EM Kincaid
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- EM Kincaid
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- 204
The second place prize is a similar award, with the text of "Master Architect, 2025" on it. Barefoot Kinship, please let me know the location of the house outside which you would like that displayed. And well done, both of you.
Hello all. Thank you to those who entered, and to those who voted. Voting was extremely close, but we do have a winner! The winner is "I was there recently" - if my maths is right, by one vote.So well done - construction will begin within the month!…
Thank you both. I think many of us had a rough year - here's hoping 2025 will be much, much better!
Congratulations to : Lady Shaquitta, Akaku and Max Blackoakfor completing the Pyjama Party! Their commemorative statues can be found adorning the benches outside the reward hall - take the blaze moongate outside the EM Hall to get there!
I will be making every attempt to record all the entries, as they are told, so that they can be preserved for future players to enjoy. Given that I have no control whatsoever over crashing computers, lost connections, alien invasions, etc, I will pr…
There definitely will be prizes. They will be given out on Origin. That is all I know at present.
Thanks, both to you and to all others who've sent messages. It's hard - but yes, UO is keeping me propped up, and I have been around incognito. Ooh, that's going to get the rumours flying! Seriously, you're all fantastic, and please PK anyone wh…
Congratulations to Sara Dale! The reward is on display at the Reward hall!
At the risk of putting my nose where it isn't wanted, I will say this: Nothing will change until we can present a truly united front. As has already been said, in every previous poll/argument/civil war, the split has been very close to 50/50. You gu…
Well, power's finally back on. A week of no power, no internet, no UO, lots of blankets, and now, lots of sneezing. Sounds like a really bad quest plotline. *makes evil notes* Tonight, we'll try to get the chicken/battle chicken/chicken lizard figh…
UPDATE : The last Saturday of January will be a pet championship battle! Bring your best-trained pets, and see if a greater chicken can devour a greater dragon! Tamers, for obvious reasons, healing will not be allowed - unless you want the event to…
Part two... The Royal Detective stared at the clues. Some were absolute gibberish. Some form of code, perhaps? If so, he could not see a pattern. Still, he sent those ones to the Cryptographers, in the hope that they might crack the puzzle. Now, to…
Glad to see there's an interest - thank you folks. But, the BIG question remains unanswered, so let me ask it another way: Those of you who go "Governor's meeting? Ewwww! Maybe when my dragon starts breathing snowballs!" - what would change that vie…
Anyway... if you ARE dying a lot on the way to the meetings, there's a teleporter at the EM hall. It takes you to the roof, and from there, it's a pretty quick trip down to the meeting room. Once inside, ALL governors who attend get friended to the …
Nobody has died in the actual meeting for the better part of a year. Perhaps more would attend if they felt there was more of an element of danger? But, truthfully, If you die on the way to the meeting...well, you could die on the way to the shops j…
Unfortunately, I'm only allowed to comment on official channels - and discord isn't. Sorry. It's here or in-game!
Oh, and there are currently 3 towns without governors. If you'd like to give the job a go, and are able to make it to these meetings, come and put your case for why you should be governor before the council next month! Yew, Minoc and Jhelom all need…
Glad you like them! Thanks to everyone who has donated deco so far! Remember, if you'd like to donate anything suitably Christmassy, drop it in the mailboxes at the EM Hall - and if you'd like it in a specific town, drop in a book with details, too!…
All events begin at 5pm EST. It's THAT time of year, so beware of polymorphing clocks!
It's back! And I now have a reminder set in my diary for every Friday morning, to renew it. Sorry about this morning - I had an emergency call-out.
He believes that a small pink dragon makes him a Dragon Lord. Expecting reasonable grammar is probably a bridge too far. Oh, and just in case anyone is wondering, this event took place last October, not 2020.
I will try to be there. There is no event planned for that night, so that works out nicely. Of course, it does mean that some uninvited monsters may appear... assuming that I CAN get that evening free... it's a bit questionable right now. But I'll …
Well folks, I do apologise for how badly that experiment went. Who knew 100 blackrock elementals would be such a challenge? *hears everyone on Siege shouting "we did you idiot!"* Ahem. Anyway, I won't be making that mistake again. Other mistakes, s…
I was thinking of something like this... Level 1 : Doom Dark Fathers and Harrowers Level 2 : Exoduses Level 3 : Zombie King Blackthorns Champ : the whole dev team And set the whole thing off in the middle of Luna. For some strange reason, it didn'…
*wakes up, throws random monsters into the air*
Sorry about the late posting. It has NOT been a good month. I'll try to post more details about the events tomorrow, but the summary is up now!
Why is this thing not telling me there are new posts? Hmm. Probably that necromancer's fault. Sorry for not replying - but yes, all events will be at 5 pm EST, unless something really weird or special (or specially weird) is going on! They'll nearly…
Well...that's one vote. *ponders* I hereby declare the motion carried! Friday it will be!
Apologies regarding tonight's Council meeting. My client crashed, and had to be completely reinstalled. I'll reschedule the meeting - it would help if you could let me know how many governors can be around Friday evening.
Slight update - as a demonstration of how badly I need to get my "other" life under control - moving tomorrow night's meet and greet ahead 2 hours. Hopefully that will mean more of you can make it... knowing my luck, it'll have the opposite effect. …