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Royal Arms & Armour


  • I keep a book of normal quality, simple material BODs for all crafting styles that aren’t worth bribing up - things that don’t need to be made but can be bought via an NPC. Weapons, clothes, bolts & arrows, lower level scrolls, nightsight deeds,…
  • Welcome back! As Chrille says, the bank box shouldn’t have changed - if it was full then, it should be full now, unless you had gold checks. In that case, they’ve all been converted to virtual currency. There’s also a daily meeting at Tram West Brit…
  • Yes - I was around and still have enhanced bone armour pieces that take the additional item colour. It was a bug at the start of enhancing that bone armour would take the colour of the material used. I've a feeling it came about at the same time as …
  • Disagree. As vortex said, there aren’t really many looting the corpses anyway, and the reward should be the “of the three” items anyway. The odd paragon chest is nice, but the gold given isn’t going to make a huge difference. Don’t think we need any…
  • Those world creatures, if you think about it, aren’t really in the current version of Trammel. There’s not a chance I’d contemplate something like the Stygian Dragon on a normal character, but go back to AoS or even 2010 and I would steer clear even…
  • Arroth_Thaiel said: Melchiah said: That picture of the UO:R box with a team of players trying to take down a dragon? Surely that’s what the endgame is? Not just a single player AI’ing that dragon in three hits and ignoring the loot.  …
  • Bilbo said: Melchiah said: Perhaps that guilds, or players, that help and are present season after season build up enough housing allowances to place larger and larger houses? Have guild of 20+, have large tower? For all we know the f…
  • If I could go back to a time when being a GM crafter, or even just a smith or tailor, sitting at Brit Smiths, working for an honest amount of gold doing repairs or suits, I would. It’s a time from the early days of T2A or Renaissance that still hold…
  • Sounds good! My thief is getting a little fed up of kicking his heels around Europa. Can I bring my DP kryss?
  • Perhaps that guilds, or players, that help and are present season after season build up enough housing allowances to place larger and larger houses? Have guild of 20+, have large tower? For all we know the first season all you’re allowed to build w…
  • Just to rule out a couple of things... did you transfer this char from another shard? Heard of weird things happening with PBD on items that come X-Shard. Also, do you happen to have a char called Hasan on another account, and the item has been trad…
  • Some of that older blackrock no longer spawns, and I think most of the newer mined stuff only comes in a few types, so should stack easier. It’s a bit like those old gem graphics, and the ones that dropped from the Magincia Invasion - bin them off, …
  • Was the same on EU while GC was spammed with people offering to buy drops, especially plate armour. Kept two pieces, along with the main drops. Plate gloves and bustier if anyone’s wanting them *Grins*
  • I agree with Pawain - these paragons, while a challenge, were not invincible. The only annoying ones were the paragon spectral armor and that was only because of their high parrying on specials. Liches, lich lords, ossein rams, poison ellies - chall…
  • Also, you’ll only get a treasure chest from a paragon if that monster has a chance to have a treasure map in their loot. Don’t think the Ram, Silver Serpent or Spectral Armor has the chance to drop one. 
  • Glad to hear it worked!
  • You can try this which may help - this is sometimes caused by the game looking in the wrong place for a UO Desktop folder and finding something that it is not expecting. Close UO and open File Explorer. Find your Desktop folder in which the characte…
  • Easier way - find the Guard Captains that shout about raiders. If you double click on the chest, you get given a rope which can be used to recharge a hitching post. Otherwise, it's sea creatures (Kraken or Leviathans)
  • Can't believe that it's been over a year already that the shop's been in the latest location - we're still going strong during these times, proudly open for business. Pop along and pay us a visit!
  • I'm guessing this has something to do with the earlier threads about loot nerfs and closing accounts? Can't say I'm overly fussed about switching up 8 mod items for 10+ items just to fit more skills on your template, unless it's for PvP, and there's…
    in no names Comment by Melchiah June 2020
  • Come to Europa! We’re (mostly) very nice, and we can swear in 44 languages - or we’re learning to! There’s a daily meeting at West Brit Bank between 6-7 GMT to hang around and have a chat, ask questions, enjoy an ale, etc. Make a char on both Atl an…
  • It’s a bit like keeping your key files backed up as part of good practice. I’ve had multiple PCs and work laptops over the last 20 years and never lost my macros from my game file. Why? Because I’ve always zipped them into a folder, and emailed them…
  • A few additional flutes of renewal to support the bards will be welcome too, and of course the pigments. Not everything always has to be about Uber equipment, but I'd be happy with a mempo or two!
    in ToT!! Comment by Melchiah March 2020
  • Ivenor, if you're still looking for it on EU, I can help you out - I've got a few sets of each you're welcome to. If you can make it to the Daily WBB Meeting I should be around later - or give me a shout and we can sort something out!
  • And for two further pennies - compared to the rest of the SW scrolls, aren’t Summon Fey and Summon Fiend at least guaranteed drops? Try hunting for a specific SW scroll without buying it from another player and see how long it takes you...
  • I’d hate to play devil’s advocate, but for those crafting skills that have items that stack - training them would become a complete walk in the park? Make Max combined with difficulty check on item production would make it even easier to macro the s…
  • Just to add, all vendors are now up, running and stocked 
  • Just need to make sure you’re killing the female savages or shaman - then you’re pretty much at a high enough drop rate to get 30+ in 20 minutes.  Farm mine in the shaman hut in the Ilshenar Savage Camp, up to three spawn and can take down within 10…
  • Faded rose is one digit different; its visibly almost the same but not quite to the same degree as agapite. According to the colour ID hues anwyh
  • A deed that allows you to alter clothing or items back from Garg to Human would be a nice addition.  Standard Metal Dye tub!