New patch today?
in Test Center
Got a patch but nothing on what it was
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
"Magic Untrap will no longer work on Treasure Chests, Magic Unlock will work as it is currently implemented on TC1."
Meaning, from my understanding, Magic Untrap will no longer work on any level map. Remove Trap will be a requirement at some level for all maps.
Treasure Hunters
I haven't really tested either lockpicking or remove trap with hiding. I do however know that you can precast spells while attempting to remove the trap, so that's good enough for me.
The 16 tile radius even on level 1 and 2 maps is a pain. I am now forced to add remove trap when I am doing those maps.
I just dug a hoard map in Fel - I ran far more than 16 tiles when defeating the guardians - that restriction only applies to removing the trap
I cast invis before I removed the trap and stayed hidden (GM RT)
The chest contains 18 magic items, including 2 x major arti and 1 x legendary, a bag of 22 - 24 each gems and 50,140 gold, 1 alacrity, 1 Sot (.8), one power scroll (110) and a trove map.
Happy, happy, joy, joy!
(430 luck)
Ilsh hoard map, 2 alacrity, 2 sots (0.2) 53+k gold. Ancient guardians do reveal, but if you've a summons cast to distract it you can get invis without getting too far away.
btw, Petal is re-stocked if anyone wants orange petals (Minoc moongate, say petal)
Treasure Hunters
And all of them reqwuire RT. As I read it anyway, havent made it to test yet myself
What you're thinking is like Uriah said. Magic Unlock for 1-3, lockpick 4-5.
I died on the 0 skill one, but only because I didn't know what to expect (and the patch unchecked my "run mouse in a separate thread" option, so it jacked up my targetting). Once I fixed that, I didn't die on the second attempt at the 0 skill. I was able to precast just quick enough to hide after the guardian spawned, and they spawned just slow enough for my pet to keep on top of it.
It makes sense, considering that, by having 100.0 points invested into Remove Trap, one can have "less" points for doing the actual fighting....
I worry much that with this limit, now, it might no longer be possible to go off screen which might complicate the fights for quite a number of Treasure Hunters....
The Remove Trap loop for Treasure Chests has been redesigned as follows,
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
You can disarm ALL of the chests with ZERO remove trap skill.
It just takes longer without skill, resulting in more guardian spawn. Instead of focusing solely on the existence of the skill you do not like, see if you can adapt and learn how to kill the additional spawn. If you have trouble with the spawn, then you can provide constructive feedback.