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- keven2002
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I guess my biggest question for everyone posting is what (if any) shard bound arties are you using? My suit is basically all artifacts; Balron chest / the Sentinels Mempo / Serpent quiver (wings) / SSI Epps / new Azarok Legs. @McDougle - Sounds like…
You say you want to look the part of a fisherman and you can. You have shown some very cool looking paperdolls. That being said, you don't need a full luck suit for a fisherman. I don't think luck is even a factor while fishing. You also don't need …
psycho said: And ask him if any old content will have some new rewards, peerless bosses, champion bosses etc I agree with this but would also put a little twist on it just in case it's too much of a lift to revamp older things. Based on…
ForeverFun said: Another plug for EC:There's an option "Auto Ignore Corpses" that is enabled by default. That will cause EC to remember the already opened corpses, so once you open/loot a corpse, it won't show up in the object handles list. T…
JackFlashUk said: compare it to tamers a 120 tamer you would expect 100% success in taming a horse for example, fails to tame is just not an option at 120 so a fisherman with expertise would be able to avoid catching crap just like over 5…
Grimbeard said: Agreed that catching footwear should be tied to real skill but we desperately need new fishing poles, one with luck equal to a weapon and shield. one with sdi equal to spellbook and hooks shield etc. keep in mind this real jus…
Right click the object handle (in CC) and you will find the next object handle in its place.
Sounds like (based on the UO-Cah interview) that these items will not be craftable.
Side note - I always thought these holidays like St. Patrick's day etc (Easter too) were perfect for like 1 or 2 week long mini events where leprechauns or Easter bunnies would spawn randomly throughout (or designated location) UO and be killing the…
@Community Manager - I'm sure you've already read through the threads, but not allowing the proper LMC to be swapped over is going to be a huge reason why warriors won't switch over. Hoping that is reconsidered for this suit or perhaps future suit…
Lord_Nythrax said: Having an entire extra item slot to pack with stats in the form of a shield is a huge bonus, and the only reason people use two-handers is because bushido stops shields from being able to parry. Grimbeard is just myopical…
I would fundamentally disagree with what you seem to be saying which is to make drops less / harder to get. Especially if you've seen the mess on ATL at all today with the 100 (or more) accounts all there spamming stuff; it's worse than an EM event…
Pawain said: Limited Edition Items These limited edition items will be available for the duration of the Eclipsed Dawn Event!Limited Edition Vanity MountsGet a special color Lasher, Skeletal Cat, or Coconut Crab mount from the Ultima Store!Ca…
Petra_Fyde said: Hunting with a pack takes a really skilled tamer to manage it. I admit my limitations and never use more than 2 pets, and even then sometimes lose track of my own health bar by concentrating on the pets. Perhaps popps also ne…
Victim_Of_Siege said: One of these days we'll have some many rare colors, tamers will be like "oooh Look, a plain Colored XXXX, Get It!! You aren't too far off My thoughts are that offering different/rare colors is a low risk / high re…
popps said: Grimbeard said: It's 5 pets not one of course upkeep is high this changes nothing popps can adapt or not use a pack So the solution is that of not playing game content rather then making it more playable by reducing th…
My 2 cents: UO was/is a MMORPG; where the MM stand for massively multiplayer. While much of the game can kind of be solo'ed by people that have spent time figuring it out (or running multiple accounts; ie bard), the spirit of the game is to still p…
I didn't see this on UO-cah. One thing to call out on the champs for the spawn; looks like they both (or at least one) have mystic purge magic. It's knocked me out of wraith form every spawn except one.
This has the potential to go sideways fast... Isn't V-day over?? Let's see those St. Patty's day backpacks!!
Cinderella said: Pawain said: Violet said: Refined armor cannot be transmoged in this system. I consider this to be a problem as a whole suit is being converted and many players cannot easily just change out their balron bone a…
Community Manager said: keven2002 said: Thank you! What about the inherent LMC? Once they are changed, they will lose the LMC, as these are metable pieces of armor. Can we take a poll on that? That doesn't seem to make sense …
Thank you! What about the inherent LMC?
@Kyronix - There might be a bug with the inherent LMC transferring over as well. Both sets of armor I had were a mix of studded/bone/plate that were not mage armor (I had 11 LMC before switching to paladin set) and once I did the swap my LMC was 0 b…
@Kyronix Couple things: 1) I did a full file check and I'm still getting errors and MegaCliloc errors on the outfitter screen and for the armor (I'm in regular CC with UOA). 2) I think the outfitters need a spawn chain of some sort; the Brit Outf…
Gargs are definitely a secondary race (technically they are the newest). I'm a little torn here. I'd love to get more of the MoE glaives (in different element types) but I'd probably be against giving the new weapons (war fork / war hammer) as a so…
KroDuK said: I'm a nerd in a sense.. a thief stealing "power" make no sense to me.. if u want something like that.. use the necromancy I'd agree with this that a thief isn't really suppose to be a powerful toon and really isn't a support…
psycho said: I dont like different versions of same item, this is what we have now on TC Its getting complicated with all these new items, if they dont remove som of the old (useless) and (worthless in terms of value) items. Or add them to …
Lestat said: Does anyone has a chance to check garg versions of weps and shield does exist or not? Has anyone tried to alter the items for a Garg? I haven't gotten to the champ/boss yet; just played 5-10min here or there in the morning. …
None taken We are in agreement. I would love more attention / efforts on stealing in the game and I think the Devs are trying with the recent hidden chest in towns from the event (similar to Khuldan during Halloween). The part I think they could…
Gargoyle Love. For the next event (rewards); I'd like to see an item or two be specifically geared towards a gargoyle template and this might also mean there is NOT a comparable version for humans. For example - a pair of stone earrings for throwe…