Treasures of Wildfire Rewards
I wanted to create this thread as a placeholder for all of the rewards for people to share things about the rewards as they are selected so people know what they are getting (since this isn't on TC1 to see). A few things I'm curious about is the Idle of WIldfire / Stolen piece of Castambre / Lucky Abomination Skull / Bloodspawn Ritual Table. At 75-150 points per item I'm hoping they aren't simply just decoration.
I think it would be useful to have one single place to look for the rewards so please avoid comment that would have this thread closed. Thanks.
I think it would be useful to have one single place to look for the rewards so please avoid comment that would have this thread closed. Thanks.
Cats ambre chunk? Dunno, i think it should make you to loose carma even faster than new cloak.
If cat ever used your shoes , you must remember how other people react in your presence.
Treasures of Wildfire |
Stone of Castambre:
Standing on the Isle of Fire in Britannia, it is a bleeding stone from which the Tree of Life grows. The stone can be "milked" for blood or strange hearts with a pick. Both of these items are needed in the act of golem creation or reconstruction. While the tree seems to wilt when harvesting a heart from it, it quickly recovers with seemingly no ill effects. Otherwise, there isn't really much known about the stone, apart from a book on the Isle of Fire, written by the mage Astelleron, who had discovered and researched its use in the creation of golems.
Stone of Castambre - The Codex of Ultima Wisdom, a wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online (
but Great Lakes writing desk is gone.
Can it be put back?
some people only got one book, before it disappeared.
Thanks everyone for the feeedback.
We should put those pages in a new book correct?
Thank you, guild appreciate it, they asked me, If I could ask for further reduction on the ring ?
Do you have any feedback on why the weapons are antique? You have artefacts that are similar 6 property quality that are fully repairable? (All Stygian Abyss ones?) I think antique on these weapons, will put anyone off getting them at all.
Chances are, that there do are players who may need anyone from 1 to 13 that they have missing to fill up their book....
Could you please add the 4 missing pages ?
They would need to be constantly repaired.... a nightmare....
Alchemists abomination is over. Those pages are on vendors or in a container now.
Hmmm, antique soul glaive, fun for a few days. Bloodblades are worth some trash points. A mount, good one. More April fools earrings? Lol. Wasn't yukios enough, jokes getting old.
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
Rare to find a drop you want to keep.
I rub a statue and I think I get more drops but not proven.
When there are Balrons and Succubus Paragons there may be 3 dead players fighting them.
How naive of me, to think that these Pages had been put in to HELP those players who were not able to fill in their Book with the Spawn in Ter Mur....
Rather then putting in "new" Pages, it would have been nicer, to my opinion, if they had put in the Ter Mur Pages of Lore to help out players still missing any from their Book....
@Kyronix - feedback on wildfire event:
To my finding, this New Fire Dungeon Event drop rate is significantly LESS as compared to the previous Deceit and Ice Dungeons Events.
Maybe it is a bug, I do not know, it was not intentional, but I can tell it is lower... and quite lower too....
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs