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  • The EC provides a lot of great features. Some of my favorites include healthbars failing to update and dead mobs showing as alive. The EC’s use of screen shake when mages cast earthquake is also exceptional. Let’s also not forget how the EC layers a…
  • Kyronix said: We built many systems in New Legacy with portability in mind.  That's not to say that there will be a 1:1 conversion because of the different rule sets, but yes - it's definitely possible. Obviously New Legacy isn't for everyone…
  • Whitewolf said: well you be able to play it in EC, if not thats a deal breaker for me, will PVP be optional or forced on you? and as far as pvp goes is there anything in place to prevent people from using all the third party programs and scri…
  • JackFlashUk said: enhanced client? you know, the one that is supposed to modernise this game? My GTX 4090 wants to be challenged by something other than Star Citizen Enhanced Client can be used on NL. It doesn’t feature in the trailer pro…
  • Looks like a fun take on UO and am looking forward to trying it. I hope it’s successful and serves as a proving ground for systems that can be introduced to production servers without the burden of disrupting the 25+ year status quo.
  • You consent to the collection of certain data as part of the terms of service and collecting user data is a normal part of all software. If they aren’t able to track which client users are using, that’s a problem. Within the context of the beta, th…
  • Not the only solution but an understandable one. The game would suffer a lot by the loss of automation in contexts outside of PVP. Would be interesting to see some kind of partnership or forking of certain apps (not the Russian one but the other on…
    in Dismount options Comment by loop June 21
  • Section is for bugs. We post bugs here.
  • Genuine question: What's the purpose of PVP in UO today? Like, what exactly is at stake? Isn't the "real" PVP on private shards anyway? I'm legitimately ignorant here. The only thing I know about PVP today is what I see in general chat on Atlantic.…
  • My favorites were UOR for Trammel and Third Dawn for Ilshenar, though maybe technically LBR since that’s what made Ilshenar available for 2D. My least favorite is Age of Shadows. Although the complexity of itemization is neat and in that context in…
  • There isn’t anything between me and the treasure chest. I can get the warning, move a step back and be allowed to loot something, and then move to the same spot and loot something.
  • Ehh, it’s not that bad. Consider it this way: If the team actually bans the use of third-party clients then the game dies because many people use them just to enjoy the game. If the team implement improvements to their own clients then they risk w…
  • There isn’t any reason to do client-side updates as long as the team tolerates the use of third-party clients that outpace the official ones in every way possible. This lets the team focus on server-side features and skirt the unfortunate legacy (pu…
  • TimSt said: The Poisoning skill does not protect you from poisoning spells which is what the void pirates are using. You want to swap the Poisoning skill with the Resisting Spells skill.  Added benefit of having Resisting Spells is you are al…
  • There was nothing “hard” or fulfilling about earning anything from the prior events. The point values are according to the context of the time, and your “reward” for getting X item during Y event is that you got to play with your toy sooner. That s…
  • Waste of time and would be worse for the game, as evidenced by previous failures. The 2D artwork is timeless and ages better than anything 3D.
  • Alternative to the paladin & shield template is just a straight samurai with macing: Mace 120 Tactics 120 Bushido 120 Resist 120 Heal 100 Anatomy 100 Parry 100 I enjoy this more than Sampire. Black staff or war hammer for whirlwind.
    in Macer Builds? Comment by loop March 30
  • As someone who’s been modding the EC for several years and who only uses the EC, I feel meaningful updates to the client are a lost cause. I would like to see it go away entirely. Third-party clients surpass it in every single way and can be improve…
  • There’s an NDA. Good write up here: https://www.uo-cah.com/new-legacy/everything-we-know No EM events. You can transfer your character or certain items. One shard that wipes regularly. Impression is that things will be more objective-based and …
  • Kyronix said: Pending implementation, but what were you thinking? Random suggestions: More boat paints An eyepatch Pirate music box + sea shanty songs Orc costumes of various models "Counterfeit" variations to some other previous artifacts.…
  • I don’t PVP, but I agree with Cookie that outright banning the use of third party clients would be bad for the game right now. Third-party clients provide quality of life improvements and automation capabilities that surpass both CC and EC. Until th…
  • Adding things to the UO store like this is hugely shortsighted and would make the game more shallow. The petals as you described could just be craftables added to the game. More pet colors could just be added to the wild across a greater diversity o…
  • Grimbeard said: Kyronix said: At this point the only functionality of a pet respec token would be to erase all training and randomly reassign base stats to a creature according to the ranges in the spawn template.  What is usually aske…
  • Oreogl said: loop said: You’re right that it’s arbitrary. However, the exchanging of gold from one player to another is not a gold sink because the gold does not leave the economy. It just changes hands. Increasing the cap would proba…
  • loop said: You’re right that it’s arbitrary. However, the exchanging of gold from one player to another is not a gold sink because the gold does not leave the economy. It just changes hands. Increasing the cap would probably be worse from a …
  • You’re right that it’s arbitrary. However, the exchanging of gold from one player to another is not a gold sink because the gold does not leave the economy. It just changes hands. Increasing the cap would probably be worse from a sustainability per…
  • I feel differently about the Treasures events, but I'm glad others enjoy them. I've posted my thoughts here: https://forum.uo.com/discussion/13191/a-friendly-criticism-of-treasures-events. In short, I think the Treasure events are just overpowered l…
  • Arnold7 said: Not sure what you are referring to but targeting in general does not work when things get busy.  Gets frustrating to see the targeting circle cycle thru everything in in the area that’s out of range while the snake six spaces aw…
  • TimSt said: It looks like the code function TargetWindow.UpdateName(targetId) if(targetId ~= nil and targetId == WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId ) then LabelSetText("TargetWindowName", WindowData.MobileName[WindowData.CurrentTarget.T…
  • I was curious about how the EC handles this, and I gather it's more a function of the Hotbar than anything else. If you apply a bandage by double clicking it or by invoking bandage self from a macro, you can overwrite an in-progress bandage the same…