Europa Auction Item List



  • There won't be an auction this week as we didn't get enough items to sell! If you want to submit items for next week please put them in a bag with a book listing your name and any reserve prices, and drop it in our mailbox before next Tuesday!

    We'll see you next week!
  • The 872nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Happy 16th Annversary Horse
    2An SDI Spellbook
    3A Valentines Day Picnic Basket
    4A Stygian Dragon Statuette
    6A Sleigh and Two Reindeer
    7A Double Exceptional Wooden Box
    85989 Shadow Ingots
    9398 Blight
    10A Bat Slayer Spellbook
    11A Bow of Scorpion's Bane
    1220 Easter Eggs
    13A Tiger Rug
    14Four Flowerpots
    15Five Spellbooks
    16Three Snowballs
    17A Full Set of Demonic Lords
    18A Mesanna Poinsettia

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 872nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Happy 16th Anniversary Horse
    2An SDI Spellbook
    3A Valentines Day Picnic Basket
    4A Stygian Dragon Statuette
    6A Sleigh and Two Reindeer
    7A Double Exceptional Wooden Box
    85989 Shadow Ingots
    9398 Blight
    10A Bat Slayer Spellbook
    11A Bow of Scorpion's Bane
    1220 Easter Eggs
    13A Tiger Rug
    14Four Flowerpots
    15Five Statues
    16Three Snowballs
    17A Full Set of Demonic Lords
    18A Mesanna Poinsettia

    We hope to see you there!

  • We're back again for another attempt at auction 872! The list of items this week is the same as above and we hope to see you there!
  • The 873rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    120 Holiday Fireflies
    2Ozymandius' Obi
    3"A Suit for Santa's Naughty Elf"
    4"A Camping Trip"
    5A Talisman of Cow Summoning
    614 Candelabra of Souls
    7Three Types of Christmas Trees
    8Soles of Providence
    9An Evil Jester Mask from EM Adris
    10Balron Bone Armour

    We hope to see you there!
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