16 bugs to be fixed for publish 100 please.

MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208

1. The bug i experience is: Debuff for feint special no longer displays as the special is not behaving as intended. The special is supposed to grant the user a defensive advantage over the primary target for a short time, however the special actually reduces damage from attacks from any target for a short time.

The steps to reproduce this bug are: Hit someone with feint and observe damage received from non primary targets. Be hit by feint and receive no debuff to notify you of the effect and timer.

The expected result is: Person who hits with feint receives damage reduction from only the target they hit with the feint. Person hit with feint receives a debuff to notify them of the effect they're under and the timer.

The actual result is: person hit by feint receives no debuff, person dealing feint receives damage reduction from ALL targets hiting them.


The bug i experience is: When standing on uneven ground, If you cast an area effect spell such as arch cure or hail storm and use targer self (using uo assist) in classic client, not sure if it is true also in enhanced client.

The expected result is: The spell is cast

The actual result is: Receive a cliloc that reads "target cannot be seen" and spell is not cast.


The bug i experience is: On classic client only, when you drag a pet's healthbar and someone mounts the pet.

The expected result is: You do not lose the healthbar but it greys out like when the pet goes offscreen.

The actual result is: You lose the healthbar.

Please note on this bug, Kyronix incorrectly stated that this was working as intended and you should also lose the healthbar on enhanced client, however Bleak will agree this is not correct.


The bug i experience is: When you cast a revenant on someone and they enter a guardzone

The expected result is: The revenant continues to attack the player depending on the flag status, meaning if the player can legitimately call the guards on the revenant then the revenant should dissapear, however if the player who has the revenant on him has aggressed, the revenant should not dissapear.

The actual result is: The revenant dissapears in guardzone regardless of flag status.


The bug i experience is: when i attempt to regorge a Gnarled Staff.

The expected result is: able to reforge gnarled staff

The actual result is: unable to reforge gnarled staff


The bug i experience is: pet instantly dissapears when players log out. Causing various exploits, including but not limited to preventing a pet from dieing, and being able to summon a pet to an area where pet summoning (pet summoning balls) are not allowed. Being able to transport a freshly tamed non bonded pet from it's location to the stables by simply recalling to the stable and logging out and in..

The expected result is: pet remains in game until the player has fully logged out. Non bonded pet should not ever be log out with the player and remains in game (as it's not bonded). Player must retrieve a logged out bonded pet from the stable upon login. 

The actual result is: pet instantly logs out even during or having been recently involved in combat, the pet appears next to the player instead of in the stable. Including non bonded pets.


The bug i experience is: On Enhanced Client, players are able to instantly switch suits during combat using a dress macro.

The expected result is: On attempt to switch armour, a cliloc that reads "Since you have been in combat recently you may nat use this feature"

The actual result is: Players can instantly switch armour during combat. Creating an unfair advantage of using one client over another and bringing the gameplay into disripute.


The bug i experience is: On Classic Client, when a party is broken

The expected result is: The healthbars of the players in the party revert back to normal healthbars, your own character status remains.

The actual result is: you lose all the healthbars of the players in the party and your own character status gump closes?

The bug I experience is, both clients, upon death you're supposed to lose all of your buffs/debuffs (with the exception of stat loss debuff which comes as a result of death)

The expected result it: all buffs removes

The actual result is: city town bonus buff remains.


The bug i experience is: When you kill the dragon turtle champ in fel, any shard.

The expected result is: a moongate to the star room appears on the altar

The actual result is: no moongate appears.


The bug I experience is: Switching armour on a mannequin

The expected result is: The armour including the talisman is switched

The actual result is: All armour except the talisman is switched.


The bug i experience is: On Classic Client, when my pet attacks a mobile.

The expected result is: The damage my pet receives shows up in Yellow numbers and damage dealt in Red numbers.

The actual result is:Both damages show as red numbers.


The bug i experience is: Both clients, when you cast any spell on a player that has a delay in the damage, and the player moves to another server, i.e the player walks in and out of a dungeon entrance.

The expected result is: The spell damages the player when they emerge in/out of the dungeon.

The actual result is: No damage is dealt/received depending on if you're the damage dealer or receiver.


The bug i experience is: Inconsistent system messages for insufficient mana on magery spells in classic client.

The expected result is: When you have insufficient mana to perform an action, a cliloc should read. "You must have at least x mana to use this ability.

The actual result is: Red text above the player's head that reads "Insufficient mana for this spell" (same is true for when you run out of reagents)


The bug i experience is: Both Clients, decription of "word of death" spell in spellweaving spellbook.

The expected result is: Should read Min.Skill: 83

The actual result is: reads Min.Skill: 80


The bug i experience is: When you have magic reflect casted with and you log out and in. Both clients.

The expected result is: The spellpool is saved from when you log out.

The actual result is: Spellpool reads: Magic reflection Error (TID) Token out of range: 7 1149979

I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

Breaking in the young since 2002



  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    The bug i experience is: on classic client, when I log in on some characters, sometimes it automatically casts a spell such as magic reflect or mana vampire.

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • 17. Trap Box - instantly removed stun
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    With regards to bug number 9, I think the longer this is left, the more people will be reliant on it, I can already foresee people crying saying their suits are now broken as they've built their entire suits around having a city bonus at all times of play...

    Much like removing a plaster, swift and sharp is the way to go.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    Re No. 12.  If you're wanting this to be like the EC figures, it's the wrong way around. 
    In EC damage dealt by the pet is yellow, damage taken by the pet is pink, damage taken by the character is red.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    Re No. 12.  If you're wanting this to be like the EC figures, it's the wrong way around. 
    In EC damage dealt by the pet is yellow, damage taken by the pet is pink, damage taken by the character is red.
    on classic client, when you deal damage yourself (not with a pet), the damage is red, and yellow for received damage. It should match that of Classic Client.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • FatFat Posts: 97
    Ffs I hope they don't fix any of that.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    I am a little confused as to how/why bug number 1 has not been fixed, @Misk confirmed it in 2013 here:

    It's the equivalent of being able to use the warcry mastery special without the 20 minute cooldown and without the mastery, and less mana. PLUS the opponent is unaware they're under the effect as no debuff.

    This is unacceptable.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MiskMisk Posts: 61Dev
    1. A debuff icon for the target of the feint special move does not display in either client.

    • This is a known issue that I have moved to the list of potential Publish 100 bug fixes.  I was, however, unable to reproduce your reported issue about damage reduction for ALL attackers.  During testing, I was fighting multiple players and only the target of the feint attack had the damage reduction effect.  If you are still experiencing this, please provide additional information as far as damage types, number/type of combatants, etc.

    5. Cannot reforge non-gargoyle gnarled staff.

    10. There is no gate to the Star Room when the Dragon Turtle champion spawn is defeated.

    11. Talisman are not switched onto mannequins.

    14. There are inconsistent "insufficient mana" system messages depending on what type of spell you try to cast.

    15. The  minimum skill requirement for Word of Death is inaccurate in both spellbook and system message.

    16. The mouseover information for the Magic Reflection spell buff icon includes a Token Out of Range error message.

    • These are all known issues that I have moved to the list of potential Publish 100 bug fixes. 

    2. Unable to cast an area of effect spell using UO Assist target-self macro.

    • This appears to be a UO Assist only issue.  I was able to find a few locations where this occurred (5268 3194), but it only occurred when using the UO Assist macro for Target Self.  When using a classic client Target Self macro the spell was successfully cast in all cases.

    3. EC and classic client pet health bars behave differently when the pet is mounted.

    • I agree that both clients should behave similarly when dealing with mounted pet health bars and have submitted a problem report into the system for this issue and added it to the list of potential Publish 100 bug fixes.

    4. A revenant disappearing in justice regions.

    • This is currently working as intended.  The underlying issue here is that the mob teleports and the team has numerous concerns related to changing the way that the mob functions.

    6. Pets are instantly auto-stabled when a player logs out.

    • This is currently working as intended.  Although you bring up some valid concerns related to pets either in combat or having recently been in combat, the PROS significantly outweigh the CONS as this functionality is due to the fact that players really like their pets (almost as much as they like their houses) and they tend to get angry when beloved pets go missing due to lost connections, or errant pet behavior, etc.  The team is planning on brainstorming a potential solution to pets recently in combat, however, there is no ETA on this session.

    7. Enhanced client players can quickly switch out suits based on tactical needs, while classic client players cannot.

    • We plan on adding this feature to the classic client, although there is also no ETA on this.

    8. Party style health bars are closed when a party disbands as opposed to converting to standard health bar.

    • I have submitted a problem report into the system on this issue and added it to the list of potential Publish 100 bug fixes.

    9.  Town buffs remain through death.

    • This is working as intended.  There are already several buffs that remain on a player through death and due to the method that this buff is acquired, it was decided that it would remain intact through death.

    12. Pet damage received text is red in the classic client as opposed to being yellow text.

    • I have submitted a problem report into the system on this issue and added it to the list of  potential Publish 100 bug fixes.  Ideally the hue should be selectable via the options menu, however the extent of that task might exceed the time allotted for Publish 100.

    13. Delayed damage does not carry through to the target in some instances.

    • This is a known issue that is already in the system, although I do not expect this issue to be resolved in Publish 100.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited May 2018

    @misk Thank you for your responses on these most important issues.

    With regards to your response on bug number 6:

    I'm not sure why you believe the expected result will cause a loss of a pet:

    The expected result is: pet remains in game until the player has fully logged out. Non bonded pet should not ever be log out with the player and remains in game (as it's not bonded). Player must retrieve a logged out bonded pet from the stable upon login.

    With regards to your response on bug number 7:

    The issue is not that there is an imbalance in the clients and that the feature is missing in CC (although that is a factor) The issue is that it's possible to do during or after recently been involved in combat.

    Some examples of issues are as follows:
    For Chivalry, Faster Casting is capped at 2 instead of 4 if magery is 70 or above, with the current system you're able to bypass this by simply wearing a suit that has + magery skill for casting offensive spells and switch to a non +magery suit when casting Close wounds etc. Therefore bypassing the faster casting caps by simply switching suits between spells.

    The same is true for spell damage pvp caps. The system is set so that you have +25% spell damage increase if you have less than 30 skill in other spell schools. So you could have 29 necromancy and spirit speak, then switch to + 31 skill in necromancy only to cast evil omen, then have the other spell macros set to also dress your non +skill suit, so you are able to bypass the spell damage limit of 20 by insta suit switching.

    Or in pvm, you can redline any monster and insta switch to a luck suit for the last hit.

    The ability to insta switch suits is bringing the game into disrepute. This was my fault for not explaining the expected result properly in the initial bug report sorry.

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 235
    Your proposed solution would destroy PvM though. You want a combat timer lockout for switching items around? It's already annoying enough if you get combat flagged by a mongbat and have to wait 3 minutes to logout. Now you want to prevent swapping out any armor if you have been flagged for combat?

    So you die, get a res, are flagged for combat again, and have to just stand there unable to re-equip your items? What if you enter combat and realize you forgot to equip an item, or equipped the wrong item? What about swapping Cameo's around to match slayer vulnerabilities? Are you hoping to including weapons/spellbooks into your combat lockout as well? Not being able to switch weapons or spellbooks to match content would just be absurd.

    You mentioned luck suit swapping, but once again, this is mainly a PvP issue with a proposed fix that will have extreme consequences for PvM.

    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited May 2018
    No issues with arming weapons during combat, and no issues with changing any armour manually. 

    The issue is just with being able to insta swap more than one piece of equipment without even having to unequip. During or having being recently involved in combat.

    As for getting dressed when ressed. Yes you should not be able to insta dress if recently involved in combat (unless you double click your corpse) again no issue with manually dressing one piece at a time like you do in CC. 

    the main issue is with people being able to just swap to a luck suit for the last hit on a creature. This is clearly not an okay thing to be able to do. Pvp issues were just an example. You’re making out that people have always been able to insta dress/switch suits. This is not the case. 

    The devs are not stupid.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 235
    edited May 2018
    Fair enough. Your proposed solution made it sound like you wanted a combat lock for switching out any armor. What you actually want is a combat lock on the "Dress Up" macro in the EC, which is a fair request. Although I feel if one was added it needs to be relatively short -- not the current 3 minute combat timer.

    I don't PvP, so I have no opinion on how it affects combat there.

    For PvM, I personally only use the dress up macro to equip items after death. It's a handy feature to have, especially when you cannot find your body in a mess of other bodies. 

    I agree that people should not be able to swap out to a luck suit before landing the killing blow. If they want to run high luck, they should commit to that build from the start. 
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Even a 30 second timer would be fine yes.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited June 2018
    Misk said:

    6. Pets are instantly auto-stabled when a player logs out.

    • This is currently working as intended.  Although you bring up some valid concerns related to pets either in combat or having recently been in combat, the PROS significantly outweigh the CONS as this functionality is due to the fact that players really like their pets (almost as much as they like their houses) and they tend to get angry when beloved pets go missing due to lost connections, or errant pet behavior, etc.  The team is planning on brainstorming a potential solution to pets recently in combat, however, there is no ETA on this session.

    I think perhaps I did not explain the issue and proposed fixes if you or any of the team members are under the impression that there will be any CONS or loss of bonded pet:

    The auto pet log out system was introduced as players were unhappy when their pets went wild when they for one reason or other (connection loss/power outage etc) would not be able to stable their pet before logging out and so would often lose their bonded pets. Please know, we wish to retain this system, we do not wish for any player's bonded pets to be lost, we're fans of the auto stabling system.

    That said there are a couple of minor adjustments required in order to prevent the auto pet log out system being abused by players to circumvent current in game restrictions.

    These adjustments are simply:

    1, for the pet to log out at the same time the character logs out (meaning unless you log out in a friended house, inn, the character remains in game for 5 mins, as should the pet)

    2, for the pet to be retrieved from the stables upon log in (this is currently the case anyway if you log out when dead, however if you get resurrected and log out/in a second time, the pet actually appears next to you again which i beleive needs to be changed)

    3, for the current auto pet lot out system to not apply to non bonded pets

    Please allow me to explain how these very minor adjustments will fix ALL current circumvention of game mechanics by players and also will assist those players who have genuinely suffered a connection loss/power outage/crash etc.

    • many players exploit the system to simply log out to prevent their pet from dying (normally when they themselves have died, especially players without the veterinary skill) Veterinary skill has had the ability to ressurect pets at 80 skill ever since bonded pets were introduced, if pets or mounts were not supposed to die, they would not have hit points or be attackable, and would not be made ressurectable. By allowing players to do this, it is discouraging team play, EG Sampires have no reason to invite a veterinarian with them to kill bosses.

    • players are able to summon their pets to locations where pet summoning is not allowed:

    As you can see you cannot summon pets to anywhere in illshenar, or active champion spawns. However Players can again by-pass this restriction by simply claiming their pet from the stable and leaving it at the stable, travelling to the restricted summoning area and simply logging off and on to summon the pets there. Another example is shadowguard, the Belfry, the challenge is to ring the bell, kill the drakes, collect the winged feather to get you onto the platform. The dragon at the top of the platform will occassionally push the attacker off the platform, and you must ring the bell and kill more drakes to go back up. However tamers again can by-pass this mechanic, when their pet is pushed off the platform, the character will simply remain on the platform, log off and on and the pet is up with them on the platform again. 
    • Players are able to use their pets when they are dead without recourse to themselves, Example, if i tell my pet to kill a player/mob, and that player/mob kills me fair and square, my pet will remain attacking the player/mob who killed me, however if the player/mob tries to defend themselves against my pet, i can simply allow my pet to continue to deal damage the player/mob until my pet is very low hit points then just log out. Effectively making my pet invincible until its life it low.
    • Free stable fees, this is a minor issue but before the auto pet log out system came in place, you used to have to stable your pet, (at a very small cost of 30gp per real week), however players who simply log out do not get charged this fee however their pet remains well fed upon log in.
    • You can transport even an unbonded pet without a pet ball of summoning. Only bonded pets are supposed to travel with a tamer if they recall/sacred journey, to transport non bonded pets you must gate travel. In Eodan and Ilshenar, gate travel is not allowed, therefor part of the game challenge is supposed to be to tame a creature and transport it from its current wild location to the safety of the stables (or use a pet bonding potion that players purchase from the origin store). However again players can use the auto-pet log  out system to by-pass this, by simply taming a creature, recalling to a stable, logging out and in and the pet is with you at a stable.
    • Summoning pets while remaining hidden/stealthed: While you're hidden/stealthed, if you attempt to summon a pet using a pet ball of summoning, your character reveals, however players can again by-pass this mechanic by simply logging out and in to summon their pet to their location and remain hidden.
    • Any movement of a pet from location A to B without using charges - in order to summon any pet from their current location to by your side, the pet summoning balls require charges (charged with translocation powder) and these pet summoning balls will hold a limited number of refills. However players again can by-pass the requirement to use these charges by simply logging out and in.
    • genuine players who lose connection/crash: if you lose connection/crash, your character will continue to defend in game by swinging the weapon/parrying, a tamer's weapon is his pet, during power outages it's very annoying to log in dead because the pet did not continue to defend as it was instantly auto logged out on disconnect.

    All of these issues will be resolved if the 3 minor adjustments were implemented, and no player would need to lose their bonded pet still. (And there would be less traffic to the login servers).

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Mervyn said:

    These adjustments are simply:

    1, for the pet to log out at the same time the character logs out (meaning unless you log out in a friended house, inn, the character remains in game for 5 mins, as should the pet)

    2, for the pet to be retrieved from the stables upon log in (this is currently the case anyway if you log out when dead, however if you get resurrected and log out/in a second time, the pet actually appears next to you again which i beleive needs to be changed)

    3, for the current auto pet lot out system to not apply to non bonded pets

    I feel I should clarify, as some people are misinterpreting that you would need to reclaim your pet from the stables after disconnect/power outage/crash etc, this is NOT the case, as the pet would remain in game until your character has fully logged out, so you would ONLY be required to reclaim your pet from the stables if you had not reconnected within the 5 mins that your char and pet would remain in game. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Just thought i'd mention number 10: no gate to star room after defeating dragon turtle champ in fel, we did this post publish 100 on Europa and still no gate appears. This is ofcourse low priority however just thought i'd mention it again as it was actually a bug that was on an example list in the newsletter of bugs that will be fixed for publish 100.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited March 2019
    Mervyn said:
    Misk said:

    6. Pets are instantly auto-stabled when a player logs out.

    • This is currently working as intended.  Although you bring up some valid concerns related to pets either in combat or having recently been in combat, the PROS significantly outweigh the CONS as this functionality is due to the fact that players really like their pets (almost as much as they like their houses) and they tend to get angry when beloved pets go missing due to lost connections, or errant pet behavior, etc.  The team is planning on brainstorming a potential solution to pets recently in combat, however, there is no ETA on this session.

    I think perhaps I did not explain the issue and proposed fixes if you or any of the team members are under the impression that there will be any CONS or loss of bonded pet:

    The auto pet log out system was introduced as players were unhappy when their pets went wild when they for one reason or other (connection loss/power outage etc) would not be able to stable their pet before logging out and so would often lose their bonded pets. Please know, we wish to retain this system, we do not wish for any player's bonded pets to be lost, we're fans of the auto stabling system.

    That said there are a couple of minor adjustments required in order to prevent the auto pet log out system being abused by players to circumvent current in game restrictions.

    These adjustments are simply:

    1, for the pet to log out at the same time the character logs out (meaning unless you log out in a friended house, inn, the character remains in game for 5 mins, as should the pet)

    2, for the pet to be retrieved from the stables upon log in (this is currently the case anyway if you log out when dead, however if you get resurrected and log out/in a second time, the pet actually appears next to you again which i beleive needs to be changed)

    3, for the current auto pet lot out system to not apply to non bonded pets

    Please allow me to explain how these very minor adjustments will fix ALL current circumvention of game mechanics by players and also will assist those players who have genuinely suffered a connection loss/power outage/crash etc.

    • many players exploit the system to simply log out to prevent their pet from dying (normally when they themselves have died, especially players without the veterinary skill) Veterinary skill has had the ability to ressurect pets at 80 skill ever since bonded pets were introduced, if pets or mounts were not supposed to die, they would not have hit points or be attackable, and would not be made ressurectable. By allowing players to do this, it is discouraging team play, EG Sampires have no reason to invite a veterinarian with them to kill bosses.

    • players are able to summon their pets to locations where pet summoning is not allowed:

    As you can see you cannot summon pets to anywhere in illshenar, or active champion spawns. However Players can again by-pass this restriction by simply claiming their pet from the stable and leaving it at the stable, travelling to the restricted summoning area and simply logging off and on to summon the pets there. Another example is shadowguard, the Belfry, the challenge is to ring the bell, kill the drakes, collect the winged feather to get you onto the platform. The dragon at the top of the platform will occassionally push the attacker off the platform, and you must ring the bell and kill more drakes to go back up. However tamers again can by-pass this mechanic, when their pet is pushed off the platform, the character will simply remain on the platform, log off and on and the pet is up with them on the platform again. 
    • Players are able to use their pets when they are dead without recourse to themselves, Example, if i tell my pet to kill a player/mob, and that player/mob kills me fair and square, my pet will remain attacking the player/mob who killed me, however if the player/mob tries to defend themselves against my pet, i can simply allow my pet to continue to deal damage the player/mob until my pet is very low hit points then just log out. Effectively making my pet invincible until its life it low.
    • Free stable fees, this is a minor issue but before the auto pet log out system came in place, you used to have to stable your pet, (at a very small cost of 30gp per real week), however players who simply log out do not get charged this fee however their pet remains well fed upon log in.
    • You can transport even an unbonded pet without a pet ball of summoning. Only bonded pets are supposed to travel with a tamer if they recall/sacred journey, to transport non bonded pets you must gate travel. In Eodan and Ilshenar, gate travel is not allowed, therefor part of the game challenge is supposed to be to tame a creature and transport it from its current wild location to the safety of the stables (or use a pet bonding potion that players purchase from the origin store). However again players can use the auto-pet log  out system to by-pass this, by simply taming a creature, recalling to a stable, logging out and in and the pet is with you at a stable.
    • Summoning pets while remaining hidden/stealthed: While you're hidden/stealthed, if you attempt to summon a pet using a pet ball of summoning, your character reveals, however players can again by-pass this mechanic by simply logging out and in to summon their pet to their location and remain hidden.
    • Any movement of a pet from location A to B without using charges - in order to summon any pet from their current location to by your side, the pet summoning balls require charges (charged with translocation powder) and these pet summoning balls will hold a limited number of refills. However players again can by-pass the requirement to use these charges by simply logging out and in.
    • genuine players who lose connection/crash: if you lose connection/crash, your character will continue to defend in game by swinging the weapon/parrying, a tamer's weapon is his pet, during power outages it's very annoying to log in dead because the pet did not continue to defend as it was instantly auto logged out on disconnect.

    All of these issues will be resolved if the 3 minor adjustments were implemented, and no player would need to lose their bonded pet still. (And there would be less traffic to the login servers).

    I need to add all of Eodon to areas where summoning with a pet ball is not allowed but bypassed by summoning by logging out/in.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited March 2019
    Also need to add all ML dungeons and the Great Stygian Abyss to areas where summoning with a pet ball is not allowed but bypassed by summoning by logging out/in.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited March 2019
    There is also another exploit with summoning a pet by logging out/in. When summoning a pet with a pet ball, it takes a few seconds and the process is interruptible even under the protection spell. You receive a cliloc that reads "You have been dirupted while attempting to summon your pet!"
    So you can prevent someone from summoning a pet in pvp, however you cannot interrupt someone logging out/in to summon their pet.
    This is a total exploit! @Misk
    So this now totals 9 bugs/exploits with insta pet logout. all fixable by the 3 minor adjustments proposed above.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited March 2019
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited July 2020
    RE insta pet log out, with some new publish updates this problem has been exacerbated. Specifically the taming update with powerful 5 slot pets and idoc changes.

    I’d like to give an example, I perhaps should’ve recorded this last night on Atl at a fel idoc but it was laggy enough without me recording too;

    The 5 slot pets now are really powerful, if you want to slay one it can take about 300+ mana. At the idocs you have to be on foot, so you’re vulnerable to pets. And you have these naked players come in with pets and set them on you, you kill the players and they just let the pet attack you until you redline the pet after wasting all your time and mana, then they log out. 0 loss to them or the pet... then they return 2 mins later with pet healed, rince and repeat.

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • TimTim Posts: 813
    edited July 2020
    Mervyn said:
    RE insta pet log out, with some new publish updates this problem has been exacerbated. Specifically the taming update with powerful 5 slot pets and idoc changes.

    I’d like to give an example, I perhaps should’ve recorded this last night on Atl at a fel idoc but it was laggy enough without me recording too;

    The 5 slot pets now are really powerful, if you want to slay one it can take about 300+ mana. At the idocs you have to be on foot, so you’re vulnerable to pets. And you have these naked players come in with pets and set them on you, you kill the players and they just let the pet attack you until you redline the pet after wasting all your time and mana, then they log out. 0 loss to them or the pet... then they return 2 mins later with pet healed, rince and repeat.

    If you log out, lose connection or just crash when dead your pet stays in the stable when you log back in at the last location you were at. A real pain in the ass in the middle of a fight. Also just loging on and off does not heal your pet.

    Grated a player could sick his/her pet on you and run out of your range. Then when the pet is down log off/on to get the pet and heal it up. But as a  tamer I would just stay out of your range and use greater heals etc. Remember if you get too far from your pet you can not control or monitor it so how would you know when it needs to be healed or keep it on target? 

    Yes pets instantly going to the stable can be abused just like anything else. But losing pets because you power/internet go down is much much worse.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited July 2020

    The example i gave was talking of a dead character monitoring the pet simply by following it as a ghost. Logging out when pet is redlined, logging in and ressing at a safe location, logging out and in to retrieve pet, healing pet (or having it heal itself). Rince and repeat.

    Thanks for your concern RE pet loss.  But issue of crash/power outage/internet going down is resolved in a more detailed post above (made June 2018). No need for anyone to ever lose any pets.

    The TLDR is a solution that involves the pet going to stables when the character logs out after 5 mins, if you reconnect during those 5 mins, then the pet remains logged in with you (defending your character in this duration)
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    edited July 2020
    Pets do stupid things in Tram.  Many players have had to log off and on to get their pet.

    Magery mastery pets can teleport onto ships. What if RL calls before I can finish the pirate ship.  Pets wont tele back to their owner.  They also tele onto islands. What if the player does not have tele or the pet chases stuff and you have no clue where it is.

    If they make the Come command work, it would solve these issues. But, it does not.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited July 2020
    Pawain, what you said is all true.

    That is what pet balls of summoning are for.

    Don’t forget, under the proposed solution you could always intentionally fully log out (for 5 mins in the wild, or insta in an inn/house) to stable your pets.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • This has already, and correctly, been shot down by the devs. Stop beating the dead horse. 
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited July 2020
    Fixing any exploit will often upset many exploit abusers. However is better for the integrity of the game as a whole.

    The devs went to a lot of effort to design many features of the game that are being bypassed. They went to the effort of creating quests for obtaining pet balls & powder of trans. Of programming the linking and unlinking to pets and programming them to work, deciding what areas they work in and programming exclusion zones. Programming the “casting” time of the pet ball and programming it to freeze the user, reveal the user, and make it interruptable. 

    The devs went to the effort of making pet ghosts and programming pets to bond after 1 week and them to be resurrectable and lose 0.1skill. It is the dev’s own work that is being undermined by this exploit.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Too many places that pet balls do not work.  I have never used one.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    *shrugs* the devs choose the places presumably for a reason
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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