New patch today?



  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    @Tanager There was nothing wrong with treasure hunting as it is right now on the prodo shards and Siege.  I rather keep mine maps as they are, all 7 levels, I do not need new names nor breaking them down into groups like warrior’s cache etc..  This was not ask for by the player group that call themselves   Treasure Hunters.  All they asked for was a bit of improvement on the loot in the chests.

    Instead they completely revamp everything.  Now there is no loot on the guardians, few items in the chest, far less to unravel, where as normal shards we taking sometimes two full bags home to unravel.   I like to see a few less antique or prized items in the chests myself, instead there are far fewer items in those chests.  And they making it a requirement to have remove trap on the t hunter’s skills.  I have that skill (GM) on another account, used it in the last Halloween Dungeon, I was not happy with training up to GM.  

    Now I am going to tell you a secret, I hate doing maps everywhere except Felucca and Trammel.  Why?  Because I hate the spawns of guardians on those other facets, there are two facet (on TC) that you cannot gate to nor mark runes for maps so you are forces to use items like the jawbone or the crystal to get as close as possible, For Malas and Tokuno there is nothing at all to help with getting to map’s locations and you have to take those long runs to mark.  At least you can mark.

    So I am old fashion in mine ways and will stick to Trammel and Felucca maps, passing on any other facet’s maps, I will keep using my old library of runes that were just fine before Pub 22.  I normally give any other facet maps away or trash for points.

    There another post at Stratics I like a lot and I am going to copy paste this here as well
    Here is what you had to do to fix T-Hunting:

    1 - Put the coordinates on the map (don't force someone to have a Davies locker)
    2 - Remove all 50 stone loot.
    3 - Cut down on sheer items by 25%.
    4 - Get rid of regs - its just nonsene items. No one needs 10 GP worth of spider silk
    5 - Reduce the number of Antique items and cursed items by 20%
    6 - Increase the high end loot spawn by 10%

    Thats all. No need for new names, new mechanics, new skill etc. None of it fosters group play or anything the player base wanted.

    Tmaps should just be that extra bonus (hey I killed this cool monster - now I have a chance to get some extra loot) into some sort of additional experience that reduces the items in increases the effort. 5 items and now 10 minutes to unlock a chest? Please.

    Also - why do you EVER fail on a skeleton key? Shouldn't it work every single time? Its a damn skeleton key.

    What is crazy is that there was likely quite a bit of coding going into the new changes - the ones above would have taken probably 1/10 the time and it was all that was needed to tweak it to a more reasonable activity.

    Just like community collections - change some of the turn in items and some of the rewards and revive something YOU ALREADY CODED that is not being used. For all that is holy - stop over complicating and just take the easy path to success. Its right in front of you.
    All your bods are belong to us.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Drakelord said:
    @ Tanager There was nothing wrong with treasure hunting as it is right now on the prodo shards and Siege.  I rather keep mine maps as they are, all 7 levels, I do not need new names nor breaking them down into groups like warrior’s cache etc..  This was not ask for by the player group that call themselves   Treasure Hunters.  All they asked for was a bit of improvement on the loot in the chests.

    Instead they completely revamp everything.  Now there is no loot on the guardians, few items in the chest, far less to unravel, where as normal shards we taking sometimes two full bags home to unravel.   I like to see a few less antique or prized items in the chests myself, instead there are far fewer items in those chests.  And they making it a requirement to have remove trap on the t hunter’s skills.  I have that skill (GM) on another account, used it in the last Halloween Dungeon, I was not happy with training up to GM.  

    Now I am going to tell you a secret, I hate doing maps everywhere except Felucca and Trammel.  Why?  Because I hate the spawns of guardians on those other facets, there are two facet (on TC) that you cannot gate to nor mark runes for maps so you are forces to use items like the jawbone or the crystal to get as close as possible, For Malas and Tokuno there is nothing at all to help with getting to map’s locations and you have to take those long runs to mark.  At least you can mark.
    I actually prefer the condensing and grouping of the maps. It allows me to focus on loot types I want, as opposed to tons of stuff that is useless to me. It allows me to target specific skills in terms of scrolls, also a plus.

    There is still loot on the initial guardians and anything that spawns while looting the chest. It is only the ancient guardians that spawn during the remove trap process that have no items.

    Quality over quantity is what many called for, so that is what we've gotten. There is still a reasonable quantity of items in the chests, but they are of a much improved quality, in my opinion.

    Remove Trap, again, is only a requirement in that you have to hit the skill button, then target the chest. You can literally remove the traps with 0 actual skill invested. Trade-off is it takes longer and has more ancient guardians. I'd say that's quite fair.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Faeryl said:


    Quality over quantity is what many called for, so that is what we've gotten. There is still a reasonable quantity of items in the chests, but they are of a much improved quality, in my opinion.

    Remove Trap, again, is only a requirement in that you have to hit the skill button, then target the chest. You can literally remove the traps with 0 actual skill invested. Trade-off is it takes longer and has more ancient guardians. I'd say that's quite fair.
    Agreed. All seems better so far. 

    Tweek the RT timer a tad and 16 tile maybe to 24 and it looks a lot better. I'm still on the fence about the groupings of chests, but will get used to it I'm sure. Thank you to the devs, you're on the right track!
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