EC Textbox bug
Since the post on the tc forum about the broken caret in the textboxes got fogotten, I'd like to use this as a reminder that the bug is still around... here is a link to the discussion:
I also have a nice list of several other issues with EC, but posting it in this forum seems pointless since there are a bazillion unsolved issues listed already
I also have a nice list of several other issues with EC, but posting it in this forum seems pointless since there are a bazillion unsolved issues listed already

Was there any news on this I didnt see? (newsletter, wiki, M&Gs, dev posts?????) A fix to the fix I mean.
Or did Broadsword just break it to let it broken forever now?
Unfortunately this is not part of the next publish so there is little hope to believe anyone in charge is even reading this thread
The fix for the fix is probably gonna take just as long.
.. then I look where, when and how often developers react to bugs .. and I think she is just trolling me..
(she will prolly delete my post anyway since its only ok to call me a troll but not her :P)