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  • Absolutely.  A good streamer can make anything interesting.  I’ve watched Waffles and he’s a very likable fellow.  His UO content is very good, but I wouldn’t watch hardly anyone else play the market in UO.  Commentary and community makes things lik…
  • Here's the real problem streaming UO.  UO is not fun to watch.  Let me explain.  UO is all about skill-raising...the repetitious skill use...not fun.  While it is fun sometimes to watch a new player run around casting magic arrows at ettins, it's no…
  • It seems people allowed past posts to derail current ones then.  Still, this was a valid question, and people have valid answers to it.  If everyone did their own research and solved their own problems within the game and never asked questions, ther…
  • I'm curious.  Since when is it expected for us all to play at the pinnacle of efficiency in this game and never ask questions on these forums anymore?  Not everyone knows everything about this game, even if they have played for years or have thousan…
  • Tamer mages are...fine.  Your basic Taming/Lore/Vet/Mage/Med/Eval will get you through 95% of the game with few issues.  Trained pets are really powerful now.  I would invest a small amount of time taming and training a Cu Sidhe.  You can train them…
  • Add Splintering weapon up to 20% as an imbue-able trait on weapons and we would literally be able to hear people have RL meltdowns.
  • You don't need runics.  Gargoyle suits are pretty simple to imbue max resists 100 LRC and 40 LMC.  That's really all you need to accomplish 99% of the probably don't even need that, but since that is relatively simple to obtain, might as …
  • Sounds like you have most of what you need as a Tamer/Mage.  I would recommend just maxing resists out, then if you have any room left, put Mana Regen on it.  Other than that, the suit looks decent.
  • username said: Sarkon said: This horse has been beaten to death, again and again.  I don’t prefer anything to be any kind of bound.  In over 20 years, no amount of cheating or multiboxing has kept me from farming an item I wanted or lo…
  • This horse has been beaten to death, again and again.  I don’t prefer anything to be any kind of bound.  In over 20 years, no amount of cheating or multiboxing has kept me from farming an item I wanted or locked me out of an area I wanted to go to. …
  • Meh, I say let them multi-box whatever they want to.  All that does is keep the market flowing with items I can buy with the plat that is coming out of my face holes.  If someone wants to play 10 characters at at time, it isn't taking food off my ta…
  • So craft? Player made weapons are the best still.  Make slayers, bank plat, win as crafter?  Not sure why this is even a conversation lol.
  • All of this is a win-more thread...You can literally solo EVERYTHING in this game with just an imbued suit and weapons.  All of these Legendary Artifacts and Artifact drops are just icing on the cake, which are there so you have something to go figh…
  • Arnold7 said: Sargon how did you deal with the dragons in trove and hoard chests?  They dispel summons that you cast and mystics don’t have the more powerful direct damage spells that mages have.  Think you would have to stone them to dea…
  • When I was doing treasure hunting, I found all I needed to kill the spawns was 120 focus and 120 mysticism (rest of the template treasure hunting stuffs, with jewelry for added magery to recall/mark when needed).  Rising colossus makes short work of…
  • Urge said: Sarkon said: Well, I didn't have any archers before the event that I played regularly, so I am doing more things with them and seeing how they fit in my world of UO.  Fun fact: they can do everything lol...So I have spent so…
  • Well, I didn't have any archers before the event that I played regularly, so I am doing more things with them and seeing how they fit in my world of UO.  Fun fact: they can do everything lol...So I have spent some imbuing resources making sure they …
  • inaliz said: I was told power hour is active. The first hour for each character daily has accelerated skill gain chance. Is this true? Also any tips for skilling as fast as possible without paying any real money? I know about alacrity scrolls…
  • Hey Patrick, @Ajanus1 here.  I agree with this 100% and if I can help in any way, you know how to reach me.  UO is good times for all and it is way beyond the time to give appreciation where it's due.  Yes, the game can be improved and things can be…
    in 25 Years... Comment by Sarkon July 2022
  • I think events should give out 'event tokens' to buy current event items with.  At the end of the event, excess tokens should be converted to a 'legacy event token' and you can buy items from past events using those legacy tokens, but way more expen…
  • McDougle said: As long as vampiric embrace works no one cares if the rest of necro is broken.. That's not too far off the mark, I think.  I was once a very avid supporter of the Necromage.  I have since dropped most of my characters' Necro…
  • Depending on what your jewelry cache looks like, I would get them both to 120.  120 real on one and use jewelry to 120 the other.  I have some throwers that I use to farm lower stuff, like Stygian Abyss Mini-Champs and Imbuing mats around Ter-Mur, s…
  • If he's killing you within 10 secs, you are probably getting hit hard with his breath attack.  It takes some timing to get right, but you want to use Evasion (Bushido) to help mitigate that.  If you are running 4/6 casting, you can get a Close Wound…
  • How I got my Triceratopses with healing:  I beat on it til about half health, lure it around for a min or two, then once I hear the bandage being used, I tame it. (the bandage sound is the same as if a player uses one).
  • I'm kinda torn what I think about the event.  On one hand, I wish I could have gotten more items on my alt shards, as I just really went after the talisman on most shards.  On the other hand, I was able to max out around 10 thrower/archers across as…
  • Pawain said: Yoshi said: "hay, bag balls, candellebra, crates, you can put down whatever you want in fel" No, harassment is against the ROC in all of UO.  I guess you missed the thread where the player doing this had Their/My accou…
  • Petra_Fyde said: I have divided my time between Europa and Origin. Bearing in mind that I live in UK and Origin is a West coast shard. I have managed to use my Origin tamer to fill the lore book and get a talisman for my archer, after which I…
  • keven2002 said: Sarkon said: Choices are always good.  But when you have a combat choice or a non-combat choice, the combat choice should yield a much higher drop rate.  This is not the case, as the spawn and drop rates are almost zero…
    in Egg Script Comment by Sarkon June 2022
  • Choices are always good.  But when you have a combat choice or a non-combat choice, the combat choice should yield a much higher drop rate.  This is not the case, as the spawn and drop rates are almost zero in the dungeons lately.  On most shards I …
    in Egg Script Comment by Sarkon May 2022
  • saying the name worked, and yes, I was using EC.  Thanks, guys!