Publish 110 Feedback - UO Store Items



  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2021
    Yoshi said:
    "The fact that they have specifically prevented you from being able to imbue or enhance items that have been transmogrified suggests to me the transmogrification was supposed to be purely aesthetic, however this is a real power creep issue, when transmoged onto bone armor you do receive the 3% LMC bonus and presumably you can refine this (didn't have bone refine on me).

    I'm sure this is an oversight. "-+-

    "Regarding the exploit of transferring headgear onto armor with inherent bonuses, possible solutions are:
    1 cancel the headpiece transmog potion (maybe do an apron slot instead)

    2 have the armor inherent bonuses of the original piece transmogrified, but then you would need to know what they are so the inherent bonuses would need to be displayed (they probably should be displayed on all pieces anyway Please note, you would also need to prevent mage guildmasters accepting transmogrified armor to add/remove mage armour.

    3 only allow transfer of armor to other armor of the same inherent bonus, (not sure what would happen with example non mage armor woodland helms, as there is no inherent bonus on these, may have to disable the ability to transmog certain armor types)

    4 publish the release anyway aware of the exploit so publish 110 would be the first official 'pay to win' publish where players feel obliged to buy the head transmog potion and upgrade their armor in order to compete, not sure everyone will be happy about this move, but you would sell a lot of potions in the store"-+-

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  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I'm not sure where the 'exploit' is here? Yes you get the lmc, but the item will now block meditation?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2021
    "LMC 3% refineable armor is considered much much higher value, as the LMC bonus and ability to refine exceed the negatives of it not being medable, you can also transfer say the helm of vengeance which is a non medable 1% LMC bonus (1% LMC is considered a not so useful piece) onto a useful medable piece or a useful 3% LMC bone helm. These are game changers in a competitive PvP environment.

    Just one example of many many: Let us take the example shown of the Captain John's Hat, bokuto mages don't have meditation anyway as they can't fit the skill on, so the high end players will use non medable 55% LMC armor with the Captain John's hat (so all 5 non hat slots are studded/bone/hide armor). Having the Captain John's hat in bone would allow you to then use a piece of woodland armor which could be enhanced with heartwood to give say 10% damage increase or 5% hit chance increase without losing the 55 LMC.

    Another example is the transmog of non medable woodland helm to bone helm, there is a straight gain of 3%LMC and stamina loss prevention.

    As i said previously, the fact that they specifically prevented transmogrified items from being able to be imbued/reforged/enhanced says to me the move to the 'pay to win' model was perhaps a mistake/oversight, and am confident will be corrected during test phase.
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  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    edited March 2021
    Pawain said:
    Zamot said:
    Pawain said:
    Zamot said:
    I have an orc chieftain helmet, I tried to transfmorf to a tricorn hat and got an error saying target was invalid.  It did let me use a nose helm as a destination.  any reason why I wasnt able to do the tricorn hat?

    EM helmets can not be used.
    what is an EM helmet

    Any item that was given by an EM is excluded from Transmogrifying. 

    Maybe this item started as an item given out at an EM Event. Otherwise it should work.

    I think I have a couple of tricorn hats.  Ill try those.

    I have run out of items.  I converted a Legendary wizard hat to a tricorn. I converted Brightsight to a Tricorn.

    So the Orc has was accepted as the Source?

    But then the Tricorn was not accepted as the destination?

    I would try again.

    I tried a crafted Tricorn  hat that was made on a production shard, and when that did not work I bought one from a tailor on TEST.  The orc hat was accepted as the source.  After trying multiple times I tried a NOSE helm(bought from a blacksmith as the destination and it worked.  I really had my heart set on that tricorn hat though.

    Thanks for following up on this.

    I must add this was/is a replica

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2021
    "wow that patch was fast!, i am now already receiving 'invalid target' when choosing bone/orc helm as either a source OR a target,
    You also cannot convert non 1% LMC to medable, or visa versa,

    (You can convert 1% lmc to 1% lmc armor)"
    and you cannot convert from/onto any armor that has been refined"

    not sure why it's not letting us convert one type of bone armor onto another type of bone armor

    Most exploits fixed, I did find one exploit left, you can convert non mage armor woodland raven/vulture/winged helm that had no LMC bonus to any helm that has 1%LMC"-+-

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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    They couldn't just keep the properties of the original item?  That was the whole idea of changing looks.  I hope I can still use the pumkpin head.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    Yoshi said:
    "LMC 3% refineable armor is considered much much higher value, as the LMC bonus and ability to refine exceed the negatives of it not being medable, you can also transfer say the helm of vengeance which is a non medable 1% LMC bonus (1% LMC is considered a not so useful piece) onto a useful medable piece or a useful 3% LMC bone helm. These are game changers in a competitive PvP environment.

    As i said previously, the fact that they specifically prevented transmogrified items from being able to be imbued/reforged/enhanced says to me the move to the 'pay to win' model was perhaps a mistake/oversight, and am confident will be corrected during test phase.
    By this logic, the forged metal of artifacts tool should not exist.  Afterall, it allows 10SSI to be added to many items where that would be previously not possible.

    From recent posts, sounds like the head transmogrify potion has been made almost useless.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Mervyn strikes from beyond the grave.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    Mervyn was right...the problem is the way they took to fix it
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I am in agreement with the fix”-+- 
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2021
    "suggetion: rather than giving the message 'invalid target' when trying to select as source/destination a would be valid target with differing inherent bonuses, perhaps it should say 'you must select an item with the same inherent armor bonus'-+-
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    nope you should put in what appearance you want but show the bonus that was from the previous is intented for cosmetic looking only...if it stay with this fix it will be another useless item
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2021
    "(Although they didn't supply us with robe transmogrification potions on test centre) I was very pleased to see they added the 'Transmogrified' label to robes too, nice.

    any chance you can fix the main robe transmog bug in this publish since you're playing with transmogs?"-+-

    emp.png 61.6K
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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited March 2021
    Fortis said:
    nope you should put in what appearance you want but show the bonus that was from the previous is intented for cosmetic looking only...if it stay with this fix it will be another useless item
    Yes this limits you from making some specific items.  A mage or Warrior cant turn their Headwear into bone.  Mage cant turn theirs into any non med target,

    Im sure that 3 extra LMC would be such a game changer,  NOT.  But RP cant make a Bone mage or Metal mage from their current gear.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    Pawain said:
    Fortis said:
    nope you should put in what appearance you want but show the bonus that was from the previous is intented for cosmetic looking only...if it stay with this fix it will be another useless item
    Yes this limits you from making some specific items.  A mage or Warrior cant turn their Headwear into bone.  Mage cant turn theirs into any non med target,

    Im sure that 3 extra LMC would be such a game changer,  NOT.  But RP cant make a Bone mage or Metal mage from their current gear.  

    Broadsword, please bring back the head slot transmog potion to how it initially was.  Else it doesn't seem compelling.  Note the store item forged metal tool has zero negatives to it, whereas this transmog operation still has some negative tradeoffs (if going from medable to non-medable).  Bone is not always better than plate either, for instance, you get more stamina loss prevention with plate (but less LMC boost).
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Pawain said:
    They couldn't just keep the properties of the original item?  That was the whole idea of changing looks.  I hope I can still use the pumkpin head.
    You mean like this?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Yes. Luckily the pumpkin head is like cloth or leather. They changed what works and doesn't work. You can't convert things to a bone helm anymore.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Pawain said:
    Yes. Luckily the pumpkin head is like cloth or leather. They changed what works and doesn't work. You can't convert things to a bone helm anymore.
    You can... They changed it so you can only convert Medable types to Medable types.

    That's also in line with the change Kyronix said they were most likely going to implement when this was brought up on TC.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited March 2021
    Khyro said:
    Pawain said:
    Yes. Luckily the pumpkin head is like cloth or leather. They changed what works and doesn't work. You can't convert things to a bone helm anymore.
    You can... They changed it so you can only convert Medable types to Medable types.

    That's also in line with the change Kyronix said they were most likely going to implement when this was brought up on TC.

    Sweet.  Thats means they changed it after I tried.  Because now you can convert metal to bone and it keeps the metal LMC. So you can not convert to bone and get more LMC bonus.  Looks like you did not try the glasses version of that item tho.

    @Kronix ; The converted helmet has that Missing string like the pic above or in CC it has Error mega cliloc  string not found.  Where it should say Transmogrified.


    This poster also noticed you could not convert to Bone for a while.

    Yoshi said:
    "wow that patch was fast!, i am now already receiving 'invalid target' when choosing bone/orc helm as either a source OR a target,
    You also cannot convert non 1% LMC to medable, or visa versa,

    (You can convert 1% lmc to 1% lmc armor)"
    and you cannot convert from/onto any armor that has been refined"

    not sure why it's not letting us convert one type of bone armor onto another type of bone armor

    Most exploits fixed, I did find one exploit left, you can convert non mage armor woodland raven/vulture/winged helm that had no LMC bonus to any helm that has 1%LMC"-+-

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    @Kyronix Cant convert mace and shield in glasses form to Bone or metal.  It gives a Error in the bottom left of screen.
    It says Error Mega Cliloc.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ObsidianObsidian Posts: 22
    Would it be possible to allow us to craft basic gargish glasses so we might transmogrify medable headwear into a garfish equivalent?  Right now, the only option for gargs is earrings.  
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Pawain said:
    @ Kyronix Cant convert mace and shield in glasses form to Bone or metal.  It gives a Error in the bottom left of screen.
    It says Error Mega Cliloc.

    I would say that is as expected, as Mace and Shield Glasses are medable.

    The Clilic/MISSING STRING errors are probably because they added new entries for better error descriptions and haven't released a client patch for it yet.

    My old transmog helms from a few days ago are now missing the "Transmogrified" text on them, and the new ones have "MISSING STRING", so I'm guessing it's going to be a more descriptive text on the items.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    edited March 2021
    That's fair since you can get the ones in Blackthorns.  But not prismatic.  Fine with me, I already like glasses.

    @Kyronix can we get craftable blank glasses or put some in T chests.  I guess you'd need both Med and non.

    And the animal masks brought up in the M&G sound fun!  Keep that idea going.  Halloween dungeon make a boss that drops those like we got costumes!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FugaziFugazi Posts: 21
    edited March 2021
    I have 42 soultstones, can the max limit  for the soul stone container be increased? 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Can we make glasses, now that would be cool.  I hate mage hats
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2021
    publish 110 final release

    I am really really impressed with how fast and smart the dev team has acted here, there are now no exploits with the hat transmog AND you can transmog onto whatever you want AND it tells you what was transmoged from so you know what the properties will be. Someone knows what they're doing.

    Not mentioned in patch notes regarding refinements:
    Refined armor cannot be transmogrified.

    You can refine armor post transmogrified, the armor refinement you will require will be of the current armor (post transmogrification) not the former.
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  • RoxoRoxo Posts: 34
    Does this mean if I transmog my Plate Helm Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn onto a bone helmet I will not get the inherent LMC boost from the bone helmet?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2021
    Roxo said:
    Does this mean if I transmog my Plate Helm Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn onto a bone helmet I will not get the inherent LMC boost from the bone helmet?
    Correct, you will retain the inherent 1%LMC from the plate helm. 
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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Yoshi said:
    Roxo said:
    Does this mean if I transmog my Plate Helm Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn onto a bone helmet I will not get the inherent LMC boost from the bone helmet?
    Correct, you will retain the inherent 1%LMC from the plate helm. 
    Can a type of circlet be the target for a Bone helm and still get the LMC of bone?

    I was able to meditate in all the circlets I used as a target. But someone said one of them is not medable.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021

    Yoshi said:

    Not mentioned in patch notes regarding refinements:
    Refined armor cannot be transmogrified.

    You can refine armor post transmogrified, the armor refinement you will require will be of the current armor (post transmogrification) not the former.
    Yeah, so should refined armor be allowed to transmog or would this action be considered an exploit?

    If there is no issue to allow this as a design intent, and since this potion is UO store paid item, why not include refined armor. Invulnerability refinement for some armor type can be hard to get.

    As I cannot test this, I wonder if Blessed and Gorgon Lens will be transferred over. Blessed is more important as it cost alot, but G Lens are fine if not transferable.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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