Dev Team Recommendations : Low Hanging Fruit



  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    YOU think it is unreasonable everyone else thinks it's fine....
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    @popps ; Figure out what imbuing ingredients you need and go get them.

    Here are the Essence ones.  The rest are just as easy to look up.

    Jewels are fine as is, don't mess them up.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited March 2021
    Thanks, I did not have that 1 bookmarked.  I figured you would mention the UO one. :)

    It is much better!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    McDougle said:
    YOU think it is unreasonable everyone else thinks it's fine....
    Maybe it is because most players just go with uber Legendary Artifact looted items with 14+ properties rather then using imbued ones (saved the known weapons/Luck exception...) ?

    Just maybe ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited March 2021
    popps said:
    McDougle said:
    YOU think it is unreasonable everyone else thinks it's fine....
    Maybe it is because most players just go with uber Legendary Artifact looted items with 14+ properties rather then using imbued ones (saved the known weapons/Luck exception...) ?

    Just maybe ?
    All may dexxers wear crafted pieces. 10 stam with 10LMC is not easy to find in loot or craft.
    Thats why I would like potions or balms that we can add to crafted pieces to give them a boost.

    Also you are talking about rings with 1 stat. Thats a NOOB thing many of us tried till we learned how to get our own ingredients.  Just need imbuable 10SSI jewels now.  They are plentiful.
    You want to fix something that is not broken.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    I don’t think the point of that jewelry is for imbuing. Imbuing just happens to be something you can do with it. Its just loot like any other loot table. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    dvvid said:
    I don’t think the point of that jewelry is for imbuing. Imbuing just happens to be something you can do with it. Its just loot like any other loot table. 
    A few posts up he posted that he wanted jewels with just FC1 and stuff so he could imbue and not have to use ingredients for that property.  He has a difficulty with staying on a single topic in a thread. And he is always wanting to change things so he does not have to get item x to make item y.

    What else would you do with jewels that have just 1 or 2 properties other than imbue more onto them?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Ooooo... K.

    So back to low hanging fruits feasible ideas for quick Win.

    1) Update Cleanup Rewards - Exchange existing junk artifacts for better rewards

    2) New (event) rewards to include clean (imbue-able) jewels/armor/weapon.

    I think the above are super easy to implement.

    For para 2, while I do not agree with popps that clean items should come from farming low end monsters (like lizardman or orcs), but I find that they are harder to come by than named arties...

    E.g. I know where I can get Cameos and I have gotten a few, but I have yet to see any +10 SSI pure jewel from any monsters in my entire life. The only sure place to get them is from VS monster - and cost 20 million each.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,209Dev
    "1) Update Cleanup Rewards - Exchange existing junk artifacts for better rewards"

    @Seth please elaborate.  "Better rewards" is too broad of a request to turn into actionable feedback.  Keep in mind implementation is only *part* of the pipeline...we also have to concept, design, implement, test, feedback, balance etc.  The more information we have to work with up front the easier all those steps become later on :)
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    @Kyronix ok boss and noted the factors including balance...

    By rewards I mean could be
    1) decorative (just graphics design), or
    2) clean weapon/armor/jewels (no need to worry about balance) for imbuing.
    3) functional items, e.g. storage, pets, etc...

    I will work on a list.

    Everyone - quick!!! Submit your WISHLIST, what do you want in exchange for the junk artifacts!!!

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SamaelSamael Posts: 23
    popps said:

    When was the last time that someone, for example, remembers getting a Ring or Bracelet with only FC1 and FCR 3 or maybe one of this properties overcapped (FC 2 OR FCR 4) ?

    Or maybe one with FC1 FCR3 and SDI 18 ?

    I get 1/2 clean 2 mods FCR3 or SSI 10 jewels for hour when I farm them. And imho is WAY too much, in fact, they drastically dropped in price lately. The forums are full of tips to get those too.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2021
    Seth said:
    For para 2, while I do not agree with popps that clean items should come from farming low end monsters (like lizardman or orcs), but I find that they are harder to come by than named arties...

    E.g. I know where I can get Cameos and I have gotten a few, but I have yet to see any +10 SSI pure jewel from any monsters in my entire life. The only sure place to get them is from VS monster - and cost 20 million each.
    The problem is, from my playing, that higher end MoBs tend to have the Artifact items loot with lots of properties and, thus, not imbuable.

    The lower end MoBs "may" have clean items with less properties but, way too often, those properties are either not imbuable because over the limit of 5 OR, they are not worth messing with because none of them reaches the CAP or is overcapped or, they simply do not match with one another thus making it pointless to spend time on the item...

    If, instead, in the code it was assigned a higher "spawning weight" for items to spawn on Low end MoBs with LESS properties, but these fewer properties (2 or at most 3) to spawn at CAP and with a chance for 1 to spawn overcapped, THEN we could see more practical use for hunting Lower end MoBs to try getting these items for the purpose of imbuing to save up on imbuing materials...

    And it could be a good way also, for new and returning players to have a source of income, me thinks....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    Samael said:
    popps said:

    When was the last time that someone, for example, remembers getting a Ring or Bracelet with only FC1 and FCR 3 or maybe one of this properties overcapped (FC 2 OR FCR 4) ?

    Or maybe one with FC1 FCR3 and SDI 18 ?

    I get 1/2 clean 2 mods FCR3 or SSI 10 jewels for hour when I farm them. And imho is WAY too much, in fact, they drastically dropped in price lately. The forums are full of tips to get those too.
    Considering that I do not, may I ask what MoBs do you farm to get yours ?

    I tried multiple Lower end MoBs and do not seem to get clean 2 mods jewels with those 2 Mods at CAP or 1 that is overcapped so to make it worth the imbuing of them....

    The Higher end MoBs, as I mentioned, tend to yield items with a lot more properties as the max imbuable quantity (5) and, thus, are not usable for imbuing purposes...
  • SamaelSamael Posts: 23
    Rotting corpses to name one ... just find your luck "sweet spot", not too much, not zero. if you use Pinco you can set it to highlight items with those specs so you don't have to loose time checking all the rings when you loot.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited March 2021
    Kyronix said:
    "1) Update Cleanup Rewards - Exchange existing junk artifacts for better rewards"

    @ Seth please elaborate.  "Better rewards" is too broad of a request to turn into actionable feedback.  Keep in mind implementation is only *part* of the pipeline...we also have to concept, design, implement, test, feedback, balance etc.  The more information we have to work with up front the easier all those steps become later on :)

    Hi @kyronix,

    That was a suggestion I've also made - previously in this thread I think I said gather a lot of Mondain Legacy artifacts, or Champ spawn artifacts even, use them as hand-ins for bigger and better.

    I did also ask - what are your parameters in terms of asking for too overpowered, or even underpowered, I get you don't want to creep up too much.

    But imo - there are so many options in terms of item balance - I feel I can get much better item balance, and stick within certain parameters (if I know what they are). And I really can go on forever, it's just I don't want to, because if I am starting off on the wrong track, then it's a waste of time for all of us.

    But ok, I get it maybe too hard for you to give your parameters or limits on items, I may go off and design anyway lol :) See you soon!

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    The items that annoy me are the ones where 'damage increase' is both sdi and di.  I don't really want both on the same item. Does anyone else?

    @Seth ;Which clean-up rewards would you class as 'junk' and remove? What would you put in their place?
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    @Kyronix - I think this link will give you some pinpointed type of additions for things people want to see Sometimes it's hard to keep a clean list when certain people take the thread wildly off topic with things we already have so the first page has a bulk of the items.

    I think it's a pretty universal request that dexers will want new gear with max stam/dex/more SSI/DMI while mages want new gear with more SDI/FC/FCR and somewhere over to the side you have the people (loonies or perfectionist) that want higher luck pieces for the their max luck suits. I don't think anyone here would (or has) oppose something like earrings with 8 SDI or 5 SSI and I'd consider that new item pretty low hanging from a rewards standpoint.

    Another low hanging thing I think should be simple enough is to add Eodon or Dinosaur Slayer instrument to the Britain Clean Up rewards list. There are other slayers there like Fey/Element/Arachnid so this would fall inline with obtaining a slayer for barding in Eodon.
  • SamaelSamael Posts: 23
    hI @kyronix :)
    The trade-in of ML artifacts sounds great :)
    Would really be impossible to have some sort of npc (eventually a mage or blacksmith guildmaster) that, after a quest or payment like with the mage armor, would add a property slot to a weapon or armor, eventually a "double click" thing like the Katalkotl's Ring ? Or adding some other items like the Whetstone of Enervation to remove other useless properties ? I think that this would add alot to the minor artifacts, and most of all to the armor sets that are now just a mannequin thing. Would also be a good money sink and anyway it won't be a super easy and fast way to have the desired item ...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    Samael said:
    Rotting corpses to name one ... just find your luck "sweet spot", not too much, not zero. if you use Pinco you can set it to highlight items with those specs so you don't have to loose time checking all the rings when you loot.
    @Samael ;

    Thanks for the heads up... may I ask a question ?

    Would really wearing Luck be of help here ?

    I mean, to my knowledge, wearing Luck improves the overall quality of the item which, generally speaking, means "more" properties on the item... and of course, with their values more skewed towards the CAP or even overcapped, occasionally BUT, I had the impression, that the "very 1st" enhancement that wearing Luck does, is increasing the number of properties which, instead, I do not want, otherwise, the item would risk no longer be imbuable...

    I was low number of properties but with those very few properties, being at the CAP or, hopefully, with one of them being overcapped.... does your personal experience tell you that wearing "some" Luck may reach such a particular goal ?

  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    The items that annoy me are the ones where 'damage increase' is both sdi and di.  I don't really want both on the same item. Does anyone else?

    @ Seth Which clean-up rewards would you class as 'junk' and remove? What would you put in their place?
    I am using both DI and SDI (plus SSI and LRC).  I dont care about DEX or STAM thou.   SDI increases your hit lighting damage. So why not?
    Most of items you get in the loot are items you dont want. So you either imbue what you need (fast and predictable) or farm it hunting mobs or VS. 
  • SamaelSamael Posts: 23
    .... does your personal experience tell you that wearing "some" Luck may reach such a particular goal ?
    Imho, yes. I wear around 5/600 when hunting for those. With zero luck you mostly get SSI 5
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    The items that annoy me are the ones where 'damage increase' is both sdi and di.  I don't really want both on the same item. Does anyone else?

    @ Seth Which clean-up rewards would you class as 'junk' and remove? What would you put in their place?
    I mean "junks" or useless artifacts from existing rewards from peerless, classic dungeon, quests, Doom etc that are "weak". Can refer to OP or complete list of artifacts...

    I have to find time to work on this list. Just saw Pub 110 full notes and some of the rewards are really good.

    @popps This is off topic bit I find the need to comment.

    I would rather kill say 50 high end monsters for a drop, than to kill 500 low level mobs. 

    Think about champ spawn, the first tier is easiest to kill but you need to kill alot and it's boring. It also works best with a sampire - which you don't have. 

    I doubt any game will let you feel rewarding by killing just 250 low level mobs... using a fully trained vet character. 

    End of off topic.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Kyronix how about earrings (non gragoyle) with usable mods on them? Currently the earring slot is for the most part a wasted slot. Things like SDI +5, Damage Increase +10, SSI +5 or 10, or mods like MR/HPR/SR, or even + skills (10 or 15). 1 pair with magery mods, and 1 pair with warrior mods. You could even make them available for cleanup points. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Clean up point items do need some love.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    Are there any other places where we can still get Blackthorn artifacts? If not, then it would be a "low" hanging fruit to simply transfer some of those into the cleanup reward list.

    This is the easiest solution, no need to crack our brains so that any other new reward ideas can go to events, Legacy shard, Vet rewards, High Seas, etc etc.

    One thing that need effort is to assign more cleanup points according to level of difficulty for each artifacts from the various places (Classic, Doom, Abyss, Peerless, High Seas, SG, etc etc). I have several chests of junk artifacts - not sure what to do with them.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Seth said:
    Are there any other places where we can still get Blackthorn artifacts? If not, then it would be a "low" hanging fruit to simply transfer some of those into the cleanup reward list.

    This is the easiest solution, no need to crack our brains so that any other new reward ideas can go to events, Legacy shard, Vet rewards, High Seas, etc etc.

    One thing that need effort is to assign more cleanup points according to level of difficulty for each artifacts from the various places (Classic, Doom, Abyss, Peerless, High Seas, SG, etc etc). I have several chests of junk artifacts - not sure what to do with them.
    Umm Blackthorns captains. I got over 100 arties 2 nights ago doing two cities with a group.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    Pawain said:

    Umm Blackthorns captains. I got over 100 arties 2 nights ago doing two cities with a group.
    Thanks, I keep forgetting about the cities inside BT. They have like 4 bosses at one go and are designed to destroy sampire in less than 10 seconds... Its like combining 4 shrine wars inside a confined space... Its a meat grinder for sampire meat...

    P.S. maybe one day there will be a Roof of the Roof (2nd floor of shadowguard) where the 4 bosses will appear inside a small room :D
    The reward shall be a 6-in-1 Slayer Cameo!
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    They destroy any template fast. They are made for a group. They are just like shrine battles. I take GM skilled warrior toons to those. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    Pawain said:
    They destroy any template fast. They are made for a group. They are just like shrine battles. I take GM skilled warrior toons to those. 
    I checked the Blackthorn Artifacts in the wiki, last update did not mention about the new captains.

    Are the rewards from the captains the usual red blackthorn drops that are used for exchanging the major arties? Is it a sure drop for killing a captain? Even 1v1 is very hard to kill using a sampire. It takes quite some time just to get one minor item.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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