Resources (Ore, Wood) back to static spots please
There was a longer discussion in march and with the upcoming artisan festival in december, I would like to renew the request for static spots for wood and ore.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I think it'd be better if they made areas where the likelihood of a certain flavor of resource to be mined for would be increased.
Like the Heartwood.. woods or something. Frostwood Meadows or something.. Shady Caverns for shadow iron ore.
White pearl harbor... > _ > Not saying it has got to be 100% every tile gives that resource or whatever, but 80% probability that if you get a colored resource it's gonna be for that named resource, maybe that's too high, but you get it. I just don't like going in a cave and having like gold/agapite/shadow iron/verite/verite/dull copper and somebody is recalling in and taking everything but the dull copper or whatever else.
As for resource scripting, I don't think that's going on anymore unless it's on a dead shard and they are leaking them back to the more populated shards.
I cannot agree with this one.
This change was made for a good reason playability-wise.
It feels better, and is more realistic the way it plays now, this system is far better, we would be taking a big step backwards.
The only issue right now, is it seems to be extremely hard getting higher end content, drop rates appear to be insanely low.
Crafting and gathering resources are a big part of my playstyle. I've mined, lumberjacked, gathered resources from the start.
Just to add, in a Feluccan only environment, which is where I play, if you are going to set places, eventually those set places become camped by PK's (and in fact other Crafters). It is far more diverse, interesting, and more fun, to open up the whole map, rather than a few nodes - which would be empty all the time, due to demand.
I would agree with the point that the drop rates seem insanely low, for an honest player. I've always stated this myself.
It's just part of my playstyle, I do this all the time. Currently I have a Lumberjack/Carpenter being built on Atlantic, and I am training Lumberjack/Imbue and will follow up with Mining/Smith/Bowcraft/Carp and many many other skills on Siege.
I find you have to do these things over time, and it builds up - it's certainly not something you can go out, and collect a certain amount right now, well some you can, some you can't.
With Mining and Ingots, I have less issues, there are so many ways around it. Orc Brutes drop Shadow Ore, Blackthorn Ellies drop Gold Ore, Solen Ant Lions carry 4-5 lower range ores, then you get the Thepem quests for Metal Conversion. I spent many months on the Bronze to Valorite Conversion quest at one point, building up a stock there. You also have Prospector Tools, Garg pickaxes and Ore Elementals. I have 37,000 Valorite Ingots - see picture, I mined/traded for these, did quests, used Magincia Vendors etc. I am able to maintain Smith, Tinker Bods np.
With Lumberjacking, I do this a fair bit, and in fact do it on 3 shards currently. Europa, Atlantic and Siege. I'm going to agree with you here, I find it absolutely impossible to maintain my Wooden Crafting Bod side. Carpentry Bods - I focus on the normal wood side only, Bowcrafting has been left out in the cold a bit, because I cannot supply the Wood Types. I have 200 Frostwood Ore, I have 2,000 Bloodwood. I NEVER EVER find these. In fact, I get them most from say Trade Routes, I don't really know any other ways of obtaining higher end Wood Types.
BUT - I still strongly believe we should not go back to Static nodes. This system is far better playability wise. It's nice for me to pop outside my castle in Felucca, and browse around Yew Forest, or the Wrong Mountain range. Or just go anywhere I like.
I do agree there could be an improved drop rate for honest players. I like one of the suggestions above - maybe certain areas could have a higher chance of a specific resource type.
A suggestion of mine, maybe we can obtain somehow, something that influences the drops in a direction we want more.
{That reminds me, they do have this ingame - Specific Resource Maps from the Bod rewards and Void Pool rewards etc}
I think the point of my post here, is you have to think outside the box a bit, much of the higher end stuff, does not in fact come from the straight gathering skill itself (It comes from playing various areas of the game). Should more higher end resources come from straight gathering skills? I guess they should. But I think this is how the Developers have fought the scripters. Who still do exist.
Downside of Static Resources;
(This is back to another real Pet Hate of mine - Trammel should not even have resources, it is a completely risk free environment, where passive aggressive behaviour which is very unhealthy for you, runs rampant. People will fight and squabble over the very rare nodes, but cannot actually vent their frustration, so it comes out in general chat, they will block rune-spots, lure mobs etc, it becomes an absolute unhealthy psychological warzone). We will go back to all of this, more ingame griefing. {For the purposes of keeping this conversation on track, feel free to ignore that bit, but it's how I see it}.
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
I completely agree, understand and relate to this. I get the same in PvP also. Ultimately you have to play your own game, find your own place, and ignore all of this, it can prove impossible I know. The damage is done though, big time, it needs a proper fix.
The scripters are only there, because they can. My personal solution for all of this, is to prevent resources from being gathered in Trammel. In Felucca, they could be killed off, player justice. I agree they have made the economy meaningless. There are many debates about all of this, I won't go further.
All of this, is why I have moved to Siege - where all of these activities still have meaning in the game.
Staying on track on this concept, I personally, much prefer the current scenario, of being able to wander around the whole game environment gathering, rather than being shepherded to a few recall nodes and getting involved in a squabble for limited resources or finding them always empty.