Resources (Ore, Wood) back to static spots please



  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    Yes I looked at my journal, was convinced you had got someone to call me and distract me for 5 mins. The one time I earned things myself rather than loot from a blue.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
     Mervyn said:
    Yes I looked at my journal, was convinced you had got someone to call me and distract me for 5 mins. The one time I earned things myself rather than loot from a blue.

    Ha, I took some advice out of your book!

    Guildies were saying, the further in you go, the more chance of meeting Mervyn, and lo and behold. o:)

  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Cookie said:

    This is going to go down like a ton of lead balloons - but I agree with Mervyn a lot here.

    I don't see how you guys can say, just because he see's it differently, he is trolling. His opinion is actually very valid.

    He never told why the old system is bad and the actual is so good. He called me the bringer of doom and only gave an opinion for improvement.
    Cookie said:

    I'll say how I see it;

    I enjoy gathering resources, I enjoy the process, it's a fun part of the game.

    I enjoy the random system, it doesn't tie me down. It doesn't get boring.

    Maybe I am the minority, maybe you are, but I dont enjoy moving around mining/lumber hoping to get rare resources here and then. This is boring to me. When I go mining/lumber, I do it cause I need/want a special resource. If I need barbed leather, I go kill White Wyrms. If I need normal leather, I go kill brown bears. If I need Valorite/Frostwood etc., I am screwed.
    Cookie said:

    I didn't like the static system. The nodes were always empty, it was boring, and a fair bit of griefing entailed - and by the way, I'm an expert griefer, it's you guys I'm thinking of here - but I'd rather cut it out where it's not necessary.

    This was 10 years ago, with 10 times the player base. In my experience there was no griefing. Sometimes the spots were empty, but there are so many landmasses nowadays that you should be able to find spots for the resource you need. There were some Pks in Felucca, but I had fun defending myself or protecting a fellow guildmember.
    Cookie said:

    For BODS, I collect the lower end stuff, and build up from there, I NEVER use higher end materials for BODS. I really enjoy the current BOD system.

    So seeing all of the above - none of that is a Troll, it's me saying the current system is fine. I don't see where a lot of you are coming from? You all seem to want it too easy, you want to buy from scripters, etc. That isn't me, I just like to play the game.

    If you dont use any higher end material for Bods, what you need it for then? And why is it a problem, if its available for everyone? You got your points, but Mervyn doesnt. He just says old system - bad. Actual system - good.
    As you may have notice I mentioned the Artisan Festival in my original post. Its a Bod grind, where large Bods are the key and more rare material Lbods are even better. I would like to help our community then even more, but i cant cause the lack of resources. I dont make money with it, I even spend Bods I could get some useful rewards.
    Rare ore and wood would only be valuable if you can get enough to make a good amount of Bods or being able to spend enough at Museum or Library. Atm the highend resources are rare and with that useless.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Mervyn said:
    Why would you want to make it easier to get rare ore/wood?

    if anything it’s too easy, you get no excitement now. I tell you something, took me too long to get enough iron ingots and normal wood (for caddellite) cos I KEPT digging up special materials, they’re not rare at all. Should be like 1 in 1000 spots you get rare, not every other tree/vein. 
    So what hack are you using that you get rare ore/wood so easy.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
     Drowy said:

    If you dont use any higher end material for Bods, what you need it for then? And why is it a problem, if its available for everyone? You got your points, but Mervyn doesnt. He just says old system - bad. Actual system - good.
    As you may have notice I mentioned the Artisan Festival in my original post. Its a Bod grind, where large Bods are the key and more rare material Lbods are even better. I would like to help our community then even more, but i cant cause the lack of resources. I dont make money with it, I even spend Bods I could get some useful rewards.
    Rare ore and wood would only be valuable if you can get enough to make a good amount of Bods or being able to spend enough at Museum or Library. Atm the highend resources are rare and with that useless.

    Fair enough responses, just to answer a couple of your points.

    I keep the high end mats, in the hope I'll actually use them for real end-game crafting one day...

    Regarding the Artisan system, fair enough, very community minded! I've never attempted this, because I really could not gather the amount of resources required for this - it is just a waste of resources for me. These sort of events are not something I enjoy, there is no practical reward from them for me, it has no interest for me. Fair enough if you enjoy it, and I get how you would need far more rare resources.

    I still don't like the static system idea though. :)

  • Hmm, i actually like the random system.

    It is a lot more enjoying for me and the best part is nobody can just camp the best spots.

    So i hope we never go back to static spots.

  • Hmm, i actually like the random system.

    It is a lot more enjoying for me and the best part is nobody can just camp the best spots.

    So i hope we never go back to static spots.

    Which part is more enjoying for you now vs static spots?
  • Been at work all day but I see some responses, I think other people suggested they'd rather buy their resources from scripters, I did not.
    And no I don't think if some one disagrees they are trolling, I do think trolls are trolling. It's what they do. Not to drop accusations on anyone though, I do think Merv is trolling this thread, the very suggestion I proposed when I came to this thread was to have an area named for a specific resource that would have a higher likelihood of that resource dropping in it. Regardless of whatever the guy does or does not like or agree with, I don't care really. I've stated repeatedly I'm ok with it as it is (random), was (static), and have no real complaints, it sucks, but not to such an extreme displeasure I need to pack my stuff up and threaten to go play on some random free shard that people seem to talk about at will here (which I don't recommend).

     I offered a suggestion that I would prefer, though, and I'll stick to it, and feel it greatly trumps taking resources totally out of tram (I mine both probably 40/60 ?) and doesn't just make static nodes (they can still be random, just in the proposed areas, give an increased chance for the type of ore it is named for and make them in dungeons for all I care. I have mining on my sampire and it rules), and in keeping with the luring people to fel the Dev team seems to toy with , give a HIGHER chance for those ores to spawn in the named areas or something. Throws a bone to everybody and a slap in the face to scripters who will somehow be able to make out like bandits anyhow (though I haven't seen one personally since I came back, and I've been around).
  • Hmm, i actually like the random system.

    It is a lot more enjoying for me and the best part is nobody can just camp the best spots.

    So i hope we never go back to static spots.

    Which part is more enjoying for you now vs static spots?

    - it makes gameplay harder, which i enjoy a lot more, stockpiling tons of valorite or high-end wood should be hard imo

    - it is fun to discover new nodes every now and then, using prospector and/or garg pick here and there

    - it is fun that the caves/mines/walls/hills/rocks/mountains are almost never the same when it comes to nodes

    - the simple fact that it is random which effectively prevents hardcore farmers/RMTers camping static spots 24/7

  • Mene_DrachenfelsMene_Drachenfels Posts: 252
    edited October 2018

    Hmm, i actually like the random system.

    It is a lot more enjoying for me and the best part is nobody can just camp the best spots.

    So i hope we never go back to static spots.

    Which part is more enjoying for you now vs static spots?

    - it makes gameplay harder, which i enjoy a lot more, stockpiling tons of valorite or high-end wood should be hard imo

    - it is fun to discover new nodes every now and then, using prospector and/or garg pick here and there

    - it is fun that the caves/mines/walls/hills/rocks/mountains are almost never the same when it comes to nodes

    - the simple fact that it is random which effectively prevents hardcore farmers/RMTers camping static spots 24/7

    uhm.... it's not a lot of fun if this is bugged which i rather guess. I had have a nice frostwood giving tree in front of one of my houses in my playertown on DF - give that type of wood a few days than changes into lower wood types and now it's only given just wood *sigh* and this was about 3-4 years before today that this tree give the last time frostwood.... and that was the same to the good iron spots we know - they just give iron and nothing else more since years - so random changes are really s.h.i.t. for someone who need exaclty this type of iron or wood or colored granite - and  I spoke not only of the BOD-fillers - i like to make also decorations with ist - and it's now a worthless try to get a good amount of these resourses and a butt in the ass to everyone who enjoy playing his worker chars. Just my two cents... trolling or not ;)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • TandaTanda Posts: 22
    Well as a "mule" character times many, I've been on both sides in 20 years of the resource issue. It is frustrating with the randomness but perhaps without taking that away you could find a gold sink means to remedy part of it, like an "Ore Pawn broker" Either for a price or trade a percentage so to speak on the dollar you can convert or swap lower end ingots for higher end. (I know there are still issues with this thought) but if say you get 20% back for Iron ingots to 100 iron ingots gets you 20 valorite and the percentages shift as you move closer so you'd get more valorite for say gold or aggapite.  We don't have oodles of new players coming into mining, and scripting must still be an issue because vendors selling 6, 8, 10 deeds of 60k iron ingots on a daily basis didn't mine those and maintain that legally unless of course they've hired people to supply them and with what gold fetches (and selling it is never condoned as it violates TSS) there is precious little way to pay someone unless your talking a HUGE customer base. 

    I do rather like the named location thing though even if you only get maybe a 5% increase in drop that spot to it's named resource. That's no different than the mining gloves. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I have yet to see one Val or frost wood spot after the randomization.  I have ore carts and tree stumps and that is where I get all my high end stuff.  I am sorry but IMHO the people that are against this are the ones making gold off of it and the RMT sites.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Bilbo said:
    I have yet to see one Val or frost wood spot after the randomization.  I have ore carts and tree stumps and that is where I get all my high end stuff.  I am sorry but IMHO the people that are against this are the ones making gold off of it and the RMT sites.

    I agree with your statement except for the Valorite ore, I actually find it fairly often and it is pretty easy to get Valorite, as said before in a post, find an Agapite spot, bump it with Prospector Hammer, use a Garg axe to hit it and you have Val. 
    Now Frostwood, that's a totally different thing, there is NO way to bump a spot in lumberjacking and I have found exactly 3 Frostwood spots since the change (how many years is that?), one of them gave 120 total regular/Frost boards and lasted for 3 refreshes, one gave 160 boards and lasted for 3 refreshes, the other one gave 240 boards and lasted ONE cut.  That's ridiculous.
    I guess a compromise would be for us to get the same tools for wood that the miners get, not the best solution but with all the trolling and differences of opinion on this thread it might be the only option available ----- and that's IF the devs will even change it, for which the odds of that are probably the same or lower than the odds of finding a Frostwood tree.
  • Some people in here really need to read more about what "trolling" actually is because i don't see any trolls here in this thread...

    However, i can see the issue with the rare wood types, that's probably really frustrating.

    But Valorite??? common, i find lots of Agapite & Verite nodes on an daily basis and once in a while even an original valorite node.
    So getting Valorite atleast isn't really that problematic like Frostwood.

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Let's have less finger pointing and name calling, please. 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2018
    One thing people are missing is, you can bump just about any spot into a valorite spot now with prospecting tools. Yes it takes time and tools and time..something nefarious types have plenty of. If @Kyronix or @Bleak manage to realize that Frostwood should be on Merchant and Orc ships, which only makes sense since especially on Merchant ships, which know....MERCHANTS !!!..shipping rare wares throughout the area...then there's no reason someone can't start doing that part of the High Seas content to acquire the rarer materials.....just don't try it on any of my waters on Siege ;-)
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Well.
    The persons who think this randomization properly addressed a scripter problem have clearly no clue about how advanced the scripting can be. Those persons who feed the rmt business just laugh about you. 

    Furthermore you May say it's more "realistic" 
    I'll counter with a simple question: when was last the last time you fell a birch tree and suddly ended up with oak wood? 
    "realistic" .... 

    I see 2 options to properly address this, one easy one realistic 
    Easy: make it static again as before. That help the regular players, ignore the scripter as they are scripting anyway (at least in this area I could live with that) 

    Realistic:random resources but change the way the tree look so that player can identify which damn tree they need to cut.
    Ofc this needs to be done in some way a scripter can't identify with easy the difference in the tree (no idea how or if that's possible) 

    As much as I like the realistic approach it's wasting much dev time for a issue which can be solved by workaround (see easy option) fairly OK and leaves the devs time to work on actual content or issues. 

  • And I support to put all kind of material in proper amounts (50+) on trade and orc ships. Just remove the damn groceries.

    Doing the high see thing is grindy enough for proper reward 

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Parnoc said:
    Bilbo said:
    I have yet to see one Val or frost wood spot after the randomization.  I have ore carts and tree stumps and that is where I get all my high end stuff.  I am sorry but IMHO the people that are against this are the ones making gold off of it and the RMT sites.

    I agree with your statement except for the Valorite ore, I actually find it fairly often and it is pretty easy to get Valorite, as said before in a post, find an Agapite spot, bump it with Prospector Hammer, use a Garg axe to hit it and you have Val. 
    Now Frostwood, that's a totally different thing, there is NO way to bump a spot in lumberjacking and I have found exactly 3 Frostwood spots since the change (how many years is that?), one of them gave 120 total regular/Frost boards and lasted for 3 refreshes, one gave 160 boards and lasted for 3 refreshes, the other one gave 240 boards and lasted ONE cut.  That's ridiculous.
    I guess a compromise would be for us to get the same tools for wood that the miners get, not the best solution but with all the trolling and differences of opinion on this thread it might be the only option available ----- and that's IF the devs will even change it, for which the odds of that are probably the same or lower than the odds of finding a Frostwood tree.
    You are not finding a Val spot you are bumping up an Ag spot, very big difference
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Again, use the prospector tools every time. You will find that you can turn that normal iron into whatever it was previously scheduled to change to..and work it from there. By that I mean, "you find that shadow iron ore can be....."once that's depleted after however many cycles it is, you can bump that up to the next one..rinse dont "have" to find verite to turn it into valorite.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Bilbo said:
    Parnoc said:
    Bilbo said:
    I have yet to see one Val or frost wood spot after the randomization.  I have ore carts and tree stumps and that is where I get all my high end stuff.  I am sorry but IMHO the people that are against this are the ones making gold off of it and the RMT sites.

    I agree with your statement except for the Valorite ore, I actually find it fairly often and it is pretty easy to get Valorite, as said before in a post, find an Agapite spot, bump it with Prospector Hammer, use a Garg axe to hit it and you have Val. 
    Now Frostwood, that's a totally different thing, there is NO way to bump a spot in lumberjacking and I have found exactly 3 Frostwood spots since the change (how many years is that?), one of them gave 120 total regular/Frost boards and lasted for 3 refreshes, one gave 160 boards and lasted for 3 refreshes, the other one gave 240 boards and lasted ONE cut.  That's ridiculous.
    I guess a compromise would be for us to get the same tools for wood that the miners get, not the best solution but with all the trolling and differences of opinion on this thread it might be the only option available ----- and that's IF the devs will even change it, for which the odds of that are probably the same or lower than the odds of finding a Frostwood tree.
    You are not finding a Val spot you are bumping up an Ag spot, very big difference
    As I said above I DO find Valorite spots quite often and I understand what I am doing and what kind of a spot it is when I find Agapite or Verite but I know they can be bumped to Valorite.  I am not complaining about ore.  I am complaining that us woodchoppers don't have the same way to change a Bloodwood or Heartwood tree to Frostwood and I'd bet if we knew the odds of finding a Frostwood native tree spot, it is probably so low as to be almost impossible and that this is the reason we have all our problems finding them.  Give us the same tools as the miners please?
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I would not object to a wood prospector’s tool. 
    Are we out of the woods yet? 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Just skimming this tread I have to say I have no problem finding frost wood but then I'm just out logging not trying for anything in particular. If I did just need one colour I would fill some BODs and get a "lumberjack's XXXXX map" probably with the corresponding Talisman.

    They answered your arguments about how hard it is to gather the rare resources with the maps and tools in the new BOD rewards. I just wish they had them for all colours not just the higher ones.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Tim said:
    Just skimming this tread I have to say I have no problem finding frost wood but then I'm just out logging not trying for anything in particular. If I did just need one colour I would fill some BODs and get a "lumberjack's XXXXX map" probably with the corresponding Talisman.

    They answered your arguments about how hard it is to gather the rare resources with the maps and tools in the new BOD rewards. I just wish they had them for all colours not just the higher ones.
    I will get the talisman & two maps & go look for bloodwood & usually get about 3K boards when I've exhausted them. (used about 900 oak boards for the bods)

    I only use the bloodwood for deco items, wont use them for BODs...

    I haven't done any of the BODs for frostwood yet, I usually get mine from tree stumps
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    As for mining, there are caves in Malas that are great to find for all ore types. You just have to know the exact spot to mine in. The spots do randomize, so the same ore type in that exact spot will be there all day and the next day will be a different type. and usually returns to the same on the 3rd or 4th day...
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    The new Huntmaster's rewards coming in Pub 102 should help a lot too
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    The huntmaster rewards dont help much. They just let you mine/lumber longer until you unload. I would even say with this, its probably more of a help for scripters than for honest players.
    Also all you suggestions are fine, but if you dont wanne mine 2 hours or more a day over weeks, months, years, it wont solve my problem to gather bigger amounts of highend wood/ore.
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