play it and posting bugs and play third party?

    I am using the client I downloaded from This is the wrong thing to do?
    You have so many valid points and issues all of which you ruin by your continued 3rd party client talk doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity 
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 543Moderator
    I hope you find the help you need. Stop promoting 3rd party apps.
This discussion has been closed.