I would really like everyone's thoughts on this.
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves,and then I'll add my thoughts based on the interest and thoughts of others.

You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
With Krampus you'd think there would be more.
ofcourse I couldn’t help but wait on the route in the sea with a red and blow it up with cannon.
but the Russian guy paid me off with an 18x18 house “
I mean, a script would need to handle the chance of any type of material being asked for the trade order, know in which exact location in that town to buy that material/quantity asked by the trade order, and then have the ability to master all of the walking necessary to get to the NPC that sells those particular item(s) as well as to the destination Trade Minister to deliver the Trade Order to, dodging whatever ambush might happen on the way, since, while on a Trade Order, one may not recall, gate or sacred journey......
That is quite an impressive script to handle even if one also always starts in the same Town to limit the number of NPCs locations to include in the script to buy materials from....
I like it when nerds assume everyone is a nerd, nerd out dude cowabunga
To my viewing, games should be played for fun, not to make real money off of them.
I do not understand, though, why there is people out there willing to spend their hard earned money for in-game stuff.... if there was no people willing to spend their money on games' stuff, there would be no point in trying to sell in game stuff if there were no buyers.....
Before games were online, people made strategy books and sold them.
Then games came online. Ebay sold games item for Diablo until they had to stop.
Now you buy from websites.
Don't people tell you to get a job doing what you like?
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
If he is using paid accounts at least he is contributing to uo.
Using EJ accounts to get multiple rewards for years is much more nefarious behaviour in my opinion.
if someone gave me a fc1 gorget I wouldn’t use, it’s just deco now
i don’t know why you’re getting upset about it when it don’t affect you, you reported, it’s all you can do.
what I will say, is when certain bot accounts get banned, it’s often just easier/quicker to create a new account with the same char name so you don’t have to change any coding or macro settings.
so maybe they did ban them and they get recreated.
that said, our guild bots haven’t been banned for like 3 years..”
many games having same issues.
Are they bad for the game?
before - yes because players don’t like them.
but soon with chatGPT webhooks giving different personalities to different bots. Players won’t be able to tell who is a bot and who is not - only by the repetitive actions they perform.
there is a guy on Atlantic who tries to PvP, all he does is same thing over and over, throw shatter potion, dismount, bleed, then he’ll try and get remounted while you’re bleeding. Rinse and repeat same combo over and over. It’s no different to a bot. ChatGPT has better personality and more soul than him prob. Should he be banned for being repetitive?
Imagine if game was jam packed like it was in the 90s, other blacksmiths mining and training smithy and helping you and giving you tips and chatting to you at the blacksmith, all these could be bots and you wouldn’t know.
you want to find a group to do roof encounter and you get a load of volunteers and they all turn up, friendly, one speaking like a goblin even, different templates. They could all be bots and you wouldn’t know.”
95% of the time is spent waiting outside, waiting for someone to get back from a bathroom break or answer the door etc
at least bots would be ready when you are”
Everyone knew who it was, everyone knew he was doing it. It could have been dealt with by the Devs, it wasn't.
I did not mind it happening in Felucca, again, it became part of our playstyle hunting him down, and messing his scripts and bots up wherever we could, it was fun, gives us something to do, it's sandbox play, the whole point of UO. I have many screenshots, and stories from the time, of our hunts against him.
If this happens in Trammel, it really annoys me, because this behaviour basically undermines the entire game objectives for every single player - as in completely unlimited farming. This profits the Real Life Traders, and hurts everyone ingame. No player can do anything about it.
Well, while this is a possibility, perhaps for Trade Orders skills are not too much a necessity but for the EJ characters used in scripts where higher skills are needed for whatever activity that needs to be carried out, that also takes time to work up skills and, therefore, it is not a replacement that can be done "that" quickly, when EJ accounts might get banned.
Empty plots like this on Atlantic all over the place. Wanted to buy a pair of minax sandles but nah, not going to buy it off these cheating scumbags. I'll just do without luck footwear.
If only the devs made use of such things as 'Account Bound' lol what a failure.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
And then to top it off, the long-term player gets a nastygram when he asks why, while the blatant actual cheating, which is so obvious and we can all see happening, just gets ignored.
I'm going to start sounding like KHAN pretty soon...