Resources (Ore, Wood) back to static spots please



  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited October 2018

    Ok, how about a compromise? :)

    I was thinking about this while having a shave.

    Would you accept all mining/lumber resources being taken out of Trammel, and put into Felucca only?

    Then the drop rates - in acknowledgement of the fact risk v reward has gone up meaningfully, and game integrity v scripters is so much more tightened up - could be increased x4 for the higher level resource types?

    To me, that is a balanced solution. It gets rid of the Trammel scripting issue, it adds to risk v reward, and it could increase your drop rates by as much as you want - but it would be a justifiable increase.

  • Really?  With the player count we now have, do you think they would always be empty?  
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    When I go lumber jacking, the tree physically remains after I am done. When I go mining, the ground and mountains are still there. I am a tree hugger by nature, so for my immersion I am just assuming that I have harvested all of the loose ore and dead wood available at that time, and then move on without destroying the environment. Sosaria is a magical world that refreshes itself quickly, so I can return later - the trees have healed, the mountains have given up more rocks. But a frostwood tree would still be a frostwood tree, and a vein of gold ore would, logically, still be a vein of gold ore. If I want a certain type, I would return to that place instead of wandering aimlessly for hours harvesting everything in sight until I finally have enough of what I needed (and a lot that I did not need). For me, the current system is not as immersive OR productive as the static system was.

    Having said that, I understand why it was changed and it is unlikely to return. As some one else posted, the Devs have instead been adding other ways to gather ore and wood types, and I rely on those now. I would love to see Valorite Elementals wandering around Eodon for me to farm, or Frostwood Reapers in the Ilshenar forests. Put them in places where you cannot just recall in and out. Those gold elementals in the Blackthorn Dungeon are perfect - not easy to AFK script that for very long. And if some one IS, well, the GMs have been working hard to respond to people paging on them.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Cookie said:

    Ok, how about a compromise? :)

    I was thinking about this while having a shave.

    Would you accept all mining/lumber resources being taken out of Trammel, and put into Felucca only?

    Then the drop rates - in acknowledgement of the fact risk v reward has gone up meaningfully, and game integrity v scripters is so much more tightened up - could be increased x4 for the higher level resource types?

    To me, that is a balanced solution. It gets rid of the Trammel scripting issue, it adds to risk v reward, and it could increase your drop rates by as much as you want - but it would be a justifiable increase.

    LOL do you know how dead Fel is on most shards?  I already gather resources there.  Never had a problem except for the elementals I dig up.

    Also, there is a resource scripting issue?  Where?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I agree it time to stop punishing the honest players and make resources static again

    the scripters quit gathering years ago I’m sure, they probably have thousands of full deeds of each resource for sale on their rmt websites 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Quit trying to push for more sheep in Fel @Cookie, you already have double resources and now you want Fel to be the only place to gather resources, your true colors are really showing.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited October 2018
    Bilbo said:
    Quit trying to push for more sheep in Fel @ Cookie, you already have double resources and now you want Fel to be the only place to gather resources, your true colors are really showing.

    If you want to come up with suggestions on how to help the game, do it.

    Forget true colours, everyone knows how I think, I'm very clear about it. I've also been very logical about it, and explained my case. If you can all take that, and think the viewpoint I've put forward is not valid - fine.

    Some of us remember static resources, and don't think it was such a great thing. Bring it back, forget your history, when you start whining, guess I'll have to stay quiet again and not say told you so.

    Anyways, I'm out of this now, I have put forward another point of view, the conversation was ok, if I am outvoted, so be it. It doesn't actually bother me, in terms of result. In terms of gameplay, it will be a step backwards, but I'll live.

  • Ok you two .... hehe  

    First off correctly said was the facts that the randomization of the resources was a bad thing for the honest players who didn't mine the hadies out of the spots with Bots / Scripters. They meaning the scripters just kept them running as was... they sooner or later got the ore required in a 23hour day letting the macro programs run unattended.   I also remember very well that the large sales of resources on npc vendors was huge.  It was big business.  WAS  

    Now to the aid of the lost in this hunt for the high end stuff...

    we all know the tools that can raise the ore type.

    Prospect hammer  and the Gar pick.  with the now legal use of 2 accounts  you can go mine up and wipe out the ore elementals with the right weapon.   and the bonus of this is the ele has 25 of its kind of ore to boot.  That Aga vein can become Valorite !

    if your lazy...get some sheep, stumps, and ore carts from the rewards menu and just wait a week or two and you got some on the hoof and no fighting needed....

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    Mervyn has been mining. 
    Just out of interest, wtf are you using these special materials for? 
    Why do you need 1000s of special materials anyway? Since you can’t reforge them. 
    Just how many items are you enhancing???
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • @Mervyn I think most people calling for the "static" resources are trying to complete BODS for the rewards now.

     Me personally, I don't mind either way, but I made a suggestion earlier in the thread about areas where the likelihood would be increased for certain colors to be gathered if harvested there and if they do make a change to the current system, I'd prefer that instead of just 'static' resources. There would still be a bit of guess work, and that 1 valorite node in the wilds wouldn't be camped to total depletion that way. Just my suggestion.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    Hot dog we have a weiner!
    so people want the special ore/wood for BODS
    here’s the thing,
    the idea of higher end bods requiring special material is because it’s SUPPOSED to be more difficult cos that’s what you get the better reward for.

    is this thread a joke? People want to fill the HARDER bods but want to do 0 extra work but claim the extra rewards. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    The game was originally designed for resources to be based on who's doing what and where. It was never activated though if I"m correct. Even though I hate the RNG, just connect it to resources so that you have a chance at any colored ore/wood anywhere at anytime. 
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • @Mervyn , no one said 0 work..

    The rewards are great, the spending several weeks to a month in the few hours some of us can play is the questionable part.

     Regardless, I don't mind it the way it is, and wouldn't mind the static spots either. I've said that.
    My suggestion though, still requires "work" but is (in my opinion) some what better than what they've got now, and not as "lenient" as just static resources, and I think it's a bit more realistic.

     In real life, you go to a coal mine to dig.. coal. Most "silver" mines are known to give you.. well, silver.. maybe somebody lucks out and finds diamonds in there too. I'm not arguing for or against anything here, but offered a suggestion. you seem like a person who loves to whine about things, I may be wrong, but generally from reading here, I do like some of what you're advocating. But, if you're some how offended or feel obligated to be a negative ninny, go somewhere like twitter and do that whole thing. /rant
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    I didn’t say 0 work either, I said 0 EXTRA work. Meaning if there were static resources, it would be no harder to mine valorite than dull copper. I found your suggestion interesting, but I also didn’t like it. It could make the game more elitest/complicated as you’d need to know where the special mines were. Maybe they could make each dungeon be a different type of ore inside, and trees in high spawn areas in ilshenar have special wood. As long as they renamed the woods and dungeons or somehow made it obvious to new players. 

    But then you would also have to make it so you can’t recall in/out of dungeons in trammel and the safe spacers would have a fit.

    i just don’t see any reason to change what is already working fine.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    edited October 2018
    Mervyn said:
    Hot dog we have a weiner!
    so people want the special ore/wood for BODS
    here’s the thing,
    the idea of higher end bods requiring special material is because it’s SUPPOSED to be more difficult cos that’s what you get the better reward for.

    is this thread a joke? People want to fill the HARDER bods but want to do 0 extra work but claim the extra rewards. 
    Yeah the better rewards like Verite and Valorite Runic hammers that are completely useless as well as the yew or heartwood runic fletcher tools.
    Or I can get a Valorite map where I can get 500 Valorite. But I have to do a Blacksmith Bod which needs 2000 Verite. Not a great trade off.
    In the old days a Valorite Hammer was "the thing to go for" as a crafter and there were static resources. Now the high end rewards are mostly useless and the resources are hard to get.
    Its better to spend gold to library or museum instead of resources. So please tell me what is working fine.!
    I repeat myself. People barely are actively mining/lumber for rare resources. Why you protect the random resources so much? Rare ore and wood dont have the value they had some time ago. Its easy to get leather for tailoring or reagents for inscription or alchemy or stuff for cooking.
    I would like to do more high end Bods for our community for the Artisan Festival, cause thats probably the most usefulness for high end ore and wood atm. Its a big grind to grow the trees, but being able to get rare resources easier would make it also easier.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    Why would you want to make it easier to get rare ore/wood?

    if anything it’s too easy, you get no excitement now. I tell you something, took me too long to get enough iron ingots and normal wood (for caddellite) cos I KEPT digging up special materials, they’re not rare at all. Should be like 1 in 1000 spots you get rare, not every other tree/vein. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • I'll just buy it from a scripter if I need and use the saved time to do something fun which maybe also get me my money back or more.

    Too much idiots are listed to and the devs sometimes make weird calls... 
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Mervyn said:
    Why would you want to make it easier to get rare ore/wood?

    if anything it’s too easy, you get no excitement now. I tell you something, took me too long to get enough iron ingots and normal wood (for caddellite) cos I KEPT digging up special materials, they’re not rare at all. Should be like 1 in 1000 spots you get rare, not every other tree/vein. 
    You are not a crafter. Excitement for finding 30 Valorite ore when you need thousands if not ten thousands. I want it to be obtain easier because I need alot of it. Please dont tell me Verite/Valorite and Heartwood/Bloodwood/Frostwood arent rare. You sir dont have a clue and it seems you are once again just trolling a thread.
  • NamelessJourneyNamelessJourney Posts: 133
    edited October 2018
    Well, if we're trolling, I say, let there be a vendor that sells all the rare ore in town for 10gp per ingot, and take mining entirely out of the game. /win

     dat being said, an ignore user feature would be a wonderful addition to the forum if it's not already available.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    I am not a crafter? I was last time I looked. Even if I wasn’t (which I am) do not tell me I don’t have a right to express my opinion.

    Because I disagree with you I am trolling?
    you don’t “need” to do the large val bods, you can accrue points getting smaller bods and claim whatever reward you want. You do whatever bods you have the resources for. 

    They already made it easier to get the high end runics by allowing you to do this, which I had no objection to. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • I'll just buy it from a scripter if I need and use the saved time to do something fun which maybe also get me my money back or more.

    Too much idiots are listed to and the devs sometimes make weird calls... 

    My thoughts exactly.  The scripters have plenty of time to search out the randomness.  And it will keep Mervyn happy by staying random.

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    If they changed back to static resources you would still buy from scripters anyway, just at a lower price.

    i love that the OP comes on the forums making a post to try and ruin the game again by reverting something that was already corrected and I’M the troller. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    High end runics and barely useful.
    You still havent given a reason why random resources are so good and static are so bad.
    Lower prices for scripted resources seems good to me.
    But well, I am the one trying to ruin the game and annoy the majority of the player base.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Is there an ignore option on the forums ? I'm really tired of not being able to reply to a troll for fear of having my account actioned yet again unfairly. The rest of us can't post in every thread contradicting everyone and literally getting away with forum murder the way this person can. Instead of reporting him again for the umpteenth time only to see him continue to post, I would rather just put him on ignore and be done with it. Can someone point me in that direction ?

    thank you
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • I can honestly say that I despise resource gathering (miner/LJ) as a crafter these days, especially as it was something I would have happily wiled away the afternoon doing. The sheer rigmarole of finding a rare resource only to get a handful of usable ingots just doesn’t make it fun, at all. I’d rather be PK’d pre-Tram than strip mine Trinsic mountains for at best a few agapite and above. While the tools do make it easier, it only does than when you do find the higher veins to start with. And as for the rare wood types, I don’t even want to start to look!
    It’s enough of a click-fest being a resource-gatherer that some small changes would go a long way towards reviving the crafting profession or playstyle. 
    Okay, these resources might not go towards high-end gear, but BODs, RP gear, and dare I mention stone tiles and furniture still draw a lot of demand. Failing that, make the rare woods and metals have a better bonus for use... 
    Perhaps something in the middle, a longer timer between finding the vein / tree and it changing to something else? Or a smaller % that it’ll reset after depletion? Stick ore elementals and different wood tree folk where they can be hunted, just like they were before in Ilsh? Or even make it so that static resources are still found in Ilsh?
    Eithe way, static resources wouldn’t ruin the game, there’s enough going on elsewhere to do a good enough job of that...

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    i already suggested static resources in ilshenar (in high spawn areas) 
    it wasn’t received well on this thread. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    How many Frostwood trees you found lately Mr. Mervyn?  We're not talking about 1000's of boards here, just enough to have on hand to enhance and perhaps fill a nice BOD.  But if you're relying on "finding" a Frostwood spot, good luck and after you do find it, it will most likely only stay Frostwood for 1 to 3 cuttings. Not exactly asking for the world here.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited October 2018

    This is going to go down like a ton of lead balloons - but I agree with Mervyn a lot here.

    I don't see how you guys can say, just because he see's it differently, he is trolling. His opinion is actually very valid.

    I'll say how I see it;

    I enjoy gathering resources, I enjoy the process, it's a fun part of the game.

    I enjoy the random system, it doesn't tie me down. It doesn't get boring.

    I didn't like the static system. The nodes were always empty, it was boring, and a fair bit of griefing entailed - and by the way, I'm an expert griefer, it's you guys I'm thinking of here - but I'd rather cut it out where it's not necessary.

    For BODS, I collect the lower end stuff, and build up from there, I NEVER use higher end materials for BODS. I really enjoy the current BOD system.

    So seeing all of the above - none of that is a Troll, it's me saying the current system is fine. I don't see where a lot of you are coming from? You all seem to want it too easy, you want to buy from scripters, etc. That isn't me, I just like to play the game.

    Two areas I can agree with you on;

    1. It seems the very high end stuff does not drop under this system. I agree, I would agree it would be nice to do something where we can up this a bit. But going back to static is not the answer for me. I did say I liked NamelessJourney's idea.

    2. I agree high end BOD rewards are a bit useless. 100% agree, I get the rewards, I put all the effort in, I enjoy the BOD system, then don't have the motivation to actually make anything, because it is all so pointless. This is a different issue, but I agree - I would love Crafting to be boosted somehow - You will see me in those threads trying to get a Buff for Crafting.

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    Maybe as a BOD reward they could introduce something like a talisman specific to each rare material that when you wear would give you a bonus chance to get that resource. Or even something like a Talisman that you wear with charges to stop you losing special material from failed enhances...
    Introducing those things would definitely increase my special material stock. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Mervyn said:
    Maybe as a BOD reward they could introduce something like a talisman specific to each rare material that when you wear would give you a bonus chance to get that resource. Or even something like a Talisman that you wear with charges to stop you losing special material from failed enhances...
    Introducing those things would definitely increase my special materiel stock. 

    ps. Did you see me afk PK you last night? :D

    You are seriously hard to kill, even when afk. :s  

    It made my night, lovely loot. ;)  

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