Magery spell casting delay
by ForeverFun ·2. Cast Meteor swarm on same target, with appropriate delay between #1 and #2. -
When did you start playing UO? How long have you been playing?
by Lord_Frodo ·Main #2 10/6/01 270 months -
News Letter #20
by Riner ·Hey Folks! Just wanted to say thanks! You clearly heard us about communicating more and have started doing so. I know you didn't have a great deal to say, but you still communicated that. It's vastly… -
A couple of questions about Pirates at the Void Pool
by popps ·#2) I am running 100.0 GM Poisoning skill yet, I always get poisoned, eating up orange petals does not help. -
The Dev team has to do something about the blatant bot/scripting
by username ·#209 of 210 well done. They should be banned for constantly spamming the tree that's causing 50 flamestrike animations every other second. BTW, who thought that was a good idea for that tree to be so -
UO game ideas for better quality of life + fun (round #1)
by InLor ·Round #2 in a few days! <span></span> -
[UO][EC] Fishing: tips, tricks, macros, Actions>Command, and code
by Arroth_Thaiel ·Hello, -
If BG had a fishing pole
by Mariah ·https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/items/veteran-rewards/#2 -
Things to loot while sinking ships
by Victim_Of_Siege ·They also have armor refinements. #2 -
Things to loot while sinking ships
by Pawain ·They also have armor refinements. #2 -
by Lord_Frodo ·WRONG All my mannequins are placed by acc #2 in acc #1 Castle and both accounts #1 and #2 can swap suits on ALL mannequins. -
Do you think a veteran reward/item like this would be useful?
by AmberWitch ·When you FINALLY get the *says bad word* bod you've been trying to get for a while or when someone gives you that *says bad word* bod there's a sense of achievement and for me that's one of the things -
Do you think a veteran reward/item like this would be useful?
by Kyronix ·For point #1, if we were to do something like this it wouldn't be in the context of a vet reward. But this is more likely a change we would entertain then #2. -
Do you think a veteran reward/item like this would be useful?
by Lord_Frodo ·#2 We are not asking for it for FREE. We are asking for a NPC Vendor in our house that acts just like the ones in the shops but this NPC will do all types of BODs at the same gold as the one do at th -
EC - Crash approx every 30 minutes in congested combat area
by loop ·#2 -
EC: waypoint graphics at wrong Z coordinate
by ForeverFun ·The function UOCreateUserWaypoint() does not appear to take a Z coordinate, and may use a fixed Z coordinate of zero. If you place waypoints around say luna, which is around Z -70, the #2 animated e -
Town Cryer Issue #2
by Community Manager · -
When will at last Shard Bound be REMOVED from ended Dynamic Events Drops (NOT Rewards)???
by ForeverFun ·#2 is probably a simple change, but it's a change none-the-less. -
EC bugs to fix please!
by ForeverFun ·See this link for more background on #2. -
Hear ye! Hear ye! The Crown Militia needs you!
by Jassi_Cowin32 ·Jassi_Cowin#2266