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  • Lord_Frodo said: What are they getting that is worth so much money Heartwood saws - 14mil  Most likely they'll end up on RMT for a couple bucks.
  • MacroPlanet said: I know what you mean. Been thinking about it a lot this year, how all I'm really holding onto is a house. We—the players—are supporting this kind of treatment because we keep paying Broadsword no matter what happens. I'd muc…
  • Right lol. 
  • MacroPlanet said: It's no wonder the free-shard experience feels like it's ahead of the official game.  Feels like? There's 1 that's left this one in the dust both in gameplay and workplace professionalism.  If a freebie has had 2 updates t…
  • popps said: I fail to understand what good would the summoning of a hoard minion do to a Sampire.... consider how weak they are and how easily they go down to most Monsters.... They vacuum gold (and a lot of other stuff that stacks) up to…
    in Shadowguard Comment by Urge August 2023
  • Ej would have been great if gms had a round clock schedule.  I don't think they can limit them enough now to where they can't script something profitable. Gold. Plain resources. Ect. There's always going to be something they can do 23/7 to make gol…
  • I saw this myself last night. I logged 2 hours after this was posted and said players were still going full steam.  As of 7am the saw factory is starting up.  It makes me wonder what they found out or know what change is coming to be harvesting th…
  • I can't remember if it was for Halloween or started shortly afterwards, but the destruction of New Mag will always be my fav. 
  • Skett said: the horse is dead Actually it was saved by logging out. 
  • Yoshi said: “ @ warra I don’t really understand what you’re saying what is it exactly you think is going on what is it you think these ‘gold farms’ are doing? And what does it have to do with champ spawns? They're taking all of his scr…
  • If op is not attempting to currently do them I see no point in this thread other than another tram vs fel fiasco.  I've only been raided twice in the past three years on Atlantic. 
  • I used to defend them but this is uncalled for. What really got me was Kryonix replying to his pic being posted but not a word game related.  The only valid excuse now would be if every employee quit.  A simple post every other month saying hey st…
  • Besides stat caps: I'm not certain but i think if you physically cannot gain anymore in that skill that the check will not happen. Say you're at 120 swords, you cannot gain anymore so checks may not happen.  I would lock every skill. Pick one that…
  • JohnKnighthawke said: So what's this change actually do? I couldn't quite discern it from this thread and I definitely couldn't discern it from the original post itself. If you try to place and hit invalid terrain you're on a very random…
  • I just don't have much of anything nice to say anymore.  It doesn't even say there's a cooldown. It just won't let you place. Someone that has no or limited experience in placing would have no clue and just give up. Completely half assed change tha…
    in Irritating Comment by Urge July 2023
  • They keep ignoring real issues but by god you better not block not one single bunny in. 
  • Victim_Of_Siege said: what has it done? i went to test and tried placing a house several times and never got any timer.  ROFL good catch. The change doesn't even apply to test center.  Try it on regular server. You don't have to commit…
  • Well. The fella that i've been helping that was completely new to UO quit because of all this dumb crap. He was slowly noticing the bugs, seeing the cheats and the complete lack of support we're so fondly known for and had enough with whatever the h…
  • Pawain said: Yoshi said: “I thought that too but you do get to join a chat channel, think it’s help or something, maybe Saul was in that one.” Either you were never in Atlantic Gen chat or you are just trolling. He came here becaus…
  • Pawain said: This is why I am against them spending time specifically to fix bugs.  These are the ones they choose to fix. But you can still block if you don't fail on the first try? Idk about the last part. Idocs aren't my thing really.…
  • Pawain said: So if you fail to place a house, you have a cooldown timer? Are the bots trying to place every ms or something?   This is new on top of having the idoc cooldown and using the house placement tool too often cooldown. If you …
  • This is just a huge troll to the players. Might as well just have the tool roll a random size house plot while you're at it.
  • I wore out my tool before i could get an exact timer. Pro placers already have it mapped out and can nail it 1st try.  This only trolls Regular Joe trying to place or resize his house. Sigh. EDIT: Timer is completely random and all over the place…
  • Skett said: I’m not saying delete a bridge house but it should be moved rules are rules is all I’m saying  those old grandfathered homes need to remain until the Owner moves or deletes them.  If this is the trinsic house, Atl has been de…
  • I don't care if they have to redo the entire map or offer a step up home for the inconvenience of moving.  Devs should accommodate not inconvenience. Especially if housing rules are to be changed on the fly. 
  • LLTS has always been a respectful guild helping others. I will fight tooth and nail for my fellow Atlantic players.  If these houses classify into the improperly placed rules of today, the devs need to accommodate the fact they were placed 22-26 ye…
  • Grimbeard said: How are they different than the bridge houses  I only know of 1 house blocking a bridge and that is in trinsic. Those houses were being placed as early as 5-10 years ago when housing placement rules have already changed. T…
  • These homes are historic, completely legal and properly placed for the housing rules of the late 90s in which they were built. It is common knowledge that this entire island belongs to the oldest guild on Atlantic, LLTS. I got your back on exploi…
  • If you delete the house owner the sign stays to whoever placed the house. All other characters on that account are auto owners and nothing will ever change.  Couple years back the gms wouldn't change owner for me but maybe GM River can if you're RN…