EM Kincaid
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- EM Kincaid
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- Member, Active UO Account, UO EM Account
- Posts
- 204
Maybe you forgot. Maybe it's my fault for not reminding you. Maybe you prefer some other forum that nobody has ever heard of. *evil grin* Anyway, nobody has delivered any keys for Peerless yet. However, one very kind person, who has asked to rema…
Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!! The bombardment of messages from fishermen continues. Ok - here it is. If you manage to catch EITHER of those fish, drop 'em in my mailbox. If you don't, well - have fun with whatever you're doing.
Ah, yes. I’m glad to see you spotted that. I was just testing to make sure you were all awake. Carry on, carry on, as you were.The prize fish for July is not the dreaded Trammel Stone Fish. Although, if anyone does somehow manage to deposit one in m…
Um, thanks, I guess? So, seen any good taverns lately?
Just a reminder that this is on tomorrow night. So far, only two tavern owners have let me know about their establishments. If you own a tavern, pub, or any kind of watering hole, please let me know so that we can include it on our pub crawl around …
Some of these pics were posted to the UO Facebook account, but here's everything that I managed to take! It's not easy conducting a wedding AND being the wedding photographer! That was a lot of fun - or at least I thought it was. Congratulations to…
Just to make everyone aware, until next weekend, there will be teleporter tiles in the EM Hall that take you near to most of the peerless encounters. Think of it as a temporary shortcut to the key-gathering areas (and one champ spawn). Enjoy! If t…
I was glad to make a small contribution to this fantastic player-run event! Keep up the great work, people, and thanks for inviting me!
I can confirm this. Using my demi-god abilities, I searched Siege high and low for thieves, and didn't find a single one. In unrelated news, I'm offering a 10 platinum reward for the return of my EM robe, which seems to have mysteriously disappeare…
Ladies and Gentlemen, an update. As promised, I did discuss the matter with Mesanna. You've probably already guessed the outcome, based on the results of the poll. As of this posting - which is past the end date I set for the poll - we have 45% for…
That would be Kincaid House, Scotland. There is a family connection, and that's all I'm saying, in case some strange, stalker-y person tries to track me down in real life for missing last night's event.
Thank you to everyone who turned up last night! For those who couldn't make it, please remember there's a birthday present waiting for you on the steps of the EM Hall. No, it's not an invisible crimson dragon. (this time) A little feedback from las…
*sigh* All right, stand by your beds! As I've said right from the start, the only thing I can promise will happen is that I will have a discussion with Mesanna. Who, incidentally, is not banned from these forums, and has probably already looked in …
I am pondering a new tale. It will take time to assemble, even longer to polish, but when it's all nice and shiny, it will find a warm nest somewhere around here! I was thinking something along the lines of "The early life of a demi-god". Give me…
Relax folks. I'm glad to see that there's so much interest. I really am. I was asked - by many people - to try to do something about this issue, and so I am. I meant it - I'll do what I said at the end of March, and go and discuss the results - wha…
*hands out buttons*
I will be looking into the design of the building again sometime soon. It does occur to me that, if I am going to be adding a new fishing trophy on a monthly basis, the current design's walls will fill up very quickly. So, I might change things a bi…
*grants wish* Hmm. Looks like you used up your wish quota until pub 200. I hope you like your button!
I'll leave the Glorious Lady Mesanna, may all fall at her feet, to give all official info about these forums, but yes, this is about as official as it gets. Hopefully, I'll have more answers for you by the time of the Meet and Greet I'm doing later …