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- ForeverFun
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Another plug for EC:There's an option "Auto Ignore Corpses" that is enabled by default. That will cause EC to remember the already opened corpses, so once you open/loot a corpse, it won't show up in the object handles list. The "object filter", sett…
Your reply is the usual unhelpful "defeat, no changes here, move along". A scholars halo (cloth) can be transmogrified to a bone helmet, but it causes "Mage Armor" to be added. There was a brief window where it didn't add "Mage Armor", and "Mage A…
TimSt said: ... loot all of the rings and bracelets but have yet to get a ring or bracelet for a gargoyle. Probably preferred that gargoyle items aren't in these boss loot tables. It'd be unfortunate to get that rare good jewel and have…
popps said: ForeverFun said: Make sure your pack animals are all skilled to 100 in Wrestling and Parry.Then skill the remaining skills to 100.Use another player/friend/etc to help skill the pet up, have them take primary attack positio…
In EC, I see these things:Human character appears to be riding an invisible mount, when no mount or pet under player control.Lighting level changes from light to dark and back when moving around a few steps.Bosses are not visible, though they show u…
Make sure your pack animals are all skilled to 100 in Wrestling and Parry.Then skill the remaining skills to 100.Use another player/friend/etc to help skill the pet up, have them take primary attack position with a 5 slot pet.Consider only using tam…
If 100% success for the chiv movement spell is your goal, say for an emergency recall out, then you can make a macro that equips a +5 or more chivalry jewel, then executes a targeted sanctum, against a runic atlas with the default recall location s…
Feedback for 119:Please add a mage oriented bone gloves option with SDI. STR 5, INT 5, HPI 5, mana 10 SDI +5, MR 4, LMC10, LRC 20, all resists 15. Please allow it to be "Enhanced" with forged tool, like the "Gloves of archlich".Most/all of the re…
Pet logic should be changed in a number of ways, but a few that come to mind relative to them getting confused/wedged when surrounded: In tram ruleset, pets should push through targets, like players do. It's very strange to see pets get wedged on …
If you hold an undead slayer weapon, and a human PVP player not in form hits you, do you take extra damage due to holding the opposing slayer? (afterall it becomes undeadrepond). More of an acid test type question. It does seem like an[other] inc…
This is pretty straightforward, to repeat: "if this is a source of lag for the server and other players, it should be fixed (to not cause lag and work in EC) or simply removed. It wouldn't surprise me if a big source of server side lag results …
username said: Yes, any hostile mobs in the area will agro you. Attacking a monster doesn't count as an 'action' there's no limit to how fast you can attack stuff
Nope, in EC for me, opening the paperdoll twice in a row (while moving) only results in "visible rubber banding / resync lag". That's whether I have a spellbook, weapon, barehanded, in or out of war mode. That aside, if this is a source of lag for …
loop said: Community Manager said: Whitewolf said: 9. corrupted crystal portal if you try to go to Prism of light, it takes you to Sanctuary everytime. I did test this out and was able to go to the Prism of Light via the co…
Any update @Kyronix on bone deathwarden greaves? With or without mage armor. Note the deathwarden boss is indeed wearing mostly bone.
From a timeframe perspective, I'd liken the classic client to Windows 98.The enhanced client to Windows 7. These systems have large internal differences, you can read about them online. Good luck "porting" everything from Windows 7 to Windows 98. …
Providing a checkbox to opt-in or opt-out of considering the user supplied description text has been suggested --…
Pawain said: So, you care to explain why you want a bone version of an item that's already in an event that has started? Did you bring this up at test stage? If so, they denied your request. I'll ask things or post where I want, I do not …
Pawain said: ForeverFun said: Pawain said: Metal Gloves and metal arms. Keep up, Why would I want to use Those gloves on my dexxer? Did you mean to reply on some other thread? This makes no sense. Nowhere did I mention …
Pawain said: Metal Gloves and metal arms. Keep up, Why would I want to use Those gloves on my dexxer? Did you mean to reply on some other thread? This makes no sense. Nowhere did I mention metal dex items.
Pawain said: Attacks in Minoc and Moonglow? U lucky we got a +3LMC piece this time. My arms feel sooo heavy. Did you mean to reply on some other thread? This makes no sense. The gloves are the archlich are an old bone item, the mage a…
I just got into this state during an invasion, 128/125 backpack items. Is this hard capped at 128 on the server side, or is it ~255 ? Both of my hands have items equipped. No equipment swapping leading up to this. What would happen if I was disa…
An issue to be aware of... If your pack gets full while getting artifact drops, they queue up, to be delivered to you once you have space in your pack. Problem can arise when you die and resurrect. That is, if you resurrect when pack was full, you…
Re: 2025, community manager can go thru some of my past posts and comments (link). Re: EC and comments around this:"EC bug fixes... especially the one with lag that you end up running following your cursor." EC has what is probably a feature. Assum…
Grimbeard said: Again my Tamer always runs protection so the fc doesn't matter and no room for resistance so the little gained doesn't matter and did I mention no hoods You sound like Pawain! Perhaps less punctuation and more run-on thoug…
Has broadsword done this ? Some crashes can happen due to [out of memory] memory leaks/etc. The EC lua code does appear to have cases where leaks accumu…
The archlich robe has resisting spells bonus. This can be important if you use resist, particularly if you're running protection (which has a large resist spells penalty). Spellweaving doesn't have the same FC cap as magery (mystic, and necro). Go…
Drago said: Lord_Nythrax said: This game is pathetic anymore. Atlantic isn't even THAT populated compared to the average shard in the good old days. $20 says they downgraded the servers since.. The game has been in maintenance mo…
Studded, bone, and stone have the same LMC bonus, as long as "Mage armor" is stripped. The midnight bracers (obviously a necro item) and cuffs of the arch mage are both bone, which can have "Mage armor" stripped. Gargoyle Stone has a slight advant…
Good way to gum up these forums loop. See this post, where a small change allows any number of items to be used in the filter.