Europa Auction Item List



  • The 833rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A History of the Great Work III
    2A Claw Foot Tub
    3A Large Elegant Aquarium
    4Two Golden Eagles
    5A 15th Anniversary Lithograph
    6An Elemental Slayer Juo'Nar's Grimoire
    7A Golem Replica Statue
    8An Obsidian Rock
    9A Distillery (East)
    10A Commodity Deed Box
    11Two Vase Recipes
    12A Dawn's Music Box
    13Pixie Lanterns
    14A Fallen Log
    15Two Sea Creature Trophies Caught in Tur Mur
    16An Orc Ship
    17An Enchanted Writing Desk
    18A Blaze Mesanna Jester Mask

    We hope to see you there!

  • Sorry there won't be an auction this week as we're both away for work! Hopefully we'll be back as normal next week.

  • The 833rd Europa Auction will take place (again!) tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A History of the Great Work III
    2A Claw Foot Tub
    3A Large Elegant Aquarium
    4Two Golden Eagles
    5A 15th Anniversary Lithograph
    6An Elemental Slayer Juo'Nar's Grimoire
    7A Golem Replica Statue
    8An Obsidian Rock
    9A Distillery (East)
    10A Commodity Deed Box
    11Two Vase Recipes
    12A Dawn's Music Box
    13Pixie Lanterns
    14A Fallen Log
    15Two Sea Creature Trophies Caught in Tur Mur
    16An Orc Ship
    17An Enchanted Writing Desk
    18A Blaze Mesanna Jester Mask

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 833rd Europa Auction will hopefully take place tonight (again!) at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. Remember the rules are we need 10 people to start so please give it a go and grab yourself a bargain! The list of items is as follows:

    1A History of the Great Work III
    2A Claw Foot Tub
    3A Large Elegant Aquarium
    4Two Golden Eagles
    5A 15th Anniversary Lithograph
    6An Elemental Slayer Juo'Nar's Grimoire
    7A Golem Replica Statue
    8An Obsidian Rock
    9A Distillery (East)
    10A Commodity Deed Box
    11Two Vase Recipes
    12A Dawn's Music Box
    13Pixie Lanterns
    14A Fallen Log
    15Two Sea Creature Trophies Caught in Tur Mur
    16An Orc Ship
    17An Enchanted Writing Desk
    18A Blaze Mesanna Jester Mask

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 834rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1An Ancient Samurai Helm
    2A Scarecrow
    3A Soul Seeker
    4Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
    5Six Grass Tiles
    6Four Swamp Tiles
    715 Recipes
    8A Sacred Lava Rock
    9A Pillow with Garden Furniture
    10A Palm Tree
    1130 Animal Lore Scrolls of Alacrity
    12A Pixie Lantern
    13A Set of Navery Webs
    14Copper, Gold and Platinum Ingots
    1530 Veterinary Scrolls of Alacrity
    16A Barter's Guild Sign
    17A Weapons Guild Sign
    18A Mounted Dread Horn
    19Buffet and Formal Dining Tables
    20A Bath, Towel and 'Rubber Duck'
    21A Sakkhran Bird of Prey
    22A Daemon Mask Hand Painted by Mesanna Hue 1161
    2330 Animal Taming Scrolls of Alacrity
    24An Undead Cameo - 300m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 835th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Tailors Guild Sign
    2100 Crystals of Shame
    3Red and Green Stained Glass Windows
    4A Three Piece Rubble Log
    5Eight King's Collection Deeds
    6An Ethereal Horse
    7A Single Use Soulstone Fragment
    8Farm Decorations
    9A Chest of Sending and a Pilot's Wheel [East]
    10Corgul's Handbook on Mysticism
    11A Tabard of Honor
    12A Tangle

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 835th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Tailors Guild Sign
    2100 Crystals of Shame
    3Red and Green Stained Glass Windows
    4A Three Piece Rubble Log
    5Eight King's Collection Deeds
    6An Ethereal Horse
    7A Single Use Soulstone Fragment
    8Farm Decorations
    9A Chest of Sending and a Pilot's Wheel [East]
    10Corgul's Handbook on Mysticism
    11A Tabard of Honor
    12A Palm Tree
    13A 10th Anniversary Sculpture
    14A Sacred Lava Rock
    15A 16th Anniversary Horse
    16A Virtue Armour Set
    172 Gilded Statues from the Personal Collection of the King
    18A Set of 2 Rare Plants
    19A Pendant of the Magi
    20A Freshly Picked Rose
    21A Coffee Making Set
    22An Alchemy Station
    23A Tangle

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 836th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Pair of White Dye Tubs
    2Two BBQ Party Deeds
    3A Mounted Dread Horn
    4A Saddle
    5An Obsidian Mage Statuette
    6A Provisioner's Guild Sign
    7A Palm Tree
    850 Giant Turkey Feathers
    9A 16th Anniversary Horse
    10A Claw Foot Tub
    11Four Carved Glyphs
    12A Decorative Mage's Crystal Ball
    13A White Tiger Figurine
    14A Freshly Picked Rose
    15Three Dolls
    16A Broadsword Plaque
    17A China Cabinet
    18An Archdemon Statue
    19A Sakkhran Bird of Prey
    20"Legacy of a Mage"
    21A Soulstone Token

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 837th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Coffee Making Set
    2A Weapons Guild Sign
    3A Freshly Picked Rose
    4A Claw Foot Tub
    5A Hearth of the Home Fire
    6Samurai Platemail of Fey Wrath
    7A Chest of Sending
    8A Shroud of the Condemned
    9A Mannequin Deed
    10Nystul's Wizard Hat
    11Four King's Collection Deeds
    12Three Ruined Ship Deeds
    13A Trapper's Bushel
    14A Field of Blades
    15Ingots of Fey Wrath
    16A Blue Fellowship Medallion
    17A Shield Transmogrification Shield - 30m Reserve
    18A Crimson Cincture
    1925th Year Anniversary Items from Origin 2022
    20An Item Bless Deed

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 838th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Bokuto with 20 Splinter
    2A Mini House Deed - Wooden House
    3Hanging Swords
    411 Kings Collection Items
    5Red and Green Stockings
    6Gold, Green and Blue Marble Fireplaces
    7A White Grandfather Clock
    811 Kings Collection Items
    9Two Broadsword Plaques
    10A Harpsichord Deed
    11A Rose of Trinsic
    12A Palm Tree
    13A Blessed AoS Tunic
    14An Archlich Event Set
    15Journals of Dr. Spector Volumes I - IV
    16"Myrmidon's Pets"
    17"A Bag for an Archer"
    18Barreraak's Old Beat Up Ring
    19A Minax Bone Armour Set
    20A Six Piece Scout's Studded Set
    21A Porcelian Mask Hand Painted By Mesanna
    22A Moonstone Crystal
    23A Soulstone Fragment Token
    24A Seed Box - 150m Reserve
    25A Blessed Tangle

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 839th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Futon
    2A Dragon Turtle Fountain
    3A Stuffy Mongbat - 500k Reserve
    4A Pot of Eggnog
    5An Undead and Demon Slayer Iolo's Lute
    6A Pig on a Spit
    7One of the Best Fireworks Ever
    810 King's Collection Deeds
    9"A Head Start on Halloween"
    10An Excellent Iron Maiden and Halloween Guillotine
    11An Anniversary Box with Three Fish Nets
    12Four Chairs
    13Four Ter Mur Quest Items
    14An Anniversary Box with 11 Paintings
    15A Wooden House Mini House Deed
    16A Stygian Dragon Rare Music Box Gear
    17A Small Grandfather Clock
    18A Soul Seeker
    19Five Lava Deco Items
    20Six Black Rocks and Boulders
    21A Coupon for a Free Hair Restyling
    22Three Big Boulders, Two Lava Tiles and a Fire Elemental Statuette
    23Blessed Black AoS Sandals
    24An Albino Squirrel Frozen in a Crystal
    25A Sakkhran Bird of Prey

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 840th Europa Auction will take place Wednesday at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Futon
    2A Claw Foot Tub
    3An Enormous Venus Flytrap
    4Two Stained Glass Windows
    5A Harpsichord with 10 Rolls
    6Three Fireplaces
    7Four Bronze Sculptures
    9"A Starter Aquarium"
    1050 Giant Turkey Feathers
    11A Mannequin Deed
    12A Potted Tree
    13A Bath, Towel and Duck
    14"A Bag for a Rogue"
    15A Set of Bod Vendor Surcoats
    16Christmas Decorations
    1711 Old Deco Pieces
    18An Alacrity Scroll Book
    19"Coffee Time"
    20A Commodity Deed Box

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 841st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1Stone Shoes
    2A Crystal Skull
    3Counterfeit Platinum
    4A Deed for a Tree Stump Decoration
    5A Banana Horde
    6A Fire Pit
    7An Executioner's Axe
    8A Boomstick
    9A Staff of the Magi
    10A Hand Carved White Tiger Figurine
    11Two Sacred Lava Rocks
    12Two Golden Eagle Statues
    13A Magical Door [Replica]
    14A Torture Rack South Deed
    15A Picnic Blanket
    16Daemon Blood
    17A Lute Tuned to Stones
    18A Sword Display
    19A Minax Bone Armour Set
    20Ingots of Fey Wrath
    21A Rideable Boura Statuette
    22A Suspicious Bread Loaf
    23A Jade Armband [Replica]
    24A Mythical Detective of the Royal Guard Boots [Replica]
    25A Royal Guard Investigator Cloak [Replica]

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 842nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Rose of Trinsic
    2An Archdemon Statue
    3A 15th Anniversary Lithograph
    4A Two Story Wood and Plaster Mini House Deed
    5A Small Stone Tower Mini House Deed
    6A Brick House Mini House Deed
    7A White Bulletin Board
    8A Mannequin Deed
    9Four Poinsettias
    10A Bonfire
    11Four 2019 Holiday Gift Tokens
    12Four 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    13Two Archdemon Statues
    14Two Wall Blood Tiles
    15A Tongue of the Beast [Replica]
    16A Wall of Hungry Mouths
    17A Virtuoso's Armous Set
    18Raw Moonstone
    19Ultima Online 1998 Banner - 250m Reserve
    20"I Ran Over Grandma, Sonoma 2010" Deer Mask

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 842nd Europa Auction will take place (again!) tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Rose of Trinsic
    2An Archdemon Statue
    3A 15th Anniversary Lithograph
    4A Two Story Wood and Plaster Mini House Deed
    5A Small Stone Tower Mini House Deed
    6A Brick House Mini House Deed
    7A White Bulletin Board
    8A Mannequin Deed
    9Four Poinsettias
    10A Bonfire
    11Four 2019 Holiday Gift Tokens
    12Four 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    13Two Archdemon Statues
    14Two Wall Blood Tiles
    15A Tongue of the Beast [Replica]
    16A Wall of Hungry Mouths
    17A Virtuoso's Armous Set
    18Raw Moonstone
    19Ultima Online 1998 Banner - 250m Reserve
    20"I Ran Over Grandma, Sonoma 2010" Deer Mask

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 842nd Europa Auction will take place (again!) tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A Rose of Trinsic
    2An Archdemon Statue
    3A 15th Anniversary Lithograph
    4A Two Story Wood and Plaster Mini House Deed
    5A Small Stone Tower Mini House Deed
    6A Brick House Mini House Deed
    7A White Bulletin Board
    8A Mannequin Deed
    9Four Poinsettias
    10A Bonfire
    11Four 2019 Holiday Gift Tokens
    12Four 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    13Two Archdemon Statues
    14Two Wall Blood Tiles
    15A Tongue of the Beast [Replica]
    16A Wall of Hungry Mouths
    17A Virtuoso's Armous Set
    18Raw Moonstone
    19Ultima Online 1998 Banner - 250m Reserve
    20"I Ran Over Grandma, Sonoma 2010" Deer Mask

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 843rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A 25th Anniversary Box with 9 Tokuno Deco Items
    2An Ultima Banner
    3A Box of Christmas Trees
    4Eight Christmas Decorations
    5Four Reindeer and a Sleigh
    6"Five Horses and a Mongbat"
    7A 25th Anniversary Box with 6 Spider Webs
    8A Small Stone Tower Mini House Deed
    9Four Lights
    10Black and White 2017 Swans
    11Heads on Spikes
    12A Grizzled Skull Collection
    13Two Black Bats
    14Phillip's Wooden Steed
    15A Robe of the Eclipse
    16Seven Bar Pieces
    17A Snow Statue
    18A Stone Spike
    19"See Thy Blade!"
    20A Basket of Aquarium Items
    21A Table of Doom
    22A Tangle
    23An Ultima II Revenge of the Enchantress Poster - 50m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 843rd Europa Auction will take place tonight (again!) at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A 25th Anniversary Box with 9 Tokuno Deco Items
    2An Ultima Banner
    3A Box of Christmas Trees
    4Eight Christmas Decorations
    5Four Reindeer and a Sleigh
    6"Five Horses and a Mongbat"
    7A 25th Anniversary Box with 6 Spider Webs
    8A Small Stone Tower Mini House Deed
    9Four Lights
    10Black and White 2017 Swans
    11Heads on Spikes
    12A Grizzled Skull Collection
    13Two Black Bats
    14Phillip's Wooden Steed
    15A Robe of the Eclipse
    16Seven Bar Pieces
    17A Snow Statue
    18A Stone Spike
    19"See Thy Blade!"
    20A Basket of Aquarium Items
    21A Table of Doom
    22A Tangle
    23An Ultima II Revenge of the Enchantress Poster - 50m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • We hope everyone had a good holiday and new year!

    The 843rd Europa Auction will take place tonight (again!) at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A 25th Anniversary Box with 9 Tokuno Deco Items
    2An Ultima Banner
    3A Box of Christmas Trees
    4Eight Christmas Decorations
    5Four Reindeer and a Sleigh
    6"Five Horses and a Mongbat"
    7A 25th Anniversary Box with 6 Spider Webs
    8A Small Stone Tower Mini House Deed
    9Four Lights
    10Black and White 2017 Swans
    11Heads on Spikes
    12A Grizzled Skull Collection
    13Two Black Bats
    14Phillip's Wooden Steed
    15A Robe of the Eclipse
    16Seven Bar Pieces
    17A Snow Statue
    18A Stone Spike
    19"See Thy Blade!"
    20A Basket of Aquarium Items
    21A Table of Doom
    22A Tangle
    23An Ultima II Revenge of the Enchantress Poster - 50m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 843rd Europa Auction will hopefully take place tonight (again!) at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time.  The list of items is as follows:

    1A 25th Anniversary Box with 9 Tokuno Deco Items
    2An Ultima Banner
    3A Box of Christmas Trees
    4Eight Christmas Decorations
    5Four Reindeer and a Sleigh
    6"Five Horses and a Mongbat"
    7A 25th Anniversary Box with 6 Spider Webs
    8A Small Stone Tower Mini House Deed
    9Four Lights
    10Black and White 2017 Swans
    11Heads on Spikes
    12A Grizzled Skull Collection
    13Two Black Bats
    14Phillip's Wooden Steed
    15A Robe of the Eclipse
    16Seven Bar Pieces
    17A Snow Statue
    18A Stone Spike
    19"See Thy Blade!"
    20A Basket of Aquarium Items
    21A Table of Doom
    22A Tangle
    23An Ultima II Revenge of the Enchantress Poster - 50m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!
  • Sorry but there won't be an auction tonight - we didn't get enough items to sell!

    We can only keep doing the auction with your support, so if you have anything you want to sell please bring it along (in a bag with a book) tonight at 7PM UK time where we'll be waiting! Gates will still be available from Luna bank!
  • The 488th Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Happy Sixteenth Anniversary Horse
    2A Bag of Aquarium Deco
    3A box of Eoden Deco
    4A PvP Pitchfork
    5A PvP Kryss
    6A Banana Horde
    7A Mysterious Crystal Display
    8A Deed for a Decorative Wall Hanging
    9A Valentines Table and Chairs
    10A Storm Caller
    11A Holiday Gift Ticket
    12A Totem
    13A Collection of Smiths Hammers
    14A Bag of Old Event Items
    15Three Different Event Plate Sets (Archlich, Minax and Fey Wrath)
    16A Serpent Skin Quiver
    17A Hat of the Magi
    18A Sakkhran Bird of Prey
    19"An Ultimate Leather Gatherers Kit"
    20A Legendary Scroll of Power
    21A Soulstone Token
    22A Blessed Conjurer's Garb with 140 Luck
    23Bogling Hide Mukluks

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 845th Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Six Grass Tiles
    2A Coffee Making Set
    3A Quiver of Infinity
    4An Enormous Venus Flytrap
    5A Tiger Rug
    6The Eight Books from Kotl City
    7A Seamen's Guild Sign
    8A Bone Armour Set of Fey Wrath
    9A Single Charge Soulstone Fragment
    10Seven Different Cards of Semidar
    11In Memory of Dawn the Valiant
    12A Lava Rock Display
    13A Scarecrow
    14A Krampus' Purse with Three Reward Titles
    15A Set of Rubble Log Parts - 30m Reserve
    16A Tangle

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 846th Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Pig on a Spit
    2Four Eoden Quest Items
    3Black and White Swans
    4An Illusionist Guild Sign
    5A Skinned Deer and Goat
    6Counterfeit Platinum
    7A Mages' Guild Sign
    8A Pumpkin Carving Kit
    9A Sixteenth Anniversary Horse
    10A Dragon Brazier
    11"Three for Justice"
    12"Four for Love"
    13A Burning Scarecrow
    14A Pumpkin
    15Four 25th Anniversary Tokens
    16A Conjurer's Garb
    17"Dead Man's Rest"
    18An Ethereal Horse
    19Two Crystals from Gypsy Leela's EM Event
    20The Scholar's Halo - 30m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Why are you posting for an auction what 3-4 hours before it happens.  You do understand that the web site that you are posting on is read in the USA also?  Maybe you should post 2-3 days before auction so USA players can decide if they want to come over to the auction.
  • The 847th Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Gold Marble Fireplace
    2A Pillow with Table and Chairs
    3A Mounted Dreadhorn
    4A Hearth of the Home Fire
    5Five King's Collection Deeds
    6A Fountain
    7A Holiday Gift Ticket
    8A 13th Anniversary Gift Ticket
    9A Stormgrip
    10Six Weapons 'of the Cult'
    11Eight Armour Weapons 'of the Cult'
    12An Ornately Decorated Commemorative Plate
    13A Wind Spirit [Replica]
    14A Robe of the Equinox
    15Two Sets of Crimson Red Event Plate Armour
    1649 Scrolls of Alacrity
    17A Single Use Soulstone Fragment
    18A Tinker Bench
    19A 16th Anniversary Horse
    20A Pendant of the Magi
    We hope to see you there!

  • The 848th Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Six Holiday Fireflies
    2A Yellow Polkadot Bikini
    3Two Large Potted Trees
    4A Male Sorcerer's Suit
    5An Abyssal Infernal Statuette
    6A Crystal Ball - 15m Reserve
    7A Small Grandfather Clock
    8A Claw Foot Tub
    9An Enormous Venus Flytrap
    10Hanging Swords
    11A Fire Demon Statue
    12A Wedding Chest - 20m Reserve
    13Corgul's Enchanted Sash
    14A Crystal Portal - 75m Reserve
    15A Corrupted Crystal Portal - 85m Reserve
    1650 Scrolls of Alacrity
    17A Silver Anniversary Shield
    18A Butcher's Block
    19Two Wedding Flower Vases
    20A Book Stand
    21A Wedding Candelabra
    22An Ethereal Horse Statuette
    23Hawkwind's Robe
    24A Yellow Cherry Blossom from Izumo - 50m Reserve
    25A Europa Gold Shirt - 1m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • Sorry there won't be an auction this week - me and Ama both have to work. We should be back to normal next week!

  • The 849th Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Rubble Tree
    2Two Dangerous Creature Museum Items
    3A Banner - 5m Reserve
    4A Rare Coloure Amaryllis - 2m Reserve
    5A Heartwood Runic Fletching Tool - 90 Charges
    6A Cloak with 24 Spell Reflection Charges
    7A Stained Glass Window
    8"A Dozen Box Arts"
    9Hawkwind's Robe
    10Four Stat Scrolls
    11A Metallic Dye Tub
    12"A Basket of Stealables"
    13A Rouge Jewellery Set
    14A Bleue Jewellery Set
    15A Rubble Rock
    16"A Box of Blankets"
    17A Shadow Cloak of Rejuvination
    18An Embroidered Oak Leaf Cloak [Replica]
    19A Full Set of Special Gems - 3m Reserve
    20A Wedding Candelabra - 5m Reserve
    21A Wood Worker's Bench
    22Two Abyss Coloured Potted Plants
    23A Necromancer's Phylactery
    24A Wizard's Curio
    26A War Boar Ethereal Mount - 85m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 850th Europa Auction will take place tonight at 7PM UK time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Heart with Table and Chairs - 3m Reserve
    2Six Mounted Pixies
    3A Rubble Tree
    4A Mana Phasing Orb
    5A Shield with 190 Luck
    6Hawkwind's Robe
    7A Blackthorn's Throne Replica Deed
    8Two Rare Pieces of Cut Leather
    9A Wood Worker's Bench
    10Counterfeit Platinun
    11Wedding Flowers - 2m Reserve
    12A Wedding Table and Chairs Set
    1350 Scrolls of Alacrity
    14A 'Turned' Fellowship Medallion
    15An Owned by Noone Totem of the Tribe
    16A Lunar Lilly EM Item - 25m Reserve
    17The Royal Taste Tester

    We hope to see you there!

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