Destard - Fey Event
Excuse the poor quality screenshot, but this is what happens every time you run into Destard. Since the change earlier this week, i can maybe get a handful of drops every hour. Conversely i can get at least 20 fey ingots just grabbing eggs.
I'd like to play this but where it stands now, it's neither fun nor really practical for drops. I'm not asking for you to make it a scripters paradise. But maybe we can dial down the paragons and increase the other spawn around the fringe areas a bit more (please dont increase it in the middle where the dragons spawn. Greater dragons are a pain alone without being paragons.)
Although it is a poor example, the screenshot shows zero other people farming in destard. It was this way yesterday and it's this way today, on a weekend. The previous weekend it was active.
Can we meet in the middle somewhere? Thanks.
@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

I'd like to play this but where it stands now, it's neither fun nor really practical for drops. I'm not asking for you to make it a scripters paradise. But maybe we can dial down the paragons and increase the other spawn around the fringe areas a bit more (please dont increase it in the middle where the dragons spawn. Greater dragons are a pain alone without being paragons.)
Although it is a poor example, the screenshot shows zero other people farming in destard. It was this way yesterday and it's this way today, on a weekend. The previous weekend it was active.
Can we meet in the middle somewhere? Thanks.
@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

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The evidence is the amount of people (not) doing the event.
this last time they changed it was the beginning of last week on the 16th or 17th. And It's a noticeable change. Most people lost interest and are no longer doing it. Many moved back to doing eggs as mind numbing as that is.
The respawn delay needs to be decreased significantly.
It seems the min-max respawn delay has been changed globally, it also seems to affect the respawn rate of other monsters in other dungeons. In particular, the max amount of delay seems to have been increased. Maybe that was done to make it less predictable.
Yes, non Atlantic shards now appear to be ghost towns in destard.
And no, with such a change players will not just disregard Paragons if there are a sufficient number of players to kill them.... why ? Because Paragons award more points towards a drop so, if there is a sufficient number of players in the Dungeon to kill Paragons in a reasonable time, my guess is that, to get more drops, they will kill the Paragons and not let them be....
Yet, such a decay timer for Paragons will make the Event playable in those cases were there is not enough players in the Dungeon to kill them at a reasonably fast rate.
if you leave only paragons, you have no choice but to kill the paragons. If you don’t, you don’t get any drops from spawn, and you have to do eggs.
So all players will run towards others or a group, and this is expected. If the group can fight with pets tanking then I stay back to join in the kill to get the points.
But some times I ended up running to the door with just 10 HP left, esp if there is lag and happen to have fewer players to help.
For low pop shard, it's either running to the door with 10 HP left or going for the rez. There are no others to help.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Without a decay timer for unkilled Paragons coming into place, as it has been noted, Paragons get piling up and make the unplayability of the dungeon even worse....
A decay timer for unkilled Paragons, instead, would make the dungeon and the Event still playable also in those instances where not enough players can be in the dungeon to deal with those Paragons intended for "group hunt".....
Yes, indeed, courtesies usually are returned, and that is a good thing.... the problem here, though, is the "lack" of sufficient players to deal with the Paragons as a "group" play..... and it is hard to get any courtesy from inexistant players at that given time in the dungeon.....
And why we don't use them as pets.
Dungeon needs faster respawn and it would be fine. But so did all the others.