Feudal Land Rewards

PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 654
edited October 2023 in Test Center
Got to say, bravo to the dev team for the Treasures of the Feudal Land rewards. I'm seeing a ton of useful and interesting rewards from this one. https://www.uo-cah.com/events/treasures-of-the-feudal-lands

Feudal Kabuto - I see the devs took my recommendation of adding a transmoggable version of the Ancient Samurai Helmet, since that graphic was otherwise unique to an outdated piece of gear.

Titles - My old Samurai/Swordsman, Velis, will love the new titles.

Feudal Cloak of Elements - I'm assuming the Element is actually random for this, which would make Kinetic/Fire Eater ones very valuable.

Storm Lord's Steel - Interesting choice of weapon, a Wakizashi (Frenzied Whirlwind/DS). Interested to see the damage output from the Sparks DoT (which also returns Mana) combined with Lightning procs from Double Strike spam.

Feudal Ghostwalkers - Ninja Tabis with Stealther boosts. Nice.

Warlord Sash - Is the Eater element random as well? Could be good for Warriors with maxed out DCI already (so no need for Corgul's Enchanted Sash).

Serpent's Bite - A great Talisman choice for Spellcasters, even includes 125 Luck (so even SW/Tamers or Death Ray Mage/Tamers © would want it).

Weeping Edge - Clean Bokuto with 30% Splintering. This is going to make the multiboxing bot farmers scream at how the price of Splintering Bokutos will plummet. Nicely done.

Shugenja's Ward - Wand with SC (no Neg)/-0 Mage Wep/10 MR/2 FCR. Great defensive option for PvM spellcasters, and an alternative to the Balakai's Shaman Staff. Would be even better if it had replenishable Charges of a useful spell (like Invisibilty or Gate Travel, this would give Tamers with no Magery the option of using those, or even Warriors could carry the Ward around for access to those spells).

Sentinel's Mempo - Another BiS (Best In Slot) gear piece for Warriors. Just wondering if it's Metal, or Studded.

Shugenja's Raiment - Flat out BiS piece for Mages.

Divine Sanctifier - NICE! A weapon specifically suited for the resurrected Macer/Paladin Warriors (which excel against the Treasures Paragons due to Stagger, which has brought Macers back from extinction). Only way it would be better, is if it was HLA instead of HLD (most Macers get 30% HLD from Mace & Shield variants).

Gloves of the Holy Warrior - +15 Chivalry/-30 Necromancy on a BiS Glove piece :D . Another piece that seems perfectly suited and tailored for the reborn Macer/Paladins. Love how this piece tries to shift people away from Sampires. The 10% Reactive Holy Light is really interesting.

Ozymandias' Hiryu - Is this a special stat Hiryu or Lesser Hiryu? Or is it just a new color for them?

Overall, i'd say the rewards are a win, and will be in high demand and keep people farming for quite a awhile.


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