The PAWS Soulforge
Pacific Shard,
[PAWS Tribute and Book Event]
It is my hope to pay tribute to one of the first, if not first ever substantial player run cities in the game that was established back in (1997) just south of the Britain stables. When I first returned to the game, I noticed that the houses, the smithy, the tower and the keep where all gone from PAWS. Not only this, but most everyone didn’t know the history of that time or even heard of PAWS. I decided there needed to be an update to this.
I have created a Tribute house, which is located at the {yellow star} in my avatar picture, just east of Britain, directly across the waters from the Orc Fort docks (Trammel). The house is called: [The PAWS Soulforge]. Furthermore, I have decided to bring back several characters that played during that time as my vendors for the house. I have also written several books so far as a story and back story. I plan to write 4 book series and a series finale, that will include several books for your enjoyment. The chief focus of these stories is the character “ImaNewbie”, who created the “ImaNewbie Does Britannia cartoon series”.
[I am not trying to take any-ones likeness or miss-represent anyone, but rather bring light to their accomplishments instead from the perspective of an artist a story teller and a friend. It is may way to say thank you to these people instead].
Note: I travel around to look at unique things in the game or houses or old event locations and use these elements as part of the story. Incase anyone is wondering, I am not adding content to the game, other than creativity.
The credits book will describe the location of each book in the house and the house will act as a type of walk-through immersive story, that will have visual props from the books throughout the house. So far-only the first floor has finished books, but as I introduce the next series, another floor will house that collection and so on and so forth.
I have finished Series 1 of the books and I am almost finished with Series 2. I have worked hard, with the help of many people in the game, to try to make sure that these books are enjoyable for every type of person and they support game lore as best as I can figure. I have also introduced many new elements as well and spent hundreds of hours editing the content so it is as professional and fun to read as possible.
Note: I call these books, as it pertains to actual book size of the crafted books within the game. They are not the size of books that you might be accustomed to, if you like to read, but together in total would constitute a substantial amount of material. That is why they are being released in stages and of course this stage outline allows for server participation.
This Tribute house: The PAWS Soulforge belongs to the entire Pacific server.
[Server Wide Book Quest Event]
The Quest starter kits will include all of the series 2 books and will require you to visit: in order to solve the quests, once the quest goes live. I plan to promote series 1 for a few weeks before I offer series 2 and the Quest. I will notify everyone who wants to participate through this forum when the quest is going to go live.
Those who complete the quests, once the quests are in fact live, will get their name displayed in the credits book, located outside of the Tribute House and their likeness and avatar will be included in the next series of books I write. The quests are not difficult, as testing is limited, but they should still be fun. I am planning to write 5 total series of books that include up to 5 books of story and back stories per series. There should be plenty of material to include as many people that have completed the quest, that want to be included. Those that do, will forever be immortalized with this tribute house and part of that legacy.
Each time I release a new series a new Quest will become available to the server.
[PAWS Soulforge Continued]
I have been working on The PAWS Soulforge, both with unique design, decorations and story since September and I hope this is a proper salute to the people of PAWS and some of the chief architects of the Pacific server. Much of my research material comes from historical figures, ancient mythology, some theology, UO lore, H.P. Lovecraft and of course some pop-culture for the actual story and back stories. The credits book speaks to the house, my motives and some history of your server.
I have several of these avatars set up as vendors, that sell things too. My goal isn't to make money from you at all or to attract you to the house so you can buy things. Quite the opposite, I have stocked vendors to draw people in to see the house and read the books instead. If you do happen to see something you like, just ask. I don't mind lowering prices on anything. I only mention this, because it needs to be said. The entire point of this house is being a tribute to PAWS and PAWS was both a market place and a place to tell stories, through acting.
Any questions or concerns please message me or drop by the house and leave a note for me in the mail box.
Read books in the following order:
1: Beginning of Pacific
2: The Unknown Mage
3: Necronomicon
4: Book of the Dragons
5: The PAWS Soulforge and The Quest for Ladon (main story)
Regards, and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen

Best regards and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
I released box sets and some copies of the final story tonight on the vendor Ole Harper (The Lovecraft Exchange) for anyone who wanted a copy. A few have asked. The Box sets are available as well. I'll continue to put up individual copies of book 4, the main story, on the vendor through the release of the Quest, which right now I'm planning to release around the third week of April. I want to make sure the books are presentable through lots of editing before I release them to you all.
I made 10 box sets and dated them for last night signed with Valkyries, the next sets will be available for the next series during the quest, offered once the quest goes live.
I Fixed an editing error with the story and the book displayed in the house, "The PAWS Soulforge: And the Quest for Ladon".
Was a fairly large editing error, with a duplicate sentence and some omitted dialog, That has been fixed. The PDF copy online here that you can read has the same error. I won't be updating those stories I post here, just the ones in the game.
There was two small errors with "The Unknown Mage" a comma used twice and the word "what ever" changed to "whatever". I didn't fix these in the box sets as I caught that after the fact, and the error was small. If you want a fixed version of the book later, let me know.
*note* you can right click and open in a new tab the PDF files. I have not fixed this in the books and likely, since they are so small leave it for now until later.
anyways, thanks all who have helped me, there are many of you.
regards, and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
On Sunday I will post the following PDF:
*Of Clocks and Time* - prelude
*The Star of Zara and The Quest for Ladon Act: 1* - Main Story
*The Star of Zara and The Quest for Ladon Act: 2* - Main Story
*The Star of Zara and The Quest for Ladon Act: 3* - Main Story
*The Logic Matrix* - Back story and series prop
Currently these books can be seen in the game at the library in Ter Mur (Library of the Archmage Guildmaster), just outside of the Royal city and east of the moongate.
Two other books I have written are for the [Server Book Event] Starting 4/25/22
They include:
*Songs of Virtue* - Quest poem and Quest objectives (This book as well as the box-set of series two will be on the vendor {ImaNewbie} at "The PAWS Soulforge" located at the golden star in my avatar in Trammel for a nominal fee of 5g, but only one quest bag will be available per day from Monday - Friday next week.
[If you happen to miss this, I will be offering two more of these events before the book series are finished.]
*The Book of Virtue* - Quest Reward (part of the book series of tomes written by the Old Ones, created by "The Book of Power".
The last two books will not be uploaded here, you can either can read them at the library or be one of the persons who happen to purchase the quest starter kit and or finish the quest.
P.S. The library is open to the public but currently is not occupied in full yet. Feel free to drop in and watch the library come to life. Once the book series are finished and displayed there, the Library will be officially opened and new server events will be managed out of this location.
Regards and fair thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
The Quest will be available tomorrow.
Quest is active: You can search VS for "wooden box" and it comes up for 5g or you can visit the star on the map in Trammel. I put two Quest starter kits up for today. The quest books are: The Song of Virtue and the Quest Notebook. Fill out your name and date and maybe a little about yourself for the notebook once you turn that and the required items back into the mailbox of the (lion)
Quest will be active until the end of Friday (Midnight 12pm PST)
The Box set have the same books I released in them as well as the book that isn't for sale called: The Logic Matrix
All the other books are for sale at the cost of the dyes to dye the books on Ole Harper at the Lovecraft Exchange. I will continue to make copies of the story arc series and supply that vendor during promotional periods such as this.
Best regards and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
Two days left for the quest. I know with all that is going on there isn't much time and this is why I released this quest specifically for Monday and for this week. So that there wouldn't be too much time dedicated to doing the quest, a nice break from the grind of the event and people would be on and activated with event related themes in their head. Also that's why I made the quest rather easy to solve, so you could easily solve in in a few minutes and be back at what ever you're doing.
A break a healthy thing, after all.
To clarify something, two people have asked me about:
If you don't want your character name in the story it doesn't have to be, you can just pick a name and it isn't likely to be a character anyways. It could just be something else. Doesn't matter if it is one name or another just something from you so you can participate with the story. There are no rules other than nothing offensive. For those who are worried that maybe the name they might pick won't fit roleplay wise, don't worry that is why you include a little about yourself in the note book too and let me worry about that.
It's not a competition. I'll include what-ever name you want me to include in the credits and for the story I'll create something that includes the contribution from you, though, that is using your inspiration or idea to develop something further or new. It could be the name of an enchanted forest or a polar bear named Larry-Sue. It may not be the name of something, might just be the name of the sword or a weapon. Lots of options.
I know people think so little of themselves these days, but the point is to include you, not for you to come up with something so great to carry the story. If the story doesn't work, that's my fault. As mentioned in the poems: "it could be big or small or anything at all, a smile is worth more than gold, and for this the story must be told!" so this is the story, fictionally of your realm, would you like to participate in telling that story in some some way, big or small or otherwise.
That is the point of the quest, hope this clears up some concerns and answers the most popular question received as feedback thus far.
Thank you again Pacific Shard.
Best regards and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
Pacific shard,
Thank you all for participating with the event. The availability of the quest books: Song of Virtue and the Quest Notebook are over and those who have a "quest starter kit" feel free to turn the notebook back to me with what you want me to include in for the works I am creating for the server, in the next few weeks please. Drop that book filled out into the lion mail box at The PAWS Soulforge.
Thank you again everyone, the next event like this will be announced after the release of series 3, of which I am currently researching. No date on that yet, but will post here and on those dates. It will not be done during the release of a in game event like this one was, but I wanted to limit the amount of potential quest notebooks to test the participation level. There will be two more events just like this one and the next event may go two weeks instead of one and won't be during a game event as mentioned.
Also I have included a picture of the house in Ter Mur of which there is a rune next to the book outside the house called: "Beginning of Pacific". There you will find the entire series two books on display at The Library of the Archmage Guildmaster (library is open to the public, but not officially launched yet). There you can find another book entitled:
Poems of Virtue, which is a unique living book as the series develops, of which will include poems for specific characters in the story to the right on the mysterious crystal case as you enter the main hall and to the left on the other one will be a book entitled:
Quests of Virtue, which will include all the poems written for the events that are designed to read ImaNewbie Does Britannia cartoon series to solve.
The Library is still evolving but wanted to post the progress of this so far and where to find it incase you can not recall.

Best regards and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
I have, with the inspiration of UO Radio created a book preview for the next series of books and a music playlist for your enjoyment, that tells the story of each of the first Kingdoms of the realm and their signets of power that each of the Ancient Dragons who oversee these kingdoms created for those rulers.
Series 3 books will be entitled: The Golden Trio and the Quest for Ladon
It is a multiple book series around three characters, the Architect, the Forerunner and the Lion. This will be the next portion of the books that takes place after the events of the Star of Zara.
Below are the addresses for how to view the playlists and attached are the short descriptions of each playlist with the back story and book preview.
Please enjoy!
Best regards and fare thee well
I have created a small movie short for your enjoyment, several people helped me to create it and I have credited them at the end.
Please enjoy
Series 3 of the book, which I have now given a name to it "Sandals of Time" Should be out in just over a week or possibly a week and a half. If it takes longer, it may be for editing purposes.
This portion of the release will be the largest part of the book series.
I have created a model for this entire book series, based on an arc, as a story arc, but also a visual arc too. That arc will be as if it was the arc of a rainbow, as described in the book "The Book of Dragons". The crest of the arc will be the point of most intensity, which is this third part.
I have also added several features to the lore of the game itself, both with history and new context or ideas in this series release, about to be released.
Series 4, you can expect to be in balance to that of series 2 in nature, as with series 5 (the finale), being like series 1.
As always, best regards & fare thee well.
Pacific Server,
I have finished the third series of the book Sandals of Time, titled: The Golden Trio. This release is the largest content release that I was planning for the entire series.
With that said, the amount of editing was quite challenging, but I am happy with where it is now currently at.
The series order:
1) Rabbit & the Hound
2) The Golden Trio part 1
3) Research Codex
4) The Golden Trio part 2
5) The Great War
6) The Golden Trio part 3
7) The Golden Trio part 4
8) The Golden Trio part 5
The first book is fairly long, but it isn’t really required for the main story arc, neither is the Research Codex. I wanted to release them as detailed to the story as I could make them though, so if you like detail, there is a lot of that.
*Right-clicking the attachments and opening in a new tab at allows you to read the books without downloading anything*
These books have not been reduced down in size yet to fit within the books inside of the game, but I do plan to do that.
I will work on getting that part done, before I announce the book event and quest for the book The Book of Demons
Thanks for your time and please enjoy.
Best regards and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
Pacific Server,
Server Book Event
Server Event for the Book of Demons starts today 7/23/22 and ends 7/30/22 at midnight.
In the screen-shot of The PAWS Soulforge you can see two books next to ImaNewbie. One is the "Quest of Demons" book the other is "The Book of Demons".
The PAWS Soulforge can be found on the Pacific Server at the star in my avatar on trammel.
The Screen-shot shows second edition prints of Series 3 The Golden Trio and the Quest for Ladon, that can be purchased for 100k a set.
The Quest of Demons book can be purchased for 50g.
Brief Description
The Book of Demons was recovered at Reg Volom by the Archmage Guildmaster in the final chapter of the book “The Golden Trio”, once Lord Dupre defeated the demonic knight known as Durendal.
Copies of this story can be created at request or found for sale during a promotional event here at the PAWS Soulforge.
As always, the entire work being written is displayed at the Library of the Archmage Guildmaster in Ter Mur. A rune to that location is outside on top of the book entitled: “Tribute to PAWS”.
Quest of Demons
By: Kumara
Server Event: Unlocking “The Book of Demons”
The flames are ignited on a very old friend…
To make Caliburnus whole again.
Now the flame of truth shall sing its long-awaited song…
So, to end Durendal’s mighty reign of long.
The book recovered is bound by the flesh and demon skin…
For it is The Book of Demons, but the pages are blank within.
Demons are the sum of 4, 5 and 6…
15 is the number, but not the proper mix.
For 8, 3 and 4 is that which you seek…
ImaNewbie Does Britannia will provide you with his critique.
Box 8 down displays the spell in question twice…
So, two scrolls of this, shall be my advice.
Box 3 down suggests to face the direction, that of north…
And “I will take thee” is proclaimed in the box of the fourth.
The book in question must be taken to the northern most virtue shrine…
And those spells in question will unlock this book by design.
Bring me your finds and a rune to your home…
And delivered you shall receive a copy of the demonic tome.
Quest Objectives
-This quest book can be found at the vendor at the PAWs Soulforge on the balcony called: ImaNewbie
*note* you don’t need to purchase this book to do the quest
Visit the following web address:
-Press the button that is next to the line that says “The Toons”
- Visit episode 15 entitled: I will Take Thee!
-Somewhere in this episode is the spell in question. Locate that spell and either make or purchase two scrolls that have this exact spell on it.
-Return those scrolls and a rune to your house to receive a completed copy of “The Book of Demons”.
-The server has a week to complete this quest to receive “The Book of Demons” but the first three persons to complete this quest shall be included in series 4 of the next works being written called: “Toccata and Feud”.
*Release date approximately Sept 1st *
If you would like to be included in the stories then fill out the name you wish to include in a blank book and drop that off with the scrolls and a rune to your house.
*note* If you don’t have a mail box just contact me in the game or on discord. My discord info is: Valkari#4059
I am uploading the re-mastered version of series 2 Star of Zara
Pacific Server,
The next official release is Valentines day on the 14th. I will releasing a remastered version of series 1 entitled: The PAWS Soulforge and the Quest for Ladon
I have expanded the series considerably and it should be a better foundation for the start of the book Sandals of Time
I thought the remastered version of Star of Zara (series 2) out so well that I wanted to redo series 1 before I moved onto writing series 4. Since I do jump around a bit when writing these things I wanted to give you the most updated version of the outline of the story so far.
Its a pretty comprehensive story table and plot outline, leaving out the good parts for the actual books themselves, but should tell you a lot.
The entire project with the various subsets should be somewhere around 400k words give or take. Once everything is written and edited, they will be combined and split into three parts, then shared with the rest of the servers before any type of publication, which won't be until 2024 sometime.
I thought this would be a good time as I am about to re-release series 1 remastered, to give an outline of the entire project, so everyone can see the range and scope I am aiming for.
Please enjoy
Thank you!
Best Regards and Fare Thee Well,
Palm Copenhagen
The PAWS Soulforge
Today is the official release of the remastered version of Sandals of Time series 1 of 6, entitled: The PAWS Soulforge & The Quest For Ladon.
Happy Valentine's day!
Please enjoy the first part of the epic fantasy adventure series remastered.
As usual, in game versions of this book will be available upon request and should be in the game by tomorrow. I have a rune book with those persons who are following the story on the Pacific server and who wanted to be included in the in game delivery of new releases.
If you would like to be included in this and are not for some reason, please contact me in game or via discord: Valkari#4059
This series already had a book event, so that will not be happening this time around. The next official release is scheduled for sometime during the next major in game UO event, this spring.
That will be series 4 of 6, entitled: Toccata & Feud
Best regards and fare thee well,
-Palm Copenhagen
The PAWS Soulforge