An opinion on the bamboo fix.
Just adding my 2 cents, which has the same value. I feel a need to express myself, but I am not interested in arguing about it. What is done, is done.
The bamboo tiles were a very old glitch, just like steps loading items without stepping into the house. I am pretty sure ''breaking'' staircases in build mode with teletiles is also a glitch. ''Breaking'' deeded items with goza mats is also most likely a glitch. Breedable hops and other peculiar seeds - also a glitch. Some glitches have been allowed to remain because many people enjoyed their happy serendipity.
UO has overland housing, which is visible to anyone who passes by. Even from the very beginning, deco and marketing in UO has been a kind of art form. The bamboo tiles allowed people to create - and display - all kinds of art and services. Not all art is appreciated by all people. I personally do not enjoy glacial borg cubes, but that is just my preference, and there is no way I can avoid seeing it. I am also not a fan of Picasso, but I don't feel a need to insult his art.
This fix has destroyed many works of art (for better or for worse) and removed advertising for useful things like auction safes and transport items. People do not like their art and businesses destroyed, and so there are a lot of unhappy people.
Furthermore, there was no Dev discussion on the matter. There were no efforts to make a settings option for people who either do not like the results or have a computer that lags out. Nothing. Many people have found this lack of consideration to be utterly offensive.
I play in EC, and I never had any issues with lag as a result of deco. I can run past a cluster of castles and get lagged - but that is another problem entirely and has nothing to do with bamboo tiles because those houses do not have them. So imo those people who suffer from lag are running UO on a PC that has insufficient RAM, CPU, or video card, or some combination of the three. This game has grown, and its base requirements have grown also.
It is unfortunate, in my opinion, that a long standing glitch that caused many people joy has been obliterated. I have seen some truly stunning works of perspective ''between'' or ''above'' player houses that added vibrancy to the landscape.
I will miss them.
The bamboo tiles were a very old glitch, just like steps loading items without stepping into the house. I am pretty sure ''breaking'' staircases in build mode with teletiles is also a glitch. ''Breaking'' deeded items with goza mats is also most likely a glitch. Breedable hops and other peculiar seeds - also a glitch. Some glitches have been allowed to remain because many people enjoyed their happy serendipity.
UO has overland housing, which is visible to anyone who passes by. Even from the very beginning, deco and marketing in UO has been a kind of art form. The bamboo tiles allowed people to create - and display - all kinds of art and services. Not all art is appreciated by all people. I personally do not enjoy glacial borg cubes, but that is just my preference, and there is no way I can avoid seeing it. I am also not a fan of Picasso, but I don't feel a need to insult his art.
This fix has destroyed many works of art (for better or for worse) and removed advertising for useful things like auction safes and transport items. People do not like their art and businesses destroyed, and so there are a lot of unhappy people.
Furthermore, there was no Dev discussion on the matter. There were no efforts to make a settings option for people who either do not like the results or have a computer that lags out. Nothing. Many people have found this lack of consideration to be utterly offensive.
I play in EC, and I never had any issues with lag as a result of deco. I can run past a cluster of castles and get lagged - but that is another problem entirely and has nothing to do with bamboo tiles because those houses do not have them. So imo those people who suffer from lag are running UO on a PC that has insufficient RAM, CPU, or video card, or some combination of the three. This game has grown, and its base requirements have grown also.
It is unfortunate, in my opinion, that a long standing glitch that caused many people joy has been obliterated. I have seen some truly stunning works of perspective ''between'' or ''above'' player houses that added vibrancy to the landscape.
I will miss them.

This discussion has been closed.
im super happy with this fix.
Feel free to use Google Translate or WP at your leisure.
It may just look like an empty plot of bamboo to me but I'm fine with that. If I want to see your house and all your stuff I'll go inside.
However those few who did report it, particularly those who are jealous or have a personal grudge against players who employed this bug to (as the original poster put it) provide services, and therefore would email @Mesanna from multiple email accounts as to make the appearance that a large number of people were against this bug, while the truth is most didn't care either way. Only until recently since the inception of Auction Safes has Auction Safes threatened other people's vendor shops who don't employ this bug. This threat to their UO profits is why Mesanna was fraught with an onslaught of complaints. Despite the fact most people who employed the bug for the purpose of displaying their ART have become collateral damage in a war over greed. Plain and simple.
On another note, many who employed this bug didn't actually understand this to be a bug. I know I didn't. I just believed the bamboo was the default tile that allowed you to load your house publicly as the original poster eloquently stated to show off their works of art. Its an ugly tile to use for any other purpose, so it makes total sense to those who are ignorant that this was its intended use in the game.
I didn't even bother with the bamboo until Auction Safes came out. For the longest time I just had a silent auction house I was happy with. However the invention of the auction safe changed the game, and to keep up with the times, I redesigned a house for this purpose, and my house was NOT overloaded with items, it didn't block anyone, it was just for Auction Safes. Now no one can see that I have them. What's the point of having Auction Safes if you can't even see them?
This bug was tolerable and wasn't complained about en masse earlier, because it wasn't as widely abused as it had become. Just walking around Luna shows how many players and houses were now using this bug.
Nobody is jealous over anyone's stupid Luna house. Luna hasn't been super relevant since Vendor Search was implemented. LMAO. You're right about the auction safes. Their introduction did indeed exacerbate and greatly increase the exploitation of this bug.
UO profits? Give me a break. Art? Sure, about as much as a Walmart is. Please.
All anyone has to do to see auction safes is to go inside the house. It is not complicated at all and there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from advertising their house just like vendors have done in UO for years.
Without a doubt auction safes need to be implemented into Vendor Search but that's another issue entirely so maybe all you angry auction safe users should be asking for that.
As for the granite, it was intended for keep and castle owners to moderately customize their homes. Unfortunately the devs allowed them to be dyed and used in custom houses and so many players took it too far, creating hideous purple and neon green and solid black, disgusting looking structures. I'm happy they're gone, or at least I don't have to see them.
Zeke I have no quarrel with you. I am sure you are a wonderful person. I barely have time to play this game with 3 little boys. I am expressing an opinion. There is no need to personalize this argument against me, please stop doing it.
I wish you well, and I am glad you are happy by the change. I am sure you were suffering terribly by it all. Enjoy the peace you now have from all these house designs.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
When I did a walk through of Luna today the extravagant houses are still there. You just need to walk up a step and see all of the gaudiness in its full gaudy glory.
I agree they should have made this a configurable option under display options.
My opinion, is I have no idea what any of you are talking about...
I've never seen a bamboo decorated house on Atlantic, Europa, or Siege, never noticed it, have no idea what they looked like before, and have no idea what they look like now.
Just shows how diverse UO is, I play 90% of the game content, but I don't do housing or deco, no interest in this - I just want to sell my Felucca castle, for a 3 storey borg cube, that I can design with space, the ability to walk practically between the practical things I want to use, with a certain theme on each of the 3 floors. I have no interest in anyone else seeing it, I just want a practical space to use. Only thing stopping me, is I have no idea about houses, I wouldn't know how to even get myself a borg cube.
I'd like my crafting stations and storage on the ground floor, a library on the second floor including all my bod books, and a roof garden, including all gatherable tree's and items on the roof... A large square space, that allows me to fit it all in, and walk between it all. And yeah, if that could look nice as well, fair enough, I'm a minimalist tidy freak though.
This ''fix'' was for the sake of people complaining about lag. I never had any. Lag still exists, and it exists in the same places as before. There are many reasons why a player might choose to have a private house but still enjoy adding artful creations to their community. Discussing the change is pointless, it will not be reverted. I just needed to vent in a format where I felt I might be heard.
Sorry to have wasted anyone's time.
Mervyn...bless his heart.
Yeah, as long as this went on, there is one thing it makes me think of. And that is that it was never a problem to worry about until one or two special people complained about it, and then became a top priority item. I have become convinced, over the last few years, its not how many have ideas, it's who has ideas.
Meanwhile the lag goes on, even with the fix...
They managed to piss everybody bc of 2 or 3 tht had grudges against each other and now we all paid for... and for those with EC crap computer, what else you want the devs to kill?? Events?? Since you already bitch that so many people attend to them and ur crap computer cant handle.
maybe we can suggest them to kill Felucca , bc you are getting killed, since is all about you...
Btw , bc of people like you is that many of us are closing lot of accounts....
The destruction of town memorials combined with this current change has left me with a very unpleasant taste in my mouth and a dwindling desire to invest in the game's future. No discussion, no explanations. Just a great big hammer.
Once again, since you conveniently ignored my previous post, and likely this one too, I will state again: nothing has been destroyed. Any town memorial, building or decoration is still there as it was before the bug fix. If you want to view the house and the decoration you are going to step in to the house anyways. What's the big deal?
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
There's probably not 20,000 players left. Of that who posts regularly here or on Stratics? One hundred? Two hundred. Seems like quite a bit less that that to me.
Now how many players complained via email or by paging a GM? By filling out a bug report? Nobody except the devs knows that.
I am done with this topic. Please accept your win of this ''fix'' with graciousness.
Every fel player on Atlantic