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  • PlayerSkillFTW said: So, just ran around on Atlantic Destard with my Macer/Paladin and Death Ray Tamer/Mage, and noticed a few things. The reason why the spawn may appear almost non-existent on some levels, is because it's amassed on another …
  • I think it's obvious that they are doing everything they can to try to "fix" this for the player base.  They are moving spawns around.  At some point it should be up to the player base to adjust.  I will add though, open it up on both facets.  I don…
  • I also as a non Atlantic player would like to add I'd love to see the spawn active on both sides (tram and fel) on my servers but not one or the other.  We have had issues in the past with certain guilds effectively shutting the spawn down in Fel.
  • I see almost universally here the dev's are blamed and/or given credit for decisions. I simply want to point out that developers do not typically make these decisions.  They just carry them out.  I think you should direct this at the product owner l…
  • I don't envy the dev team trying to find the sweet spot for most playerss.  Event has been fun so far.  I guess we couldn't expect the wall drops to keep up forever.
  • And honestly, call me a trammie all you want.  I've done everything in this game.  I've played OSI, Free servers, t2a servers, pre-uor servers, tank mage, hally mage, dexers.  I've done every kind of PVP you can think of and this is the worst I've e…
  • Yeah uh sorry guys I PVP'd for years before a requirement to being able to compete became using third party applications.  When I came back I was astounded at the depths that you have to go to be competitive. And once I had a PVP char built up (and …
  • I really question a lot of what I'm reading in this thread.  There is a difference between more fodder to murder and PVP.  I think in UO the player base has mostly lost touch with this.  I quit UO in the early 2000's and spent a decade playing Dota.…
  • Arnold7 said: Hate to say it but that’s true.  Not everyone has a shard shield. It's not just that.  Why should players on my shard have to deal with spawn competition from players outside of our community, who give nothing back to our com…
  • The goal is to keep everything from ending up on Atlantic.
  • I see.  At least I know what's coming now.
  • dvvid said: Idk if it is in Destard I can see paragons piling up at the entrance making it impossible to even get in the dungeon. I guess we’ll see though.   What server?  Nothing on LS yet.
  • I know you are all coy UO Dev people.  I see what you're doing on Test.  I'm on to you. 
  • Reiko said: As Yoshi mentioned, Atlantic's PvP scene is very active. I wouldn't say the town battles are that active.. But PvP in Yew and other places is populated. I was specifically talking about town battles which is VvV.  My point is t…
  • I mean sure they could nerf the game to make you more powerful or you could just adust to the game as it is.  Whichever you feel is more reasonable.
  • Yoshi said: “I suggest not playing on dead servers and play a live server instead, no aspect of the game gets used much on dead servers” oh what servers are VvV played?  As far as a I know only Atlantic has a higher population then the se…
  • No, not a fan.  I'm more a fan of re-releasing items during seasonal events.  In other words if an item was at one time available in a spring/summer event it should be available in the next spring/summer event.  But items should continue to be shard…
  • Find a guild, use chat, use discord, use uo stratics as a reference and also uoguide.  Don't try to "win" the game in a month.  Won't be possible with this game.  This is a huge sandbox with 20 years worth of content.  Enjoy.
  • If you want to get a sash with a tamer go to the spawn, make sure you have a macro that does something like all kill and automatically targets the closest hostile.  Run that over and over from the start of the spawn (Rabbit and Dire Wolf deaths matt…
  • The major issue with CC is not being able to increase the frame rate.  After that adding a gridded container support would be nice. 
  • Kaz said: Can confirm they drop.  A person in my party got an arachnid “owned by ____” cameo last Sunday night.  Nice!  I have not seen one drop in a long time.  Nice to know they still do.
  • I don't think making skill gain extra difficult for the low population remaining in this game would be a wise move.  I sense sour grapes.
  • Aragorn said: Foos said: To give everyone an update on this.  I ended up doing the spawn another 150-200 times.  I got 5 or 6 pillars of strength and 3 or 4 more storm callers.  i'm taking another break from this.  Strongly considering…
  • To give everyone an update on this.  I ended up doing the spawn another 150-200 times.  I got 5 or 6 pillars of strength and 3 or 4 more storm callers.  i'm taking another break from this.  Strongly considering a third party site.  This spawn is the…
  • PlayerSkillFTW said: Foos said: False my friend.  The incentive to kill them already exists.  If you run and leave one there eventually you'll spawn another and another and another.  Once there are 3 or 4 of those things running around…
  • ActionElly said: Nah, everyone pulls their paragons onto me on LS and runs for it. Me too.  I always kill them as they spawn.  But a lot of people will come down to the room I'm farming, farm it until a couple spawn then leave the mess …
  • False my friend.  The incentive to kill them already exists.  If you run and leave one there eventually you'll spawn another and another and another.  Once there are 3 or 4 of those things running around a level it's shut down until you clean them u…
  • So for this model the only real thing I'd change is no paragons in Fel.  Let the reds take care of that.  That would "entice" players to go.  Last event I was in Fel the entire time but that's because there was a spawn and we could avoid the paragon…
  • JackFlashUk said: Pawain said: JackFlashUk said: let me get this right, a paragon hell hound, a hellhound, a low end crappy hellhound can do 60 DAMAGE, so any paragon can go 60 damage no matter what armour and resists you have, …
  • I ran it some more.  Up to nearly 140 runs and still haven't seen any artifact drop.  I'm going to suggest the code might actually be broken right now because I've done this before and I experienced a drop every 15 on average and never more then 30 …