Beta Week 4 Objectives Feedback



    edited August 2024
    About Congiarium.

    At the end of the 4th Weekend vanquishing items could be found in the world, but the number of types of magic effects that could be added in Congiarium seemed to be +8.
    (1 Hit Area Effect, 4 HIt Effects, 3 higher special effects).
    I wonder if there were 3 level ups.
    I would think that if each of the three were added three times, the addition would be 9?
    Maybe the person who has the rights is withholding them.
    Hopefully this is not the end of the additions.
    The NPC states.

    I would like to know if the number of magic options that Crafters can add will continue to grow.
    Whether we can add all the options in one year?
    Or will the options be replaced?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I can just see the anger in the eyes of all the holiday bod collectors as the tower grows..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Mordin_RockbiterMordin_Rockbiter Posts: 102
    edited August 2024
    Has to be a method to delete a comment, but not seeing it
  • This weekend I did not run into too many Bugs/issues, just the one where the invisible wall came up and I couldn't interact with Captain Mattias to completed my Narrative quest. (I am still not convinced this wasn't by design to test something else) Other than that I ran through the different Bosses, Did some Bods and enhanced some weapons to make farming gold easier. I put Demon slayer on my Supremely accurate, Cleaver of Vanquisjing and Undead Slayer on an Exceedingly Accurate Skinning knife of Fortification, banked a lot of gold lol. I also made a few spellbooks and enhanced a couple of those.

      I did test dropping Bods on the wrong NPC in the shop again, and they still took them with no reward/credit. may want to at least make them to bounce back in our packs. The one thing I found odd was that the NPC that gives the quest for the Titanweave Spider was randomnly walking around Skara, instead of outside the entrance to it's domain, like the rest of the bosses. I got an Artic chest piece artifact on the last time i did the Ice boss on sunday evening, so I could not try it out. 

    I do love the Resource pack and will chime in to say that I would prefer two things with it. give us the ability to Trade with others, or atleast among our two characters. Secondly, and this isn't completely about the pack, but resources. When gathering from nodes, I have noticed that a spot is only one type, instead of the base type and the special type which means I have to look for nodes that just give the base type. Although this isn't going to be a huge issue as long as the spots stay the type they spawn as forever, which preliminarily seems to be the case. 

    To sum it up, I had a great experince this weekend and am looking forward to the next weekend and ultimately, launch. And @Kyronix that offer of Tree Fiddy to turn it on all week, stands. Just satin . . .
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  •      Why do I feel I am in the minority in mining? When I would explore I would mine and if I got anything but iron, I could drop a pile of ore to mark and move on. The animation is at times out of sync or nonexistent except for the flash.
         Having the ore on the ground is ok for letting you know not to mine a spot, but perhaps a two-step animation, first to show the color vein (keep it iron though if person does not have skill to mine the actual ore) and a changed animation when the vein is empty.
         I would prefer single attempts on a vein until I decide I want to strip mine it. A waste of lot of time mining ore I don't want, regardless of the fact I can use later and weight is no longer a factor. If I am looking for a particular ore, I rather spend my time concentrating on it, maybe something like a double click to auto mine.
    Killing monsters can get old, helping others is always a challenge
  • GarretGarret Posts: 207
    edited August 2024
    Kel said:
    Here are my thoughts after this weekend:

    • I don't play one, but it also seems like nobody else does either. I think rangers need some help. With NL being fairly spawn heavy, rangers having no access to AOE seems like a gut punch.
    • Around 5% of the polled users in discord plan to roll ranger on NL launch. Ouch.
    • I think @ Garret could speak to this quite well.
    • Solen Matriarch was cool and seems to have a decent loottable. Seems like a bit less than the previous bosses but not bad.
    • Crimson Dragon is a really cool and extremely difficult fight compared to all of the other bosses. However, the loottable is garbage. Haven't seen any loot outside of the knowledge or lure. For a boss this difficult, it probably warrants loot that exceeds the other bosses.
    • Loot drop % seems to be too high. Special items aren't special when everyone has them after a single weekend.
    • Archers in very strange position, they are to dependent from gear and properties that will not be existed at start and lack of any zone dmg make them useless for first phases, only reason for archer is some mix of subclass roles for extra dmg, most efficient on my opinion is archer/bard, (more about bard in my bard thread but this subclass gameplay is requiring to manage at least 7 instruments, 2 type of ammunition and bandages and have at lest 2 weapons in arsenal - so we have hard to play, hard to manageable class that is questionable in terms of efficient. Yes u can play pure archer with full dmg/mana regen build but u will need slayers on proper weapons like repeating crossbow or composite bow to do any comparable dmg. 

    • Bosses is to easy, they are just mannequins, best boss design which is at least something is spider, he has cool mechanics, cool boss room, every boss in game should be minimum as titanweave spider, mby we need some specific roles on boss fight for players to do, like falling rocks or solving some kind of puzzles or beating waves of some trash (aka defend quests) it could be a mess but in mmo we need at least minimum communication in boss fights - "u do dmg, i will take boss pit/trash mobs/mechanics - lets go".

      @Kyronix @Bleak
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    edited August 2024
    LilyGrace said:

    I still don't like that I can’t transfer hides from my fighter to my crafter. Maybe an account bound resource pack could be better?
    Yeah, I’m really hating this. Resource gathering for me is something I enjoy doing as a low key way to enjoy the game. My crafter has no fighting skills at all. She already juggles skills on stones a lot, depending on what crafting she’s doing. My fighter has always gathered resources for my crafter. 

    I don’t want to create a fighter / crafter in NL either. 

    What I don’t understand is why NL is gimping the potential commerce between players? Why would you not want players to be able to gather and sell resources to one another?

    I'm warming up to the idea of my tailor getting her own resources. I'm enjoying it. But I do think it's nice to have a choice. :0)

    edit: And perhaps the reason players selling resources to other players isn't going to be factored in is because not being able to will eliminate players farming resources through cheats? If I'm stating the obvious and this has already been explained, I beg pardon.
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