Official Links | Offizielle Links

EM LyraaEM Lyraa Posts: 188Event Moderator
edited December 2023 in Drachenfels

Official UO EM Drachenfels E-Mail

If you have any questions about the Shard or the local EM program (governorships or the like) please contact me directly:
Wenn Ihr Fragen zum Shard oder zum lokalen EM Programm habt (Gouverneursposten o.ä.) kontaktiert mich bitte direkt:

Official Drachenfels EM Websites

Client Download & Other Help

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Counselor's Guildhall / EM Hall on Drachenfels, Britain, Trammel

Coordinates are | Koordinaten sind: X 1504, Y1520  --- 9° 3′ North, 12° 47′ East

EM Rewards Museums on Drachenfels, Malas

The EM Reward Museums (two houses actually) are located in Malas, far away from Luna in the south/west of the “Crumbling Mountains”. There is a big teleporter, located at the EM Hall in Britain (see above), which you can use to reach the Museums. Here you will also find the mailbox for messages to the EM (or your fish) as well as books on current RP events and two portal teleporters to towns/dungeons.

Die EM-Belohnungsmuseen (zwei Häuser derzeit) befinden sich in Malas, weit weg von Luna im Süd/Westen der "Crumbling Mountains". Es gibt einen großen Teleporter bei der EM Halle (siehe oben) in Britain, mit dem ihr die Museen erreichen könnt. Hier findet ihr auch den Briefkasten für Nachrichten an den EM (oder eure Fische) sowie Bücher zu aktuellen RP Events und zwei Portal-Teleporter zu den Städten/Dungeons.

Coordinates are | Koordinaten sind: X 651, Y 1263 --- 31° 43′ North, 47°15′ West.

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