I think they do it on Origin because A) it's the original test shard, less lag because less people/Housing
Origin has gone down and reverted at least 3 times in the past 2 days, it's down again right now. It' better to do things like this on Origin or Baja where the players that live there know that things like this are bound to happen and not get upset about it, they can mess about with the server without upsetting a lot of people lol.
Just my opinion, but I don't think doing this sort of thing on all the shards is a great idea.
Ludo game only had 4 rounds in 2 hours. With only 4 winners per round, that's 16 prizes in the first window. If you didn't get in for the first round, you are going to wait about an hour at a chance to win (30min for the game in front of you to finish nd 30min for your game to finish).
This is false fake news and simply untrue.
We had 16 rewards per round, 4 winners and 12 participant rewards. We did a total of 4 rounds per shift, so a total of 128 players were rewarded.
If you are going to claim to know everything, please also make sure it is really true.
Ludo game only had 4 rounds in 2 hours. With only 4 winners per round, that's 16 prizes in the first window. If you didn't get in for the first round, you are going to wait about an hour at a chance to win (30min for the game in front of you to finish nd 30min for your game to finish).
This is false fake news and simply untrue.
We had 16 rewards per round, 4 winners and 12 participant rewards. We did a total of 4 rounds per shift, so a total of 128 players were rewarded.
If you are going to claim to know everything, please also make sure it is really true.
@EM Lyraa - We are pretty much saying the same thing, yet you are getting mad because I'm pointing it out? Cool your jets.
I can only speak to the first 2 hour block (aka first shift). I said there were 4 rounds (4 winners per round is 4 x 4 = 16 winning prizes). Once again no need for the aggression as I never claimed to "know everything", you must have me confused with @Pawain. I only stated my experience which was accurate in the fact there were 16 winning prizes and it would take anywhere from 30-60min at a chance to win. Maybe some people are fine getting a participation item, but I'd have to guess that most people are playing for a "I won" trophy, not a participation trophy.
Again nothing against you, it's just that the Ludo game took a long time and in that 30-60min time block (ie almost half the shift) someone could have gotten 2 maybe 3 other items. I personally did this when you told me the first round took 30min "but the dice were being kind that round". That is a fact.
So what exactly did I say that was fake news / untrue?
Went on to Origin to check and see if I could sell my items there since I won't be able to transfer them....
Don't know if anyone said this yet but, its a "Soltice" Melon, not a solstice.
That is hilarious. Perfect example of the lead QA @Misk ;just collecting a paycheck. Literally just need to proofread the item and that's not even done.
@keven2002 they gave out participation prizes also. So your 16 is fake news. They can not speed up that game, last time there were no prizes for participation. The game seems popular so they improved the reward from last year's, just winners get a prize.
I know you like to insist you are right about everything, but facts is facts. I'm sure you will still rebutt them as you always do.
This year some of the contests had them, like the boat races also. Horse races did not last year.
@ keven2002 they gave out participation prizes also. So your 16 is fake news. They can not speed up that game, last time there were no prizes for participation. The game seems popular so they improved the reward from last year's, just winners get a prize.
I know you like to insist you are right about everything, but facts is facts. I'm sure you will still rebutt them as you always do.
This year some of the contests had them, like the boat races also. Horse races did not last year.
I know reading comprehension is not your strong suit but re-read what I said because you are speaking on something you know nothing about.
I said 16 WINNING prizes (first shift). Please show me where I am wrong. You won't though and will continue to deflect but we know that. That's where you decide to reference something about last year's festival which has zero impact on what I said.
You also said you couldn't even participate in the event so I'm really not sure why you feel the need to comment on something you know zilch about. Keep posting though to get that +1 post count.
@ keven2002 they gave out participation prizes also. So your 16 is fake news. They can not speed up that game, last time there were no prizes for participation. The game seems popular so they improved the reward from last year's, just winners get a prize.
I know you like to insist you are right about everything, but facts is facts. I'm sure you will still rebutt them as you always do.
This year some of the contests had them, like the boat races also. Horse races did not last year.
I know reading comprehension is not your strong suit but re-read what I said because you are speaking on something you know nothing about.
I said 16 WINNING prizes (first shift). Please show me where I am wrong. You won't though and will continue to deflect but we know that. That's where you decide to reference something about last year's festival which has zero impact on what I said.
You also said you couldn't even participate in the event so I'm really not sure why you feel the need to comment on something you know zilch about. Keep posting though to get that +1 post count.
Here is your post:
Ludo game only had 4 rounds in 2 hours. With only 4 winners per round, that's 16 prizes in the first window. If you didn't get in for the first round, you are going to wait about an hour at a chance to win (30min for the game in front of you to finish nd 30min for your game to finish)
I do not have reading comprehension issues. You did not say the word WINNING, because you are not doing that either. You disputing that the EM did not give out 128 prizes, take it up with them.
+1 post count, care to state false news again so I can correct you again for another post count?
Or you can say, sorry Mr.. EM I did not know you gave out participation prizes as a reward for playing .
Ludo game only had 4 rounds in 2 hours. With only 4 winners per round, that's 16 prizes in the first window. If you didn't get in for the first round, you are going to wait about an hour at a chance to win (30min for the game in front of you to finish nd 30min for your game to finish)
I do not have reading comprehension issues. You did not say the word WINNING, because you are not doing that either. You disputing that the EM did not give out 128 prizes, take it up with them.
+1 post count, care to state false news again so I can correct you again for another post count?
Or you can say, sorry Mr.. EM I did not know you gave out participation prizes as a reward for playing .
P-Stain - It's literally 3 words before what you bolded; are you really that bad at reading? I bolded what I wrote and underlined it for you. In fact, I also mention winning again in the next sentence. I also clarified that in my follow up post since some people read with their feelings. At this point, if you are that much of a troll you can't see what I'm talking about then that's on you.
I also never claimed that 128 participation were NOT given out... so again please show me where I said that since you didn't include that from my post. I'm sure you are used to losing a lot and value participation trophies so you feel adequate, but I've always only been talking about winners, not participants. I'd be happy for you to actually correct me because you've failed horribly so far.
Again I think it's funny that someone that wasn't actually there is trying to speak like they were actually at the event. Someone needs to get a life.
@EM Lyraa feel free to show me where I was wrong about 16 total people being able to WIN prizes. It wasn't a dig at you or the game you ran. It seemed like a cool game, but I'd be willing to bet that the Ludo game had the fewest (winning) prizes/trophies handed out which is all I was saying in my initial post. The entire point of my initial post (which was made after the first shift) was to help people attending the second shift to know what they were signing up for if they were looking to maximize their (winning) trophies.
Went on to Origin to check and see if I could sell my items there since I won't be able to transfer them....
Don't know if anyone said this yet but, its a "Soltice" Melon, not a solstice.
That is hilarious. Perfect example of the lead QA @ Misk just collecting a paycheck. Literally just need to proofread the item and that's not even done.
Didn't get a chance to check until today, but the watermelon wasn't the only misspelled "soltice" item. Both boat race items are misspelled as well. Guess these 3 items must have slipped past @Misk / QA.
We had 16 rewards per round, 4 winners and 12 participant rewards. We did a total of 4 rounds per shift, so a total of 128 players were rewarded.
If you are going to claim to know everything, please also make sure it is really true.
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@keven2002 ;
Don't know if anyone said this yet but, its a "Soltice" Melon, not a solstice.
I can only speak to the first 2 hour block (aka first shift). I said there were 4 rounds (4 winners per round is 4 x 4 = 16 winning prizes). Once again no need for the aggression as I never claimed to "know everything", you must have me confused with @Pawain. I only stated my experience which was accurate in the fact there were 16 winning prizes and it would take anywhere from 30-60min at a chance to win. Maybe some people are fine getting a participation item, but I'd have to guess that most people are playing for a "I won" trophy, not a participation trophy.
Again nothing against you, it's just that the Ludo game took a long time and in that 30-60min time block (ie almost half the shift) someone could have gotten 2 maybe 3 other items. I personally did this when you told me the first round took 30min "but the dice were being kind that round". That is a fact.
So what exactly did I say that was fake news / untrue?
I know you like to insist you are right about everything, but facts is facts. I'm sure you will still rebutt them as you always do.
This year some of the contests had them, like the boat races also. Horse races did not last year.
I said 16 WINNING prizes (first shift). Please show me where I am wrong. You won't though and will continue to deflect but we know that. That's where you decide to reference something about last year's festival which has zero impact on what I said.
You also said you couldn't even participate in the event so I'm really not sure why you feel the need to comment on something you know zilch about. Keep posting though to get that +1 post count.
Ludo game only had 4 rounds in 2 hours. With only 4 winners per round, that's 16 prizes in the first window. If you didn't get in for the first round, you are going to wait about an hour at a chance to win (30min for the game in front of you to finish nd 30min for your game to finish)
I do not have reading comprehension issues. You did not say the word WINNING, because you are not doing that either. You disputing that the EM did not give out 128 prizes, take it up with them.
+1 post count, care to state false news again so I can correct you again for another post count?
Or you can say, sorry Mr.. EM I did not know you gave out participation prizes as a reward for playing .
I also never claimed that 128 participation were NOT given out... so again please show me where I said that since you didn't include that from my post. I'm sure you are used to losing a lot and value participation trophies so you feel adequate, but I've always only been talking about winners, not participants. I'd be happy for you to actually correct me because you've failed horribly so far.
Again I think it's funny that someone that wasn't actually there is trying to speak like they were actually at the event. Someone needs to get a life.
@EM Lyraa feel free to show me where I was wrong about 16 total people being able to WIN prizes. It wasn't a dig at you or the game you ran. It seemed like a cool game, but I'd be willing to bet that the Ludo game had the fewest (winning) prizes/trophies handed out which is all I was saying in my initial post. The entire point of my initial post (which was made after the first shift) was to help people attending the second shift to know what they were signing up for if they were looking to maximize their (winning) trophies.
4Th year vet reward
They are animated as well
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo