EC bug list for the next publish
The devs have said the next publish was going to be a big bug fix publish so I thought I would list up some current bugs / issues with the EC for them to see here. Feel free to add any to the list.
All of these bugs are found in the default EC with running no modifications:
1. Mobiles bar overflows. Maybe add a limit to the amount of mobiles for each section? There is a feature like this in Pinco UI already.
I have my mobile bars separated into 4 main sections.
"attackables" = Grey mobs
"murderers" = Red mobs
"mobiles" = Everything else
"innocents" = Blue mobs
If I go to an area where there is a large amount of a certain mob it floods the bar and I cannot see the others. It would be good to cap the amount of each that is shown. For example I could set a limit to only show 5x attackables, 5x innocents etc.
If you go to a champ spawn for example the bar will flood with all the grey bars for the spawn. A blue or red player arrives and the mobile bar wont show because the "attackables" bar is filled.
The screenshot below shows my mobiles bar setup on the left and what happens when the bar floods with mobs on the right.

2. In the mobiles section "attackable", "criminal", "neutral animals" all seem to be the same thing.
If I am at a spawn for example all the spawn will show in the grey "attackable" mobiles bar. Along with neutral animals and criminals. Is there anyway to separate these with a different colour? A grey player (criminal) just blends in with all the spawn / neutral animals.
3. Some speech repeats itself in every chat channel even if you set a filter.
As you can see in the screenshot below I have 3 main windows for my chat.
Top = System / Journal
Middle = General chat
Bottom = Guild / Party
Some certain text shows in EVERY SINGLE WINDOW even when I have chat filter set. In the example below you can see the Spellweaving message shows in all of the windows even when the middle box is set to show "chat (channel)" only and the bottom box is set to show "party/guild/alliance".

4. Target nearest enemy will target my own summons or red guild mates.
Not much to explain here. I have a hotkey setup for "attack nearest enemy". It will flag my own summons or red / orange guild mate if they are close to me. Can be very annoying in fights when it everyone is close to each other.
There are many more which I shall work on posting up with images where possible to explain.
Please feel free to add any more you come across.
All of these bugs are found in the default EC with running no modifications:
1. Mobiles bar overflows. Maybe add a limit to the amount of mobiles for each section? There is a feature like this in Pinco UI already.
I have my mobile bars separated into 4 main sections.
"attackables" = Grey mobs
"murderers" = Red mobs
"mobiles" = Everything else
"innocents" = Blue mobs
If I go to an area where there is a large amount of a certain mob it floods the bar and I cannot see the others. It would be good to cap the amount of each that is shown. For example I could set a limit to only show 5x attackables, 5x innocents etc.
If you go to a champ spawn for example the bar will flood with all the grey bars for the spawn. A blue or red player arrives and the mobile bar wont show because the "attackables" bar is filled.
The screenshot below shows my mobiles bar setup on the left and what happens when the bar floods with mobs on the right.

2. In the mobiles section "attackable", "criminal", "neutral animals" all seem to be the same thing.
If I am at a spawn for example all the spawn will show in the grey "attackable" mobiles bar. Along with neutral animals and criminals. Is there anyway to separate these with a different colour? A grey player (criminal) just blends in with all the spawn / neutral animals.
3. Some speech repeats itself in every chat channel even if you set a filter.
As you can see in the screenshot below I have 3 main windows for my chat.
Top = System / Journal
Middle = General chat
Bottom = Guild / Party
Some certain text shows in EVERY SINGLE WINDOW even when I have chat filter set. In the example below you can see the Spellweaving message shows in all of the windows even when the middle box is set to show "chat (channel)" only and the bottom box is set to show "party/guild/alliance".

4. Target nearest enemy will target my own summons or red guild mates.
Not much to explain here. I have a hotkey setup for "attack nearest enemy". It will flag my own summons or red / orange guild mate if they are close to me. Can be very annoying in fights when it everyone is close to each other.
There are many more which I shall work on posting up with images where possible to explain.
Please feel free to add any more you come across.

If you have "show close and extract buttons on healthbars" UN-TICKED and grab a players bar using CTRL + drag the bar will vanish once you go off screen.
I love the ability to quickly grab a health bar from the mobiles bar using CTRL + Drag. It is so much faster than having to click that tiny button on each mobile.
PS.. Just made this video today (31st March) note the NPC showing naked as I run around the field.
2nd video with a different character on a different shard:
Also is it possible to make it so we can assign a hot key to "enlarge the map for tactical purposes" rather than having to click that small green button to enlarge it?
YES YES. I 2nd this, I would love to have multiply tabs for chat, (ie.~say/guild/combat/etc etc), but since they still show up in the other tabs, (filtered or not), what's the point.
Please fix thanks.
number 2. is not a bug, the list is a “mobiles” list, what you’re requesting is an additional feature to distinguish players from non player mobiles.
number 4. Is linked with this issue
Under 'user settings' 'Mobiles bar' uncheck 'neutral animals' and 'summons' to remove those from your list.
"Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
You can put an item into a box or a trash barrel then chop the container with an axe to place items. This is by no means ideal but it will work.
Sometimes you can get the right color by picking one off but often not.
I've been trying for a half hour to get dark brown hair. This should be easy!