Help with UOA/2d



  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    I can respect that view.

    However, if people like playing 2d, they are not going to enjoy playing in an uneven environment where people on EC have so many advantages.

    They would all leave to play one of the free shards that don't suffer these bugs and they can play 2d without being disadvantaged for their preference. 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    Until the developers are willing to A. Admit 3rd party client issues and B. Openly discuss solutions there's not going to be any changes 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,358
    edited September 2023
    Grimbeard said:
    Until the developers are willing to A. Admit 3rd party client issues and B. Openly discuss solutions there's not going to be any changes 
    They don't have bandwidth to discuss anything outside of NL and possibly adding new decorations.  :#
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    Because the auto navigate doesn't work for even a single tile, it's near impossible to get through walls of stone as its doing something really strange, you have to walk through the exact tiles without touching a single side.

    Why has nobody reported this issue?
    You can't play like that lol. This doesn't happen this bad on the other clients. You can at least walk around them.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 998
    edited September 2023
    Covfefe said:
    Because the auto navigate doesn't work for even a single tile, it's near impossible to get through walls of stone as its doing something really strange, you have to walk through the exact tiles without touching a single side.

    Why has nobody reported this issue?
    You can't play like that lol. This doesn't happen this bad on the other clients. You can at least walk around them.
      It happens on the both official clients.    would be nice if it were fixed (I mentioned it earlier in this thread, it may have been the pvp discussion thread) without third-party clients or programs.

     I'm sure it is fixable, there are items like boxes you can drop that block your movement without rubberbanding you, there are other items that cause you to rubberband the same as the field spells.   

    It's interesting that "no one reported it" but somehow everyone just moved to illegal clients anyway.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    well it doesn't affect the third party 2d client, how come they have managed to fix it?
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    I was looking to join a guild
    this one looked interesting

    however looks like nobody can join who uses the official 2d client as rule 1 states
    but my attack nearest hostile macro will attack red/gray guildmate's pets, and unpartied red/gray guildmates.
    They are pretty emphatic about zero tolerance there, so I guess me choosing a client with this unfixed bug will not be tolerated.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    Covfefe said:
    I was looking to join a guild
    this one looked interesting

    however looks like nobody can join who uses the official 2d client as rule 1 states
    but my attack nearest hostile macro will attack red/gray guildmate's pets, and unpartied red/gray guildmates.
    They are pretty emphatic about zero tolerance there, so I guess me choosing a client with this unfixed bug will not be tolerated.

     uwf is a tram only guild but good job twisting facts
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    Guess all this is a mistake then
    I'm just using this as an example, but many guilds if not most have a rule that you're not allowed to attack guild members without their permission so you shouldn't use the official 2d client in fel due to this bug.

    I mean the clue is in the macro
    attack nearest hostile
    how is a guild mate and their pet hostile?
    how are ghosts hostile?
    how are sheep and deer hostile?

    dictionary defines hostile as
    1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of an enemy.
    2. Feeling or showing enmity or ill will.
    3. Being in opposition; opposed.

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    Covfefe said:
    I was looking to join a guild
    this one looked interesting

    however looks like nobody can join who uses the official 2d client as rule 1 states
    but my attack nearest hostile macro will attack red/gray guildmate's pets, and unpartied red/gray guildmates.
    They are pretty emphatic about zero tolerance there, so I guess me choosing a client with this unfixed bug will not be tolerated.

    You are already in a cheating guild, this is nothing but a troll post.  UWF must have handed him his butt even with all his cheats running and now he is trying to put them down.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    I'm not criticizing UWF, quite the opposite, I'm using them as an example of common and logical guild rules.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,524
    Are you new to UO?  Guilds have had that rule since 1997.  They have somehow been able to play UO within those rules for 26 years using the official clients.

    Did they remove clicking targets from CC and EC?

    Basically you are like me and do not have the skills and reflexes required to PvP.  Accept it and become a trammie.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • This thread is quickly becoming nothing but a bunch of excuses to justify third-party clients/programs in order to be 'good' at pvp.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    CovenantX said:
    This thread is quickly becoming nothing but a bunch of excuses to justify third-party clients/programs in order to be 'good' at pvp.

    Unfortunately it's a ban them totally or legalize them situation 
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    Explaining reasons why people have been pushed from one client to another I don't think is the same as giving an "excuse".
    If third party client makers have been able to fix these issues for free, no reason why a paid team can't fix them.

    Why does a request for the official 2d client to be fixed have to turn into something about excusing third party clients? please keep this thread about 2d/UOA

    But it's interesting that of all the issues explained in this thread, not one person has come up with a single solution to any problem that isn't - don't use the client.
    Thanks everyone.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    Pawain said:

    Did they remove clicking targets from CC and EC?

    When you're PvPing, is this what you're doing to attack people?

    its not practical on moving targets, not even possible if the target is using EC as they skip around the screen.
    And if you're holding a spell, how would you double click them to attack with weap without dropping the spell on them? especially if you're holding a heal spell or other beneficial spell.

    You have a hotbar/macro for spells, when you cast spells do you open a spellbook and turn to the page each time?
    go try play without any macros at all.

    It's not a serious comment you have made for sure.

  • Covfefe said:
    Pawain said:

    Did they remove clicking targets from CC and EC?

    When you're PvPing, is this what you're doing to attack people?

    its not practical on moving targets, not even possible if the target is using EC as they skip around the screen.
    And if you're holding a spell, how would you double click them to attack with weap without dropping the spell on them? especially if you're holding a heal spell or other beneficial spell.

    You have a hotbar/macro for spells, when you cast spells do you open a spellbook and turn to the page each time?
    go try play without any macros at all.

    It's not a serious comment you have made for sure.
       Clicking/dragging to pull bars & click for the first target..  object handles (Ctrl+Shift) can make it easier.  -last target / attack last, until it's dead, or you want to switch to something else.

     if it's still difficult to 'drag the bar' that's what "Target next/Target previous" (or the new target system's equivalent) is for.    -That's drastically different than "play the game with no macros at all".   the faster you can do it, the better....  -I guess you want that to be automated too?

      war/peace toggling while moving will cause the user to 'skip' to others, on either client.  I'm sure that's the reason for the slight delay to re-toggling war/peace was put in-place, what was it 10+ years ago?
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    I am currently cycling through targets, but when you have to cycle through 10+ non hostiles before it selects a hostile. By that time the game situation has already changed.

    Also, I sometimes rapidly cycle through the targets, after pressing 'select next' for the 14th time i might have skipped past it, so i press 'select previous' but it's not giving the previous, so you have to cycle through 14 non hostiles a second time.

    I don't see why its unreasonable to ask to only cycle through hostiles with select next hostile. or how thats cheating.

    When i press select nearest follower, it doesn't select non followers etc. Is that cheating?

    and people in EC with select smart target that filters non hostiles are cheating?
    If EC can do it, then it should be available in the official 2d too.

    People using EC complain that they die because they are trying to attack images that aren't there, and nobody suggests that fixing that would be cheating. But that is nothing, compared to attacking the wrong thing that is actually there EG killing your gray/red guild mates.
    Plus ghost images in EC are rare but the official 2d has this problem 100% of the time.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    Some players have spent many platinum on suits, and make sure they swing at max (1.25s) but if they're using the official 2d client its all wasted because there's many seconds delay before you can attack another player because it's cycling through dead pets, friendly red summons, sparrows, etc.

    What's the point in having 1.25 weapon swing when you can't even swing on the target at all? and instead burn all your mana on a passing sheep.

    Someone with 0 swing speed increase using a client that works has a big advantage over official 2d user because they can at least swing on someone.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    Covfefe said:
    Some players have spent many platinum on suits, and make sure they swing at max (1.25s) but if they're using the official 2d client its all wasted because there's many seconds delay before you can attack another player because it's cycling through dead pets, friendly red summons, sparrows, etc.

    What's the point in having 1.25 weapon swing when you can't even swing on the target at all? and instead burn all your mana on a passing sheep.

    Someone with 0 swing speed increase using a client that works has a big advantage over official 2d user because they can at least swing on someone.
    Broken records get thrown away quit wasting your time and pick bugs they can fix rather than asking them to turn CC into a third party client
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    What makes you think they are incapable of fixing this in 2d when they have fixed it in EC?

    It doesn't seem so complicated to me:
    There is an option for block war on Friendly already but its broken as its blocking war on Innocent by mistake (war block on innocent is already covered by 'Query before performing criminal actions'), and this option should block war on all red/gray ally members, when you cast an area spell, it doesn't hit ally members so why doesn't attack nearest hostile act the same also?

    Why would it also be so difficult to add this option?:
    And disclude ghosts (dead players and pets) with this.

    It's not a 'feature' it's a bug, my guild mates who are gray/red and their followers are a) friendly and b) not hostile.
    It's a double bug
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    Covfefe said:
    What makes you think they are incapable of fixing this in 2d when they have fixed it in EC?

    It doesn't seem so complicated to me:
    There is an option for block war on Friendly already but its broken as its blocking war on Innocent by mistake (war block on innocent is already covered by 'Query before performing criminal actions'), and this option should block war on all red/gray ally members, when you cast an area spell, it doesn't hit ally members so why doesn't attack nearest hostile act the same also?

    Why would it also be so difficult to add this option?:
    And disclude ghosts (dead players and pets) with this.

    It's not a 'feature' it's a bug, my guild mates who are gray/red and their followers are a) friendly and b) not hostile.
    It's a double bug
    Reporting it as bug good. 2cd party client discussion every time bad.
  • There are two big bugs in EC - ghosting characters mobiles that don’t go till you relog and fields / dispel fields that don’t work properly .. the main issue with CC is that it’s frame rate is ridiculously low and it does not use fast rotation 

    if either of these clients was being actively improved then their might be a case to work within the ‘spirit’ of the game and only use one or the other. 

    When you have people whining about how EC is a problem and how ECs built in UI is an issue because EC players get an ‘advantage’ over them because they like CC then you know you are on a road to nowhere.

    People playing on ‘other’ clients using scripted actions have a mechanicistic advantage but can and almost always are beaten by better EC players who are playing with a bugged client 

    The only advantage in scripts is short term survivability and a few complex action use cases such as tele dismounts, sync scripts, relative tile teleports it doesn’t make these players ‘good’ in terms of their team work, positioning, awareness and offensive action choices 

    Whilst it’s possible to play in 2D you have to ask yourself why on earth would you over EC and if the only thing you do in an ‘other’ client is turn on fast rotation and zoom then your really just making an atheistic choice to go with a high fps maintained client over one that was designed to run on a 386 connected to a 46k modem 
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    *shrug* it doesn't really matter,  I haven't seen anyone try using the offical 2d client to pvp anyway because as soon as someone realizes they are trying to play official 2d, they can kill them with the wall of stone bug.
    Then they log off and it's doubtfull you'll see them on that client ever again.

    But I am very surprised when you load the official 2d client, there's a splash screen giving some news etc but doesn't say any warning about wall of stone bug or anything like that.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Mariah said:
    @ Covfefe please do not post screen shots from unapproved clients.
    Thank you.

    so can you please post how to fix this issue on the approved client without using unapproved client then thanks.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,546
    Covfefe said:
    Mariah said:
    @ Covfefe please do not post screen shots from unapproved clients.
    Thank you.

    so can you please post how to fix this issue on the approved client without using unapproved client then thanks.

    I'd ask the new community manager...
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    Grimbeard said:
    Covfefe said:
    Mariah said:
    @ Covfefe please do not post screen shots from unapproved clients.
    Thank you.

    so can you please post how to fix this issue on the approved client without using unapproved client then thanks.

    I'd ask the new community manager...
    He said he didn't know what UOAM was, LMAO and he has been here for 25 years.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Does anyone know how to apply bandages?
    Everyone else is automatic but when i press bandage self macro it applies only one bandage, and then i have to manually press each time.

    How do you get it to auto bandage without using talisman please?

    also, if i press the macro to apply bandage before the first one has finished, it cancels the first bandage??

    I am spending the whole time watching bandages buff and re-applying instead of playing the game...
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 998
    Embarrassing, can't even bandage without automation.... So many pvper's are going to be worse than I thought, if they actually have to play the game themselves.

    What do you mean, no auto-bandage without using a talisman, -the cu-sidhe thing?
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    yes cu sidhe talisman makes it auto
This discussion has been closed.