Publish 100



  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 657
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?
    THIS! Or a team of tamers and bards (you can provo sidespawn on the bosses, except for the ninjas). Area peacemaking should work wonders with Juo'nar's sidespawn...
    Also: don't be KHAN's friend and bring a t-hunter template to do shadowguard. Bring something useful...
  • Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
    edited May 2018
    @ KHAN did they make the roof harder with the new publish?
    Yes.  Pets now proc side spawn.
    Side spawn kills squishy tamers
    In short.  Lamest idea ever
    It was already a massive grind just to key up to get there and now tamers cant even complete it.  So now there is absolutely no end game content a tamer can compete in.  Doom is off limits,  the Roof is off limits and even EM events instakill pets and freeze you so you cant heal or cast.  Effectively making the only viable template a sampire for roof/doom and an archer for EM events.  Good job Devs :neutral:


  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?
    Where does it say that I was trying to solo, or afk ANYTHING? 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Well to me the roof changes mean you took away a fun time and made it probably close to impossible for a small group to do.  But wow, the drops that we get, how many roofs do you have to do to get a drop, 10? 15? 20?  It's not like you got a drop every encounter for cryin' out loud.

    wow devs, you are rapidly taking the fun out of the game in case you didn't realize it.  Evidently it's not that easy now or the prices for talis and all the other stuff sure have held up.  

    And not just the roof, you put in a fun encounter, we do it, we love it, drops come at a reasonable pace, then a few weeks after it starts the drops get nerfed into oblivion and the same now has happened to the roof, now the monsters are out of control and we are now on step 3.  To me it's just sad.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    I have only ever done the roof as part of a group, usually with my bard. We've usually found it quite tricky and consider we've done well if no one died. Does anyone really solo this? and is soloing it afk even possible? or just the figment of a fevered imagination?
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    KHAN said:
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?
    Where does it say that I was trying to solo, or afk ANYTHING? 
    Don't mind the fun police. He likes to complain until devs get sick of hearing it and squash any playstyle that isnt his. My biggest problem with this update is that it makes him happy, the spawn i can work around.
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    I have only ever done the roof as part of a group, usually with my bard. We've usually found it quite tricky and consider we've done well if no one died. Does anyone really solo this? and is soloing it afk even possible? or just the figment of a fevered imagination?
    no. there was apparently some folks scripting it with multiple accounts for a bit, which some took to mean any tamer can go up there by themselves, say all kill, and walk away until it was done.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?
    THIS! Or a team of tamers and bards (you can provo sidespawn on the bosses, except for the ninjas). Area peacemaking should work wonders with Juo'nar's sidespawn...
    Also: don't be KHAN's friend and bring a t-hunter template to do shadowguard. Bring something useful...
    LOL, it was ME on the T-Hunter Tamer. I knew it was a tough call, but he was the only tamer I had, that already had the rooms done. :)
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    Having just came back last year I just now started getting to do the roof with the few other people I can even find online on my server and of course we are all tamers.  Not sure how much more runs Ill be able to do now if its going to be not worth it to people whom have been geared out for years.  But Im glad a few people got their wish, Im sure it was a great inconvenience for them to have casuals do it.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Margrette said:
    Tanager said:
    Yay for sugarcane and flax seeds, and yay for flax bundles! These are pretty, and have not been available on Siege since it was removed from NPC inventory.

    And double YAY for updating the Hag quest to be more current and useful!
    I doubt the flax bundles will make it to Siege or Mugen.
    The peculiar flax plant currently gives cotton as a resource on Siege. Why would switching that to give flax instead not happen?
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    For the record, i've never been able to solo the roof with a tamer who is all legendary, with an all legendary pet even with no side spawn.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?
    Gosh people, don't make me agree with Mervyn here.

    I duo with a male character Sampire most content in game, about 50% of the time instead of his sampire he will bring one of his tamers instead.  Sure he might be able to solo a lot of the content, but if I wanted to, I could probably solo it too.  But why... it's an MMO.  Other than an initial "i did it". Plus the time it takes to complete it is cut in half.

    Sampires go into an encounter picking the right spec, gear and weapon.  So many times I see Tamers carrying the same pet to all the encounters.  How many encounters does a Sampire constantly have their cold weapon up?  Tailor pets for encounters, spec them right.

    Why do people want to make the only challenging stuff in this game easier.  There are MMOs who built their games around challenging encounters where people around the world competed to have things accomplished first.  In UO if you cannot afk farm it, it needs to be nerfed.  If thought has to go into how you proceed with the encounter (even minor thought like doom), it needs to be nerfed.

    People act like they are not in charge of their characters when they play, that they cannot control where they stand or what they do.   You don't need EV, RC of Vollems at every encounter.  You get credit for things like... healing. It something has paragon AI don't run like a fool.

    Might the spawn need tweaking on the Roof, probably.  We will attempt it tonight when I can copy over again.  
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Mariah said:
    Is this really the entire publish 100 list? If so, I suspect some people will be sorely disappointed in the depth of this fix. There has to be many times over the amount of bugs that are listed here. 
    The announcement for the publish reads:
    We are pleased to announce the first of several TC1 Publish 100 releases will be available for testing on TC1 by 4pm ET May 16, 2018

    While I appreciate the highlighting , how exactly can there be several TC1 Publish 100 releases ?
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    edited May 2018
    Violet said:
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?
    Gosh people, don't make me agree with Mervyn here.

    I duo with a male character Sampire most content in game, about 50% of the time instead of his sampire he will bring one of his tamers instead.  Sure he might be able to solo a lot of the content, but if I wanted to, I could probably solo it too.  But why... it's an MMO.  Other than an initial "i did it". Plus the time it takes to complete it is cut in half.

    Sampires go into an encounter picking the right spec, gear and weapon.  So many times I see Tamers carrying the same pet to all the encounters.  How many encounters does a Sampire constantly have their cold weapon up?  Tailor pets for encounters, spec them right.

    Why do people want to make the only challenging stuff in this game easier.  There are MMOs who built their games around challenging encounters where people around the world competed to have things accomplished first.  In UO if you cannot afk farm it, it needs to be nerfed.  If thought has to go into how you proceed with the encounter (even minor thought like doom), it needs to be nerfed.

    People act like they are not in charge of their characters when they play, that they cannot control where they stand or what they do.   You don't need EV, RC of Vollems at every encounter.  You get credit for things like... healing. It something has paragon AI don't run like a fool.

    Might the spawn need tweaking on the Roof, probably.  We will attempt it tonight when I can copy over again.  

    You make great points, but you have to make a extreme assumption, you are in no way probably a casual player. I don't concider myself so much casual as well, and Im sure I would be able to adjust to dealing with the spawn. But not everyone has a dedicated duo partner, some servers we are lucky to find any random person login for the day and try to do whatever we can for that hour or two of having someone around. So its just frustrating to see that now I cant just do a simple pickup with a couple of tamers and not stress out over something people have farmed for years now.

    Games that have challenging endgame like you speak of release new encounters every 6 months. One of the things some also do that is well known is nerf down the older content for the more casual players. No one brags about destroying a year old raid in most of these games, and devs pay no attention to 3 year old encounters as they arent usually even relevent anymore. Obviously with the subscriber budget this game gets we are never going to get yearly progression content, most know that and settle for a holiday dungeon event now. (You know that month where the game is real active while the event runs)

    I guess its just different perspectives, something I have just managed to do with some casuals and have fun with vs something you have probably farmed for years with multiple playstyles. You are obviously happy for whatever change can give you something new, where as I and some others just want to be able to do it at all in the near future.

  • KronalKronal Posts: 84
    What exactly was the point of giving tamers a much needed buff only to make them practically useless in regards to any of the end game content.  Seems rather counter productive.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    Mariah said:
    Is this really the entire publish 100 list? If so, I suspect some people will be sorely disappointed in the depth of this fix. There has to be many times over the amount of bugs that are listed here. 
    The announcement for the publish reads:
    We are pleased to announce the first of several TC1 Publish 100 releases will be available for testing on TC1 by 4pm ET May 16, 2018

    While I appreciate the highlighting , how exactly can there be several TC1 Publish 100 releases ?
    If you take a look at the publish notes you'll see we often do multiple TC1 publishes for any given publish.  In Pub 97, for example, we had 5.  There are additional server changes, as well as all client side changes that will be available in a future TC1 release.  Stay tuned to for updates! 
  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    What's useless about tamers in roof?  Nothing. 

    Sure you won't be able to solo it and you shouldn't be able to.  Bring some friends and then you can see it's still easy.

  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Why would anyone want to solo the roof anyway???  The more people you take in the better the chances you have of drops.  If someone had 3 accounts lets say, why not bring them along? That's three chances at a drop instead of one.  Noone solos the roof cause that would be stupid.
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    Violet said:
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?
    Gosh people, don't make me agree with Mervyn here.

    I duo with a male character Sampire most content in game, about 50% of the time instead of his sampire he will bring one of his tamers instead.  Sure he might be able to solo a lot of the content, but if I wanted to, I could probably solo it too.  But why... it's an MMO.  Other than an initial "i did it". Plus the time it takes to complete it is cut in half.

    Sampires go into an encounter picking the right spec, gear and weapon.  So many times I see Tamers carrying the same pet to all the encounters.  How many encounters does a Sampire constantly have their cold weapon up?  Tailor pets for encounters, spec them right.

    Why do people want to make the only challenging stuff in this game easier.  There are MMOs who built their games around challenging encounters where people around the world competed to have things accomplished first.  In UO if you cannot afk farm it, it needs to be nerfed.  If thought has to go into how you proceed with the encounter (even minor thought like doom), it needs to be nerfed.

    People act like they are not in charge of their characters when they play, that they cannot control where they stand or what they do.   You don't need EV, RC of Vollems at every encounter.  You get credit for things like... healing. It something has paragon AI don't run like a fool.

    Might the spawn need tweaking on the Roof, probably.  We will attempt it tonight when I can copy over again.  
    My only real problem there is its really hard to find a non-tamer on LS :p
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    Perhaps we can get a fix on the EC having ghost mobs at the champ spawns in Ilsh?  They were worse last night than I have seen in a long time.  It's the only time I try to play the EC, and more of last night is gonna kill that too

    There are ghost mobs in the EC a lot, not just at champ spawns, and not just in Ilsh.

    Honestly, I like the EC, but it does have just a plethora of bugs that diminish it as a game-play experience. Many of those bugs have been around a long time. BeaIank over on Stratics has been inquiring specifically about the ghost mobs for literally years.

    I was hoping that some of this EC stuff would get fixed with pub 100, but my gut feeling tells me no. Here's hoping though! Maybe it will techno-magically appear in one of the upcoming lists of changes.

  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    I get the ghost spawns constantly @Kyronix
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    While your fixing ghost spawns could you also fix "target ---- enemy" to not include summoned energy vortex or rising colossus .... 
    Any body using EC in a taggert rich environment probably knows what I mean. Not much use having a hot key to target next enemy if all you get is some mages ev.
  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    I get the ghost spawns constantly @ Kyronix
    Yea that's an annoying client issue in the EC.  That and with the health bar issue I usually end up starting a new client and kicking myself when logging in on it since logging out does'nt always fix it and can get killed doing that in some places as well.
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Tim said:
    While your fixing ghost spawns could you also fix "target ---- enemy" to not include summoned energy vortex or rising colossus .... 
    Any body using EC in a taggert rich environment probably knows what I mean. Not much use having a hot key to target next enemy if all you get is some mages ev.
    Yes please!

    We can filter summons from the Mobiles list, but PLEASE let us filter summons from the Target Nearest/Next Enemy commands as well. Nothing more annoying than trying to quickly target the nearest enemy in a group of stuff, only to have to spam the button 5-10 times to get through all the summons.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Mervyn said:
    Just a suggestion, maybe take a tamer AND a sampire and a mage, and not try and solo everything afk on an mmo game?

    Why take the tamer, one Sampire can solo shadowguard?  

    But you know that.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited May 2018
    Tim said:
    While your fixing ghost spawns could you also fix "target ---- enemy" to not include summoned energy vortex or rising colossus .... 
    Any body using EC in a taggert rich environment probably knows what I mean. Not much use having a hot key to target next enemy if all you get is some mages ev.
    Syncros said:
    Yea that's an annoying client issue in the EC.  That and with the health bar issue I usually end up starting a new client and kicking myself when logging in on it since logging out does'nt always fix it and can get killed doing that in some places as well.
    Khyro said:
    Yes please!

    We can filter summons from the Mobiles list, but PLEASE let us filter summons from the Target Nearest/Next Enemy commands as well. Nothing more annoying than trying to quickly target the nearest enemy in a group of stuff, only to have to spam the button 5-10 times to get through all the summons.

    Filtering mobiles to avoid targeting summons would be freaking fantastic.

    Also, fixing mobiles bars so that one doesn't sometimes appear over another would be great.

    Fixing the all names/show approaching so that it consistently shows all names and consistently shows all approaching would also be nice. (Since this was recently pointed out to me, it's been driving me nuts.)

    I have a sneaking suspicion that ghost mobs/overlapping moblies bars/show approaching/all names are intertwined. Quite often the overlapping mobile bar (or overlapped mobile bar) is what turns into a ghost mob (for me at least). Show approaching/all names that do not show are also quite often overlapped mobiles bars. Although many, many mobiles that do not have overlapped moblies bars still do not show with show approaching/all names.

    I believe Bleak addressed this issue awhile ago and it has something to do with the way the EC operates (caches incoming data and limits on that data?), but I can't remember what he said, or where he said it.

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @ KHAN did they make the roof harder with the new publish?
    Very much so!
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Tim said:
    While your fixing ghost spawns could you also fix "target ---- enemy" to not include summoned energy vortex or rising colossus .... 
    Any body using EC in a taggert rich environment probably knows what I mean. Not much use having a hot key to target next enemy if all you get is some mages ev.
    Amen x2!!!

  • DiabolicalDiabolical Posts: 3
    I love the part of not using a tamer but at the same time I think it is a bad idea. It has been mentioned already that you arent getting a drop everytime you complete it. So I don't see the point of changing something that isnt broke. The fastest I have completed each room and the roof is about 2 hours with a 2 tamers. With a group it still takes about an hr plus. One a sampire after about 50 deaths about 2 and a half hours to complete with a bard. I cant wait for a video from this Merlyn guy that says everyone afks the roof on a tamer. Would really like to see how he holds his own up there. 
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    I can't solo the roof while fully present lol I get whopped as a tamer
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