Pub 105 - Treasure Map Update Phase I *Bugs, Loot, and Guardian Mob Distribution Only*



  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Tanager said:

    Malas maps are the easiest to get, and the easiest to complete. Was that a factor in the loot, or is the RNG just being mean? The image on the left is 10 Supply chests completed in Fel for the Zippy quest. The Malas Trove maps (as they are now) are not worth the time. I will test another facet later on, tho.

    I wouldn't believe this is the case. This is pretty on par with what I have found in Fel maps. As far as bad RNG luck,  it doesn't look like an anomaly unless we both experienced it. I have a lot done and this generally is about what I am seeing. 
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I just realized that none of the Mage chests I have done gave me reagents. They all had gem bags - this is for Tram Supply chests and Malas Trove chests.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Tanager said:
    I just realized that none of the Mage chests I have done gave me reagents. They all had gem bags - this is for Tram Supply chests and Malas Trove chests.
    You only get magery reagents on Stash Mage chests.
  • RotepRotep Posts: 5
    edited April 2019
    I haven't been doing TC but will paragon chest still work the same or will you require remove trap for those as well, and will paragon chest maps be any shard like it is now or will that change, Has anyone checked these things?
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Margrette said:
    Tanager said:
    I just realized that none of the Mage chests I have done gave me reagents. They all had gem bags - this is for Tram Supply chests and Malas Trove chests.
    You only get magery reagents on Stash Mage chests.
    Ah, okay. I thought it meant that level of map and upwards. Good to know! (Also, how are people quoting only a part of a comment? Send me a message, so as not to clutter up this thread. Thanks!)
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    10 Malas Hordes. (I agree with whoever commented that this should be spelled Hoard.) These are the level of map I would expect to get from popping Miasma chests. 100 carto, no talisman, no party. Spawn was fairly easy, though I am getting lazy now and not bothering to kill them since I don't have to. I can solo these but they take decent equipment, time, and understanding the game and my character, so I would still call it group "oriented".

    3 Mage, 3 Artisan, 1 Barbarian, 1 Warrior, 1 Assassin, 1 Ranger
    5 Rusty, 2 Metal, 3 Gold

    The 3 Mage chests (one rusty, 2 metal) each gave me a coffin piece. (So did a Malas Mage Trove chest - these seem to be a mage thing, or maybe the RNG was having a fit of deja vu.)

    Each chest had 9 pieces of equipment, some of which was ok but not fantastic for my level. I kept a nice hat with good resists. I did like the new elven glasses, but they all had too many properties to be imbued. The rest had nothing of note beside the gem/gold bag. The gold added up to 476,933gp - not bad for an hour and a half or so of work. These maps are easy enough to get that I would do them just for the gold and gems, but this small sampling was otherwise underwhelming. The completed maps were worth 500 cleanup points each.

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    If I can put together enough time, I figured I'd try to test 3 maps of each or most iterations if I'm able. I've only taken notes on first three levels of Felucca maps so far...

    Character Build: 100 Cartography (No Talisman) / 100 Locks / 50 Detect / 59.8 Remove Trap / 100 Hiding / 96.7 Stealth (120 w/mods) /  120 Eval / 103 Magery (120 w/mods)  

    Solo / Stash Level / Felucca
    *Barbarian Loot: Gold Chest, Gem Bag with 35,816 gold

    *Warrior Loot: Gold Chest, Gem Bag with 25,711 gold, .8 Parry SoT

    *Mage Loot: Gold Chest 60 Count Reg Bag, 21,775 gold

    Takes longer to get there than it takes to do the chest. That seems about right.

    Solo / Supply Level / Felucca
    *Warrior Loot: Normal Chest, 29,933 gold in Gem Bag
    Mob: Ogre Lord, 2 Hell Hounds, 2 Air Ellys, Dread Spider
    Note: Finding just a gem bag seems a bit scant.

    *Mage Loot: Normal Chest, 20,876 gold in gem bag, Warrior Cache treasure map
    Mob: Lich Lord, Fire Elly, Hell Hound, Dread Spider 

    *Artisan Loot: Gold Chest, 100 Verite Ingots, Gem Bag with 36,997 gold
    Mob: Earth Elly, Fire Elly, Glowing Orc, Gazer

    Forgot to look at time on how long it took to complete 3 maps. Not based just on the one Artisan map I took notes on, but others I've done, from Stash to Trove, I'm disappointed in these chests. The ingots mentioned above are the first and only resource I've found so far. No essences? No recipes? Granite, wood, tallys, runics, etc.? I'd like to see artisan loot really be geared toward the crafter. I'm not really interested in seeing numerous weapons. A magic pickaxe I can hand to my miner doesn't seem very artisan-y.

    Solo / Cache Level / Felucca
    *Assassin’s Loot: Normal Chest, Gem Bag with 47,563 gold, 2 Major Magic bandanas, 2 Major Magic daggers, 2 Greater Magic bracelet
    Mob: 2 Demons, Blood Elly, Poison Elly, Elder Gazer, Lich Lord

    *Ranger Loot: Normal Chest, 31,223 gold Gem Bag, 2 Major Magic crossbows, 1 Greater Magic crossbow, 2 Major Magic hide gloves, 1 Greater Magic hide gloves
    Mob: Similar to above. Forgot to write it down

    *Barbarian Loot: Gold Chest, 37,519 gold, 2 Major Magic rings, Major Magic club, 2 Major Magic war mace, Lessor Magic plate gloves, 110 wrestling PS

    Note: It took me about 45 minutes to do the three maps. So average 15 minutes for me to solo a Cache. That’s everything from decoding map, travel to get to spot, find and dig up chest, fight spawn. I’m not counting looting the chest and fighting any additional spawn because I didn’t do that. I only took an inventory of contents. But I figure I'll get to locations faster on home shard than I do on TC. So it sort of evens out. I imagine tamers blow through these in a snap. 

    I was disappointed in Cache chests too. I think it's nice that I found a PS. But I was hoping for something out of the ordinary. I was hoping to find something geared more toward Rogues in Assassin's Loot. I was hoping to find something I would want to keep besides the gold and PS from these chests. It very well could be I've not done a large enough sampling and I've not gotten the best rolls on the loot so far. But I've probably done more Cache maps than anything else and there's not much I'd keep from them.


    Haven't copied over any maps from home shard in last two days, so I can't offer additional info from what I've already given. But I can tell you that the newest maps from the dispensers on TC still change their theme when you move them in and out of DJ Locker.

    General first impressions...I love the theme idea. I wish there were a rogue themed chest. I thought there would be more new or different items. I love the gem bags but I thought there might be more new artwork than that. I thought we might find clothing items, recipes, artwork. I could go on.

    I realize we’ve a long way to go still and perhaps the really shiny new stuff will come with the implementation of the trapped compartments, if and when they come along. And perhaps that's as it should be. Still, it's a little anticlimactic to not find a few new items in the main chest as well.


  • Haddy_GHaddy_G Posts: 14

    Couple more maps using Talisman with 28 Cartography Bonus.  I mess up the first video (forgot to setup healing macro for pet).  Frost dragon and other baddies killed pet.  Guardians feel right to me.  Most of the loot I would just unravel.  Some of the maps take a long time to decode some don’t.  One took 28 attempts (trashed map since didn’t want to go that spot).  No issues with Davy Locker (all maps have readable name).

    Tram Ranger Trove (Gold Chest) 20 attempts to decode

    Fel Ranger Trove (Rust Chest) 2 attempts to decode

    Fel Assassin Trove (Iron Chest) 3 attempts to decode

  • TimTim Posts: 814
    Looks good to me so far.

    But if you intend to leave in being able to open chest before guardians all dead could you move gold out of gem bag. I like the idea of the bag but with the gold it makes it way to heavy to grab and run. Admittedly a minor point but it would make it easer to target for bag of sending once it is in you backpack.

    I REALY like stealth thieving the chests. I did a dozen or so trove maps last night didn't kill a single guardian and only died 3 times. Fun

    My options on the loot are pretty well covered by the others who are way better them me at record keeping. (Thanks as someone who remembers to write it down too late I appreciate it) 
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    It's getting pretty frustrating trying to find a map for a certain profession to do.  I pull out a big stack of maps and sort them by profession, and then when I take any one of them out, the profession has changed.  So I end up taking them out over and over again to find something I want and then put it in to get the coordinates and it has changed again.

    If it didn't take so much digging to locate the chests even with GM Cartography, I'd throw the ones I want in a bag once I get them out of the locker.  But sometimes I swear they change profession in your backpack when you go to another facet.  It's giving me a headache trying to figure it out!
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2019
    My makeshift solution for getting a map with a profession I want and still being able to use the locker for coordinates is to pick a map in the facet I want and with the level I want.  Write down the coordinates.  Then drop the map out of the locker.  If it isn't the profession I want, put it in the locker and drop it again.  Repeat putting in and dropping out until the profession changes to the one I want on the map that is actually in my backpack.  May take a number of tries, but eventually it seems the professions all cycle through.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    I’m doing exactly that as well, @Margrette. Reloading and dropping the map over and over again. I haven’t found any instances where the coords, or level changes. Just the theme. 
  • fonsvitaefonsvitae Posts: 51
    edited April 2019
    It should be hoard not horde @kyronix

  • A little off-topic...
    I see people complaining on Stratics about how hard the T-Rex is for Eodon maps. Currently, the T-Rex is not vulnerable to either Dinosaur Slayer (Lesser) or Reptile Slayer (Super), which it should be.
    Does the T-Rex or Allosaurus even drop maps on TC right now? I've been trying to test it, haven't seen any drop yet.

    Looted this off of Lady Mel last week. So it should provide a benefit to T-Hunting after the update goes live?

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    No @PlayerSkillFTW that thing is no darned good! Give it to me. I’ll throw it away for you.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited April 2019


    Loot Spreadsheet. 60 Maps. All maps from Tokuno gifting pillars. Character was not changed at any point. Everything found in the chests is included.

    All maps decoded fine. All maps dug fine. No duplicate chests or anything weird.!ApABON2EL2WNessoNCZ2fJuV6ow

    My impression of loot:

    Gold & Gems seem fine in all chests.

    Artisan seems pretty good for both Stash and Supply.

    Assassin & Barbarian seem sparse for both Stash and Supply. Might need a bigger sample size for both to get a better idea of drop rates for additional maps and SoA. Suggestion: add smoke bombs to Assassin Stash?

    Mage is ok for Stash, seems sparse for Supply. Suggestion: follow the Artisan path and put 50 reagents in Stash, 100 in Supply? Or add Neco/Mystic reagents to Stash and/or Supply? Or spell scrolls to Supply?

    Ranger seems sparse for Stash, seems ok for Supply. Suggestion: add Enhanced Bandages or Arrows/Bolts to Stash?

    Warrior feels empty for both Stash and Supply. Suggestion: increase t-maps for Stash, increase SoA for Supply. 

    Overall suggestion: appropriately modded Mana Phasing Orbs for each profession at the Supply level would be sweet.


    Anyway, looks good overall. I like the profession themes. I'll try to do some Cache maps, but don't know how much time I'll have.

  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    I did some comparison between Stash-Horde maps on TC and Plainly-Ingeniously maps on my home shard. I took 2 of each profession package, so 12 maps in total, Trammel only.

    Stash gave me gold, gems, 1 SoT, 50 Bloodwood, 50 Verite ingots, 2x mage Regs, 12 refinements.
    Plainly gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 7 recipes, 1 Skeleton key, 1 MiB, 3 SoA, 3 T-maps, 7 Tasty Treat.

    Supply gave me gold, gems, 2 SoA, shield engrave tool, 1 Runed Sash, 1 Forged Pardon, 200 Agapite ingots.
    6 Expertly + 6 Adeptly gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 3 T-maps, 4 SoA, 1 Skeleton Key, 4 Recipe, 2 Creeping Vine, 4 Tasty Treats, 3 Mib, 5 Refinements, 30 Essences.

    Cache gave me gold, gems, 1 greater artifact, 2 major artifacts, 2 legendary artifacts, 1 T-Map
    6 Cleverly + 6 Deviously gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 5 SoA, 4 Creeping Vine, 21 Refinements, 5 T-maps, 1Skeleton key, 2 Recipes, 4 Tasty Treats, 1 MiB, 54 Essences

    Horde gave me gold, gems, 1 lesser artifact, 4 greater artifact, 3 major artifact, 2 T-maps, 1 creeping vine
    Ingeniously gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 5 Skeleton keys, 29 Refinements, 8 Recipes, 4 Runed Sash, 12 mini arties, 8 SoA, 2 Mana Phasin Orb, 4 Tasty Treats, 1 MiB, 2 creeping vines, 1 Forged Pardon, 1 T-map, 72 Essences, somehow forgot to note the artifacts, but there were some lesser-major..

    So for me plainly to ingeniously are each better than Stash to Horde as it is now.
    We get guaranteed Essences from expertly maps up, good chances for SoA which is the main reason for me doing low level maps and in most maps you get some goodies like Tasty Treat, Skeleton key, creeping vine, etc.. If you dont want to use them, you can always get some cleanup points for them.

    My conclusion is ditch the profession packages, they just limit each level of maps. If Stash maps should have mage regs, put them on any Stash map. If people dont want them they can leave them in the chest anyways. I dont think we need more sources for rare wood and ingots, just put back on static spots. Put Essences and chances for SoA back to every map or if Horde and Trove maps have some other interesting items, at least keep then in Stash -Cache maps. SoA are the main reason for me and others to do low level maps. No idea if we need Mondains Legacy regs on T-maps cause they dont have much use these days because those craftables are outdated. I dont think we need Powerscrolls in T-maps, but I am fine with it how its designed. The regeant bag and the gem bag are great additions and the Cache armor parts value  seem to be ok.

    The old T-hunting is good, just do some small enhancements. Bump the armor parts a bit together with less of them, add a few more items like the shield engrave tool + the regeant and gem bags and its fine. Dont overhaul the whole system because its already good.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    So, I did a few cache maps earlier today. I'll be the first to admit I'm no expert on equipment properties, so I won't delve into that.

    Artisan’s Cache (Trammel) (metal)

      -  Gold and gems (coin bag)

      -  Major magic (x3), greater magic, major artifact

    Barbarian’s Cache (Trammel) (metal)

      -  Gold and gems (coin bag)

      -  Major magic (x4), greater magic (x2)

    Ranger’s Cache (Trammel) (metal)

      -  Gold and gems (gem bag)

      -  Major magic (x5), lesser artifact

    Assassin’s Cache (Trammel) (metal)

      -  Gold and gems (gem bag)

      -  Major magic (x5), lesser magic

    Now, in that last one, the assassin's cache, I had this little anomaly. I assume it was just a weird fluke of the RNG, but uh... That's a lot of bandanas.

    Another thing I just noticed, and I know we're not really dealing with the SOSs now, but... I copied over a friend's Davie's Locker earlier today and only just got to play with it now, and some of the SOSs show the same error as the maps:

    And this is a couple of the error SOSs after I've removed and readded them to the locker:

    They've somehow picked up the package type. And if I remove and re-add the SOSs that had no error, like the one at the top of the first image, they also pick up the package type.
  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    Faeryl said:

    Now, in that last one, the assassin's cache, I had this little anomaly. I assume it was just a weird fluke of the RNG, but uh... That's a lot of bandanas.

    I have had this happen a lot too SOOO many bandanas. <span>:smiley:</span>
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    LilyGrace said:
    No @ PlayerSkillFTW that thing is no darned good! Give it to me. I’ll throw it away for you.
    LOL!!!! I need a Laugh. Too funny. I can't wait for the update. So much to do so little time. I love it. I feel like we are entering a Renaissance Period in Ultima Online.  Things are looking good. Keep it up Development Team.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited April 2019

    @ Kyronix

    Loot Spreadsheet. 60 Maps. All maps from Tokuno gifting pillars. Character was not changed at any point. Everything found in the chests is included.

    All maps decoded fine. All maps dug fine. No duplicate chests or anything weird.!ApABON2EL2WNessoNCZ2fJuV6ow

    My impression of loot:

    Gold & Gems seem fine in all chests.

    Artisan seems pretty good for both Stash and Supply.

    Assassin & Barbarian seem sparse for both Stash and Supply. Might need a bigger sample size for both to get a better idea of drop rates for additional maps and SoA. Suggestion: add smoke bombs to Assassin Stash?

    Mage is ok for Stash, seems sparse for Supply. Suggestion: follow the Artisan path and put 50 reagents in Stash, 100 in Supply? Or add Neco/Mystic reagents to Stash and/or Supply? Or spell scrolls to Supply?

    Ranger seems sparse for Stash, seems ok for Supply. Suggestion: add Enhanced Bandages or Arrows/Bolts to Stash?

    Warrior feels empty for both Stash and Supply. Suggestion: increase t-maps for Stash, increase SoA for Supply. 

    Overall suggestion: appropriately modded Mana Phasing Orbs for each profession at the Supply level would be sweet.


    Anyway, looks good overall. I like the profession themes. I'll try to do some Cache maps, but don't know how much time I'll have.

    I see that all the Maps you list are Artisan though, Stash and Supply.... and NONE of them had any Mondain's Legacy Resources, neither regular nor special....

    Since I am also not having any luck with the Artisan's Maps I am digging to find these reagents, I was wondering whether any player who did Artisan's Maps of any Level on Test was able to get any Mondain's Legacy Resources, regular AND special....

    I am trying to figure out whether, with the new changes to Treasure Hunting, a Crafter could now count on Treasure Maps as a steady supply of Mondain's Legacy Resources they would need for crafting purposes.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited April 2019
    Drowy said:
    I did some comparison between Stash-Horde maps on TC and Plainly-Ingeniously maps on my home shard. I took 2 of each profession package, so 12 maps in total, Trammel only.

    Stash gave me gold, gems, 1 SoT, 50 Bloodwood, 50 Verite ingots, 2x mage Regs, 12 refinements.
    Plainly gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 7 recipes, 1 Skeleton key, 1 MiB, 3 SoA, 3 T-maps, 7 Tasty Treat.

    Supply gave me gold, gems, 2 SoA, shield engrave tool, 1 Runed Sash, 1 Forged Pardon, 200 Agapite ingots.
    6 Expertly + 6 Adeptly gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 3 T-maps, 4 SoA, 1 Skeleton Key, 4 Recipe, 2 Creeping Vine, 4 Tasty Treats, 3 Mib, 5 Refinements, 30 Essences.

    Cache gave me gold, gems, 1 greater artifact, 2 major artifacts, 2 legendary artifacts, 1 T-Map
    6 Cleverly + 6 Deviously gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 5 SoA, 4 Creeping Vine, 21 Refinements, 5 T-maps, 1Skeleton key, 2 Recipes, 4 Tasty Treats, 1 MiB, 54 Essences

    Horde gave me gold, gems, 1 lesser artifact, 4 greater artifact, 3 major artifact, 2 T-maps, 1 creeping vine
    Ingeniously gave me less gold, less gems, some mage/necro regs, 5 Skeleton keys, 29 Refinements, 8 Recipes, 4 Runed Sash, 12 mini arties, 8 SoA, 2 Mana Phasin Orb, 4 Tasty Treats, 1 MiB, 2 creeping vines, 1 Forged Pardon, 1 T-map, 72 Essences, somehow forgot to note the artifacts, but there were some lesser-major..

    So for me plainly to ingeniously are each better than Stash to Horde as it is now.
    We get guaranteed Essences from expertly maps up, good chances for SoA which is the main reason for me doing low level maps and in most maps you get some goodies like Tasty Treat, Skeleton key, creeping vine, etc.. If you dont want to use them, you can always get some cleanup points for them.

    My conclusion is ditch the profession packages, they just limit each level of maps. If Stash maps should have mage regs, put them on any Stash map. If people dont want them they can leave them in the chest anyways. I dont think we need more sources for rare wood and ingots, just put back on static spots. Put Essences and chances for SoA back to every map or if Horde and Trove maps have some other interesting items, at least keep then in Stash -Cache maps. SoA are the main reason for me and others to do low level maps. No idea if we need Mondains Legacy regs on T-maps cause they dont have much use these days because those craftables are outdated. I dont think we need Powerscrolls in T-maps, but I am fine with it how its designed. The regeant bag and the gem bag are great additions and the Cache armor parts value  seem to be ok.

    The old T-hunting is good, just do some small enhancements. Bump the armor parts a bit together with less of them, add a few more items like the shield engrave tool + the regeant and gem bags and its fine. Dont overhaul the whole system because its already good.
    "No idea if we need Mondains Legacy regs on T-maps cause they dont have much use these days because those craftables are outdated."

    While certainly and definitively Mondains Legacy's Craftables could get some Love from the Developers to bring them back to some usefullness and more on par with "new" spawning items, I disagree that they are no longer of much use....

    With variations, but some of them can still be worth crafting, I think.

    Besides, at least for ARTISANS' Chest I do not see why Mondains Legacy's Resources, regular AND special, should not be part of the loot.... these are Chests with loot supposed to be of usefullness for "Crafters", right ??

    Furthermore, it was my understanding that they WERE SUPPOSED to be part of the Artisans' Chests loot.... it still is being debated whether to include them or not ??

    Uhu ?

    @Kyronix ; ?
  • DizzyDizzy Posts: 78
    @Kyronix Treasure hunting is my only real passion, and I don't really want to comment on the loot right now, you're getting plenty of feedback.  But in the old maps, I also enjoyed my "personal dungeon" and killing off the spawn.  There are 13? 16? I can never remember guardians.  And they spawned by siphoning out all of the loot.

    Will there still be a way to stir up additional guardians?  I'm concerned that not only the loot is less (quality and quantity) but the guardians are fewer, too.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878

    Yeah...I call these the Bret Michaels Special :D 
    Image result for bret michaels
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    I grabbed 3 each of the first 3 level Eodon maps. Their labels turns to Ter Mur for location when loaded into DJ Locker. They turn back into Eodon local when they land back into pack.
  • WhesslesWhessles Posts: 49
    popps said:
    I see that all the Maps you list are Artisan though, Stash and Supply.... and NONE of them had any Mondain's Legacy Resources, neither regular nor special....

    Since I am also not having any luck with the Artisan's Maps I am digging to find these reagents, I was wondering whether any player who did Artisan's Maps of any Level on Test was able to get any Mondain's Legacy Resources, regular AND special....

    I am trying to figure out whether, with the new changes to Treasure Hunting, a Crafter could now count on Treasure Maps as a steady supply of Mondain's Legacy Resources they would need for crafting purposes.

    I have found some normal. The only maps I have done in the lower levels have been in Malas. 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    popps said:
    I see that all the Maps you list are Artisan though, Stash and Supply....


    The spreadsheet has tabs at the bottom for the different professions.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,853
    Horde - Large group of people
    Hoard - Large group of items

    Either is relevant if the chest is not meant to be solo'd.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2019
    I liked Arroth's way of organizing his spreadsheet so much that I stole the idea and applied it to mine.  Hopefully it helps make it more obvious what should and shouldn't be in each type of chest.  Anything in red shows an item that could have been part of the loot but wasn't.  There's also a tab (the 8th one, I think) that has screen shots of the randomly generated equipment items from the cache chests I've done.   You may have to change your browser's magnification level to see some of the screen shots more clearly.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited April 2019
    Margrette said:
    I liked Arroth's way of organizing his spreadsheet so much that I stole the idea and applied it to mine.  Hopefully it helps make it more obvious what should and shouldn't be in each type of chest.  Anything in red shows an item that could have been part of the loot but wasn't.  There's also a tab (the 8th one, I think) that has screen shots of the randomly generated equipment items from the cache chests I've done.   You may have to change your browser's magnification level to see some of the screen shots more clearly.

    So, combining some of our data....

    Scrolls of Alacrity from Stash: 2 out of 91 or 2% chance.
    Scrolls of Alacrity from Supply: 22 out of 86 or 25% chance.

    TMap from Stash: 6 out of 91 or 6.5% chance.
    TMap from Supply: 6 out of 86 or 6.9% chance.

    Hmm....seems low to me (except SoA Supply, 1 in 4 seems ok). That is, if these numbers are accurate. Closing in on 100 samples though, so we're probably getting a decent estimate.

    Kyronix, any reason not to increase TMap's and SoA's a bit?

    SoA Stash = 10%
    SoA Supply = 25%

    TMap Stash = 10%
    TMap Supply = 25%

    @Margrette Glad to see ML ingredients dropping. I was thinking that since they are ingredients they would be found in the Artisan profession at higher levels (Supply, Cache, Hoard)? Seems strange to see them everywhere but Artisan. Also, I thought since ML dungeons are in so many facets, you'd get ingredients in more than just Malas (as in all the facets with ML dungeons). I'd also hoped you'd be able to target the peerless ingredient you wanted by going to the specific facet where the peerless spawned.

    Guess we'll see what happens when Kyronix gets the next publish out.  

    Glad to see Necro reagents dropping. (Malas makes sense since Necro's started out there.) Hopefully Mystic reagents are in Mage Stashes in Ter Mur. 

This discussion has been closed.