Europa Auction Item List



  • The 851st Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Pretty Box
    211 Charges of Deep Brown Pigment of Tokuno
    3A Flaming Head Deed
    4A Meer Heirloom Vase
    5A Meduda Statuette
    6120 Animal Taming
    7A Replica of an Empty Crystal Display
    8"A Complete Fortune Telling Set"
    9Ultima VIII 1994
    10A Deed to Davies' Locker - 100m Reserve
    11A Pendant of the Magi
    12A Soleil Rouge Set
    13An Ethereal Llama - 95m Reserve
    14A Triton
    15An Ornament of the Magi
    16A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 30m Reserve
    17Soles of Providence
    18Minax' Sandals - 30m Reserve
    19A Koi Pond - 130m Reserve
    20A Mark of the Destroyer

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 852nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    14 Items of Honor Decor
    210 Grass Tiles
    3A Valentines Day Basket with 5 Items
    4A Purple Crystal Skull
    53 Black Meteorites
    6A Large Glowing Lady Bug
    7A Lamp Post
    8A 120 Veterinary Powerscroll
    9Juka Mage and a Meer Statuettes
    10A Set of 3 Crafter Satchels
    11A Set of 3 Raised Garden Beds - 45m Reserve
    12A Churn
    13A Lady Medusa Statuette
    14A Complete Set of Resist Earrings - 30m Reserve
    15Jumu's Sacred Hide - 3m reserve
    16An Ultima Banner
    17A Fresh Green Lady Bug
    18A Moonstone Crystal - 30m Reserve
    19Fires of Kukuzz
    20Tree Oranement Jewellery Set - 75m Reserve
    21A Set of 50 Magic Alacrity Scrolls
    22Archfiend of Ilshenar
    23A Set of 2 Diamond Weddingbands - 30m Reserve
    24A Bleue Jewellery Set
    25A Statue of the Famous Ghost Hunter August - 20m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 853rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1An Aegis
    2120 Stealth
    3A Hamster with a Rubble Log
    4Three Heritage Tokens - 1m Reserve
    5A Dragon Head Deed
    6A Rouge Jewellery Set
    7A Refinement Alalgamator
    8Grugor's Shield
    9Two Wedding Buffet Tables
    10Seven Butterflies
    11A Mysterious Statue
    12Three Snow Sculptures
    13A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 20m Reserve
    14Four Statuettes
    15A Magical Jewellery Set
    16A Fishing Suit Set
    17A Dread Horn Tainted Mushroom
    18A Golden Box with Five Old Potted Plants
    19A Pirate Chest - 20m Reserve
    20Dirty Snowballs - 20m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 854th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Single Charge Soulstone Fragment
    2A Full Set of Plate of Honor Armour - 1m reserve
    3A Sleeping Hamster & 6 Swamp Tiles
    410 Grass Tiles
    5An Archery Butte
    6A Sophisticated Elven Tapestry
    7A Set of 15 Old Prize Tickets
    8A Set of 50 Thief Alacrity Scrolls
    9A Fire Cloak - 5th Year Vet Reward
    10An Ale Table
    11A Jumu's Sacred Hide (Altered to Wing Armor)
    12A Serpent Skin Quiver
    13Gloves of Feudal Grip
    14A Full Keg of Powder of Fortification - 2m reserve
    15A Decorative Dungeon Stool - 2m reserve
    16A Vollem Held inf a Crystal - 10m reserve
    17A Set of Tree Ornament Jewellery - 50m reserve
    18A Triton
    19A Set of 6 Swamp Tiles
    20A Blacksmith Talisman - 26% Blacksmith Exceptional Bonus, 23% Blacksmithing Bonus - 2m reserve
    21A Jumu's Sacred Hide
    22A Conjurer's Garb - 25m reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 242
    The 855th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Torture Rack East Deed
    2A Furniture Dye Tub - 10m Reserve
    3Eight Holiday Fireflies
    4A Gargoyle Statuette
    5A Dragon Lamp
    619 Charges of Silver Pigment of Tokuno
    7Two Yew Runic Fletching Kits
    8Five Black Candles
    9Three Rubble Sandstone Posts
    10Two Pedestals
    11Hawkwind's Robe - 5m Reserve
    12A Potted Silver Sapling Replica
    14A Member of the Skara Brae Rangers' Guild Sash
    15A Mummified Corpse
    16An Ethereal Llama - 95m Reserve
    17A Glacial Spellbook
    18A Scroll of Valiant Recommendation
    19A Lucky Charm
    20Yukio's Glass Earrings

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 242
    The 855th Europa Auction will take place tonight (again!) at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Torture Rack East Deed
    2A Furniture Dye Tub - 10m Reserve
    3Eight Holiday Fireflies
    4A Gargoyle Statuette
    5A Dragon Lamp
    619 Charges of Silver Pigment of Tokuno
    7Two Yew Runic Fletching Kits
    8Five Black Candles
    9Three Rubble Sandstone Posts
    10Two Pedestals
    11Hawkwind's Robe - 5m Reserve
    12A Potted Silver Sapling Replica
    14A Member of the Skara Brae Rangers' Guild Sash
    15A Mummified Corpse
    16An Ethereal Llama - 95m Reserve
    17A Glacial Spellbook
    18A Scroll of Valiant Recommendation
    19A Lucky Charm
    20Yukio's Glass Earrings

    We hope to see you there!
  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 242
    The 856th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Six Swamp Tiles
    2Two Model Ships
    3Five Halloween Costumes
    450m Trade Skill Scrolls of Alacrity
    5Nine Three Bottle Groups of Wine
    6An Emerald of the Rondorin Empire
    7Wall Blood
    8A Palm Tree - 3m Reserve
    9An Elf Robe of the Equinox
    10A Library Talisman - Treatise on Alchemy
    11A Big Bag of Gems and More - 5m Reserve
    12Dr Spector's Lenses

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 242
    The 857th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Claw Foot Tub and a Hand Towel
    2A 17th Anniversary Gift Bag
    3Five Statuettes
    4A Whispering Rose from Gauran
    5A Rose of Trinsic
    6A 2014 Gift Box including a Powerscroll Book
    7A Corroded Box with Contents
    8A Big Box of Deco
    9A Bag of Creepy Deco
    10A Heritage Token
    11A Double Exceptional Box
    12A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 40m Reserve
    13A Rose Rug - 140m Reserve
    14A Gatherer's Pack
    15A Bag of Tokens
    16Five Gift Boxes
    17A Seed Box - 120m Reserve
    18A Single Charge Soulstone Token
    19A Palm Tree - 4m Reserve
    20Ingots and Bricks
    21A Triton
    22Minax's Sandals - 40m Reserve
    23A Wizard's Curio - 5m Reserve
    24A Vet Reward House Teleporter

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 242
    Sorry everyone, we need to cancel the auction tonight! We have internet trouble and it doesn't look like it's going to be back to normal for a few hours at least. We'll be back next week!
  • The 857th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Claw Foot Tub and a Hand Towel
    2A 17th Anniversary Gift Bag
    3Five Statuettes
    4A Whispering Rose from Gauran
    5A Rose of Trinsic
    6A 2014 Gift Box including a Powerscroll Book
    7A Corroded Box with Contents
    8A Big Box of Deco
    9A Bag of Creepy Deco
    10A Heritage Token
    11A Double Exceptional Box
    12A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 40m Reserve
    13A Rose Rug - 140m Reserve
    14A Gatherer's Pack
    15A Bag of Tokens
    16Five Gift Boxes
    17A Seed Box - 120m Reserve
    18A Single Charge Soulstone Token
    19A Palm Tree - 4m Reserve
    20Ingots and Bricks
    21A Triton
    22Minax's Sandals - 40m Reserve
    23A Wizard's Curio - 5m Reserve
    24A Vet Reward House Teleporter

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 858th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Boomstick
    2A Lava Rock Display - 10m Reserve
    3A Palm Tree
    4A Ruined Tapestry
    5A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 12m Reserve
    660k Bark Fragments - 10m Reserve
    7A Medusa - 2m Reserve
    83 Rare Red Cut Leather
    9Hook's Shield
    10A Wood Stove - 10m Reserve
    11Hawkwind's Robe - 5m Reserve
    12A Commodity Deed Box
    13Two Abyss Coloured Potted Plants
    14A Cow and Magic Milk Pail
    15A Seed Box - 155m Reserve
    1650 Scrolls of Alacrity for a Bard
    17A Well - 50m Reserve
    18A Ghost Ship Anchor
    19A Wash Basin - 10m Reserve
    20A +25 Stat Scroll - 15m Reserve
    21A Horse Statue - 25m Reserve
    22Rechargeable House Teleporters

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 859th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four Deco Deeds
    2Two Bamboo - 1m Reserve
    3A Palm Tree - 2m Reserve
    4Two Lava Tiles - 8m Reserve
    5A Wooden Cow
    6Blackthorn's Throne - 3m Reserve
    7A Ship Painting Deed
    8A Serpent Skin Quiver
    9A Fletching and Carpentry Set - 16m Reserve
    10Fires of Kukuzz - 2m Reserve
    11A Despair Diamond of Ilshenar
    12A Rouge Jewellery Set - 5m Reserve
    13A Bleue Jewellery Set - 5m Reserve
    14A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 12m Reserve
    15A Lucky Abomination Skull
    1610 Wooden Ship Carvings
    17A 25 Piece Animal Pen Set - 70m Reserve
    18A Decorative Dungeon Set - 75m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • Sorry, no auction this week - Amantala and Geoff both have to work on short notice! We'll be back next week!

  • The 860th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Rose of Trinsic
    2Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
    3A Hephaestus
    4Two Rare Amaryllis - 5m Reserve
    5"Snow Piles and Tiles"
    6Eight Virtue Tiles - 1m Reserve
    7A Yukka Plant
    8An Insulting Doll
    9A Willow Tree
    10A Maple Tree
    11Spiked Eggnog
    12A Triton
    13Four Dangerous Creatures
    14A Platinum Dragon Statuette (Lost Lands)
    15Rubble Lillies
    16Fortune's Visage
    17Nine Polishes Meteorites
    18A Platinum Dragon Vet Reward Statuette - 60m Reserve
    19A Dungeon Fountain - 15m Reserve
    20A Suspicious Gift Box
    21A Pie Safe
    22A China Cabinet

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 242
    edited July 2024
    The 861st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Two Fountains
    2Six Trophies
    3A Bag of Deco
    4Six Gift Tokens
    5Seven Potted Amaryllis
    6A Jewellery Box
    7Decorative Gold Ingots
    8Hawkwind's Robe
    9A Dreadhorn Tainted Mushroom
    10Four Different Glass Windows
    11An Ankh of Sacrifice - 90m Reserve
    12A Dragon Head
    13A Dragon Turtle Fountain - 3m Reserve
    14A Decorative Dungeon Bull - 15m Reserve
    15A Jewellery Box
    16A Heritage Token
    17A Bag of Bags - 2m Reserve
    18Two Rubble Rocks
    19A Mana Phasing Orb
    20A Scroll of Valiant Commendation
    21A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 28m Reserve
    22An Ornament of the Magician
    23A Plow
    24A Decorative Chair
    25A Trough - 8m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 861st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:
    1Two Fountains
    2Six Trophies
    3A Bag of Deco
    4Six Gift Tokens
    5Seven Potted Amaryllis
    6A Jewellery Box
    7Decorative Gold Ingots
    8Ruined Ship Plans 5 of 8
    9An Aquarium Set
    10Four Different Glass Windows
    11Two Honorable Sword Displays
    12A Bag of Gift Bags
    13Two Tapestries and a Bear Rug
    14A Decorative Dungeon Bull - 15m Reserve
    15Four Mounted Pixies
    16A Box of Deco Items
    17A Bag of Bags - 2m Reserve
    18A Box of Paintings
    19A Mana Phasing Orb
    20A Scroll of Valiant Commendation

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 862nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Bar Set
    2A Bag of Pumpkins
    3Three Sleeping Hamsters
    4A Heritage Token
    5A Bronze Vet Robe - 8m Reserve
    6A Level III Mysticism Mastery
    7A Whispering Rose from Gogul
    8A Rouge Jewellery Set
    9Hawkwind's Robe - 5m Reserve
    10A Wedding Set
    11A Tiered Fountain of Life - 10m Reserve
    12Medusa - 2m Reserve
    13A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 9m Reserve
    14A Torture Set - 18m Reserve
    15A Soulstone Fragment Token - 9m Reserve
    16A Moonstone Crystal - 40m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 863rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    110 Swamp Tiles
    2A Dragon Brazier
    3A Triton - 5m Reserve
    4A 30 Charge Invisibility Bracelet
    5A Bleue Jewellery Set - 8m Reserve
    6A Staghorn Fern
    7A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 20m Reserve
    8A Capybara
    9Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses
    10A 6th Anniversary Bag
    11A First Aid Belt
    12A Wizard's Curio - 8m Reserve
    13A Seed Box - 80m Reserve
    14A +25 Stat Scroll - 12m Reserve
    15A Tree Ornament Jewellery Set - 70m Reserve
    16A Mark of the Destroyer - 5m Reserve
    17A Hungry Coconut Crab - 15m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • Sorry everyone, we need to cancel this at short notice due to travel disruptions and we won't be back in time! There won't be an auction next week either, so if you want your items back please let me know here and I'll log on tomorrow evening to meet you.

  • The 863rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    110 Swamp Tiles
    2A Dragon Brazier
    3A Triton - 5m Reserve
    4A 30 Charge Invisibility Bracelet
    5A Bleue Jewellery Set - 8m Reserve
    6A Staghorn Fern
    7A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn - 20m Reserve
    8A Capybara
    9Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses
    10A 6th Anniversary Bag
    11A First Aid Belt
    12A Wizard's Curio - 8m Reserve
    13A Seed Box - 80m Reserve
    14A +25 Stat Scroll - 12m Reserve
    15A Tree Ornament Jewellery Set - 70m Reserve
    16A Mark of the Destroyer - 5m Reserve
    17A Hungry Coconut Crab - 15m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 864th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Dried Flowers and Onions
    2A Bar Set
    3A Whispering Rose from Dorold
    4Five Vines
    5Eight Tokuno Dyes - 20m Reserve
    6A Hephaestus
    7A Heritage Token
    8Anon's Spellbook
    9A Spiked Eggnog and a Suspicious Gift Box
    10A Plow
    11A Dasha Doll
    12A Candelabra of Souls
    1350 Scrolls of Alacrity
    14A Well - 20m Reserve
    15A +25 Stat Scroll - 12m Reserve
    16A Moonstone Crystal - 35m Reserve
    17A Hooded Robe (Not Repairable)
    18A 10 Charge Forged Metal of Artifacts - 75m Reserve
    19A BBQ Chilled Melon - 10m Reserve
    20A Magical Lighthouse Beacon - 60m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 865th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Japanese Maple
    2Four Orange Webs
    3Eight Pumpkins
    4A Skull
    5Three Stygian Music Gears
    6Hook's Shield - 8m Reserve
    7Four Palm Trees - 10m Reserve
    8A Soulstone Fragment
    9Two Rare Colour Cut Leathers
    10"Remains of an Unknown Rogue"
    11A Whetstone of Enervation - 5m Reserve
    12A Totem
    13Three Masks
    14A Member of the Royal Britannian Guard Sash
    15A Scroll of Valiant Commendation - 12m Reserve
    16A Black Moonstone -2m Reserve
    17Two Pixie Lanterns
    18Two Metal Boxes
    19A Jewellery Box
    20A Rack
    21A Charger of the Fallen
    22A Tiger Rug - 3m Reserve
    23Minax's Sandals - 30m Reserve
    24A +25 Stat Scroll - 12m Reserve
    25Balron Bone Armour - 40m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • Sorry everyone, no auction this week! We have to work late tonight unexpectedly. We'll be back with you on the 18th, and we hope to see you there!
  • The 866th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Towering Gargish Order Shield of Fortune
    2A 16th Anniversary Horse
    3An Ancient Samurai Do
    4A Tunic of Fire
    5A Coffee Set
    6Travesty's Collection of Shells
    7A Bar Sign
    8Two Pedestals
    9A Full Virtue Armour Set - 10m Reserve
    1010 Display Cases
    11A Basket of Herbs - 2m Reserve
    12Two Amaryllis Plants
    13Hawkwind's Robe - 12m Reserve
    14Counterfeit Platinum
    15Two Red Glass Windows
    16An Archdemon Statuette
    17A Royal Taste Tester Statue
    18Three Rubble Items
    19Five Daemon Blood - 4m Reserve
    20An Ostard Snow Sculpture
    21A Demon Slayer Juo'Nar's Grimoire
    22A Djinni's Ring -
    23A Corsair's Insignia - 18m Reserve
    24A Full Undertaker's Staff - 40m Reserve
    25A Silver Soulstone - 70m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 242
    edited October 2024
    The 867th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Dragon Turtle Fountain
    215 Jack O' Lantern Carving Kits
    3A Bonfire
    4Three Vet Reward Creatures
    5A Banana Horde
    6A Gold Marble Fireplace
    7Nero Roxxors Age of Shadows
    8The Grim Reaper's Scythe
    9A Blaze Seahorse Statuette
    10A Whispering Rose from Grim
    11A Bracelet of Primal Consumption Recipe
    1330 Old Tickets
    14A Futon
    15A Glowing Rune
    16A BBQ Melon - 10m Reserve
    17A Wilted Peculiar Cypress Tree
    18A Ruined Tapestry
    19A Rouge Jewellery Set
    20A Bleue Jewellery Set
    2112 Old Magic Items - 20m Reserve
    22A Single Use Soulstone Token
    23Admiral Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale
    24Minax's Sandals - 20m Reserve
    25A Head Slot Transmogrification Potion - 75m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 868th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    110 Grass Tiles
    2Four Grobu's Fur
    3A Small Brick House Mini House Deed
    4Six Holiday Fireflies
    5Two Rare Hue Parrots
    613 Gory Items
    7A Polar Bear Rug
    8Corgul's Handbook on the Undead
    9Five Guild Signs
    10Three Lava Tiles and a Lava Rock
    11Three Powders of Fortifying
    12A Triton
    13A Scrappers Compendium
    14Two Rubble Rocks
    15A Black Skull Tiled Floor
    16Three Compassion Pillows
    17A Holiday Toy Guard 2013
    18A Snow Elemental / Repond Plunderplucker
    19A Stone Cache
    20Rancid Reindeer Meat
    21Three Very Old Muffins - 2m Reserve
    22A Scroll of Valiant Commendation
    23A +25 Stat Scroll
    24A Soulstone Fragment Token
    25A Forged Metal of Artifacts - 50m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 869th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1An Easter Basket
    2A Bag of 5 Green Lanterns
    3A Set of 10 Halloween Items
    42 Gargish Knowledge Tokens
    5A Claw Foot Tub
    6A Lich Painting
    7A Set of 4 Small Display Cases
    8A Set of 5 Virtue Items
    9A Set of 3 Stolen Halloween Deocrations
    10Moonstone Crystal
    11A Folded Stole
    12A Dragon Turtle Fountain - 2m reserve
    13Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
    14A Scroll of Valiant Commendation (Replica)
    15Soles of Providence - 5m reserve
    16A 2023 Holiday Gift Token
    17A Shroud of the Condemned
    18The Horse Lord
    19Shadow Dancer Leggings - 3m reserve
    20A 2015 Holiday Gift Token
    21A Palm Tree
    22A Tiger Rug - 4m reserve
    23Pixie Lanterns - 3m reserve
    24A Soulstone Fragment Token - 8m reserve
    25A Head Slot Transmog Potion & A Sample of Target Hats - 50m reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • Sorry, no auction this week as we're stuck at work again! We'll be back next week!
  • The 870th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Picnic Table and Chairs
    2A Telescope
    3A Banana Horde - 3m Reserve
    4A Mistletoe Deed
    5A Bag of Six Sculptures
    6Fey Leggings
    7A Hephaestus
    8Four Gift Tokens
    9Four Lava Tiles - 2m Reserve
    10Three Blackthorn Statues - 5m Reserve
    11Copper Ingots
    12Phillip's Wooden Steed
    13A Bag of Christmas Deco Items
    14A Red Velvet Box with Cards and a Rose
    15A Leprechaun Found in the Forest Near Trinsic
    16A Pile of Skulls
    17Two Daemonic Lord Skulls
    18Three Topiaries
    19The Most Knowledge Person [Replica]
    20A Holiday Gift Ticket
    21Three Old White Statues
    22A Dragon Snow Sculpture
    23A Rouge Jewellery Set
    24Eight Blackrock Soups
    25A King's Collection Chest

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 871st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Clockwork Leggings
    2A Potted Tree
    3A Saddle
    414 Marble Cloth
    5A Gargoyle Harvester's Axe
    6Three Fishing Nets
    7A Whispering Rose from Eagle Eyes
    8Four Rocks
    9Bracers of Alchemical Devastation
    10Anon's Boots
    11A Pumpkin Rowboat
    12An Armour Engraving Tool
    13A Gold Soulstone Token
    14A Magical Time Machine

    We hope to see you there!
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