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- Tim
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- Really Easy Victims
Check out this site for pet and taiming information https://www.uo-cah.com/animal-taming
If you don't want them there is this great invention called a trash barrel.
BTD said: You don't have to kill alone. You can kill with the whole clan but only the one who used the ticket will get into the high score table. So my craft mule can buy the ticket then tag along with my party and "win"?
Question I've always had but too lazy to look it up myself If a character with the required skill will a mage weapon use that skill or mage skill?
As far as I know only for the "Miner's XXXX Map" reward. If claimed in Fel it will be a Fel location with the double resource bonus.
I often wonder what happened to the designer/programer who thought it was a good idea to use the same move to redeed an item as to destroy it forever.
creampie said: username said: I really hope there's some change now that @ Kyronix is in charge. These ToT rewards should have been account bound from the beginning. Botting would be reduced to nearly 0 after bot farms get their item…
Congratulations Always remember you can't please all the people all the time And Thanks in advance
Was it a question of too much core programming having to be rewritten? I really am curious. I really really would like to play UO on my Mac using steam.
Yes actually I do have over a hundred dyes. They are a pain to make and if I'm going to load on my alchemy I'm going to use up all of my supplies. That way they are on hand when I want to use one and have some choices available.
username said: Tim said: Anyone who programs or develops an idea is very serious about stealing someone else's work or having their's stolen. I guess that's why UO never had levels... the inventor of the first MMO had levels and no …
Anyone who programs or develops an idea is very serious about stealing someone else's work or having their's stolen. PS I've had the same thing for years. Easy to do in EC.
Didn't you say you got the idea from "Path of Exile"? Do you know if they copy righted the idea? So likely payday for them and the lawyers.
Not shiny just new orient Look squirrel (movie reference)
Oh and by the way I never used disarm trap on this event. I don't know if it has any effect on loot
I did get one of the statues and it required thieving to get it out. Really nice piece.
Pacific is nice and friendly
My thoughts on the hot fix is the issue with the boss isn't his hit points it's the amount of damage he does. The one thing I haven't gotten or seen anyone else get is a grey robe. Not really much of a challenge if he just shows up and you keep hi…
A true pro defines an abbreviation the first time he uses it in a conversation. Example Classic Client Desktop (ccdesk) That way his/her audience is concentrating on what is said rather than trying to figure out what the hell he is taking about.
Location Location Location Atlantic Hard no
Lord_Nythrax said: Tim said: Grimbeard said: Tim said: Or you could go do maps I don't plan on popping gate to anyone but friends unless we need more killers. The cords are announced by town crier.. Someone who us…
Grimbeard said: Tim said: Or you could go do maps I don't plan on popping gate to anyone but friends unless we need more killers. The cords are announced by town crier.. Someone who uses the cords to get there is not just bank …
Or you could go do maps I don't plan on popping gate to anyone but friends unless we need more killers.
Yes a shame they didn't like put it on a say test shard for a week or so.. Then maybe someone could have pointed this out before it went live. (yes that's sarcasm)
It's a personal preference. I kind of like the grey.
I actually like the "new" look of my nightmare
My least favourite is any 5 slot. Mainly because it's usually 4 or 5 tries before I remember to get off my ethereal
Trying hard to remember what a cell phone looked like when UO core program was written. Sorry couldn't resist There are no mobile options other than lap tops.
Copy right $$$
You did a really good job on it. That coming from someone who normally hates puzzles.