Cannonball not required to fire cannon
"Read this somewhere before, can't find the original source, still the case, ship still fires and deals damage as if cannonball was loaded when none present.
Expected result: to show failure of loading cannonball when no cannonball present"
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Does it do the same amount of damage as if a cannon ball was loaded? A ceremonial shot from a cannon may not kill you but it sure will knock you on your ass when the wad hits you.
It defaults to cannonball. I've always kept cannonballs in my cannons. But you wont know if you run out.
how can on deals 5000 damage, no balls?”
Would be fine with me if they fix this since my cannons are loaded.
I am wondering what other items you’re allowed to dupe also.
what is the criteria to decide what is allowed to be duped and what is not?”
They do not continue to fire the other 2 types of cannon balls. They revert to the basic ones.
Little BS like the things that are posted here get fixed in the order they deem most important..
Please have something intelligent to add to a post or refrain from posting nonsence.
Also I'm wondering in PvP why wouldn't you also use grapeshot if for nothing else to annoy other players.
The one with 69 is the Bow Cannon which I use for Beacons.