New Tmap proposals



  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Rorschach said:
    Lighten up and cease the petty bickering or this thread will be closed.
    beat me on the press, and yeah, i agree.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    This is a 'move' because of format. @Tanager
    @petra_fyde said:
    Cache & above, the opposite applies, why would I do the artisan chests?
    I found 3 skull floor tiles, and all 3 were in artisan cache chests. Malas, Ilsh, and Fel. I think the Hourglass is in Mage caches. The cache chests seem to be all about deco and gear, including the new equipables.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634

    There are other posts in the thread that do not follow the exact format. I felt answering the question did not require a huge copy and paste of the entire format over and over for every single post.


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,204Dev
    MissE said:

    So far the loot is actually WORSE than what was in originally, so if you are going to make it worse then you may as well just leave it  as it is and save everyone the grief.  There needs to be a substantial loot bump in order to justify adding remove trap to the template, and as for puzzles find something else to do with them or ONLY put them on the low end chests for people who DON'T wanna train remove traps up or as suggested above make them part of puzzles you buy to train up RT the easy way.

    This is not/should not be the case.  Since release 2 there has been a substantial bump to loot quality.  Perhaps @Margrette and @Arroth_Thaiel can chime in with a summation of their findings so we can dispel with the “loot is worse” narrative and move forward.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited May 2019
    I'm still plowing through cache chests, using varying amounts of luck and restricting myself to non-Fel areas to get a more accurate read on luck's impact on the loot.  

    These are three legendary artifacts I've pulled since last night from Cache chests (formerly Cleverly and Deviously Drawn maps).  I happened to use GM lockpicking (possibly could have needed less but haven't tested that yet) and 50 remove trap skill (also, could be more than needed, but haven't tested that yet, but the 50 remove trap nicely replaced the 51 mining my t-hunter usually has).  Theoretically, these chests could have been opened instead with GM magery and using unlock and untrap spells.  There were no puzzles to solve on these chests.

    These leggings came from a gold Assassin Cache chest dug up in Malas with 600 luck on the suit.

    This tunic came from a gold Assassin's Cache chest dug up in Trammel with 2100 luck on the suit. 

    These gloves came from a gold Mage Cache chest dug up in Trammel with 3600 luck on the suit.

    Am I 100% satisfied with the loot?  No, I have some comments/concerns about it (e.g., no spell channeling on weapons in a Mage chest, Reflect Physical Damage on mage's armor).  But I think it has a lot of promise and it certainly is better than what I am accustomed to seeing in the chests I do now on production shards.  I haven't gone through all of the themes yet, but with 2 characters in the party (my treasure hunter and a peace tamer), it looks like Cache chests have about 6 pieces of randomly generated equipment.  (This has been true for Assassin and Mage Cache chests.  However, Artisan Cache chests with same party members averaged about 3 pieces per chest.)  I will be putting images of the randomly generated items from this round of the publish in a spreadsheet again and will post a link when it's ready.  Might not be until tomorrow night or Monday.

    I'm also not very happy about the drop rate for things like t-maps, SoTs, SoAs, minor/Pub 67 artifacts, recipe scrolls (really not happy), some of the utility items, and deco items. If you are someone who sells these things, this publish will definitely impact your sales in a negative way. However, I'll summarize my findings on those once I finish going through the Cache chests. 

    I'm pleased about the leather/ingots/boards in Artisan stash and supply chests, and the ML ingredients in Malas Artisan Supply chests.  Not happy about imbuing ingredients being restricted to just Ter Mur Artisan Supply chests.  I wish the 105/110 power scrolls would have a chance to spawn outside of Felucca.  With the rarity most other "special" items spawn in treasure chests with this publish, I doubt there would be a flood of power scrolls to compete with Fel champ spawns.  However, I think expecting non-crafting power scrolls to ever spawn outside of Fel is a pipe dream and one I rarely engage in.

    I cannot address the issue of people having to now do puzzles to be able to get some types of potential pets to spawn.  I guess I'm not a big pet aficianado and others who are need to put in some actual time on TC doing horde and trove maps to be able to give relevant feedback on whether the changes will truly impact their ability to get desirable tameables to spawn. 

    From what I understand at this point without having actually tried the horde and trove maps on TC myself (still going through the lower levels as thoroughly as I can), it seems to me the process of getting the initial spawn to happen hasn't changed and isn't affected by whether or not you need remove trap or need to do a puzzle.  If you didn't want to train remove trap and don't care about chest contents enough to worry if bungling a puzzle is going to destroy everything in the chest, I think if you got a slider puzzle or a circuit puzzle, you still have a chance to brute-force the puzzle and still have something in the chest that you can just let sit there and have it cause more spawn to happen until you get something to tame.

    What I am most excited about with this publish, I think, is the ability for people who normally do treasure hunting on a solo basis to change up their treasure hunter templates and still be able to get good loot and items.  Now, if the drop rate for maps doesn't hover near 0%, maybe this publish will help get some people who weren't all that into treasure hunting to give it more of a go. For everyone else who really depends on treasure hunting as something fun to do in UO, all I can say is you need to get on TC and actually spend some time on this so your feedback has legs to stand on.  And I know for MissE, distance from the server for TC might be an issue.  If it is, then please really do consider doing at least the cache chests where the mobs aren't so difficult and you don't have to worry about the puzzles.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,090
    edited May 2019
    Kyronix said:
    MissE said:

    So far the loot is actually WORSE than what was in originally, so if you are going to make it worse then you may as well just leave it  as it is and save everyone the grief.  There needs to be a substantial loot bump in order to justify adding remove trap to the template, and as for puzzles find something else to do with them or ONLY put them on the low end chests for people who DON'T wanna train remove traps up or as suggested above make them part of puzzles you buy to train up RT the easy way.

    This is not/should not be the case.  Since release 2 there has been a substantial bump to loot quality.  Perhaps @ Margrette and @ Arroth_Thaiel can chime in with a summation of their findings so we can dispel with the “loot is worse” narrative and move forward.

    @MissE What I've run into on test is that everybody means something different by "loot".

    If you're talking about the basic gold/gem/reagents that are in a chest, there are a lot more of them under the new system. They also come in a handy dandy bag for those who just want to grab and go. You might be able to pull them out of the bag individually to generate guardians, but I have not tested that yet. There are now also basic resources in the chest, like valorite ingots, frostwood, etc. Since we couldn't get those before in treasure chests, that's a pretty substantial improvement.

    If by loot you mean the "goodies" we're used to as t-hunters; orbs, recipes, maps, SoT's, etc., then some of those are still a little low, but better then with Release 1. I would split them into two groups. I have enough tasty treats and creeping vines to last a lifetime, and I already have I think 3 shield engravers from less than 100 maps, so I'm not sure how much those types of goodies we actually want/need. On the other hand, T-maps, orbs, SoT's and SoA's could all be more plentiful. Kyronix already has this feedback from multiple sources in the other thread.

    The equipable items are interesting. I'm running 2400 luck on my Pacific t-hunter, with another 1000 for the statue or the Felucca bonus, so I'm up around max luck. On Test I'm running 290 luck. What I've found so far has been a pleasant surprise in the number of greater, major, and legendary arti's, with only the 290 luck. I was expecting fewer. On production with 290 luck I don't think I would have seen this many, not sure though. I'm going to try to do a testing pass with high luck, ~4k, just to see how it compares to what I know from my high luck suit on production.

    Rather than just the number of arti's though, is the property combo's and the gear on which those combo's appear. The property combinations, to my eye, seem to just be...better. Not only that, but you get them on the specific type of gear they would fit with, and that you tend desire them on. So, Mage chests have a lot of leather armor, mage armor, wizard's hats, staves, etc., with the type of properties a mage would actually want. This extends to Warriors, Archers, etc. Some of the professions/chests still need a balance pass, Spell Channeling needs to be on all those mage weapons for instance, and again Kryonix already has that feedback.

    I'm not going to say that it's raining legendaries, or that everything is rainbow, it's not, but overall the system let's you generate the types of gear you want and the majority of the time that gear has properties that make sense (which is something people have been asking for, for literally years).

    There is still plenty of RNG UO, but to me the base system itself is better. Now to run high luck and get stuff that's Legendary!

  • StringsStrings Posts: 3
    Most Legendaries have bad stats.  No one uses legendary weapons for a reason.  Player made weapons are better.  Most Legendary Jewelry do not have stats that compliment each other and being antique they do wear down much faster.  Legendary loot should be revamped or increased in drop rate. 
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Kyronix said:
    This still leaves a huge problem with training the actual skill, since puzzles would no longer be a part of it, the main training loop would take place on treasure maps themselves, which may or may not be so bad.  Feel free to discuss.
    I opened a bunch of stash, supply, and cache chests with remove trap set at 50.3 and never got a gain.  You'll have to give us some clues on which chests would give gains at various levels of the skill.  I'll probably stick to training remove trap the way I've done it several times before, using tinker-trapped boxes where the tinker's skill has to go up and stay about 10 points higher than the remove trap skill.  It's not fun and it's very, very tedious because of the use delay with remove trap.  Maybe you could consider reducing the use delay or eliminating it altogether?

    Also, will you be adding remove trap as a starting skill for new characters?  Will we still need to have 50 detect hidden skill and 50 lockpicking in order to buy remove trap training from a thief guildmaster?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,574
    Violet said:
    Tim said:
    Adding the puzzles to treasure chests put me at a severe disadvantage to a player who is good at them that no amount of strategy on my part can over come.
    With GM Remove Trap puzzles can become quite easy for those not puzzle inclined.

    "the attempt to discern next node" will show you where you need to move. 

    The rate of failure at GM remove trap was twice this whole puzzle, no items destroyed.

    This took just over a minute to complete this way.

    Puzzles just use another form of strategy and some of it is just pure luck.

    I can do those without hints. They are the easy puzzles. What are the hints on the other ones.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited May 2019
    Removed comment... this was the wrong place.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Just a note that if you were planning to engrave the new bags for gold/gems or the bags for reagents, you can't.  It doesn't work.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    So let me see if I get this right, the people really good at doing puzzles can save themselves 100 points in Remove Trap and just do the puzzle and the people that suck at puzzles will need 100 Remove Trap just to get through them to get to the loot.
    Talk about forcing people to have 100 skill points in Remove Trap is IMHO total BS, esp when there are others that will not be required to do it all based on a NON GAME ability.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Bilbo said:
    So let me see if I get this right, the people really good at doing puzzles can save themselves 100 points in Remove Trap and just do the puzzle and the people that suck at puzzles will need 100 Remove Trap just to get through them to get to the loot.
    Talk about forcing people to have 100 skill points in Remove Trap is IMHO total BS, esp when there are others that will not be required to do it all based on a NON GAME ability.
    If you don't want to do puzzles, stick to level 3 maps. Kyronix has already stated more than once that they're the same as 4-5 in basically all but quantity.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Faeryl said:
    Bilbo said:
    So let me see if I get this right, the people really good at doing puzzles can save themselves 100 points in Remove Trap and just do the puzzle and the people that suck at puzzles will need 100 Remove Trap just to get through them to get to the loot.
    Talk about forcing people to have 100 skill points in Remove Trap is IMHO total BS, esp when there are others that will not be required to do it all based on a NON GAME ability.
    If you don't want to do puzzles, stick to level 3 maps. Kyronix has already stated more than once that they're the same as 4-5 in basically all but quantity.
    Oh so now T-Hunters should only do lesser T-Maps because of non game abilities and no the maps are not the same as the higher maps will get more items at the higher lvl so your chances at getting good items faster are diminished greatly.  Puzzles should not be and should never have been considered part of T-Hunting.  Adding more clicking to an activity does not make it more fun esp for the disabled/aging player base
    You want to add puzzles then fine make it something that is stand alone but do not try to attach to an already long running game feature.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Bilbo totally!  :o
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    jaytin said:
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Bilbo totally!  :o
     o:)  >:)
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,090
    edited May 2019
    Bilbo said:
    Faeryl said:
    Bilbo said:
    So let me see if I get this right, the people really good at doing puzzles can save themselves 100 points in Remove Trap and just do the puzzle and the people that suck at puzzles will need 100 Remove Trap just to get through them to get to the loot.
    Talk about forcing people to have 100 skill points in Remove Trap is IMHO total BS, esp when there are others that will not be required to do it all based on a NON GAME ability.
    If you don't want to do puzzles, stick to level 3 maps. Kyronix has already stated more than once that they're the same as 4-5 in basically all but quantity.
    Oh so now T-Hunters should only do lesser T-Maps because of non game abilities and no the maps are not the same as the higher maps will get more items at the higher lvl so your chances at getting good items faster are diminished greatly.  Puzzles should not be and should never have been considered part of T-Hunting.  Adding more clicking to an activity does not make it more fun esp for the disabled/aging player base
    You want to add puzzles then fine make it something that is stand alone but do not try to attach to an already long running game feature.
    jaytin said:
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Bilbo totally!  :o

    This is a misunderstanding of the way T-maps currently work on Test. What you're saying things are working like, is the actual opposite of the way they are working. Regardless of how loudly you want to beat that drum. Your chances of getting good items are actually increased, if you use the system to your advantage. 

    Best part is, you don't have to believe me, Test is there for you and everyone else to check it out.

    As of now, there are no "lesser" level maps. Cache (3), Hoard (4), and Trove (5) all have the same equipable loot. Stash (1) have supplies and Supply (2) has different supplies (or greater quantity of supplies). That's it.

    There is no incentive to do Hoard (4) or Trove (5) unless you are specifically looking for harder monsters (or pets) and a slower process relative to Cache (3), or if you had a group (think Guild hunts) that could burn through Trove (5) maps in a minute or so. 

    If you as a player have the ability to currently solo level 7 maps in say...8 min. You will probably be able to solo Trove (5) in 8 min. However, if you as a player have the ability/power to solo Trove (5) in 8 min., you can probably solo 5 or 6 Cache (3) maps in that same 8 min.

    So, in that 8 minutes, you get to choose,

    Cache (3) = 6 items (100% intensity) * 5 chests = 30 items
    Trove (5) = 18 items (100% intensity) * 1 chest = 18 items

    Which appears to be a better return on your time investment? It's up to you.

    It is a different, and possibly preferable, way to think about loot. It takes bit to get used to it, but it is working out pretty well. Not perfect, I don't mean to oversell it, but pretty well.

  • TimTim Posts: 838
    Just asking but with the talk of all the map levels having the same things just greater quantities I'm wondering

    Should the line in the release notes
    • Powerscrolls will now spawn in Felucca Treasure chests as 105 & 110s.
    Have read 
    • Powerscrolls will now spawn in all Felucca Treasure chests as 105 & 110s.
    and are the odds of getting one the same in all levels?

    I did a dozen of the No Mod maps the other night and didn't get any so not sure.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Faeryl said:

    If you don't want to do puzzles, stick to level 3 maps. Kyronix has already stated more than once that they're the same as 4-5 in basically all but quantity.
    I now solo lvl 6s. I can easily farm miasma for a steady supply while training pets or new toons. What can I now farm a steady supply of these new lvl3s? 

    My current lvl 6s produce spawn that gives a decent challenge solo! Its Fun! These new lvl 3s produce the same caliber of mobs? Nope, not fun. 

    See, its not all about the freaking loot. Its the activity. I don't want to do puzzles, I do not want to group hunt treasure chests, I do not want to fight Greater Mongbats. 

    New Lvl 3 maps are NOT basically the same.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,114
    Kyronix said:
    For the record, there was never a stealth Treasure Chest loot nerf.  If you want to believe that, I'm certainly not going to change your mind, but I'm just telling you that we haven't touched T-Map loot since the global loot rollout of Pub 86? (exact escapes me right now)  

    In any case - we've adjusted the quality of randomly generated magic loot in the latest release, and brought luck back into the equation .  I encourage everyone to hop on TC1 and dig up a chest or two.  I'll be spending some time on and off TC1 all weekend, so stop by and say hello!

    Our current plan is to revisit the current state of things after the weekend and figure out what our next move is.

    I will leave you with some thoughts to chew over...

    I have no problem removing the puzzles and reverting back to the traditional explosion, poison and dart traps that are traditionally on traps.  We would re-scale the difficulty between magic & RT trap removal, and perhaps tie failure into spawning additional mobs to fight, along with dealing with some damage/poison from the traps themselves.  These are just thoughts, and do not mean that's going to happen.  This still leaves a huge problem with training the actual skill, since puzzles would no longer be a part of it, the main training loop would take place on treasure maps themselves, which may or may not be so bad.  Feel free to discuss.

    "In any case - we've adjusted the quality of randomly generated magic loot in the latest release, and brought luck back into the equation .  I encourage everyone to hop on TC1 and dig up a chest or two.  I'll be spending some time on and off TC1 all weekend, so stop by and say hello!"

    Would it be possible to have, on the Test Server, a "Luck Command" were we can easily set our Template Luck at will so as to try out different Luck numbers with the digging of a Chest ?

    It could be helpfull to understand how to "fine tune" Luck on our suits for the production shards...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,114
    JollyJade said:
    KHAN said:
    @ Kyronix You said, The base loot tables are exactly the same for Lvl 3 as they are for Lvl 4 and Lvl 5. I am taking this to mean that the loot is exactly THE SAME in all 3 levels of chests. What am I missing, because that CAN'T be correct. otherwise, why even bother with the 4's and 5's????? 
    Only time will really tell the truth, but I fear it's along "you can get a clean legendary from a mongbat" .. if you kill them 24/7 for 10 years..
    The problem is, that, at least to my seeing, hardly anyone opens up the corpse of a killed mongbat or low level creature so, "even if" they got that unusual and exceptional Luck to get a clean Legendary off of them, they would not know...
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Does not work that way...

    Creatures have ''ranges'' for their loot generation. No matter how much luck you wear, no matter how many you kill, there is a cap per species and you will never exceed that cap.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bilbo said:
    Faeryl said:
    Bilbo said:
    So let me see if I get this right, the people really good at doing puzzles can save themselves 100 points in Remove Trap and just do the puzzle and the people that suck at puzzles will need 100 Remove Trap just to get through them to get to the loot.
    Talk about forcing people to have 100 skill points in Remove Trap is IMHO total BS, esp when there are others that will not be required to do it all based on a NON GAME ability.
    If you don't want to do puzzles, stick to level 3 maps. Kyronix has already stated more than once that they're the same as 4-5 in basically all but quantity.
    Oh so now T-Hunters should only do lesser T-Maps because of non game abilities and no the maps are not the same as the higher maps will get more items at the higher lvl so your chances at getting good items faster are diminished greatly.  Puzzles should not be and should never have been considered part of T-Hunting.  Adding more clicking to an activity does not make it more fun esp for the disabled/aging player base
    You want to add puzzles then fine make it something that is stand alone but do not try to attach to an already long running game feature.
    jaytin said:
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Bilbo totally!  :o

    This is a misunderstanding of the way T-maps currently work on Test. What you're saying things are working like, is the actual opposite of the way they are working. Regardless of how loudly you want to beat that drum. Your chances of getting good items are actually increased, if you use the system to your advantage. 

    Best part is, you don't have to believe me, Test is there for you and everyone else to check it out.

    As of now, there are no "lesser" level maps. Cache (3), Hoard (4), and Trove (5) all have the same equipable loot. Stash (1) have supplies and Supply (2) has different supplies (or greater quantity of supplies). That's it.

    There is no incentive to do Hoard (4) or Trove (5) unless you are specifically looking for harder monsters (or pets) and a slower process relative to Cache (3), or if you had a group (think Guild hunts) that could burn through Trove (5) maps in a minute or so. 

    If you as a player have the ability to currently solo level 7 maps in say...8 min. You will probably be able to solo Trove (5) in 8 min. However, if you as a player have the ability/power to solo Trove (5) in 8 min., you can probably solo 5 or 6 Cache (3) maps in that same 8 min.

    So, in that 8 minutes, you get to choose,

    Cache (3) = 6 items (100% intensity) * 5 chests = 30 items
    Trove (5) = 18 items (100% intensity) * 1 chest = 18 items

    Which appears to be a better return on your time investment? It's up to you.

    It is a different, and possibly preferable, way to think about loot. It takes bit to get used to it, but it is working out pretty well. Not perfect, I don't mean to oversell it, but pretty well.

    Just love your 8 min investment time and not bothering with the spawn drops as well and the ability that when this all goes live that you can clear a Cache in 1 min.  It is also the fact that puzzles will be part of t-hunting.
    The bottom line in all of this is the players asked for a loot upgrade for t-hunter/sos chests and this is their requirements for that upgrade.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Tim said:
    Just asking but with the talk of all the map levels having the same things just greater quantities I'm wondering

    Should the line in the release notes
    • Powerscrolls will now spawn in Felucca Treasure chests as 105 & 110s.
    Have read 
    • Powerscrolls will now spawn in all Felucca Treasure chests as 105 & 110s.
    and are the odds of getting one the same in all levels?

    I did a dozen of the No Mod maps the other night and didn't get any so not sure.
    The power scrolls should have a chance to spawn on horde or trove chests completed in Fel.  Given how rarely other items besides resources and randomly generated items are spawning in the stash, supply, and cache chests, I wouldn't be surprised if power scrolls are a rare drop in the Fel horde and trove chests.  
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,114
    Tanager said:
    Does not work that way...

    Creatures have ''ranges'' for their loot generation. No matter how much luck you wear, no matter how many you kill, there is a cap per species and you will never exceed that cap.
    In that case, has it been figured out by anyone what is the "minimal" level of a Creature in UO that has the chance to provide that best possible spawned loot ?

    Of course, High End bosses do, I mean, that is understandable...

    But do "also" lesser Creatures STILL have that ability to provide high quality spawned loot ?

    If so, what are the lowest Creatures that can STILL generate the best high quality loot ?

    Take Doom, only the final Boss can generate best quality Loot or do also the ones in the various rooms have that same ability ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,114
    Since the Thread on Test Server Forum has mandatory strict guidelines and is not for general discussion about the Treasure Hunting update, I will post this here.

    This is about the "bonus" to Loot Quality in Chests which, I understand, can be enhanced by wearing higher Luck on the Treasure Hunter and with this new item, the +1 ,+2, +3, +4, +5 Glasses.

    The reason for this Post comes from the lack of information about "how" these bonuses have been coded.

    Do the 2 Bonuses stack with one another ? Is it "either one" (i.e. the highest between the 2 gets considered for the Loot Quality Bonus...) ?

    Personally, I'd say do NOT make them stack but have "either one" (the highest) be taken into account by the Engine which will then generate the Loot Quality inside of the Chest.

    The reason for this is, that this way, players who can wear the Glasses will be "freed" by their necessity to wear Luck on their suits and will, therefore, if they have the Glasses, be able to have suits without the Luck modifiers and, thus, have "other" modifiers on them, instead, still much usefull to help them out when, for example, having to fight the Guardians...

    Or, even better, you could make he bonus be "CAPPED" and the CAP be reached either with a combination of Luck worn+Glasses Power (for example, 500 Luck worn+ a +3 Cartography would reach the CAP) or by wearing the maximum Luck possible (is it 3,000ish ?) OR a +5 cartography Glasses....

    This way, players with little Luck on their suits could "compensate" that low Luck with lesser power Glasses (the +1, +2, +3 Cartography Glasses...) and still be able to reach the CAP for generating higher Quality Loot items in the Chests, while players with the Top Luck will be able to not wear glasses at all and players having the +5 Cartography Glasses will be able to, instead, DO WITHOUT Luck on their Suit, entirely, because their +5 Cartography Glasses have already brought them to hit the max CAP allowed by the code for enhancing the loot quality of items in the Chest.

    What do you think ?

  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    popps said:
    @ Kyronix
    Since the Thread on Test Server Forum has mandatory strict guidelines and is not for general discussion about the Treasure Hunting update, I will post this here.

    This is about the "bonus" to Loot Quality in Chests which, I understand, can be enhanced by wearing higher Luck on the Treasure Hunter and with this new item, the +1 ,+2, +3, +4, +5 Glasses.

    The reason for this Post comes from the lack of information about "how" these bonuses have been coded.

    Do the 2 Bonuses stack with one another ? Is it "either one" (i.e. the highest between the 2 gets considered for the Loot Quality Bonus...) ?

    Personally, I'd say do NOT make them stack but have "either one" (the highest) be taken into account by the Engine which will then generate the Loot Quality inside of the Chest.

    The reason for this is, that this way, players who can wear the Glasses will be "freed" by their necessity to wear Luck on their suits and will, therefore, if they have the Glasses, be able to have suits without the Luck modifiers and, thus, have "other" modifiers on them, instead, still much usefull to help them out when, for example, having to fight the Guardians...

    Or, even better, you could make he bonus be "CAPPED" and the CAP be reached either with a combination of Luck worn+Glasses Power (for example, 500 Luck worn+ a +3 Cartography would reach the CAP) or by wearing the maximum Luck possible (is it 3,000ish ?) OR a +5 cartography Glasses....

    This way, players with little Luck on their suits could "compensate" that low Luck with lesser power Glasses (the +1, +2, +3 Cartography Glasses...) and still be able to reach the CAP for generating higher Quality Loot items in the Chests, while players with the Top Luck will be able to not wear glasses at all and players having the +5 Cartography Glasses will be able to, instead, DO WITHOUT Luck on their Suit, entirely, because their +5 Cartography Glasses have already brought them to hit the max CAP allowed by the code for enhancing the loot quality of items in the Chest.

    What do you think ?

    If I understand the notes and discussions thus far, the glasses improve the chance at a better quality chest (rusty, metal, gold), and luck itself would affect the quality/intensities of the items in whichever type of chest spawns. So again, if I understand right, they affect two similar, but different, things that result in the generation of the loot.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,204Dev
    @Faeryl nailed it.
  • SwrobertsSwroberts Posts: 7
    Have been playing since '99, and for some reason treasure maps and fishing always had me.  Probably because of the unknown.  If anyone remembers, all the found items were unidentified and you had to sort through and ID everything, hoping for something silver or invulnerable.  Not asking to bring in another dead skill, just my background, and how long I have been doing this. I always just did this to find cool stuff to sell.

    People seem to be thinking that Remove Trap took the place of mining, which isn't true.  Cartography took the place of mining, because you would decode all the maps and stone cart and put on mining.  

    So Remove Trap is no extra and makes for a bulky Character.  

    So my requests: 
    1. Add Remove Trap and Cartography to imbueable skills for rings...not in the same list though. This will make some angry due to carpal tunnel recovery and a I had to do it, they have to do it attitude.

    A minor request.
    Include talismans, Heartwood Quest type... 26-30% are sellable (since the pardon trade is dead).. also with the new increase in fishing interest I see some coin in sea serpent killers.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
     To be honest, I probably no longer have an accurate understanding of loot generation. When they changed the system a while back, it became immensely complicated to me where opening a Miasma corpse involved looking at 30 items each with 20 lines of text - most of which is of no use to me. Very time consuming with little gain. I stopped wearing most looted gear, and stopped even looking at it in corpses with only a very few exceptions. I do not even know what half of the current mods in this game do. Simple imbued gear is enough for me to do all the things I enjoy, and there is zero grind or RNG involved.

    However, I do believe there is still a minimum and maximum intensity range for creatures. For example, a solen queen can still give something with up to 20 LRC (the previous maximum) but I have never seen a 25 LRC (current maximum) from a solen queen. She can drop 100 luck... but I have never seen a 150. I suppose it could just be super rare.
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