Multi boxing ??
So a GM showed up and immediately took my EJ characters to jail, for standing on my ship for the past 30 minutes doing nothing while I was talking to my son. I won't post his name because really it doesn't matter. I multi client, like a lot of people do, but I don't multi box as I'm playing on the Enhanced client, so that would be a neat trick. Anyway, the GM pulled all of my EJs only to jail, he didn't take my 3 paid for accounts, which were all still standing on my ship. So he proceeds to pull them all to jail, and says to each one with his little script, hold on I'll talk to each one of you individually, which he then DID NOT DO!!. I hit alt tab on each client and said, it's me dude, this isnt' illegal. He never answered me, instead he said I would be receiving an email, which as of the typing of this post, I haven't received. They've all been given a warning as I can still log in on them and they're in jail, I just can't leave. But I'm beyond pissed about this. Multi clienting is legal and has been stated as such.I think this was the last straw for me. I"ll be closing my 3 active accounts, I'll box all of my s&*t up and give it away as I"ve done before. Good luck to the rest of you and have fun.

The 3rd one will be cancelled once I have all of my crap ready to give away.
And before the haters chime in, at the time of the interaction, my crew was standing on the ship all hidden. There were no players around as I was out in the middle of the water, I wasn't paged on as far as I can tell. I think this was the same GM that moved my ship previously and he had nothing better to do than to check up on me and once he saw my EJs he flipped his abuse of GM powers switch on and...anyway...doesn't matter lol...
You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
This discussion has been closed.
Who you really think they're going to believe? I don't think the gm is required to provide video proof of tos violations, but that would be a great idea for the future.
Either way, EJ accounts are considered throwaway accounts for a reason. You have minimal gold invested so it shouldn't be that great of a loss to justify trashing all your paid stuff. lol
Like I keep saying these "bots" are players sitting at their gaming stations.
Seems the UO employees are doing what we ask.
We shall now call you Garth Bot.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I had paid the High Seas upgrade for all of them. I was collecting orc ship parts which I've done for years. You only have to do minimal damage to the pirate in order to get an ammo/ship part drop. My main tamer actually kills the dread, the others just collect their rewards for participating, or they did.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I could be wrong”
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I not 100% certain but I don't think that there is any requirement to use the [chat feature to respond to a GM. As 90% of the time they are already there in person but hidden. Any in game attempt to speak with them would be sufficient, and even if they weren't there, they would have to move themselves to you if you didn't respond to their remote chat, that way they can observe what you're doing, again meaning basic in game speech is sufficient. I mean what if that key is broken on your keyboard? Given the fact that GMs are given the same exact responses by botters every single day ("hello i am using virtual keyboard pls give me a couple minutes to plug in my real keyboard to respond" is the most used message bots running on a certain package give when a GM shows up, disregard the fact that those characters are simultaneously casting spells, looping specials, attacking the same mob, xhealing, looting and insuring all at the same time... somehow a GM doesn't notice that and thinks the person really thinks they're being played on a virtual keyboard with a mouse only.), that should be a more than viable reason to not reply via the red text.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
"Hey duper, please respond to me with [." .... "Oh you're there, ok you're free to dupe"
Doesn't make sense.
That's the cutest thing I've ever heard.
Appeal it but it sounds like you were multiboxing so I wish you luck.
As we'll never get the full story from the OP I urge everyone to just ignore this post and @Mariah to close it.
EJs were a mistake.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
EJs were a mistake.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
And how exactly is legally multi clienting immoral?
The OP may have stated his reason and the GM declared it not within game mechanics.
The intent of EJ accounts is for new or returning players to play for free. Not for paid accounts to gain more rewards.
The way to fix this is:
EJ accounts should not get any pack drops, They get a message saying. You would have earned a reward if you were using a subscribed account.
EJ accounts should not get any special drops on a Mob Corpse. IE: Drops from Scalis, Champ, Peerless, etc like the Soulforge, etc, Again they would get a system message saying the above.
They should be able to get a feel for gameplay but no special rewards.
I assume they did it well in the last dungeon event where things were account bound to them, but I think they should just get a message that encourages them to subscribe when they would get something special.
You can tell that I have never used an EJ account.
PS a cool message would be, HA HA you would have been given a 120 Tactics scroll just now if you were on a subscribed account!
Is it that players that simultaneously use EJ accounts are violating the TOS because the use of multiple accounts by one person to get more rewards creates an unfair advantage?
We haven't always agreed, but it's always been a pleasure having you around.
Fair winds and following seas.
Idk what they can or can't do. Do you?
and if you could get EM reward with EJ, people would complain,
is my point”
Perhaps, "just" perhaps, this is because the Design makes the in-game time to get some items too time consuming, too long ?
Perhaps, "just" perhaps, if the Designers ( @Kyronix ? ) Designed the ingame mechanics so that the time to be invested to get items in the game was not so much time consuming, players would not feel the need to have to use multiple characters at once to get those items ?
Time, to my opinion, is the real asset.... the time gone will never come back, and to some players, the idea of seeing a whole lot of their time begone in a game just to get some pixels, might not be that much interesting.... so, to try to cut down that time spent, they use multiple characters....
Make items more readily obtainable in the game, and players will hopefully no longer feel the need to use multiple characters to get those items since their time to get, would already have been a reasonable one with no need to further shorten it by using multiple characters....
Ultima Online is, to my opinion, too much a time sink and this is not a good thing, IMHO.
At least, that is how I see it.
@Kyronix , if EJ accounts were to be deprived drops as I seem to understand Pawain might be suggesting, will players who no longer were to be able to use them be refunded their real money spent on ugrading their EJ account with High Seas and Time of Legends ?
I think that the ship to further restrict EJ accounts has sailed long ago.... now I think it too late, when many players have invested heavily in ugrading EJ accounts, in time, 120 Powerscrolls, Masteries and real money, that they can be made further useless.
It should have been done when introducing EJ accounts, now, I am of the opinion, it is way too late.